IntValue - ")" expected and Cannot Resolve Symbol

I used intValue to convert an Integer to primitive (see below) and ran into syntax errors.
                LogDataBean lb = new LogDataBean();
                lb.setLog_time( ( String )row.get( "LOG_TIME" ) );
                lb.setLog_pid( intValue( Integer )row.get( "LOG_PID" )); //where syntax error occur
                lb.setLog_user( ( String )row.get( "LOG_USER" ) );the row.get( "LOG_PID" ) gets the value of the column "LOG_PID" from a database table and returns an object. Therefore, I first cast the object to Integer and then try to use the intValue to convert it to a primitive int.
But, the statement resulted in compilation error: ")" expected.
When I modified the statement a little bit by adding a pair of parenthesis:
                lb.setLog_pid( intValue( ( Integer )row.get( "LOG_PID" ) ) ); //where syntax error occurI got "Cannot Resolve Symbol: intValue". I have import java.lang.Integer in the beginning of the class.

Integer.parseInt(row.get( "LOG_PID" ))
I'm assuming thats what you want to. Although you syntax is terribly wrong. Have a look at some tutorials.

Similar Messages

  • Cannot find package error and cannot resolve symbol error

    I have a file in C:\TIJCode\c03 folder. But this file belongs to the default package. This file imports a package com.bruceeckel.simpletest which is in C:\TIJCode\ folder. Now this package has a file named which accesses a few more files fromt he same package.
    I set the classpath to C:\TIJCode. When i try to run the Assignment file I get an error saying package com.bruceeckel.simpletest cannot be found and cannot resolve symbol error. symbol: Test Class: Assignment.
    The files in com.bruceeckel.simpletest package were not compiled. So I first tried to do that. But I get a cannot resolve symbol error while trying to compile a file NumOfLinesException which inherits SImpleTestException file. The exact error message is : 7 : cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class SimpleTestException
    location : class com.bruceeckel.simpletest.NumOfLinesException extends SimpleTestException
    The exact code in each of above mentioned files is
    // Assignment with objects is a bit tricky.
    // From 'Thinking in Java, 3rd ed.' (c) Bruce Eckel 2002
    // See copyright notice in CopyRight.txt.
    import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;
    class Number {
    int i;
    public class Assignment {
    static Test monitor = new Test();
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Number n1 = new Number();
    Number n2 = new Number();
    n1.i = 9;
    n2.i = 47;
    System.out.println("1: n1.i: " + n1.i +
    ", n2.i: " + n2.i);
    n1 = n2;
    System.out.println("2: n1.i: " + n1.i +
    ", n2.i: " + n2.i);
    n1.i = 27;
    System.out.println("3: n1.i: " + n1.i +
    ", n2.i: " + n2.i);
    monitor.expect(new String[] {
    "1: n1.i: 9, n2.i: 47",
    "2: n1.i: 47, n2.i: 47",
    "3: n1.i: 27, n2.i: 27"
    } ///:~
    // From 'Thinking in Java, 3rd ed.' (c) Bruce Eckel 2002
    // See copyright notice in CopyRight.txt.
    package com.bruceeckel.simpletest;
    public class SimpleTestException extends RuntimeException {
    public SimpleTestException(String msg) {
    } ///:~
    // From 'Thinking in Java, 3rd ed.' (c) Bruce Eckel 2002
    // See copyright notice in CopyRight.txt.
    package com.bruceeckel.simpletest;
    public class NumOfLinesException extends SimpleTestException {
    public NumOfLinesException(int exp, int out) {
    super("Number of lines of output and "
    + "expected output did not match.\n" +
    "expected: <" + exp + ">\n" +
    "output: <" + out + "> lines)");
    } ///:~
    // Simple utility for testing program output. Intercepts
    // System.out to print both to the console and a buffer.
    // From 'Thinking in Java, 3rd ed.' (c) Bruce Eckel 2002
    // See copyright notice in CopyRight.txt.
    package com.bruceeckel.simpletest;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class Test {
    // Bit-shifted so they can be added together:
    public static final int
    EXACT = 1 << 0, // Lines must match exactly
    AT_LEAST = 1 << 1, // Must be at least these lines
    IGNORE_ORDER = 1 << 2, // Ignore line order
    WAIT = 1 << 3; // Delay until all lines are output
    private String className;
    private TestStream testStream;
    public Test() {
    // Discover the name of the class this
    // object was created within:
    className =
    new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1].getClassName();
    testStream = new TestStream(className);
    public static List fileToList(String fname) {
    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
    try {
    BufferedReader in =
    new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fname));
    try {
    String line;
    while((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
    list.add(new TestExpression(line));
    } finally {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return list;
    public static List arrayToList(Object[] array) {
    List l = new ArrayList();
    for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    if(array[i] instanceof TestExpression) {
    TestExpression re = (TestExpression)array;
    for(int j = 0; j < re.getNumber(); j++)
    } else {
    l.add(new TestExpression(array[i].toString()));
    return l;
    public void expect(Object[] exp, int flags) {
    if((flags & WAIT) != 0)
    while(testStream.numOfLines < exp.length) {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
    List output = fileToList(className + "Output.txt");
    if((flags & IGNORE_ORDER) == IGNORE_ORDER)
    OutputVerifier.verifyIgnoreOrder(output, exp);
    else if((flags & AT_LEAST) == AT_LEAST)
    OutputVerifier.verify(output, arrayToList(exp));
    // Clean up the output file - see
    public void expect(Object[] expected) {
    expect(expected, EXACT);
    public void expect(Object[] expectFirst,
    String fname, int flags) {
    List expected = fileToList(fname);
    for(int i = 0; i < expectFirst.length; i++)
    expected.add(i, expectFirst[i]);
    expect(expected.toArray(), flags);
    public void expect(Object[] expectFirst, String fname) {
    expect(expectFirst, fname, EXACT);
    public void expect(String fname) {
    expect(new Object[] {}, fname, EXACT);
    } ///:~

    What do you have in the C:\TIJCode\ directory? Does the directory structure mimic the package structure for the stuff you're importing?

  • Try/catch and 'cannot resolve symbol'

    I am relatively new to java programming and something has me puzzled...
    Why do I get a 'cannot resolve symbol' message when I include a variable definition in a try/catch section. When I put it/them before the 'try' statement it compiles as expected. How are statements inside a try compiled differently than those outside?
    try {
        StringBuffer pageBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        String inputLine;
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
           new InputStreamReader( theURL.openStream() ) );
        while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
    } catch (Exception ignored) {}C:\Projects\WebExplorer\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable pageBuffer
    location: class PageVisitor
         return pageBuffer.toString();

    A try block is just like any other block delimited by {...} in that all variables declared inside it are local to that block. I.e. they are not visible or usable anywhere outside it. Your pageBuffer variable, for example, is a local variable that can only be used inside the try-block in which it is declared.
    Your obvious solution, knowing that, is to declare the variables outside the try and catch blocks. Remember to initialize them (even to null), otherwise the compiler will complain about variables that may not have been initialized.

