Interview Tips & Guidelines

Hi Experts,
If anybody have interview questions in Portals kindly send it to [email protected]
   For every reply will be appreciated with higher points
Thanks in Advance,

Here are the few FAQ's in EP.
1.What is SAP Enterprise Portal?
2.What components does SAP Enterprise Portal contain?
3.What is the relationship between Web Dynpro and SAP Enterprise Portal? Are iViews and Web Dynpro competing technologies?
4.What personalization functions does SAP Enterprise Portal provide?
5.What tools does SAP provide for creating portal content?
6.What are the key features of the portal?
7.Which security features does SAP Enterprise Portal offer?
8.How is user management implemented in SAP Enterprise Portal?
9.How can I integrate the user management of the portal with that of other systems?
10.Where can I find more information about user management and security in the portal?

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    SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(q1,4) */ *
    (SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(20) */
    x.resource_seq_num employee_resource_number,
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    FROM dual)
    FROM per_all_people_f pf,
    wip_eam_work_orders_v weo,
    wip_operations wo,
    wip_operation_resources wor,
    (SELECT instance_id,
    FROM wip_op_resource_instances_v) x,
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    bom_resource_employees BRE,
    bom_department_resources bdr,
    bom_resources br,
    cst_resource_costs crc,
    bom_departments bd
    WHERE br.organization_id = bd.organization_id
    AND bdr.resource_id = br.resource_id
    AND bdr.department_id = bd.department_id
    AND BRE.resource_id = br.resource_id
    AND pf.effective_start_date <=sysdate
    AND pf.effective_end_date >= sysdate
    AND pf.person_id = BRE.person_id
    AND wo.department_id = bd.department_id
    AND wor.operation_seq_num(+) = wo.operation_seq_num
    AND wor.wip_entity_id(+) = wo.wip_entity_id
    AND wor.organization_id(+) = wo.organization_id
    AND weo.wip_entity_id = wo.wip_entity_id
    AND weo.organization_id = wo.organization_id
    -- AND weo.organization_id = 6921
    AND DECODE(bd.disable_date,null, sysdate,bd.disable_date) >= sysdate
    AND DECODE(br.disable_date,null, sysdate,br.disable_date) >= sysdate
    AND DECODE(wo.disable_date,null, sysdate,wo.disable_date) >= sysdate
    AND crc.resource_id(+) = BRE.resource_id
    AND x.wip_entity_id = wor.wip_entity_id
    AND x.operation_seq_num = wor.operation_seq_num
    AND x.resource_seq_num = wor.resource_seq_num
    AND x.instance_id(+) = BRE.instance_id
    AND bdri.department_id = bd.department_id
    AND bdri.resource_id = br.resource_id
    AND weo.organization_id = 6921
    AND bdri.department_id = 5004
    pf.full_name employee_name,
    FROM per_all_people_f pf,
    wip_eam_work_orders_v weo,
    wip_operations wo,
    wip_operation_resources wor,
    bom_dept_res_instances bdri,
    bom_resource_employees BRE,
    bom_department_resources bdr,
    bom_resources br,
    cst_resource_costs crc,
    bom_departments bd
    WHERE br.organization_id = bd.organization_id
    AND bdr.resource_id = br.resource_id
    AND bdr.department_id = bd.department_id
    AND BRE.resource_id = br.resource_id
    AND pf.effective_start_date <=sysdate
    AND pf.effective_end_date >= sysdate
    AND pf.person_id = BRE.person_id
    AND wo.department_id = bd.department_id
    AND wor.operation_seq_num(+) = wo.operation_seq_num
    AND wor.wip_entity_id(+) = wo.wip_entity_id
    AND wor.organization_id(+) = wo.organization_id
    AND weo.wip_entity_id = wo.wip_entity_id
    AND weo.organization_id = wo.organization_id
    AND DECODE(bd.disable_date,null, sysdate,bd.disable_date) >= sysdate
    AND DECODE(br.disable_date,null, sysdate,br.disable_date) >= sysdate
    AND DECODE(wo.disable_date,null, sysdate,wo.disable_date) >= sysdate
    AND crc.resource_id(+) = BRE.resource_id
    AND bdri.department_id = bd.department_id
    AND bdri.resource_id = br.resource_id
    AND weo.organization_id = 6921
    AND bdri.department_id = 5004
    (SELECT instance_id,
    wip_entity_id operation_seq_num,
    FROM wip_op_resource_instances_v)
    ) q1
    ORDER BY department_id,
    My suggestions:
    . Try to use UNION ALL instead of UNION. If you can eliminate UNION all together and flatten the query that will be even better.
    2. You are using the function in a select statement xxdl_eam_util_pkg.xxdl_eam_get_resource_code(pf.person_id, bd.department_id)This will slow the performance. Try to get rid of this. Function calls in select are expensive.
    3. Dont use the parallel hint and optimize. It wont get you consistent results.
    4. Use of per_all_people_F is expensive. The UNION again complicates things. per_all_people_f has to be scanned 2x times.
    5. Where does the application get the values for department id? Whether user inputs a value or whether it is hard coded . Most likely user will input value and each time it may be different. If that is the case, then you may be hitting bind peeking. There is not much hope for this. Not much can be done. Whatever you do this can happen. Only way is to pin the plan if you can use literals instead of binds. But that is not possible I think.
    6. AND DECODE(bd.disable_date,null, sysdate,bd.disable_date) >= sysdate
    AND DECODE(br.disable_date,null, sysdate,br.disable_date) >= sysdate
    AND DECODE(wo.disable_date,null, sysdate,wo.disable_date) >= sysdate
    Those statements, if you can rewrite would be good. If there are indexes on any of those columns, they are more than likely not used.
    7. Are the outer joins really required. If not required remove them.
    8. There is a 'WITH' clause in 10g . Try to use that for your subqueries or main query where applicable. It will save some I/O.
    9. Try to tune without any hints. Remove the first rows as well and see the difference.
    I know that the sql is definately bad and can be rewritten but I am not able to exactly write it for them.
    Any inputs or thoughts?

