IOS 5 - and feature documentation

Updated to iOS 5 and I'm having a difficult time understanding all of the new settings, (iClound, Sync, photostream etc) is there some sort of detailed user instructions out there?
After updating, all of my "notes" from the notes app disappeared too. I've got 3 different photo libraries showing up too.
Thanks all

Comment how?
If via an app that is due to the developer.
If via Safari, try another browser.

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    From Malaysia, with love.
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    Good day! I like you a fan of the forum users of APPLE. I live in the Russian Federation. Began his acquaintance with this company back in 2010 with the Ipad 2 device was still on ios 5. In January 2014 I made ​​a gift and bought the iPhone 5s on OC IOS 7. I bought it at the official Russian official price that more accurately put Apple in 1100 $. In our country, it is a lot of money. With the money I could live for 3 months. In fact, I became the owner of a top (at the time) from a favorite device of Apple. My iPhone 5s worked perfectly on ios 7. sometimes met friezes light animation, and non-critical bugs, but who is without sin? Favorite company I was willing to forgive it because I see that she is trying to be better and not standing still. Looking WWDC presentation which provided us with iOS 8 you assured me that everything was better, faster, more functional. I was determined that update my iPhone 5s to iOS 8.0 ... APPLE releases new OC iOS 8 ... And I live! Behind the beautiful words that we said at the presentation of the great features of the new iOS hiding "something." And that "something" turned my phone in ... "pumpkin"! Yes! In that same stupid pumpkin! And now I will explain why I think it's pumpkin, not rose.
    Sea bugs ... and they are awful and terrible as it does not give me the full extent of my work enjoy iPhone 5s!
    Start from the beginning:
    1 Streaming through technology "Air play".
    "Air play" ceased to function properly! He was often disconnected from Apple tv and Apple airport express last generation. Apple tv 2g can not receive the signal from my iPhone 5s! And when it's all the same he gets a video playback does not last long, it just breaks and does not connect again! Helps to restart Apple TV and a hard reset by holding the button "HOME" button and "POWER". On the "Apple TV" is worth the latest firmware as these problems are manifested in the previous firmware of the device.
    2 Built-in browser "Safari".
    Tab in the "Safari" became constantly updated when I switch to another application or the other tabs! Apparent lack of memory (on iOS 7.1.2 with it all much better. At least when switching tabs does not re-update the previous tab).
    Playing online video on non-optimized mobile site in the browser "Safari" really does not work! It is turned on and loaded almost to infinity! Sometimes just a black screen with an icon "Play" to be pressed at least 100 times, and the result is 0!
    Scroll pages in the browser have become terribly sharp and smooth! on iOS 7.1.2 everything is fine, nice and smooth and no such bugs! Total confusion and thoughtfulness browser "Safari".
    If the video still runs (for me equates to a miracle) then when rewinding the film is generally something strange ... Fast chooses how minutes and seconds I watch a movie (usually just starts playing from the beginning), or does not respond at all ... This is the same magic Apple? Unlikely.
    3 multitasking menu (double-press "HOME").
    Call multitasking (by double-clicking "HOME") began working with a delay, with a lag, c jerky animation, and sometimes even without it.