  • Missing method body and cannot resolve symbol

    I keep getting these two errors when trying to compile. I know that I need to call my fibonacci and factorial functions from the main function. Is this why I am getting the missing method body error? How do I correct this?
    Am I getting the cannot resolve symbol because I have to set the num and fact to equal something?
    public class Firstassignment
    public static void main(String[]args)
    public static void fibonacci(String[]args);
         int even=1;
         int odd=1;
         while (odd<=100);
         int temp = even;
         even = odd;
         odd = odd + temp;
    public static void factorial (String[]args);
         for (int count=1;
         fact = fact * count;
         outputbox.printLine("Factorial of" + num + "is" + fact);

    Hey... :o)
    the problem is that you've put semicolons at the end of the function signature, like this:
    public static void fibonacci(String[]args);
    }that should happen only when the function is abstract... so ur function should actually look like this:
    public static void fibonacci(String[]args)
    }also, i think you've missed out on the declarations (like what are fact and num??)....

  • Illegal start of expression and cannot resolve symbol HELP

    Can someone pls help me?
    These are the two problems:
    --------------------Configuration: j2sdk1.4.1_02 <Default>--------------------
    C:\Documents and Settings\Laila\My Documents\CMT2080\Coursework\Game\ illegal start of expression
    public void inputJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    C:\Documents and Settings\Laila\My Documents\CMT2080\Coursework\Game\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol: method inputJButtonActionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent)
                   inputJButtonActionPerformed( event);
    Here is my code :
    //Mind boggler quiz
    //Marcelyn Samson
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class Mindboggler extends JFrame
              // JPanel for welcome window
              private JPanel welcomeJPanel;
              private JPanel presetJPanel;
         private JLabel titleJLabel;
         private JLabel quizJLabel;
         private JLabel girlJLabel, headJLabel;
         private JLabel introJLabel;
         private JButton startJButton;
         // JPanel for questionone window
         private JPanel questiononeJPanel;
         private JLabel textJLabel;
         private JPanel becksJPanel;
         private JButton oneJButton, twoJButton, threeJButton, fourJButton, nextJButton;
              //JPanel for questiontwo window
              private JPanel questiontwoJPanel;
              private JPanel orlandoJPanel;
              private JLabel q2JLabel;
              private JCheckBox lordJCheckBox;
              private JCheckBox faceJCheckBox;
              private JCheckBox piratesJCheckBox;
              private JButton next2JButton;
         private JButton inputJButton;
         //JPanel for questionthree
         private JPanel questionthreeJPanel;
         private JPanel howmuchJPanel;
         private JLabel howmuchJLabel;
         private JLabel nameJLabel;
         private JTextField nameJTextField;
         private JLabel moneyJLabel;
         private JTextField moneyJTextField;
         private JButton next3JButton;
         public JPanel welcomeJFrame, questionJFrame, questiontwoJFrame, questionthreeJFrame;
              public Container contentPane;
              //no argument constructor
              public Mindboggler()
              //create and position components
              private void createUserInterface()/////////////////////////; semo colon do not edit copy paste
                   //get contentPane and set layout to null
                   contentPane = getContentPane();
                   contentPane.setLayout ( null );
                   //set properties of applications window
                   setTitle( "Mindboggler" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
              setSize( 600, 400 ); // set width and height of JFrame
              setVisible( true ); // display JFrame on screen
              } // end method createUserInterface
              public void welcome(){
                        // set up welcomeJPanel
                   welcomeJPanel = new JPanel();
                   welcomeJPanel.setLayout( null );
                   welcomeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
                   welcomeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
                   // set up textJLabel
                   titleJLabel = new JLabel();
                   titleJLabel.setText( "Mind Boggler" );
                   titleJLabel.setLocation( 30, 10);
                   titleJLabel.setSize( 550, 70);
                   titleJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 30 ) );
                   titleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                   welcomeJPanel.add( titleJLabel );
                   // set up presetJPanel
                   presetJPanel = new JPanel();
                   presetJPanel.setLayout( null );
                   presetJPanel.setBounds( 150, 10, 300, 80 );
                   presetJPanel.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
                   welcomeJPanel.add( presetJPanel );
                   //setup Intro JLabel
                   introJLabel = new JLabel();
                   introJLabel.setText( "Think, think, think. Can you get all the questions right?" );
                   introJLabel.setBounds( 40, 100, 500, 200 );
                   introJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 18 ) );
                   introJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                   //set up head JLabel
                   headJLabel = new JLabel();
                   headJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "head.jpeg") );
                   headJLabel.setBounds( 540, 5, 40, 160 );
                   headJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                        //setup girlJLabel
                   girlJLabel = new JLabel();
                   girlJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "girl.Jjpeg") );
                   girlJLabel.setBounds( 5, 10, 60, 100 );
                   girlJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                        //set up startJbutton
                   startJButton = new JButton();
                   startJButton.setText( "Start" );
                   startJButton.setBounds(250, 300, 100, 30);
                   startJButton.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 14) );
                        new ActionListener(){
                             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              public void question()
                   //set up question one JPanel
                   questiononeJPanel = new JPanel();
         questiononeJPanel.setLayout( null );
              questiononeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600,400);
              questiononeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
              // set up textJLabel
              textJLabel = new JLabel();
              textJLabel.setText( "Who did Beckham supposedly cheat with?" );
              textJLabel.setLocation( 20, 20);
              textJLabel.setSize( 550, 70);
              textJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
              textJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
              questiononeJPanel.add( textJLabel );
                   // set up presetJPanel
              becksJPanel = new JPanel();
              becksJPanel.setLayout( null );
              becksJPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder(
         "Question 1" ) );
              becksJPanel.setBounds( 10, 10, 570, 80 );
              becksJPanel.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
              questiononeJPanel.add( becksJPanel );
                   // set up oneJButton
              oneJButton = new JButton();
              oneJButton.setBounds( 10, 120, 300, 40 );
              oneJButton.setText( "Britney Spears" );
              oneJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( oneJButton );
              // set up twoJButton
              twoJButton = new JButton();
              twoJButton.setBounds( 10, 180, 300, 40 );
              twoJButton.setText( "Meg Ryan" );
              twoJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( twoJButton );
              // set up threeJButton
              threeJButton = new JButton();
              threeJButton.setBounds( 10, 240, 300, 40 );
              threeJButton.setText( "Rebecca Loos" );
              threeJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( threeJButton );
              // set up fourJButton
              fourJButton = new JButton();
              fourJButton.setBounds( 10, 300, 300, 40 );
              fourJButton.setText( "Angelina Jolie" );
              fourJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( fourJButton );
                   // set up nextJButton
                   nextJButton = new JButton();
                   nextJButton.setBounds ( 375, 300, 150, 40 );
                   nextJButton.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
                   questiononeJPanel.add( nextJButton );
                        new ActionListener(){
                             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              public void questiontwo()
                   //set up question two JPanel
                   questiontwoJPanel=new JPanel();
                   questiontwoJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
                   questiontwoJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
                   // set up q2JLabel
              q2JLabel = new JLabel();
              q2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 20, 550, 70 );
              q2JLabel.setText( "What films has Orlando Bloom starred in?" );
              q2JLabel.setFont(new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
         q2JLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
    //set up orlandoJPanel
    orlandoJPanel = new JPanel();
    orlandoJPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder("Question 2"));
    orlandoJPanel.setBounds( 10, 10, 570, 80);
    // set up lordJCheckBox
              lordJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              lordJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 112, 200, 24 );
              lordJCheckBox.setText( "1. Lord of The Rings" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( lordJCheckBox );
                   // set up faceJCheckBox
              faceJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              faceJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 159, 200, 24 );
              faceJCheckBox.setText( "2. Face Off" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( faceJCheckBox );
              // set up piratesJCheckBox
              piratesJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              piratesJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 206, 200, 24 );
              piratesJCheckBox.setText( "3. Pirates of The Caribean" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( piratesJCheckBox );
              // set up inputJButton
              inputJButton = new JButton();
              inputJButton.setBounds(20, 256, 200, 21 );
              inputJButton.setText( "Input answer" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( inputJButton );
         new ActionListener()
              //event handler called when user clicks inputJButton
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                   inputJButtonActionPerformed( event);
    //show JOptionMessages when user clicks on JCheckBoxes and inputJButton
    public void inputJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
         //display error message if no JCheckBoxes is checked
         if ( ( !lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && !faceJCheckBox.isSelected() && !piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ) )
              //display error message
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please check two boxes", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
         // if lordjcheckbox and pirates is selected = right
              if ( ( lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats RIGHT!");
              //if others are selected = wrong
                   if ( (lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && faceJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats WRONG");
                        ( (faceJCheckBox.isSelected() && piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats WRONG");
    // set up nest2JButton
              next2JButton = new JButton();
              next2JButton.setBounds( 155, 296, 94, 24 );
              next2JButton.setText( "Next" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( next2JButton );
         new ActionListener(){
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    } // end questiontwo
    public void questionthree()
         //setup questionthree JPanel
         questionthreeJPanel = new JPanel();
         questionthreeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
         questionthreeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN);
              // main method
              public static void main( String[] args )
              Mindboggler application = new Mindboggler();
              application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              } // end method main
    }// end class