    Any suggestions for reading on Sql tuning
    I am looking for a practical book with solutions .
    And books showing the Sql internal workings ?Take a look on Amazon some Jonathan Lewis books.
    I will also recommend you to take a look on the following blogs:
    And also any good interview based good Oracle DBA books ?You can take a look on my blog for some common DBA interview questions.
    Francisco Munoz Alvarez

  • Start With SAP BO,CRM

    Hi All,
               would like to introduce ERP Scholars as one of the leading institute for quality training in high-end ERP courses. We are happy to invite you for SAP BO & SAP CRM training courses.Kindly refer the link,
    Training Highlights:
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    Full placement assistance and Interview tips with material you deserve.
    High End Lab with wireless access. You can bring your laptop as well.
    All required training material provided and access to extensive online knowledge base.
    Learn the technology with real time practical exercises; our students have excelled in interviews

    Hi Kamalendu
    As a starter you can look at Learning Hub discovery edition (it's free) -
    After that, I would recommend you go to the Training and Education SAP website for your country and investigate study options. If you look the the Careers, Training and Certification spaces in SCN you will see your question asked and answered a few times.
    Good luck in it all.

  • Kindly send me some Objects with explanation If u have

    Hi all,
    I am Santosh .. I am new to this group .. I am in US with H1 .. I am looking for a job in SAP ABAP ..
    Kindly any one of you guys send me important interview tips and ansewrs as i am dam new to everything including the place...
    And one more thing please send me the Objects with explanation to explain in the interview..
    Kindly help me out yaar to get a job ... Plzzzzz
    Thanks  a lot

    for some ABAP technical information check this out,
    then  PDF files, AbapProgramimg,

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    Thanks and Regards,

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    Actually DTW template is there in SAP by oBankPages name. Whatever transactions you did related to your bank all that are present in your bank statement. You need to just arrange the bank statement in you template else you can fill the manual enties into the process external bank statement window in SAP. Then only it will come to RHS of the recon window......