    Control Center (which is called swipe upwards) was to slow down! Yes! That retard! Animation jumping shutter control center began play with tangible frame loss! If iPhone 5s under the control of OS iOS 7.1.2 everything happened smoothly, beautifully and dynamically in the iOS 8.0 it looks like on the iPhone 5 running iOS 7.C than strongly connected is not clear! Graphic differences from iOS iOS 7 8 almost equal to 0, and the speed of decline in almost 50%! How ?! Why ?! Why does my iPhone 5s become the iPhone 5 ?! This is an artificial slowing my device to increase the demand on the iPhone 6 or still glitch iOS 8.0 for iPhone 5s? Honey the company Apple, I really hope for the 2nd. Especially this shortfall fps animation curtain markedly if you open multitasking (acquired by double button "HOME") and call the control center and you'll see that the animation is playing choppy and not smooth! On IOS 7.1.2 this is not! Control center jumps smoothly and beautifully! On iOS 8.0 it happens all the time! Even if you turn off your favorite contacts and recent calls (I'm ashamed to say they thought) that appeared in iOS 8 (they are above programs on the multi-tasking) not solve the problem. As well, if you call the control center on the lock screen, then drop FPS will be very noticeable even to the untrained viewer (especially if you take two iPhone 5s one running iOS 7 and 8, the second on iOS and compare them on the forehead). If the Control Center click airdrop (air play) the animation of its appearance again played in spurts and not terribly nice and smoothly (especially noticeable on the lock screen and comparison of the forehead)! In a telephone call has been going absolutely shameless FPS drop a call center management and other activities!
    And yes, for me it is a critical issue! I do not want the transition to iOS 9 my iPhone 5s turned to the iPhone 4 on iOS 7 (vid you all remember this terrible story?)! I want my iPhone 5s worked as smoothly as on iOS 7.1.2! Nor any justification for this inhibition iskuvsstvennoy I can not see! 8 beautiful iOS did not! graphic elements do not appear! So goes the Apple is doing this on purpose ?! We go down the list!
    4 minor bugs that just break my brain and kill all the beauty of the use of "the best mobile operating system in the world"!
    4.1. When a call comes in when you clicked the icon making a call the phone for about 2-3 seconds, vibrates and plays a melody. On iOS 7.1.2 ringtone and vibration stops as soon as you have accepted the challenge and in your ear does not play your ringtone by "imagine Dragons", cheeks beats you invented vibration in the style of "Tick-tonic."
    4.2. When you look at the page on the Internet-phone terribly terribly strongly heated! A pair of piping hot! On iOS 7.1.2 is no such problem! Telephone hot, but not as much as on iOS 8.0!
    4.3. Folder on the home screen opens with a delay of 0.5-1 second is the impact on the overall impression of iOS 8.0.
    4.4. When you create a set (12 pieces) icons in one folder if dramatically open the folder and make swipe to the left then the following icons in this folder does not have time to boot up and are delayed by 1 second.
    4.5. When you create a folder with 1-9 icons do if the above action fails then the animation (the same bug exists in iOS 7.1.2). It is very not nice aesthetically.
    4.6. Scroll to your "Settings" felt terribly antsy. Although it is not only in the application "Settings" but also to the entire system and applications in general ...
    4.7. Scroll to the Home screen has become less responsive to user actions all movements inogoda occur with jerky animation and some delay to the user.
    4.8. Quite often, and without rational reason for going off the sensor device. That is, the screen does not respond to any user action! Helps pressing "HOME" or hard reset by holding the button "HOME" and "POWER".
    4.9. Most people on the iPhone 5s lost communication with a mobile operator. Just go on and lost and because of this I have missed calls from their loved ones and friends (would cost you to be glad that I have not missed calls on business issues).
    5.0. Many owners of iPhone 5s and iPhone 5 uhudzhenie complain about battery life. I honestly did not notice it, but we will not drop this off.