    Just want to say thank you by the way for trying to help. Ive moved public void inputJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event ) outside of brackets. Now i have a different problem on it. Sorry about this.
    PROBLEM: --------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
    C:\Documents and Settings\Laila\My Documents\CMT2080\Coursework\Game\ 'else' without 'if'
    else ( ( !lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && !faceJCheckBox.isSelected && !piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ) )
    1 error
    Process completed.
    MY CODE:
    //Mind boggler quiz
    //Marcelyn Samson
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class Mindboggler extends JFrame
              // JPanel for welcome window
              private JPanel welcomeJPanel;
              private JPanel presetJPanel;
         private JLabel titleJLabel;
         private JLabel quizJLabel;
         private JLabel girlJLabel, headJLabel;
         private JLabel introJLabel;
         private JButton startJButton;
         // JPanel for questionone window
         private JPanel questiononeJPanel;
         private JLabel textJLabel;
         private JPanel becksJPanel;
         private JButton oneJButton, twoJButton, threeJButton, fourJButton, nextJButton;
              //JPanel for questiontwo window
              private JPanel questiontwoJPanel;
              private JPanel orlandoJPanel;
              private JLabel q2JLabel;
              private JCheckBox lordJCheckBox;
              private JCheckBox faceJCheckBox;
              private JCheckBox piratesJCheckBox;
              private JButton next2JButton;
         private JButton inputJButton;
         //JPanel for questionthree
         private JPanel questionthreeJPanel;
         private JPanel howmuchJPanel;
         private JLabel howmuchJLabel;
         private JLabel nameJLabel;
         private JTextField nameJTextField;
         private JLabel moneyJLabel;
         private JTextField moneyJTextField;
         private JButton next3JButton;
         public JPanel welcomeJFrame, questionJFrame, questiontwoJFrame, questionthreeJFrame;
              public Container contentPane;
              //no argument constructor
              public Mindboggler()
              //create and position components
              private void createUserInterface()/////////////////////////; semo colon do not edit copy paste
                   //get contentPane and set layout to null
                   contentPane = getContentPane();
                   contentPane.setLayout ( null );
                   //set properties of applications window
                   setTitle( "Mindboggler" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
              setSize( 600, 400 ); // set width and height of JFrame
              setVisible( true ); // display JFrame on screen
              } // end method createUserInterface
              public void welcome(){
                        // set up welcomeJPanel
                   welcomeJPanel = new JPanel();
                   welcomeJPanel.setLayout( null );
                   welcomeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
                   welcomeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
                   // set up textJLabel
                   titleJLabel = new JLabel();
                   titleJLabel.setText( "Mind Boggler" );
                   titleJLabel.setLocation( 30, 10);
                   titleJLabel.setSize( 550, 70);
                   titleJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 30 ) );
                   titleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                   welcomeJPanel.add( titleJLabel );
                   // set up presetJPanel
                   presetJPanel = new JPanel();
                   presetJPanel.setLayout( null );
                   presetJPanel.setBounds( 150, 10, 300, 80 );
                   presetJPanel.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
                   welcomeJPanel.add( presetJPanel );
                   //setup Intro JLabel
                   introJLabel = new JLabel();
                   introJLabel.setText( "Think, think, think. Can you get all the questions right?" );
                   introJLabel.setBounds( 40, 100, 500, 200 );
                   introJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 18 ) );
                   introJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                   //set up head JLabel
                   headJLabel = new JLabel();
                   headJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "head.jpeg") );
                   headJLabel.setBounds( 540, 5, 40, 160 );
                   headJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                        //setup girlJLabel
                   girlJLabel = new JLabel();
                   girlJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "girl.Jjpeg") );
                   girlJLabel.setBounds( 5, 10, 60, 100 );
                   girlJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                        //set up startJbutton
                   startJButton = new JButton();
                   startJButton.setText( "Start" );
                   startJButton.setBounds(250, 300, 100, 30);
                   startJButton.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 14) );
                        new ActionListener(){
                             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              public void question()
                   //set up question one JPanel
                   questiononeJPanel = new JPanel();
         questiononeJPanel.setLayout( null );
              questiononeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600,400);
              questiononeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
              // set up textJLabel
              textJLabel = new JLabel();
              textJLabel.setText( "Who did Beckham supposedly cheat with?" );
              textJLabel.setLocation( 20, 20);
              textJLabel.setSize( 550, 70);
              textJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
              textJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
              questiononeJPanel.add( textJLabel );
                   // set up presetJPanel
              becksJPanel = new JPanel();
              becksJPanel.setLayout( null );
              becksJPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder(
         "Question 1" ) );
              becksJPanel.setBounds( 10, 10, 570, 80 );
              becksJPanel.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
              questiononeJPanel.add( becksJPanel );
                   // set up oneJButton
              oneJButton = new JButton();
              oneJButton.setBounds( 10, 120, 300, 40 );
              oneJButton.setText( "Britney Spears" );
              oneJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( oneJButton );
              // set up twoJButton
              twoJButton = new JButton();
              twoJButton.setBounds( 10, 180, 300, 40 );
              twoJButton.setText( "Meg Ryan" );
              twoJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( twoJButton );
              // set up threeJButton
              threeJButton = new JButton();
              threeJButton.setBounds( 10, 240, 300, 40 );
              threeJButton.setText( "Rebecca Loos" );
              threeJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( threeJButton );
              // set up fourJButton
              fourJButton = new JButton();
              fourJButton.setBounds( 10, 300, 300, 40 );
              fourJButton.setText( "Angelina Jolie" );
              fourJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( fourJButton );
                   // set up nextJButton
                   nextJButton = new JButton();
                   nextJButton.setBounds ( 375, 300, 150, 40 );
                   nextJButton.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
                   questiononeJPanel.add( nextJButton );
                        new ActionListener(){
                             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              public void questiontwo()
                   //set up question two JPanel
                   questiontwoJPanel=new JPanel();
                   questiontwoJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
                   questiontwoJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
                   // set up q2JLabel
              q2JLabel = new JLabel();
              q2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 20, 550, 70 );
              q2JLabel.setText( "What films has Orlando Bloom starred in?" );
              q2JLabel.setFont(new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
         q2JLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
    //set up orlandoJPanel
    orlandoJPanel = new JPanel();
    orlandoJPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder("Question 2"));
    orlandoJPanel.setBounds( 10, 10, 570, 80);
    // set up lordJCheckBox
              lordJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              lordJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 112, 200, 24 );
              lordJCheckBox.setText( "1. Lord of The Rings" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( lordJCheckBox );
                   // set up faceJCheckBox
              faceJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              faceJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 159, 200, 24 );
              faceJCheckBox.setText( "2. Face Off" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( faceJCheckBox );
              // set up piratesJCheckBox
              piratesJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              piratesJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 206, 200, 24 );
              piratesJCheckBox.setText( "3. Pirates of The Caribean" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( piratesJCheckBox );
              // set up inputJButton
              inputJButton = new JButton();
              inputJButton.setBounds(20, 256, 200, 21 );
              inputJButton.setText( "Input answer" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( inputJButton );
         new ActionListener()
              //event handler called when user clicks inputJButton
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                   inputJButtonActionPerformed( event);
    // set up nest2JButton
              next2JButton = new JButton();
              next2JButton.setBounds( 155, 296, 94, 24 );
              next2JButton.setText( "Next" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( next2JButton );
         new ActionListener(){
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    } // end questiontwo
    public void questionthree()
         //setup questionthree JPanel
         questionthreeJPanel = new JPanel();
         questionthreeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
         questionthreeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN);
         //setup howmuchJLabel
         howmuchJLabel = new JLabel();
         howmuchJLabel.setText("I'm a student and would be very greatful if you could donate some money as it would help me very much.");
         howmuchJLabel.setBounds(20, 20, 550, 70);
         howmuchJLabel.setFont(new Font("SansSerif",Font.BOLD,14));
         //setup howmuchJPanel
         howmuchJPanel = new JPanel();
         howmuchJPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder("Question 3"));
         howmuchJPanel.setBounds(10, 10, 570, 80);
         howmuchJPanel.setBackground( Color.GRAY);
         //setup nameJLabel
         nameJLabel = new JLabel();
         nameJLabel.setBounds(10, 160, 150, 24);
         nameJLabel.setFont(new Font("SansSerif",Font.BOLD,12));
         //setup nameJTextField
         nameJTextField = new JTextField();
         nameJTextField.setBounds(125, 160, 200, 24 );
         //show JOptionMessages when user clicks on JCheckBoxes and inputJButton
    public void inputJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
         //display error message if no JCheckBoxes is checked
         else ( ( !lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && !faceJCheckBox.isSelected && !piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ) )
              //display error message
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please check two boxes", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
         // if lordjcheckbox and pirates is selected = right
              if ( ( lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats RIGHT!");
              //if others are selected = wrong
                   if ( (lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && faceJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats WRONG");
                        ( (faceJCheckBox.isSelected() && piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats WRONG");
              // main method
              public static void main( String[] args )
              Mindboggler application = new Mindboggler();
              application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              } // end method main
    }// end class