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    and help me how to prepare interview, tell me some interview tips and sample cv's
    id: <removed by moderator>
    thanks in advance
    MODERATOR:  no email addresses please.  all points have been unassigned

    ragini thiwari
    plz can u send me the material for sd and mm integration
    [email protected]
    [email protected],
    i'll assign full points

  • Did any one appeared for BW certification

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    Any one out here who has appeared for BW certification..
    Could you please highlight on the main topics that need to be concentrated on..
    Any tips , guidelines, questions ..are welcome.
    Message was edited by: Suresh

      I passed my BW certification last month. As per the syllabus in SAP link below,
    Concentrate more on  Reporting, Warehouse management, Data modeling and extraction which are indicated by the + sign.
    Read "Mastering SAP Business information warehouse by Kevin Mcdonald".
    Basically this exam is an concept oriented exam.
    Hope this helps

  • How to create scheduled task to delete failure/open tasks

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    we have an OIM installation and have a situation where we have around 14 500 open tasks. we read somewhere that this might cause performance issues. we have also found a HOWTO on Oracle Metalink that explains how to delete these tasks. i states that one should:
    - Create a scheduled task which uses the API:
    ...and that's it. it doesn say anything else. doing this by creating a scheduled task in OIM Admin Console will not work since we don't have this Java class. is there anyone who has sort a similar problem? any help/tips/guidelines are appreciated.
    P.S.: The Oracle Metalink HOWTO:
    Link: [,(page=KBNavigator&id=(from=BOOKMARK&bmDocType=HOWTO&bmDocDsrc=KB&bmDocTitle=How%20to%20%3Cb%3EDelete%3C/b%3E%20Failure%20or%20Cancelled%20%3Cb%3ETasks%3C/b%3E%20in%20%3Cb%3EOpen%3C/b%3E%20%3Cb%3ETasks%3C/b%3E&bmDocID=731282.1&viewingMode=1143))]
    Edited by: user10378227 on Oct 27, 2009 1:07 AM

    Use this link:
    How to create a new schedule task from java code

  • Guide in Storing and querying Farsi characters./data

    Hi All,
    This is my first time in globalizing an application(in coldfusion). What I'm trying to do now is do some testing by creating a table, TEST_TABLE, with two columns, NAME and BIRTHDATE. I am using windows and my locale in windows is now set to Farsi. I am using Oracle 9i in UTF-8. Since Oracle9i doesn't support Farsi at this time(please correct me if I'm wrong), I set the nls_language to "Arabic" and the NLS_CALENDAR to "Persian". But still I wanna store/retrieve data in Farsi. Are my settings for Oracle correct? Any more suggestions to achieve this purpose? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Yes, I already did that. I made some tests and they're fine. Although some still need some tweaking. Anyway, I just started this thread so as to have some tips/guidelines in doing the application. Maybe there are some things that I do not know yet that I can learn from all of you. Thanks.

  • Cutoff activities

    hi ,
    This satya i am  just fresher for SAP FI/CO, i hope this site may useful for me..
    Can any one help me on below..
    1. what are cut-off activities for an FI/CO consultant.
    2. I expect some important interview tips
    3. suggest me some sites for SAP FI/Co study material

    Cutover strategy depends upon how the organizations design their data load strategies. Normally, you decide the sequence of Data loads for Configuration settings, Master data, Transaction data which follows whom and then you make a copy of the system as a Production system a day before and after checking the successful data loads, you go-live 100% or partial again depending upon organizational setup and policies.
    Cutover planning is highly site specific. There's no thumb rule. The stock data as on the date of going live should be correctly entered. But stock being a highly dynamic quantity, the strategy for loading should be crystal clear. Then you have to load all the back dated transaction on the stock. Some stock comes into your plant/storage location as return and some stock is actually delivered to your customer through sales orders of various kinds.
    Cutover is actually a very crucial term for any team. It mainly is the period to finalize your readiness to go live as production.
    From a security standpoint- We have to create a cutover baseplan!
    We have to ensure the roles are transported to PRD, the end users are setup with proper access and validity, and also the other cutover/config/ manual config teams are setup with proper access. A dry run of this is helpful in determining and documenting the pre-defined access for various teams. Since the dependency of tasks are very high, that is, one task is dependant on the other, the cutover baseplan is expected to give time critical and time accountable tasks allotment to various teams.
    The security team not only is responsible for their own tasks, but also is responsible to support any authorization failure to any team.
    Go-live checks have to be performed, like the super users are secured, the security parameters and profile parameters for the system are setup as desired. Earlywatch checks by SAP have been done. Background security jobs have been scheduled.
    Edited by: Dublin on Dec 1, 2009 10:51 AM

  • G5 PPC runing 10.4.11 - need to move to 10.5.8 - guidelines? Tips?