    And now gets quite an interesting question, why? Why does my iPhone 5s began to slow? Why in the absence of graphical improvements are absolutely the same actions were reproduced with the loss of fps, slow down, lag, hover, fly? Why, if put next iPhone 5s on iOS 7.1.2 and exactly the same iPhone 5s on iOS 8.0 and pull the control panel to call multitasking bar, carry out all other actions I have described it on your device running iOS 7.1.2 it will work without any delays, lags, the deterioration in the responsiveness of the interface, reducing fps, and no departures from simple applications written directly by Apple? I see absolutely no any obstacles in the way to make the iPhone 5s to the operating system iOS 8.0 worked with the same smoothness, with the same responsiveness and speed as the iPhone 5s running iOS 7.1.2! I do not see what these restrictions are not!
    There are many different bugs that I do not even remember now (as I write this text on emotions (positive) as able to roll back your iPhone 5s back to iOS 7.1.2, and he seemed to come alive with new life) and so far I have esteemed company APPLE does not eliminate these improvements do not, I will not go back to iOS 8.0! if the dispensation of these bugs, flaws, intentional degradation of the (almost identical in performance in comparison with the iPhone 6) IPhone 5s will not happen and the company APPLE will continue to apply to consumers of their products as a beta tester I will be forced to organize a petition and file a class action lawsuit in court not only in their own country (which is for the Russian Federation) but also in the United States and in other countries where people are just like me trying to deceive, mislead and force companies to buy new devices APPLE without having expressed any any more substantial explanation except as <iPhone 6 was 25% more powerful on with alignment with the iPhone 5s>!
    I hope Apple will still listen to their users and I also hope that it (Apple) still change his mind and will try in the near future to give users not-so-old devices (iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad mini Retina) and enjoy on all the new features of iOS 8 no lag, locked up, overheating, inhibited animation. Thank you for being there!
    Всем доброго времени суток! Я как и вы форумчане являюсь фанатом компании APPLE. Проживаю я в Российской Федерации. Начал свое знакомство с этой компанией в далеком 2010 году с устройства Ipad 2 тогда еще на ios 5. В январе 2014 я сделал себе подарок и купил iPhone 5s на OC IOS 7. Купил я его официально по официальной Российской цене которую выставила Apple точнее за 1100$. В нашей стране это очень большие деньги. На эти деньги я бы мог жить 3 месяца. По сути я стал обладателем топового (на тот момент) устройства от любимой компании Apple. Мой iPhone 5s прекрасно работал на ios 7. Иногда встречались легкие фризы анимации, и не критичные баги, но кто без греха? Любимой компании я был готов это простить так как вижу, что она старается быть лучше и не стоит на месте. Посмотрев презентацию WWDC на которой представили iOS 8 нас с вами уверяли, что все стало лучше, быстрее, функциональнее. Я твердо решил, что обновлю свой iPhone 5s до iOS 8.0... APPLE выпускает новую OC iOS 8... И я обновился! За красивыми словами, что нам говорили на презентации, за великолепными функциональными возможностями новой iOS скрывалось "нечто". И это "нечто" превратило мой телефон в... "тыкву"! Да! В ту самую тупую тыкву! И сейчас я объясню почему я думаю, что это тыква, а не роза.
    Море багов... причем они ужасны и страшны так как не дают мне в полноценной мере насладится работой моего iPhone 5s!
    Начнем по порядку:
    1. Потоковая передача данных посредством технологии "Air play".
    "Air play" перестал нормально работать! Он стал часто отсоединяться от Apple tv и Apple airport express последнего поколения. Apple tv 2g не может принять сигнал от моего iPhone 5s! А когда все же это у него получается то воспроизведение видео длится не долго оно просто обрывается и не дает подключиться повторно! Помогает перезагрузка Apple TV и жесткий сброс посредством удержания кнопки "HOME" и кнопки "POWER". На "Apple TV" стоит последняя прошивка так же эти проблемы проявлялись и на предыдущей прошивке устройства.
