Internal mechanism of User changes

One End (XYZ) user is login to the system, As a security person i am assigning one role to end is immediately impact to (xyz) user.more over i am changing address, locking/unlocking,reset password... is not immediately  impacted to user...while the user logoff and login again....than only changes should me applied..
What is the internal mechanism involved in the above task....

I read your question in a different way. If it is on how the user authorizations are updated without user logging off/login, here is the answer:
The auth/new buffering parameter will update the role assignment data immediately for the user. Hence, users need not logoff and login again. This parameter value should be set to 4.
However, the other activities, such as password reset, lock/unlock are not related to authorizations and will not be stored in the user buffer. Hence, they are not considered by this parameter.
Please re-phrase your question if my understanding is incorrect.
Edited by: Raghu Boddu on Nov 14, 2010 10:38 PM

Similar Messages

  • There is a problem with the proxy server's security certificate (internal Outlook 2013 users)

    I am receiving the above message for internal Outlook 2013 users when they open Outlook. Despite this message, Outlook is fully functional. External OA users do not see this message. We are using an SRV record for our autodiscover and pointing it to the
    name on the single cert we have. I've also already changed the outlookprovider record in Exchange. Any ideas?

    Hi Alceryes,
    According to the error message, Outlook is unable to connect  to the proxy server (Error Code 10),
    it seems an issue on the Certificate side.
    FLAG_CERT_CN_INVALID 0x00000010
    More details to see following KB:
    Would you like to tell me the reason that why you are using SRV record for Autodiscover?
    I find a FAQ on Autodisocover for your reference, hope it is helpful:
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Obiee 11g How to let user change password

    obiee 11g How to let user change password ?
    i not mean use weblogic console。 normal user how to change password。

    With 11g, OBIEE essentially uses the 10g notion of external authentication.
    By default, this is done by the WLS (Weblogic) LDAP identity store, but it may be done by another supported Authenticator either within WLS, or in the OBIS meta data (i.e. Custom Authenticator or LDAP). As such, OBIEE no longer has any control over user passwords; this is why the steps referenced in note 1102353.1 do not apply to OBIEE 11g, but only to internal/repository-defined users in OBIEE 10g.
    So, as with password maintenance in OBIEE 10g when an external authenticator is used, it is within that external authentication system that password is changed, not within OBIEE 11g. There is no option in OBIEE 11g to allow users to change passwords.
    There are two work-arounds with which you can change your password:
    1) From the Weblogic administration console/WLST.
    You need to give such user access into Weblogic console or access to browse through involved MBean hierarchy and other modify permissions. Changing the password using WLST instance is covered here:
    Ideally, the console and WLST approaches are used by Administration accounts to manage other users. But the console and WLST can be made to allow other users to change passwords (which will be more or less like carrying out an administrative task by users themselves)
    2) Using a programmatic approach.
    Here the application that intends to provide password change functionality to its users should implement this functionality on its own (GUI plus call to the relevant Weblogic API). Weblogic provides an MBean that the application can use to accomplish this. See here for more information.
    An enhancement request exists for this functionality. This is unpublished bug 11836170 - enable non admin users to change passwords in obiee 11g.

  • ALV  issue - capturing user changes in editable fields using custom button?

    I created a custom button in ALV tool bar.   And also in my ALV grid I have couple of fields Editable option. User can change values for these 2 fields.
    My question is -
    After changing values for these editable fields(more than 1 record)  , user will click on custom button and then I have to update all the user changed values in to my internal table(lt_tab)  and then I have to process logic.
    Problem is when user click on Custom button in ALV tool bar it is not having the changed values in lt_tab table.
    Only when user clicks  some thing on ALV grid records or fields then it is getting all the changed values in to lt_tab.
    Can any one tell me how I can get changed values when user clicks on custom button?
    1. Can we place custom button in ALV Grid? instead of ALV tool bar? 
    How I can capture user changes when they click on custom button?
          T_OUTTAB                          = lt_tab
    Please check this logic-
    CASE r_ucomm.
        WHEN '&IC1'.
    - It_tab  having all changed field values
      WHEN 'custom button'.
          lt_tab  - not having any changed values - showing all initial lt_tab values.
    I highly appreciate your answers on this.