    I have a G5 PPC desktop - running 10.4.11
    I need to move to at least 10.5.8 to get support for a new printer {and it is time to start the progression to newer O/S anyway}
    I have the Black 10.5.6 Install DVD
    I have a Firewire external hard drive, Mac OS Extended {journaled} 1T - - That I have used CCC to back up my system.
    Question 1 - can I install 10.5.6 on my external hard drive - in order to make it a boot drive? Or does it still need to be partitioned as in 10.4?
    Question 2 - is there anything other than having a complete system backup - that I need to do before attempting to update my desk top system? 
    Question 3 - I have 7.25 GB available on my internal hard drive is that enough space to load 10.5.6
    Just looking before I leap..

    Hi Klaus1
    Thanks for the reply. I did not realize you could copy an O/S while it was in use - thanks for the correction.
    I successfully updated the OS on the external hard drive to 10.5.6 - from a DVD. The drive however would still not boot my G5.
    Turns out that my OWC-Mercury Elite AL Pro - 1TB drive, was wired incorrectly. To run properly with the Mac G5 PPC - the drive interface board has to be limited to address no more than 2.2TB. Even if it is hooked to a 1TB hard drive.
    On newer models there is a red switch inside that needs to be set to Position 1 - on the drive I received the setting is hard wired in. No Switch. So I'm returning the drive to OWC for repair...
    This is a real bummer - because the reason I bought that drive was because it was advertised as being set up to act as a Firewire boot drive to work with the PPC G5 at 10.3 or better. Can't tell how many hours I've spent trying to find out what was wrong...
    At any rate - I'll have another drive here in a few days - and we'll see how that goes. I plan to use CCC to copy the data from the first drive - to the new one. In which case the new one should act as a Boot Drive. {fingers crossed}.
    I will mention for others that might read this thread - it is important to keep in mind that Disks are Partitioned - - and Volumes use both a Partition Type and a File System. It took me too long to understand that and keep the acronyms straight - LOL
    Looking at the Get-Info on my hard drive I see
    - Partition Type - Apple Partition Scheme {APS} I think this is also called APM Apple Partition Map.
    - Partition Type - Apple HFS
    -  File System - Mac OS Extended {journaled}
    Don't know if that is correct or not - but it matches my internal hard drive settings.