  • Help.. incompatiable type and cannot resolve symbol error...

    I have this class Box
    class Box{
         private int width;
           private int height;
           private int depth;
           private int BoxCounter;
         public void click()
         BoxCounter = 0;
    }and in my main code, I'm calling it via
    private Box arrBox[];All this goes fine until I try to place code in to make array empty upon a selected action by
    if (color == blue) {arrBox = new Box();}Here I'm getting the error saying that its an incompatible type... it says I have Box but it requires class Box[]...(the ^ pointing at the word "new")
    also, I have this
    public void button()
    }This returns the unable to resolve symbol error (the ^ points at the dot).... I tried changing things around but the problem persists, can someone point out where I hv gone wrong?
    Many thanks

    private Box arrBox[];The line above does not create an array, it only declares that the variable arrBox can refernce an array of type Box. Arrays are objects just like Box - you need a new Box[10], for example, to create the array.
    if (color == blue) {arrBox = new Box();}
    Here I'm getting the error saying that its an
    incompatible type... it says I have Box but it
    requires class Box[]...(the ^ pointing at the word
    "new")As previously stated, arrBox is a reference to an array of Box, not an object instance of Box.
    A lot of your trouble can be resolved by understanding how arrays work in java. Try here.
    You must create an array similar to creating any object. Next, you must create objects to go inside the array. It's difficult without knowing the rest of your code, but here goes.
    private Box[] arrBox = new Box[10];
    for(int index=0;index<arrBox.length;index++)  {
       int color = getColor(index); //I'm making this up
       if(color == blue) arrBox[index] = new Box();
    }The above code will create a new Box for any index where the color is blue. The indices where the color isn't blue are equal to null.