    Use this code, its working:-
    *&      Form  ALV_DISPLAY
    FORM alv_display .
    *     I_INTERFACE_CHECK                 = ' '
    *     I_BYPASSING_BUFFER                = ' '
    *     I_BUFFER_ACTIVE                   = ' '
         i_callback_program                = v_rep_id       " report id
         i_callback_pf_status_set          = 'PF'           " for PF-STATUS
         i_callback_user_command           = 'USER_COMMAND' " for User-Command
    *     I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE            = ' '
    *     I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE       = ' '
    *     I_CALLBACK_HTML_END_OF_LIST       = ' '
    *     I_STRUCTURE_NAME                  =
    *     I_BACKGROUND_ID                   = ' '
    *     I_GRID_TITLE                      =
    *     I_GRID_SETTINGS                   =
         is_layout                         = wa_layout      " for layout
         it_fieldcat                       = it_field       " field catalog
    *     IT_EXCLUDING                      =
    *     IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS                 =
         it_sort                           = it_sort        " sort info
    *     IT_FILTER                         =
    *     IS_SEL_HIDE                       =
    *     I_DEFAULT                         = 'X'
         i_save                            = 'A'
         is_variant                        = wa_variant     " variant name
    *     IT_EVENTS                         =
    *     IT_EVENT_EXIT                     =
    *     IS_PRINT                          =
    *     IS_REPREP_ID                      =
    *     I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN             = 0
    *     I_SCREEN_START_LINE               = 0
    *     I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN               = 0
    *     I_SCREEN_END_LINE                 = 0
    *     I_HTML_HEIGHT_TOP                 = 0
    *     I_HTML_HEIGHT_END                 = 0
    *     IT_ALV_GRAPHICS                   =
    *     IT_HYPERLINK                      =
    *     IT_ADD_FIELDCAT                   =
    *     IT_EXCEPT_QINFO                   =
    *     E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER           =
    *     ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER            =
          t_outtab                          = it_final      " internal table
         program_error                     = 1
         OTHERS                            = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " ALV_DISPLAY
    *&      Form  USER_COMMAND
    *      -->LV_OKCODE   used to capture the function code
    *                     of the user-defined push-buttons
    *      -->L_SELFIELD   text
    FORM user_command USING lv_okcode LIKE sy-ucomm l_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    * assign the function code to variable v_okcode
      lv_okcode = sy-ucomm.
    * handle the code execution based on the function code encountered
      CASE lv_okcode.
    * when the function code is EXECUTE then process the selected records
        WHEN 'EXECUTE'. "user-defined button
    * to reflect the data changed into internal table
          DATA : ref_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid. "new
          IF ref_grid IS INITIAL.
                e_grid = ref_grid.
          IF NOT ref_grid IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD ref_grid->check_changed_data.
    * refresh the ALV Grid output from internal table
          l_selfield-refresh = c_check.
    This will reflect all the changes in the internal table. Now you can include your logic as per your requirement.
    Hope this solves your problem.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Tarun Gambhir

  • Internal mechanism about setOutgoing(), setOutgoingLength(), sendBytes()?

