Internet looks fine, but isn't.

I have a macbook, running 10.6.7 and nothing else is wrong with it (assuming the problem is not elsewhere) My computer is on a local network through the house and connected to a hub. When I plug in I can see other computers and I get an ip, however I can't connect to other computers and I have no internet. I know at least one of the others has working internet. It was working this morning, and then just stopped in the middle of me browsing. I restarted and it worked, put my computer down several hours came back it didn't work, restarted again and it continued to not work.

On Firefox / Safari, in Preferences > Network - is it set to Auto-detect Proxy Settings"
Is the router address in your ethernet network settings correct?
If you are plugging it in via ethernet, have you tried turning off any other network methods - airport/bluetooth etc.
Turn power off to modem & then back on & wait till it re-sync's.
Have you checked the status of your internet company to see if there are any faults in your area.

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    An AirPort Express running firmware version 6.3 must be an old one. The Express is unrelated to Bluetooth, but it is likely that your wireless speaker signal is interfering with the Express's wireless signal. This is a common problem with wireless speakers and the older 2.4 GHz - only Express.
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    See [[Text Zoom]] and [[Page Zoom]] and

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