  • PLEASE HELP: cannot resolve symbol class

    it's showing me the error on the following lines 7 and 9
    it says cannot resolve symbol class Name and cannot resolve symbol class Phone
    I also have a package name addressBook and it contains two files and
    Here is the code:
    import addressBook.*;
    public class AddressDr
         public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
              Name name;
              Address address;
              Phone phone;
              Entry entry;
              String first, last, middle, street, city, state, zip;
              int areaCode, number;
              BufferedReader in;
              in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
              PrintWriter outFile;
              outFile=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("Entries"));
              System.out.println("Quit entered fot the first name ends the " + "application.");
              System.out.print("Enter first name: ");
              while (first.compareTo("Quit") !=0)
                   System.out.print("Enter last name: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter middle name: ");
                   name=new Name(first, last, middle);
                   System.out.print("Enter street address: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter city: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter state: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter ZIP code: ");
                   address=new Address(street, city, state, zip);
                   System.out.print("Enter areaCode: ");
                   areaCode = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
                   System.out.print("Enter number: ");
                   phone=new Phone(areaCode, number);
                   entry= new Entry(name, address, phone);
                   System.out.print("Enter first name: ");

    OK. Here is how I did it.
    I have AddressDr which is Address driver.
    I have two files Address and Entry which in package addressBook.
    import addressBook.*;
    public class AddressDr
         public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
              Name name;
              Address address;
              Phone phone;
              Entry entry;
              String first, last, middle, street, city, state, zip;
              int areaCode, number;
              BufferedReader in;
              in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
              PrintWriter outFile;
              outFile=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("Entries"));
              System.out.println("Quit entered fot the first name ends the " + "application.");
              System.out.print("Enter first name: ");
              while (first.compareTo("Quit") !=0)
                   System.out.print("Enter last name: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter middle name: ");
                   name=new Name(first, last, middle);
                   System.out.print("Enter street address: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter city: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter state: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter ZIP code: ");
                   address=new Address(street, city, state, zip);
                   System.out.print("Enter areaCode: ");
                   areaCode = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
                   System.out.print("Enter number: ");
                   phone=new Phone(areaCode, number);
                   entry= new Entry(name, address, phone);
                   System.out.print("Enter first name: ");
    package addressBook;
    public class Entry
         Name name;
         Address address;
         Phone phone;
    public Entry(Name newName, Address newAddress, Phone phoneNumber)
         name = newName;
         address = newAddress;
         phone = phoneNumber;
    public Name knowName()
         return name;
    public Address knowAddress()
         return address;
    public Phone knowPhone()
         return phone;
    public void writeToFile(PrintWriter outFile)
    package addressBook;
    public class Address
         String street;
         String city;
         String state;
         String zipCode;
         public Address(String newStreet, String newCity, String newState, String zip)
         public String knowStreet()
              return street;
         public String knowCity()
              return city;
         public String knowState()
              return state;
         public String knowZip()
              return zipCode;

  • Cannot resolve symbol: HashMap, put and strings

    why woudl I get a "cannot resolve symbol" at the line indicated by <============
    sec_cands[i] should be a String already.
    Can someone help me ?
    Thanks in advance.
    HashMap temp = new HashMap();
    String [] sec_cands = sec_ex.getTargetPhrases();
    int sec_length = sec_cands.length;
    String [] allCands = new String[total_length];
    if (sec_length > 0 ) {
    for (int i = 0; i < sec_cands.length; i++)
    allCands[fr_length+i] = sec_cands;
    temp.put(sec_cands[i], true); <=================

    Sorry, I accidentally deleted a subscript from a line. The real code is "
    HashMap temp = new HashMap();
    String [] sec_cands = sec_ex.getTargetPhrases();
    int sec_length = sec_cands.length;
    String [] allCands = new String[total_length];
    if (sec_length > 0 ) {
    for (int i = 0; i < sec_cands.length; i++)
    allCands[fr_length+i] = sec_cands;
    temp.put(sec_cands[i], true); <=================

  • Error when activating - "cannot resolve symbol"

    Hi everybody!
    I created a WebDynpro DC referencing some other DC's, one of them containing some generated Enterprise Connector classes.
    A local build works fine, the WebDynpro looks and works as expected when deployed to our J2EE server. When I activate the associated activities, all DC except the WebDynpro DC compile o.k., but the WebDynpro compilation throws some "cannot resolve symbol" errors, the symbols being the generated classes from the Enterprise Connector DC.
    The Activation Log of this component shows that only one class of this DC is being compiled and packed into the public parts of the DC:
          [echo] Starting Java compiler
         [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /usr/sap/...somewhere.../classes
         [timer] Java compilation finished in 0.375 seconds
          [echo] Start XLF conversion
         [timer] XLF conversion finished in 0.001 seconds
      [pppacker] Packing assembly public part 'mvRFCAss'
      [pppacker] Packed   0 files for entity mvRFCObjects.util (Java Package/Class, mvRFCObjects/util)
      [pppacker] Packed   2 files for entity mvRFCObjects (Java Package/Class, mvRFCObjects)
      [pppacker] Packed 2 entities for assembly public part 'mvRFCAss'
         [timer] Packing of assembly public part 'mvRFCAss' finished in 0.059 seconds
      [pppacker] Packing compilation public part 'mvRFCComp'
      [pppacker] Packed   0 files for entity GeschaeftsPartnerRFC_PortType (Java Class/Class, mvRFCObjects)
      [pppacker] Packed   0 files for entity Z_Ecm_Input (Java Class/Class, mvRFCObjects)
      [pppacker] Packed   0 files for entity Z_Ecm_Output (Java Class/Class, mvRFCObjects)
      [pppacker] Packed   0 files for entity Ztgd_EcmType (Java Class/Class, mvRFCObjects)
      [pppacker] Packed   0 files for entity Ztgd_EcmType_List (Java Class/Class, mvRFCObjects/util)
      [pppacker] Packed   2 files for entity MVTestSapAccess (Java Class/Class, mvRFCObjects)
      [pppacker] Packed 6 entities for compilation public part 'mvRFCComp'
         [timer] Packing of compilation public part 'mvRFCComp' finished in 0.095 seconds
    Any hint on what produces such an error or what information you'd need so say something ?