    Title: Who knows internal mechanism about setOutgoing(), setOutgoingLength(), and sendBytes()?
    The thing I want my applet to do is sending a 160-byte array out. The environment is JCOP 2.2 on card and JPCSC off card, and the code (prefixed with line number) is as follow:
    1       byte apduBuffer[] = apdu.getBuffer();
    2       // set the data transfer direction to outbound
    3       apdu.setOutgoing();
    4       // inform the host of the number of bytes in the data field
    5       apdu.setOutgoingLength((short)160);
    6       //copy data from an internal array to apduBuffer[]
    7       for((short)i=0; i<(short)160; i++)
    8       {
    9           apduBuffer[i] = Bob_PubSpecData;
    10 }
    11 // at offset 0 send x byte of data in the buffer
    12 apdu.sendBytes((short)0, (short)160);
    The array Bob_PubSpecData[160] has data as 385C...614A3C8B92D8.
    The ADPU message I received off card is 00300000A0385C...61, which has a header of 00300000A0 and data is 5-byte shorter than Bob_PubSpecData[160]. Strangely only 155-byte data but the Lc is still A0 (=160).
    (All the following tests are starting only from the above codes)
    Test(1): I changed 0 in 12th line to 5. ADPU message received off card is 385C...610000000000. Header is removed but the last 5 bytes are all filled by 0s.
    Test(2): I changed apduBuffer[i] in 9th line to apduBuffer[i+5], and got the same result as test(1).
    Test(3): I changed 160 in 5th line to 165, and got the same result as test(1).
    Who knows the internal mechanism of the setOutgoing(), setOutgoingLength(), and sendBytes()? I have the book of Java Card by Zhiqun Chen, but she didn't explain very clearly about these. I and my team member spent long time doing the various experiment today but still cannot get the correct result. Who can give us a hand?

    Very strange indeed.
    If I were you, I would perform the following tests:
    1. Change 160 to 4.
    2. Change 160 to 127.
    3. Place "apdu.setOutgoingLength((short)160)" right before apdu.sendBytes() (in 11th string).
    Indistinct ideas, but they may give some additional info...

  • How to Enforce User Change Password First Time User in Release 2?

    We discovered in Oracle Directory Manager(in unix is oidadmin), there actualy
    column to expiry date.(the default is 60).
    We follow this notes in metalink..
    Note:176470.1 Subject: How To Pre-Expire Portal Passwords
    Even though the note is for Portal30(release1), we just wangt to try it in our Release 2...
    Extract from the note
    "3. Set the value of the column LAST_PASSWD_CHANGE_TIME in the table WWSEC_PERSON$ in SSO schema to a value older than the password expiration period (default is 90 days) before the current time (e.g. sysdate - 100) for the appropriate user(s)
    4. For example, if you have created a user called TEST
    you would issue a command such as:
    update wwsec_person$
    set LAST_PASSWD_CHANGE_TIME =sysdate-70
    where USER_NAME='TEST';
    commit; "
    But, when we try to login again in the portal, we can still login...
    So, is the function still exist in Release 2?..
    If not, why Oracle Portal throw that function away?
    Why there still columns in WWSEC_PERSON$ that maybe linked to the password problem?
    can anybody help/explain?

    Rather than rehash what has already been thoroughly discussed, check this thread. This should answer your question.
    Can a user change his own password after admin has set it
    The english version of Jose Troya's blog:
    Edited by: LC143 on Aug 27, 2008 1:36 PM

  • How to capture the user change in an input field on a selection screen?