    2. Встроенный в систему Браузер "Safari".
    Вкладки в "Safari" стали постоянно обновляться когда я переключаюсь на другое приложение или на другие вкладки! Явная нехватка оперативной памяти (на iOS 7.1.2 с этим все гораздо лучше. по крайней мере при переключение вкладок не происходило повторное обновление предыдущей вкладки).
    Воспроизведение онлайн видео на не оптимизированном для мобильных устройств сайте в браузере "Safari" толком не работает! Оно включается и загружается чуть ли не до бесконечности! Порой просто черный экран с иконкой "Play" на которою нажимай хоть 100 раз, а результата 0!
    Пролистывание страниц в браузере стали до ужаса резкими и не плавными! на iOS 7.1.2 все прекрасно, плавно и красиво и таких багов нет! Общая заторможенность и задумчивость браузера "Safari".
    Если видео все же запускается (что для меня приравнивается к чуду) то при перемотке фильма происходит вообще что-то непонятное... Перемотка сама выбирает с какой минуты и секунды мне смотреть фильм (чаще просто начинает воспроизводить все с самого начала) либо не реагирует вовсе... Эта та самая магия Apple? Непохоже.
    3. Меню многозадачности (двойное нажатие кнопки "HOME").
    Вызов многозадачности (посредством двойного нажатия кнопки "HOME") стал работать с задержкой, с лагом, c дерганой анимацией, а порой и вовсе без нее.
    Центр управления (который вызывается свайпом снизу вверх) стал тормозить! Да! Именно тормозить! Анимация выпрыгивания шторки центра управления стала воспроизводиться с ощутимой потерей кадров! Если на iPhone 5s под управление OS iOS 7.1.2 все происходило плавно, красиво и динамично то в iOS 8.0 все выглядит как на iPhone 5 под управлением iOS 7.с чем это связанно решительно не понятно! Графические отличия iOS 7 от iOS 8 практически равны 0, а скорость работы сниженна практически на 50%! Как?! Почему?! Почему мой iPhone 5s стал iPhone 5?! Это искусственное замедление моего устройства для повышения спроса на iPhone 6 или все же недоработка iOS 8.0 для iPhone 5s? Дорогая компания Apple, я очень надеюсь на 2-е.  Особенно эту нехватку fps в анимации шторки заметно если открыть многозадачность (посредством двойного нажития кнопки "HOME") и вызвать центр управления и вы увидите что анимация проигрывается рывками и не плавно! На IOS 7.1.2 такого нет! Центр управления выпрыгивает плавно и красиво! На iOS 8.0 это происходит постоянно! Даже если отключить избранные контакты и недавние вызовы (я грешным делом подумал на них) которые появились в iOS 8 (они находятся выше программ на панели многозадачности) проблему не решить. Так же, если вызвать центр управления на экране блокировки то падение FPS будет очень заметно даже для неподготовленного зрителя (особенно если взять два iPhone 5s один под управление iOS 7 и второй на iOS 8 и сравнить их в лоб). Если в центре управления нажать кнопку airdrop (air play) то анимация ее появления опять таки проиграется рывками и ужасно не красиво и не плавно (особенно заметно на экране блокировки и при сравнение в лоб)! При телефонном вызове происходит уже совсем уж бессовестное падение FPS при вызове центра управления и при других действиях!
    И да, для меня это критичная проблема!  Я не хочу чтобы при переходе на iOS 9 мой iPhone 5s превратился в iPhone 4 на iOS 7 (Вы видь все помните эту страшную историю?)! Я хочу чтобы мой iPhone 5s работал так же плавно как и на iOS 7.1.2! Ни каких оправданий для этой искувсственной заторможенности я не вижу! iOS 8 красивей не стала! графических элементов больше не появилось! Так выходит компания Apple делает это специально?! Идем дальше по списку!
    4. мелкие баги которые просто разрывают мой мозг и убивают всю красоту использования "Самой лучшей мобильной операционной системы в мире"!
    4.1. При входящем вызове когда вы нажали иконку принятия вызова телефон еще около 2-3 секунд вибрирует и проигрывает мелодию. На iOS 7.1.2 мелодия и вибрация останавливается как только вы приняли вызов и вам в ухо не играет ваш рингтон в исполнении "imagine Dragons", по щекам не бьет придуманная вами вибрации в стиле "Тик-тоник".