    After messing around a bit, we finally deleted both assembly and compilation public parts of all the referenced DC's, created new ones and reestablished the references exactly as defined previously, and now it works properly. Strange thing, though...

  • Newbie problem: "cannot resolve symbol"

    I'm working through some tutorials but I get errors even if i get the code CORRECT or I should say identical to the source code displayed on the web. For instance i get this:
    E:\Java\New>javac not a statement
              WindowListener 1 = new WindowAdapter() {
    ^ ';' expected
              WindowListener 1 = new WindowAdapter() {
    ^ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class ActionListener
    location: class SwingUI
    class SwingUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
    ^ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class ActionEvent
    location: class SwingUI
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
    ^ addActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) in javax.swing.AbstractButton cannot be applied to (SwingUI)
    ^ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Borderlayout
    location: class SwingUI
              panel.setLayout(new Borderlayout());
    ^ addWindowListener(java.awt.event.WindowListener) in java.awt.Window cannot be applied to (int)
    ^ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable set
    location: class SwingUI
    8 errors
    The beginning of the code is:
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class SwingUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         JLabel text, clicked;
         JButton button, clickButton;
         JPanel panel;
         private boolean _clickMeMode = true;
              text=new JLabel("I'm a simple program");
              button= new JButton("Click here!");
              panel =new JPanel();
              panel.setLayout(new Borderlayout());
              panel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, text);
              panel.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, button);
    To me it seems as if there is a problem with my environmental settings and/or with the "import" files, but wouldn't that yield different error messages?
    I'm running j2sdk1.4.0_01 on windows2000 professional
    I should say that simple programs compile without errors.

    The letter 'l' is very similar to the number 1 in certain fonts unfortunately.

  • Visual Studio 2012 cannot resolve symbol or Errors control is not a member of class

    Visual Studio 2012 Web Site Project (Note not a Web application, so there are not Designer.vb files) > Site works perfectly fine and using IIS and attaching to IIS to debug code.
    However, if I try to build the site inside of Visual Studio I am getting lots of Errors ‘pnlName’ is not a member of ‘Page_Name’ In the code behind I am getting errors ‘Cannot resolve symbol ‘pnlName’
    .ascx Page
    <li style="margin-right:0;" id="pnlName" runat="server"><a href="/cart" title="Checkout" class="global-checkout">Checkout</a></li>
    .ascx.vb page
    I have cleaned, rebuild and nothing gets rid of these errors, but again the site works as designed, but I would like to launch and debug inside of Visual Studio.
    Moojjoo MCP, MCTS
    MCP Virtual Business Card

    What I am stating is this is a solution using the Web Site Project instead of a
    Web Application Project.
    Web Site projects do not require Designer.vb files, Web Application Projects add Designer.vb files in the solution.   
    Background: I have been hired to support a very successful e-commerce site that was built by a 3rd party vendor (I had no input on the contract or specification, because I would have went with
    MVC).  The site works 100% correctly, however from my 2003 - 2015 experience with Visual Studio and Web Development being in Web Forms and MVC I have always built ASP.NET Solutions using the Web Application Project Templates, which compiles the code down
    to .dlls.  
    A Web Site project does not compile the code, but simply uses the .vb files and they have to be migrated to the server with the .aspx files.
    Currently the only way I can debug this Solution is to attach to the w3wp.exe process running locally on my work station. 
    The Solution is comprised of two Web Sites, which I cannot get it to compile because of the following errors -
     'webServerControlName' is not a member of '(Protected Code Behind Class Name)'  I am reaching out to the MSDN community to see if anyone has experienced this issue with
    Web Site Projects.
    I hope that clears up the Project Type question.
    Moojjoo MCP, MCTS
    MCP Virtual Business Card