    I am coding a selection screen in which there are two input fields. The first field takes a Unix directory from the user input. Based on the input value, the second field will be populated with a the name of a file under the corresponding directory.
    My question is how I can make the program capture the user input without having to make the user press ENTER after they enter the value in the first field?
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Actually you led me to the real solution! It's the function module DYNP_VALUES_READ that does the trick for me. This function enables the program to capture dynamic user changes without recourse to PAI. Please refer to the code below:
    REPORT   zreiabsintf MESSAGE-ID zreiabsintfmc.
    *  Selection screen for the conversion program
    PARAMETERS: p_indir   LIKE epsf-epsdirnam OBLIGATORY,                   " Inbound file directory
                p_infile  LIKE epsf-epsfilnam DEFAULT gc_infile OBLIGATORY, " Inbound file name
    *   Displays a file-open dialog when the user clicks the search
    *   help button next to the inbound file text field. The user
    *   can select the inbound file visually.
    * Capture any user change to the directory.
      PERFORM check_dir_change.
    * Display the file open dialog
      PERFORM file_open_dialog CHANGING p_infile.
    * Global constants
        gc_indir  LIKE epsf-epsdirnam
                  VALUE '/interfaces/<SID>/inbound/',      " Default inbound directory template
        gc_infile LIKE epsf-epsfilnam VALUE 'input'.       " Default inbound file name
    * Global data
        gs_dynpfields   TYPE dynpread,                        " Fields of the current screen
         gt_dynpfields   LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_dynpfields. " Table of the screen fields
    *&      Form  file_open_dialog
    *       Opens a dialog window for the user to choose a file in
    *       the specified Unix directory.
    *      <--P_FILE is the file to be selected.
    FORM file_open_dialog  CHANGING p_file.
    * Validate the directory.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE i001(zreiabsintfmc) WITH p_indir.    " Unable to open the given directory
      CLOSE DATASET p_indir.
    * Call the dialog window to open a file in the directory.
          directory        = p_indir
          serverfile       = p_file
          canceled_by_user = 1
          OTHERS           = 2.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE i002(zreiabsintfmc).                 " Failed to open the file.
    ENDFORM.                    " file_open_dialog
    *&      Form  check_dir_change
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM check_dir_change .
      CLEAR gs_dynpfields.
      CLEAR gt_dynpfields.
      gs_dynpfields-fieldname = 'P_INDIR'.
      gs_dynpfields-fieldvalue = p_indir.
      APPEND gs_dynpfields TO gt_dynpfields.
          dyname               = sy-repid
          dynumb               = sy-dynnr
          dynpfields           = gt_dynpfields
          invalid_abapworkarea = 1
          invalid_dynprofield  = 2
          invalid_dynproname   = 3
          invalid_dynpronummer = 4
          invalid_request      = 5
          no_fielddescription  = 6
          invalid_parameter    = 7
          undefind_error       = 8
          double_conversion    = 9
          stepl_not_found      = 10
          OTHERS               = 11.
      IF sy-subrc  NE 0.
      READ TABLE gt_dynpfields INTO gs_dynpfields INDEX 1.
      p_indir = gs_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
    ENDFORM.                    " check_dir_change
    Thanks for all your answers! The problem is now solved.
    Edited by: Ning Hu on Apr 9, 2008 11:32 AM
    Edited by: Ning Hu on Apr 9, 2008 11:34 AM

  • In base component when user change the serial number we need to set date time in Extra attribute filed

    HI Team,
    In ibase component when user change the serial number we need to set date time in Extra attribute filed..if we click edit ,User change serial number after save we need to set date time in  Extra Attribute 4 field .
    Component - PRDGENSET
    In this component there is no attributes,so where we need to implement and how to implement please help.

    Hi Abi,
    Thanks for your reply..see i debugged..i have put break point in method SET_S_STRUCT method if press enter in serial number ,debuggeris SET_S_STRUCT method value getting serial how to write the logic here...
    In GET_S_STRUCT method iam getting all attributes  but serial number is not filled..So could you please help here what to do..
    in set_S_STRCUT method value iam gettin serial collection wrapper iam geting zrealtions if i open attributes_ref -if i pass Attribute value in run time its getting how to write the logic based on serial  number please help some coding.

  • How to generate a notification when a user changes his password?

    Hi all,
    I have OIM BP02 installed. When an administrator resets a user's password, the following email is sent to the user:
    Password has been reset for user <Firstname> <Lastname> . You will be required to change your password on next login.
    First Name: <Firstname>
    Last Name: <Lastname>
    Password: passW0rd
    +For any issues, please contact [admin email or phone]+
    My requirement is to generate a similar email when a user changes his/her own password. How would I go about doing this?
    Thanks in advance.