    4.2. Когда смотришь страницы в интернете телефон ужасно-ужасно сильно греется! Парой обжигающе сильно! На iOS 7.1.2 такой проблемы нет! Телефон горячий, но не так сильно как на iOS 8.0!
    4.3. Папки на домашнем экране открываются с задержкой в 0.5-1 секунду это сказывается на общем впечатлении от iOS 8.0.
    4.4. При создании множества (12 штук) иконок в одной папке если резко открыть папку и сделать свайп влево то следующие иконки в этой папке не успевают загрузиться и отображаются с задержкой в 1 секунду.
    4.5. При создании папки с 1-9 иконками если проделать описанное выше действие то произойдет сбой анимации (этот же баг есть и в iOS 7.1.2). Это крайне не приятно эстетически.
    4.6. Пролистывание в приложении "Настройки" стало ужасно дерганым. Хотя не только в приложении "Настройки" но и по всей системе и в приложениях в целом...
    4.7. Пролистывание на Домашнем экране стало менее отзывчивое на действия пользователя все движения иногода происходят с дерганой анимацией и какой-то задержкой на действия пользователя.
    4.8. Довольно часто и без объяснимой причины происходит отключения сенсора устройства. То есть экран не реагирует ни на какие действия пользователя! Помогает нажатие кнопки "HOME" либо жесткий сброс посредством удержания кнопки "HOME" и "POWER".
    4.9. Большинства людей на  iPhone 5s пропадает связь с сотовым оператором. Просто берет и теряется и из за этого я уже пропускал звонки от своих близких и друзей (стоило бы вам порадоваться, что я не пропустил звонки по рабочим вопросам).
    5.0. Многие обладатели iPhone 5s и iPhone 5 жалуются на ухуджение работы аккумулятора. Я честно говоря этого не заметил, но не будем сбрасывать этого со счетов.
    А теперь встает довольно интересный вопрос, почему? Почему мой iPhone 5s стал тормозить? Почему при отсутствии графических улучшений абсолютно одни и те же действия стали воспроизводится с потерей fps, тормозить, лагать, зависать, вылетать? Почему если положить рядом iPhone 5s на iOS 7.1.2 и точно такой же iPhone 5s на iOS 8.0 и вытянуть панель управление, вызвать панель многозадачности, провести все остальные действия описанные мною то на устройстве под управлением iOS 7.1.2 все будет работать без каких либо задержек, лагов, ухудшение в отзывчивости интерфейса, уменьшении fps и просто без вылетов из приложений написанных непосредственно компанией Apple? Я не вижу абсолютно ни каких преград в том чтобы сделать так чтобы iPhone 5s под управлением операционной системой iOS 8.0 работал с той же плавностью, с той же отзывчивостью и скоростью, что и iPhone 5s под управлением iOS 7.1.2! Не вижу от того, что этих ограничений нет!
    Есть еще множество различных багов о которых я сейчас даже не вспомню (так как этот текст я пишу на эмоциях (положительных) так как смог откатить свой iPhone 5s обратно на iOS 7.1.2  и он как будто ожил новой жизнью) и пока глубокоуважаемая мною компания APPLE не устранит эти не доработки я не буду возвращаться обратно на iOS 8.0! если устроения этих багов, недоработок, умышленного ухудшения работы (практически одинакового по производительности в сравнении с iPhone 6) IPhone 5s не произойдет и компания APPLE будет и дальше относиться к потребителям своей продукции как к бета тестерам я буду вынужден организовать петицию и подать коллективный иск в суд не только в своей стране (коей является Российская Федерация) но и в США и в других странах где людей так же как и меня пытаются обмануть, ввести в заблуждение и заставить покупать новые устройства компании APPLE не дав на то ни каких более существенных объяснений кроме как < iPhone 6 стал на 25% мощнее по с равнению с iPhone 5s>!
    Я надеюсь компания Apple все еще прислушивается к своим пользователям и я так же надеюсь, что она (Apple) все же одумается и постарается в ближайшее время дать пользователям не таких уж и старых устройств (iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad mini Retina) наслаждаться и дальше всеми новыми возможностями операционной системы iOS 8 без лагов, подвисаний, перегревов, заторможенной анимации. Спасибо, что вы есть!