  • Getting error message Cannot Resolve Symbol when trying to compile a class

    Hello All -
    I am getting an error message cannot resolve symbol while trying to compile a java class that calls another java class in the same package. The called class compiles fine, but the calling class generates
    the following error message:
    D:\Apache Tomcat 4.0\webapps\examples\WEB-INF\classes\cal>javac cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class PooledConnection
    location: class cal.ConnectionPool
    private void addConnection(PooledConnection value) {
    ^ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class PooledConnection
    location: class cal.ConnectionPool
    PooledConnection pcon = new PooledConnection(con);
    ^ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class PooledConnection
    location: class cal.ConnectionPool
    PooledConnection pcon = new PooledConnection(con);
    The code is listed as follows for (it compiles fine)
    package cal;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class PooledConnection {
    // Real JDBC Connection
    private Connection connection = null;
    // boolean flag used to determine if connection is in use
    private boolean inuse = false;
    // Constructor that takes the passed in JDBC Connection
    // and stores it in the connection attribute.
    public PooledConnection(Connection value) {
    if ( value != null ) {
    connection = value;
    // Returns a reference to the JDBC Connection
    public Connection getConnection() {
    // get the JDBC Connection
    return connection;
    // Set the status of the PooledConnection.
    public void setInUse(boolean value) {
    inuse = value;
    // Returns the current status of the PooledConnection.
    public boolean inUse() {
    return inuse;
    // Close the real JDBC Connection
    public void close() {
    try {
    catch (SQLException sqle) {
    Now the code for class that gives the cannot
    resolve symbol error
    package cal;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class ConnectionPool {
    // JDBC Driver Name
    private String driver = null;
    // URL of database
    private String url = null;
    // Initial number of connections.
    private int size = 0;
    // Username
    private String username = new String("");
    // Password
    private String password = new String("");
    // Vector of JDBC Connections
    private Vector pool = null;
    public ConnectionPool() {
    // Set the value of the JDBC Driver
    public void setDriver(String value) {
    if ( value != null ) {
    driver = value;
    // Get the value of the JDBC Driver
    public String getDriver() {
    return driver;
    // Set the URL Pointing to the Datasource
    public void setURL(String value ) {
    if ( value != null ) {
    url = value;
    // Get the URL Pointing to the Datasource
    public String getURL() {
    return url;
    // Set the initial number of connections
    public void setSize(int value) {
    if ( value > 1 ) {
    size = value;
    // Get the initial number of connections
    public int getSize() {
    return size;
    // Set the username
    public void setUsername(String value) {
    if ( value != null ) {
    username = value;
    // Get the username
    public String getUserName() {
    return username;
    // Set the password
    public void setPassword(String value) {
    if ( value != null ) {
    password = value;
    // Get the password
    public String getPassword() {
    return password;
    // Creates and returns a connection
    private Connection createConnection() throws Exception {
    Connection con = null;
    // Create a Connection
    con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,
    username, password);
    return con;
    // Initialize the pool
    public synchronized void initializePool() throws Exception {
    // Check our initial values
    if ( driver == null ) {
    throw new Exception("No Driver Name Specified!");
    if ( url == null ) {
    throw new Exception("No URL Specified!");
    if ( size < 1 ) {
    throw new Exception("Pool size is less than 1!");
    // Create the Connections
    try {
    // Load the Driver class file
    // Create Connections based on the size member
    for ( int x = 0; x < size; x++ ) {
    Connection con = createConnection();
    if ( con != null ) {
    // Create a PooledConnection to encapsulate the
    // real JDBC Connection
    PooledConnection pcon = new PooledConnection(con);
    // Add the Connection to the pool.
    catch (Exception e) {
    throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
    // Adds the PooledConnection to the pool
    private void addConnection(PooledConnection value) {
    // If the pool is null, create a new vector
    // with the initial size of "size"
    if ( pool == null ) {
    pool = new Vector(size);
    // Add the PooledConnection Object to the vector
    public synchronized void releaseConnection(Connection con) {
    // find the PooledConnection Object
    for ( int x = 0; x < pool.size(); x++ ) {
    PooledConnection pcon =
    // Check for correct Connection
    if ( pcon.getConnection() == con ) {
    System.err.println("Releasing Connection " + x);
    // Set its inuse attribute to false, which
    // releases it for use
    // Find an available connection
    public synchronized Connection getConnection()
    throws Exception {
    PooledConnection pcon = null;
    // find a connection not in use
    for ( int x = 0; x < pool.size(); x++ ) {
    pcon = (PooledConnection)pool.elementAt(x);
    // Check to see if the Connection is in use
    if ( pcon.inUse() == false ) {
    // Mark it as in use
    // return the JDBC Connection stored in the
    // PooledConnection object
    return pcon.getConnection();
    // Could not find a free connection,
    // create and add a new one
    try {
    // Create a new JDBC Connection
    Connection con = createConnection();
    // Create a new PooledConnection, passing it the JDBC
    // Connection
    pcon = new PooledConnection(con);
    // Mark the connection as in use
    // Add the new PooledConnection object to the pool
    catch (Exception e) {
    throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
    // return the new Connection
    return pcon.getConnection();
    // When shutting down the pool, you need to first empty it.
    public synchronized void emptyPool() {
    // Iterate over the entire pool closing the
    // JDBC Connections.
    for ( int x = 0; x < pool.size(); x++ ) {
    System.err.println("Closing JDBC Connection " + x);
    PooledConnection pcon =
    // If the PooledConnection is not in use, close it
    if ( pcon.inUse() == false ) {
    else {
    // If it is still in use, sleep for 30 seconds and
    // force close.
    try {
    catch (InterruptedException ie) {
    I am using Sun JDK Version 1.3.0_02" and Apache/Tomcat 4.0. Both the calling and the called class are in the same directory.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Is ConnectionPool in this "cal" package as well as PooledConnection? From the directory you are compiling from it appears that it is. If it is, then you are compiling it incorrectly. To compile ConnectionPool (and PooledConnection similarly), you must change the current directory to the one that contains cal and type
    javac cal/ConnectionPool.

  • "cannot resolve symbol" in a Timer !!!Please Help!!!

    I am doing a program for a class which involves timers. I am using JCreator and when i try to construct a new timer, the compiler points to the "new" in the line:
    Timer T1=new Timer(interval, ActionListener);
    This is what it looks like and the error reads: cannot resolve symbol; constructor Timer.
    please tell me if yiou have any information or suggestions as to how this error might be remedied.

    Sure, here it is:
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.util.*;
    interface ActionListener
         void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event);     
    class Ploid
         public static void main(String[] args)
              class Car implements ActionListener
                   int mpg=30;
                   int mph=35;
                   int gtank=20;
                   int interval;
                   int changer;
                   int totalmiles;
                   Car(int x)
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                        for(int c=0;c<(interval/1000);c++)
                        int hyt=mpg*gtank;
                             int y=totalmiles-hyt;
    class SUV implements ActionListener
         int mpg=15;
         int mph=55;
         int gtank=30;
         int interval;
         int changer;
         int totalmiles;
         SUV(int x)
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   for(int c=0;c<(interval/1000);c++)
                   int hyt=mpg*gtank;
                        int y=totalmiles-hyt;
    class Semi implements ActionListener
         int mpg=60;
         int mph=80;
         int gtank=50;
         int interval;
         int changer;
         int totalmiles;
         Semi(int x)
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
              for(int c=0;c<(interval/1000);c++)
              int hyt=mpg*gtank;
                   int y=totalmiles-hyt;
              String flag="y";
              String trav=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("How long do you want to drive?(1000=1 hour)");
              int t1=Integer.parseInt(trav);
              Car listen=new Car(t1);
              SUV listener2=new SUV(t1);
              Semi listener3=new Semi(t1);
              final int t2=t1/1000;
              final int t3=t1/t2;
              ActionListener listener=null;
              Timer T1=new Timer(t3, listener);
              Timer T2=new Timer(t3, listener);
              Timer T3=new Timer(t3, listener);
                   String g=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Do you want to drive again?");
                        System.out.println("Let's Drive!");
    }Here is the errors:
    A:\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : constructor Timer (int,ActionListener)
    location: class javax.swing.Timer
              Timer T1=new Timer(t3, listener);
    A:\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : constructor Timer (int,ActionListener)
    location: class javax.swing.Timer
              Timer T2=new Timer(t3, listener);
    A:\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : constructor Timer (int,ActionListener)
    location: class javax.swing.Timer
              Timer T3=new Timer(t3, listener);
    3 errors
    Process completed.
    ****There is the source code and the errors the compiler returns. That should be more help.****