    You can use an event handler for this.
    Write your own code as a plugin for the event handler (refer to the developers guide for details on event handlers) then you can reference this from your custom event handler XML configuration with operation "CHANGE_PASSWORD"
    <action-handler class="<CLASS NAME>" entity-type="User" operation="CHANGE_PASSWORD" name="<EVENT HANDLER NAME>" stage="postprocess" sync="TRUE" order="2000" />
    The action "RESET_PASSWORD" is also available for administrator change.

  • RE: (forte-users) Changing replication options in Fscript? -Tric k

    There was one attribute of a service object you couldn't change in fscript..
    I think it was whether the service was replicated at all or not (not the
    same as setting rep count to 1!).
    As Clint would say, "improvise.."
    We exported the project containing the service object and snipped out the
    part pertaining to the service object in to a little export file.
    Then in an fscript script you can branch/checkout the service object and
    import the snipped out export file to change the replicated yes/no flag.
    Then do whatever other fscript commands make sense.. We tended to leave the
    system baseline with the "true" replication flags and let developers run
    this little script (only branching the services) to de-replicate all the
    replicated services prior to trying to run from their workspace, etc.
    Worked like a charm.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Taras Katkov
    To: [email protected]
    Sent: 12/1/99 2:57 PM
    Subject: Re: (forte-users) Changing replication options in Fscript?
    "setappcompcompiled", "setPARTrepcount" can be used in fscript during
    application build.
    I mean PERIOD!
    Taras Katkov
    FindAppComp AppNAme_PartXX
    SetAppCompCompiled MyNode 1
    SetPartRepCount MyNode YY
    SetPartArgs MyNode \"Whatever\"
    SetPartThreadPkg MyNode DCE
    [email protected] wrote:
    Yes through escript one can achieve changing the properties but onecannot
    do it when one is partitioning the app where the router gets createdand
    assigned ( which is fscript) and the single threadedness of thepartition
    takes effect ( for loadbalancing ) except from the partitioningworkshop
    (GUI) itself.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 3:39 PM
    To: [email protected]; [email protected];
    [email protected]
    Subject: RE: (forte-users) Changing replication options in Fscript?
    Yes you can do it, but you actually do it in EScript not FScript lookfor
    the following types of command "assignappcomp", "unassignappcomp",
    "setappcompcompiled", "setrepcount", "findagent", "findsubagent",
    "findparent" etc.. So start with your EScript manual.
    Happy scripting.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 1:36 PM
    To: [email protected]; [email protected]
    Subject: RE: (forte-users) Changing replication options in Fscript?
    no it is not. One can compiling properties but not replicationproperties
    through Fscript.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 3:24 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: (forte-users) Changing replication options in Fscript?
    Before making a distribution, we modify replication options on some ofour
    service objects from within the Partition Workshop (to get rid of the
    router partition on some of our applications). Does anyone know ifit is
    possible to do this in Fscript? Thanks for your help.
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    email the word: 'Unsubscribe' to: [email protected]