  • Podcasting interviews with iChat and Garageband -tips and then questions-

    Okay, I did a search before I asked this and there have been a few scattered topics on it. Some answered my question(s) some didn't so hopefully I can consolidate some of the qestions here and tell about my own experience. This is long so be prepared:
    Here are the Apple Articles on doing this:
    ichat- (number of voice chats total, and specs to do it)
    garageband- (number of real tracks it can take, up to 8)
    garageband- (how it records the chat(s)
    So... after finding this out I found myself in an Apple store and was able to get 2 20-inch iMac Core Duo 2's to do an audio chat and when I opened garageband and hit "new track" it AUTOMATICALLY popped up two tracks, one for each speaker (or chat), myself and my friend, on the other 20 inch. On my friends iMac, he hit "new podcast track" and the same thing happened for him, 2 tracks, 2 speakers (or chats, if you will) Now there was a bit of a feedback loop because we were right next to each other, but just by doing it in the store we proved to ourselves it could be done. Also we used the Bonjour sharing rather then logging-in with our AIM or .Mac accounts in iChat.
    Fast forward to last night, while on iChat using my AIM account (NOT.mac) I contacted a friend about trying this. He was on a PC with AIM and a mic. I invited him 4 times and the invite never worked, it timed out or was not accepted. We both chacked out anti-virus and firewall setting (him anti-virus, me firewall) and still got nothing, but we did find a support article on it- .
    Then HE sent the invite and it worked. Great, we were chatting no problem. So I open Garageband and tried to record. Only one chat track. It has both of our voices, but only one track. Tried, new track, new basic track, new podcast track, and they were all the same. They were also all chosen with the "real instrument" choice because of the input from the mic.
    Now this is my set-up. For audio "in" I have a logitech USB mic going into a USB Griffin PowerWave. The PowerWave also controls my "Out" to which I have 2 crappy external speakers that I picked up free from a friend.
    The reason I am using a PowerWave for "in and out" is because A- I record a lot of vinyl and analog sources into my computer and the PowerWave has the best input/output solution short of getting any M-Audio products which I'm too broke to get. And B- my Apple Pro Speakers had the prong on the jack snap off in the speaker audio out jack, leaving me with only headphones for audio out. (with the prong stuck in the speaker jack the computer will think the speakers are still plugged in and won't play via "built in audio", but anything plugged into the headphone jack will over-ride that.) The Griffin PowerWave is connected via USB and works right around all of that.
    Now I do have 2 choices for "Audio in" in my sys prefs. one is the PowerWave (which I choose when recording a source like a stereo or record player) and one is the Logitech mic. I choose the logitech mic (even though it's connected to and playing THROUGH the PowerWave (the PowerWave also has USB "in") it still reads as a seperate input source. For "Out" I have built-in, and the PowerWave, I choose the PowerWave cause thats where my external speakers are connected.
    So I was able to do the chat, but NOT get multiple tracks for multiple chats to work.
    Here is my system configuration as well as audio configuration.
    Dual 800 MGHZ G4 quicksilver.
    896 Ram
    Cable Modem Connection (comcast)
    OS X- 10.4.8
    GB- 3.0.4 (104.7)
    iChat- 3.1.5 (v436)
    Logitech USB Mic- connected via "USB in" to Griffin PowerWave
    Griffin PowerWave- connected via USB to G4
    Griffin PowerWave- connected via USB
    External Speakers- connected to "audio OUT" on Griffin PowerWave
    For anyone who doesn't know what a Griffin PowerWave is here is a link:
    It's a BIG Step up from a iMic in terms of availible connectivity both in and out. It's about 3 years old and Griffin does not make them anymore. Most people now are using USB 2.0 or Firewire audio boxes to get multiple input and oputput connections for the Mac and various instruments.
    So after all that, my question is, what could I be doing wrong? The Apple article(s) mention nothing about internal or external Mics. Is it my settings? Is it because it was done in AIM and iChat, not just 2 macs and iChat like the experiment in the store? I think I've done everything right, but still only ONE chat track somes up. Also I have done chats in Skype, as well as Ventrillo (while gaming) with this set up, so I know it works, I'm just trying to figure out how to get the multiple chat tracks. Please give me some advice. Thanks in advance.
    Keith M

    I just got off the phone with Apple support. With their tech I was able to find that this DOES work with my set-up.
    While I was using iChat and my AIM account, the tech and I were able to have an audio chat and have garageband record it using HIS (the tech) .mac account as well as his AIM account.
    What we seemed to find out that if I want to record it, I have to be the one that initiates the chat. (which is why my friend sending the invite didn't let it work and it was recording it as one track.)
    If I send the invite and the other party accepts it, I then opened Garageband, started a standard "new project" (deleated the defualt grand piano track) then chose "new track" with "real instrument" and the following message came up- "garageband is detecting and active ichat, do you want to record that chat"(paraphrased): I chose "yes" and away we went recording the chat with one track for each participant.
    Not sure how many folks I can add into the chat, nor don't know if it will add new tracks on the fly. Probably not. But at least I got it working, I know it does work with AOL and .mac accounts, I guess it might have been some network issues in terms of my PC friend's anti-virus or firewall settings, or the network itself.
    Anyway, keep adding to this if you want, and keep it as a resource for more people, but this does work (for now) and if ther are any more revelations about (number of participants, etc) it I'll follow up here.

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