    Agreed! This bug with the ringtone delay (№4.1) is really annoying

  • IPhone iOS 7 and Macbook Air Mavericks, deleting hotmail emails to POP folder! Help!

    I have an iPhone using the iOS 7 and a Macbook Air using Mavericks (although I'm not sure how relevant this is) and both are set up to receive and send emails to my hotmail account.. Every so often (I think a month or so) I check my emails on either device to find that my hotmail emails have been deleted from my device. When I then log on to hotmail's website, they have been moved to a POP folder, so I then have to move my emails to my inbox and the phone and macbook start receiving them again, very strange! I assume somewhere the settings are wrong, on either my macbook or phone (or possibly hotmail itself). If you have any ideas, please help me, it's getting very annoying!

    Hey lkpolovchik,
    Thanks for the question. Yes, you can continue to use iCloud Contacts, Calendars and other services with OS X Mavericks and iOS 8 devices. Only some features require iOS 8. For a full list of minimum system requirements by feature, check out the following resource:
    System requirements for iCloud - Apple Support
    Matt M.

  • How do I unlock an iPhone 4 with iOS 7 and bypass the activation lock?

    How do I unlock an iPhone 4 with iOS 7 and bypass the activation lock? I can't find the previous owner and I really want to use my new iPhone, I did purchase it Second-Handed.and now I'm stuck. Ive tried recovery mode and nothing still restores and asks me the same thing. Been working on this forever- Please Help!

    If you want to risk your money, fine. 
    To answer your questions
    Is this just an iOS 7 feature?
    Yes, Activation Lock is an iOS 7 feature.
      Could you not restore the device to an earlier version?
    No, you cannot downgrade your iOS device.
    That may mean jailbreaking, I'm not sure.
    Jailbreaking is not supported by Apple or this forum.
    Or what about replacing the motherboard?
    There are no user serviceable parts on an iPhone.

  • I have an ipod touch 2g version 4.3, can i update software to ios 5, and if so can some please send me a link, thats for dummies, lol thanks

    i have an ipod touch 2g version 4.3, is it possible to update to ios 5, if so how do i do it, could anyone send me a link, that a dummie could use, i need help

    A 2G iPod can only go as high as iOS 4.2.1
    A 3G to 5.1.1
    To update
    The Settings>General>Software Update comes with iOS 5 and later.
    A 2G to 4.2.1. Requires iTunes version 10.X. If a Mac it requires OSX 10.5.8 or later. With OSX 10.4.11 you can only go to iTunes 9.X which gets you as high as iOS 4.1
    A 3G to 5.1.1  Requires iTunes version 10.5 or later
    Identifying iPod models
    iPod touch (3rd generation)
    iPod touch (3rd generation) features a 3.5-inch (diagonal) widescreen multi-touch display and 32 GB or 64 GB flash drive. You can browse the web with Safari and watch YouTube videos with Wi-Fi. You can also search, preview, and buy songs from the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store on iPod touch.
    The iPod touch (3rd generation) can be distinguished from iPod touch (2nd generation) by looking at the back of the device. In the text below the engraving, look for the model number. iPod touch (2nd generation) is model A1288, and iPod touch (3rd generation) is model A1318.

  • I updated an iPod touch, an iPad 2, and an iPhone 4 to iOS 6, and all of them now will not connect to WiFi. They all give this wierd 404 error page from Apple and insist that I need to login to the network. Bad job testing the software Apple.

    I updated an iPod touch, an iPad 2, and an iPhone 4 to iOS 6, and all of them now will not connect to WiFi. They all give this wierd 404 error page from Apple and insist that I need to login to the network. What's the fix? None of the recommended fixes work in any of these devices. Reset device, reset network, renew lease, etc. None of them work.

    Does the iPod work OK?
    Does it charge when connect to the computer?
    Does it appear in My Computer?
    Look at the dock connector on the iPod. Compare with the iPod that does work/connect.
    I suspect you have a 2G iPod. Those can only go to iOS 4.2.1
    iPod touch (3rd generation)
    iPod touch (3rd generation) features a 3.5-inch (diagonal) widescreen multi-touch display and 32 GB or 64 GB flash drive. You can browse the web with Safari and watch YouTube videos with Wi-Fi. You can also search, preview, and buy songs from the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store on iPod touch.
    The iPod touch (3rd generation) can be distinguished from iPod touch (2nd generation) by looking at the back of the device. In the text below the engraving, look for the model number. iPod touch (2nd generation) is model A1288, and iPod touch (3rd generation) is model A1318.

  • I installed IOS 7 and now it won't accept my password. How do i fix it?

    I finally got around to installing IOS 7 and now my phone won't accept the 4 digit passcode. I didn't think about disabling that feature before the upgrade. Never had a problem before. And yes, I'm sure I'm using the right code. I use it many times per day! I tried plugging into my computer and itunes but since it isn't unlcocked it won't recognize it. Likewise with iCloud. I tried find my phone and it comes up offline. This is a last ditch effort. I can't even phone a friend! Any workaround?