    You can set the the number of replicas through fscript BUT the service
    object in that partition has to be marked for LOADBALANCE. I didn't find a
    fscript command to do that (that was what mnasser was trying to tell you).
    But you can get around it by exporting the plan that has the service object
    and look for the string LoadBalance = FALSE, then change it to LoadBalance =
    TRUE. Import back the plan and you should be fine.
    Norocel Popa
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 8:28 PM
    To: [email protected]; [email protected]
    Subject: RE: (forte-users) Changing replication options in Fscript? -
    Tric k
    There was one attribute of a service object you couldn't change in fscript..
    I think it was whether the service was replicated at all or not (not the
    same as setting rep count to 1!).
    As Clint would say, "improvise.."
    We exported the project containing the service object and snipped out the
    part pertaining to the service object in to a little export file.
    Then in an fscript script you can branch/checkout the service object and
    import the snipped out export file to change the replicated yes/no flag.
    Then do whatever other fscript commands make sense.. We tended to leave the
    system baseline with the "true" replication flags and let developers run
    this little script (only branching the services) to de-replicate all the
    replicated services prior to trying to run from their workspace, etc.
    Worked like a charm.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Taras Katkov
    To: [email protected]
    Sent: 12/1/99 2:57 PM
    Subject: Re: (forte-users) Changing replication options in Fscript?
    "setappcompcompiled", "setPARTrepcount" can be used in fscript during
    application build.
    I mean PERIOD!
    Taras Katkov
    FindAppComp AppNAme_PartXX
    SetAppCompCompiled MyNode 1
    SetPartRepCount MyNode YY
    SetPartArgs MyNode \"Whatever\"
    SetPartThreadPkg MyNode DCE
    [email protected] wrote:
    Yes through escript one can achieve changing the properties but onecannot
    do it when one is partitioning the app where the router gets createdand
    assigned ( which is fscript) and the single threadedness of thepartition
    takes effect ( for loadbalancing ) except from the partitioningworkshop
    (GUI) itself.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 3:39 PM
    To: [email protected]; [email protected];
    [email protected]
    Subject: RE: (forte-users) Changing replication options in Fscript?
    Yes you can do it, but you actually do it in EScript not FScript lookfor
    the following types of command "assignappcomp", "unassignappcomp",
    "setappcompcompiled", "setrepcount", "findagent", "findsubagent",
    "findparent" etc.. So start with your EScript manual.
    Happy scripting.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 1:36 PM
    To: [email protected]; [email protected]
    Subject: RE: (forte-users) Changing replication options in Fscript?
    no it is not. One can compiling properties but not replicationproperties
    through Fscript.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 3:24 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: (forte-users) Changing replication options in Fscript?
    Before making a distribution, we modify replication options on some ofour
    service objects from within the Partition Workshop (to get rid of the
    router partition on some of our applications). Does anyone know ifit is
    possible to do this in Fscript? Thanks for your help.
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  • Defaulting checkbox with check in SC and holding user changes later

    Hello All,
    I have created a custom field - checkbox in SC basic data. My requirement is to default the checkbox ticked and when the user trys to uncheck it, the user change should be captured.
    I have defaulted the checkbox in BBP_CUF_BADI_2 badi. But the checkbox is always getting checked even if the user unchecks it. Is there any way to default the checkbox checked and also hold the user input.
    Any suggestions on how to do this?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Latha,
    Default the field as checked in begining using using CUF BADI , capture the value of check box in CHANGE BADI and SET the value using SET PARAMETER in CHANGE BADI and fetch the current value of checkbox using GET PARAMETER in CUF BADI to keep the field checked or unchecked.