  • Class error - cannot resolve symbol "MyDocumentListener"

    this is a groaner I'm sure, but I don't see the problem.
    Newbie-itis probably ...
    I'm not concerned with what the class does, but it would be nice for the silly thing to compile!
    What the heck am I missing for "MyDocumentListener" ?
    C:\divelog>javac -classpath C:\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class MyDocumentListener
    location: class divelog.CenterPanel
    MyDocumentListener myDocumentListener = new MyDocumentListener(); // define the listener class
    ^ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class MyDocumentListener
    location: class divelog.CenterPanel
    MyDocumentListener myDocumentListener = new MyDocumentListener(); // define the listener class
    2 errors
    package divelog;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    public class CenterPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
    { // Opens class
    static private final String newline = "\n";
    private JTextArea comments;
    private JScrollPane scrollpane;
    private JButton saveButton, openButton;
    private JLabel whiteshark;
    private Box box;
    private BufferedReader br ;
    private String str;
    private JTextArea instruct;
    private File defaultDirectory = new File("C://divelog");
    private File fileDirectory = null;
    private File currentFile= null;
    public CenterPanel()
    { // open constructor CenterPanel
    comments = new JTextArea("Enter comments, such as " +
    "location, water conditions, sea life you observed," +
    " and problems you may have encountered.", 15, 10);
    comments.setFont(new Font("Times-Roman", Font.PLAIN, 14));
    // add a document listener for changes to the text,
    // query before opening a new file to decide if we need to save changes.
    MyDocumentListener myDocumentListener = new MyDocumentListener(); // define the listener class
    comments.getDocument().addDocumentListener(myDocumentListener); // create the reference for the class
    // ------ Document listener class -----------
    class MyDocumentListener implements DocumentListener {
    public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
    public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
    public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
    private void Calculate(DocumentEvent e) {
    // do something here
    scrollpane = new JScrollPane(comments);
    saveButton = new JButton("Save Comments", new ImageIcon("images/Save16.gif"));
    saveButton.addActionListener( this );
    saveButton.setToolTipText("Click this button to save the current file.");
    openButton = new JButton("Open File...", new ImageIcon("images/Open16.gif"));
    openButton.addActionListener( this );
    openButton.setToolTipText("Click this button to open a file.");
    whiteshark = new JLabel("", new ImageIcon("images/gwhite.gif"), JLabel.CENTER);
    Box boxH;
    boxH = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    box = Box.createVerticalBox();
    } // closes constructor CenterPanel
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent evt )
    { // open method actionPerformed
    JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser();
    // these do not work !!
    // -- set the file types to view --
    // ExtensionFileFilter filter = new ExtensionFileFilter();
    // FileFilter filter = new FileFilter();
    //filter.setDescription("Text & Java Files");
         //Add a custom file filter and disable the default "Accept All" file filter.
    jfc.addChoosableFileFilter(new JTFilter());
    // -- open the default directory --
    // public void setCurrentDirectory(File dir)
    // jfc.setCurrentDirectory(new File("C://divelog"));
    jfc.setSize(400, 300);
    Container parent = saveButton.getParent();
    //========================= Test Button Actions ================================
    //========================= Open Button ================================
    if (evt.getSource() == openButton)
    int choice = jfc.showOpenDialog(CenterPanel.this);
    File file = jfc.getSelectedFile();
    /* a: */
    if (file != null && choice == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
    String filename = jfc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
    // -- compare the currentFile to the file chosen, alert of loosing any changes to currentFile --
    // If (currentFile != filename)
    // -- get the current directory name -------
    // public File getCurrentDirectory( );
    File f=new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
    fileDirectory = jfc.getCurrentDirectory();
    // -- remember the last directory used --
    if (defaultDirectory != fileDirectory)
    {defaultDirectory = fileDirectory;}
    { //opens try         
    comments.getLineCount( );
    // -- clear the old data before importing the new file --
    // -- get the new data ---
    br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader(file));
    while ((str = br.readLine()) != null)
    {//opens while
    } //closes while
    } // close try
    catch (IOException ioe)
    { // open catch
    comments.append(newline +"Open command not successful:" + ioe + newline);
    } // close catch
    // ---- display the values of the directory variables -----------------------
    newline + "The f directory variable contains: " + f +
    newline + "The fileDirectory variable contains: " + fileDirectory +
    newline + "The defaultDirectory variable contains: " + defaultDirectory );
    comments.append("Open command cancelled by user." + newline);
    } //close if statement /* a: */
    //========================= Save Button ================================
    } else if (evt.getSource() == saveButton)
    int choice = jfc.showSaveDialog(CenterPanel.this);
    if (choice == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
    File fileName = jfc.getSelectedFile();
    // -- get the current directory name -------
    // public File getCurrentDirectory( );
    File f=new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
    fileDirectory = jfc.getCurrentDirectory();
    // -- remember the last directory used --
    if (defaultDirectory != fileDirectory)
    {defaultDirectory = fileDirectory;}
    //check for existing files. Warn users & ask if they want to overwrite
    for(int i = 0; i < fileName.length(); i ++) {
    File tmp = null;
    tmp = (fileName);
    if (tmp.exists()) // display pop-up alert
    //public static int showConfirmDialog( Component parentComponent,
    // Object message,
    // String title,
    // int optionType,
    // int messageType,
    // Icon icon);
    int confirm = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,
    fileName + " already exists on " + fileDirectory
    + "\n \nContinue?", // msg
    "Warning! Overwrite File!", // title
    JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, // buttons displayed
                        // JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE
                        // JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE
                        // JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE
                        // JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE
    if (confirm != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
    { //user cancels the file overwrite.
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {}
    // ----- Save the file if everything is OK ----------------------------
    { // opens try
    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));
    comments.append( newline + newline + "Saving: " + fileName.getName() + "." + newline);
    } // closes try
    catch (IOException ioe)
    { // open catch
    comments.append(newline +"Save command unsuccessful:" + ioe + newline);
    } // close catch
    } // if exists
    } //close for loop
    comments.append("Save command cancelled by user." + newline);
    } // end-if save button
    } // close method actionPerformed
    } //close constructor CenterPanel
    } // Closes class CenterPanel

    There is no way to be able to see MyDocumentListener class in the way you wrote. The reason is because MyDocumentListener class inside the constructor itself. MyDocumentListener class is an inner class, not suppose to be inside a constructor or a method. What you need to do is simple thing, just move it from inside the constructor and place it between two methods.
    that's all folks

  • Cannot resolve symbol: class OracleDriver

    Attempting to compile a servlet on Apache Server using same jdeveloper jdbc libraries:
    classes12.jar & nls_charset12.jar
    Error message:
    $ ProdJobs cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class OracleDriver
    location: package driver
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    Am I missing something else?

    Enter this code into your program and then put the Oracle jar file that contains the driver in your run-time classpath.
    try {
      catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
      // driver not found
    }The effect of this is that the classloader will load the Oracle driver for you then call it's static initiailizer that does a bunch of magic that results in the Java runtime knowing that there's a JDBC driver out there.
    It is a little weird - but that's the way it works.

Maybe you are looking for

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