    The security is tighter in iOS7,
    When you install it for the first time it asks you a few questions to configure these new settings, and I'm wondering that you may be confusing the new authorization scheme for your old password.
    When first running iOS7 after the upgrade it will ask you for (not your iPhone password) but your iCloud/Apple ID password.
    Read the questions carefully and make sure that you're not confusing the two as prompted. You may not be, but this is my initial thoughts, as the install does not change any existing passwords but does link the hardware to iCloud to further prevent theft.

  • Mail on iOS 5 and iCloud sync (Mails are not marked as read when I read them on my MacBook)

    Hello everyone,
    I am an iOS 5 and OS X Lion User in Germany and I have following question concering Mail on iOS 5 and iCloud.
    I have a MacBook Pro 13" with OS X Lion 10.7.2 and an iPhone 4 with iOS 5. I also have an iCloud account (I switched yesterday from MobileMe).
    When I receive a new e-Mail it will be pushed immediately to my iPhone an my MacBook. When I open this new e-mail on my iPhone, it is immediately marked as read on my MacBook. But when I open the new e-mail on my MacBook, it is not marked as read on my iPhone. I have manually to sync mail first.
    Does anyone know if this feature is not supported on iCloud and iOS 5? Thanks for your help!

    Add me to the list of people having this problem.
    I have 1 Gmail account a 2 Google Apps accounts and this happens with all 3. If I read a messaging in, it DOES get marked read on my iPod Touch, though.
    If I read the emails on my iPod Touch, BlackBerry, or Gmail web interface, the read status does not get synced back to unless I close and re-open it.
    Not sure if this is an Apple issue or a Gmail issue, but it's VERY annoying and somewhat defeats the purpose of using IMAP.

  • How do I uninstall IOS 7 and go back to 6?

    Downloaded iOS 7 and am very disappointed with look. Very immature and cartoonish design of icons. Some new features are ok but not worth keeping since I prefer old look and feel. How do I get old icons back, or uninstall update?

    I agree 100% but you wont get heard here.
    If you want apple to hear you, use:
    Write them, I did. Hopefully they will turn back like Coke did with Coke II.

  • TS1702 No longer able to sign into a free app after iOS 7 and the app (password books) is no longer available

    I am unable to sign-in to the Password Books App after installing IOS 7 and the app is no longer in iTunes , published by Razor Apps, LLC, have all my passwords in this app.

    WORKAROUND: In iTunes, select the podcast files and hit CMD-I (show info). Set the genre to something other than "Podcast", and in the Options tab, set the Media Type to Music. You can do this to the files that are on your iPhone. If you do this to the files on your computer, they will no longer show up as Podcasts - they'll be mixed in with music files in your library. You can then put these podcasts into playlists on the iPhone, and they'll show up on the phone once it's disconnected. You might need to fool around with this a bit - try it more than once, etc. - I had some podcasts not show up on the iPhone until after a SECOND connect-and-disconnect operation with the computer. Others here might do some experimenting and figure out a smoother set of instructions that will always work - but this is a starting point.
    Note that I ALWAYS "manage music and video files manually" - I NEVER "sync" music and video. Your mileage may vary.
    Apple - please listen: The handling of podcasts in iOS 7 is not a feature, it's a bug. As you can tell from the comments here, MANY people need to manage podcasts as if they were music files (and sometimes, THEY ARE!!!!). The arbitrary decision to treat podcasts differently is WRONG - an audio file is an audio file. I don't need to buy one TV to watch sports and one TV to watch news - because video is video. Get it? If you want to provide a Podcasts app, that's fine, and anyone who wants to use it can do so. But don't RUIN the previous, excellent functionality that we had before, when it's completely unnecessary and a colossal pain (not to mention insult) to your customers. And in some cases, it's a serious driving safety issue.
    I'll be watching this space to see if others can refine the basic workaround that I've found.
    UPDATE: It appears that changing the genre is unnecessary, only the "Media Type". It's probably best to do this only to the copies on the iPhone, so the files in your computer's library are not altered.

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