  • Interactive Gantt chart - how to receive updated XML after user changes

    I failed to receive changed XML after user updates.
    I've constructed following example:
    Created context attribute of type XSTRING, binded it to the "dataSource" property of the Gantt chart control.
    I pass following XML to the control:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-5" ?>
    <SAPJNetData version="1.0">
    <Application type="GANTT" version="1.0" />
    <TypeRepository version="1.0" href="/SAP/BC/WebDynpro/SAP/ZT_INV_WDR_TEST_GANTT/gantPR02P00086_3_tr.xml" />
    <UserInterface version="1.0" href="/SAP/BC/WebDynpro/SAP/ZT_INV_WDR_TEST_GANTT/gantPR02P00086_3_ui.xml" />
    <Graph type="Gantt.Graph" version="1.0">
      <row id="001" />
      <row id="002" />
      <row id="003" />
    <dates timeZone="GEurope/Berlin" locale="de_DE" format="dd.MM.yyyy" dateEnd="20.01.2010">
      <section date="01.01.2010" unit="DAY" unitSize="20" />
    <calendarItem id="Cal.1stDayInMonth">
      <repetition unit="MONTH" />
    <calendarItem id="Cal.1stDayInWeek">
      <repetition unit="WEEK" />
      <viewpos date="01.01.2010" />
    <chart id="Dummy">
    <section index="0">
      <ribbon type="Gantt.CProjects.Ribbon.Month" />
      <ribbon type="Gantt.CProjects.Ribbon.3Days" />
      <grid type="Grid.CProjects.Gantt.TimeLine" calendarIDs="Cal.1stDayInWeek" />
    <table type="Gantt.Table" id="CProj-Table">
      <defaults typeCell="L.Table" typeHeader="L.Table" />
      <tree showRootIcons="TRUE" />
    <cols showInitially="4">
      <header width="30" />
      <label colid="TREE" width="250">Этап</label>
      <label colid="ID2">Дата с</label>
      <label colid="ID3">Дата по</label>
      <tree>Top Item</tree>
      <tree parentRow="001">Subitem 1</tree>
      <tree parentRow="001">Subitem 2</tree>
      <backColor type="White" />
    <node id="001" type="Gantt.CProjects.SummaryNode" rowID="001">
    <node id="002" type="Gantt.CProjects.Node" rowID="002">
    <node id="003" type="Gantt.CProjects.Node" rowID="003">
    Then I run my example application, press standard "Save" button in Gantt chart control.
    After that my XML in context changes, but it's incorrect. There is no <graph> tag at all - this tag should contain all significant parameters of the chart.
    The resulting XML below:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <SAPJNetData build="9295" date="04-Aug-2010 10:19:13" host="localhost" version="1.1247">
    <Application type="GANTT" version="1.0"/>
    <TypeRepository href="/SAP/BC/WebDynpro/SAP/ZT_INV_WDR_TEST_GANTT/gantPR02P00086_3_tr.xml" version="1.0"/>
    <UserInterface href="/SAP/BC/WebDynpro/SAP/ZT_INV_WDR_TEST_GANTT/gantPR02P00086_3_ui.xml" version="1.0"/>
    <GraphGantt version="1.1247"/>
    All the chart in fact has completely disappeared. There is nothing left but file header.
    The question: How to get XML with all user changes back from the Gantt chart control?

    Long time, hah..
    Anyways thanks to behave like a responsible person on SCN and taking care of your threads..

  • User changes in tab strip ui element are not recorded in context change log

    Hi All,
    We are using a tab strip ui element in webdynpro component. But user changes inside tab strip ui element are not getting recorded to the context change log. I have an input field on the same view besides  tab strip ui element. User changes to this input field are getting recorded to the context change log.
    Is there any restriction on context change log usage with tab strip ui element?
    Could you please suggest If there is any way to record changes inside tab strip ui element.

    I think there are some limitations exists, context change logs are not complete when you do value help , i am not sure about tab strip.

  • GPO Disable user change IP Address

    I have Windows 2008 SP2 Domain controller, all my users have joined domain, and put all them have admin local right, so they can change IP address. I want my user have admin local right, but cannot change IP address. How can i create GPO and apply on Domain
    controller to solve this issue

    as the GPO refresh time is in between 90-120 minutes by default a local admin can change settings, if the person know how, until the policy will be refreshed.
    Hello Weber,
    Correct me if I'm wrong: the user can do what you say only before the first time the GPO applies. After that, it is not possible anymore.
    Yes, there are ways to bypass a GPO, but this is not the issue. Anything can be bypassed. Putting in place a GPO like this, IF a user change the IP of a computer afterwards, you know at least who's the guy and can take actions to stop him doing
    " Never panic before reboot ! "

  • How pricing condition be auto updated if the user changes price in PO ?

    Is there any configuration setting on how pricing condition can be automatically updated if the user changes price in the purchase order ?

    Hi Maruthi,
    As far as I know, POs (like many other documents in SAP) are "snapshots" of data as it was at the time of the document creation.  This snapshot has no direct link to master data, so it will not change unless you go to the document and manually change/refresh whatever data you need updated. 
    Even if there were a way to link your PO to master data to auto-update I don't see how any change on a PO could go backwards and change master data.  Pricing works the other way around - the PO takes the price from the condition records, not the records from the PO.
    Hope this helps,

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