IOS 8 Health... how do you use?

How do you use the iOS 8 Health addition on a non-iPhone 6 phone?

how do you use it at all for that matter... any apps even support this?

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    It is a camera that is always with you (assuming you always take it with you), so you can capture that picture that happens once in a life time.  Also the camera is great when shopping for "Big Ticket" items as you can take pictures to remind you of things you were looking at so you can do additional research at home before making your final decision.
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    Contains my contacts for friends, family, and businesses (plumber, dentist, doctor, etc...)
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    When connected to WiFi it can be used for Facetime when calling a friend or family member that also has an iOS device.  Seeing a loved one when they are not near can be emotionally satisfying.  You can also make skype calls.
    I use 1Password to store all my passwords.  It keeps them secure, I always have them with me, and I do not need to use the same password over and over again, or make them too simple to remember.  1Password has a built-in browser so you it can substitute the correct password for the web site you are visting without actually needing to look it up.
    1Password related but not passwords.  Because 1Password encrypts all the data it holds, I can also store sensitive information (such as medical conditions, or other information I do not want made public should my device be lost or stolen), yet always have that information with me should I need it.
    I can get the weather.  This week, I've been using an app to get high/low Tide infromation, plus sunrise information.  But getting weather info when you wake up so you can plan your day and if you need to shovel the driveway before going to work.  I find it easier to get the weather from my iOS device than it is to use my laptop or turn on the Weather Channel.
    Calclator.  2+2 = 4, but there are times you do need to get something right, and calculators are useful. They have all kinds available, including hexidecimal calculators for programmers.
    RSS newsfeed reader (I follow about 20+ feeds, including these discussions groups via RSS feeds).
    Travel services.  Most airports have WiFi, and you can get updated travel info for your flights via some speciallized travel apps.
    If you are into tracking your car mileage, gas usage, maintenance costs, etc..., there are apps for that.
    While you can watch video on your iOS device (downloaded movies, YouTube), you can also stream movies from services such as Netflix.  This can be useful when traveling, or if you are stuck in bed with a cold, or if you have lost control of the "Remote" and do not want to watch "Dancing with the Stars"
    TV related, there are apps that will give you the TV schedule for your area, so you can browse the shows on this evening.
    List.  You can keep lists, including grocery shopping lists, items to pack for a trip lists, things to do for that bathroom remodel, things you need to get before school starts, Christmas lists, etc....  NOTE:  Ideas for Christmas/Birthday/Anniversary gifts may come anytime during the year, but if you do not write them down, you may be scratching your head when the event arrives.  Putting them in a list can help you later on.
    You can get a Level app.  You may laugh, but I have actually used my iOS device to check if something was level.  It was there, and a carpenters level was not.  Not perfect, but it did what I needed at the time.
    Finding a good resturante (Yelp, Urbanspoon, etc...).  The iOS device can be very helpful in finding a good nearby place to eat when away from home, or even discovering a new play where you live to get out of that eat at the same place rut.
    That is some of the things I use my iOS device for.

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    Hi Tim,
    I'm not a user so I can only share some information to you.
    Mike Jacquet wrote an article about backup SQL database with DPM. Please see if it could help. Also Mike will sometimes reply threads in this forum so if there is anything unclear you can also post your question in reply :)
    How to protect your Data Protection Manager SQL database
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and un-mark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    1. The way iTunes sorts tracks and albums
    2. The reason to select a leading check box
    3. Why there are Option selections (Yes /No) and leading check boxes.
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    As Christopher says, it's a compilation. Different tracks are by different artists.
    Setting the *Album Artist* field to *Various Artists* and setting *Part of a compilation* to Yes should be all that is required. Depending on your *Group compilations when browsing* setting ( I recommend On ) either should suffice but I suggest doing both.
    Based on your commentary, I selected all the "O Brother" tracks, and checked the boxes for everything line that was blank in the Info and the Sort panes. Only exceptions were the album name and the disc number 1 of 1 and the artwork. I blanked and checked anything else.
    That's not what I meant. When you select multiple tracks, only those values which +are already common+ to all tracks are displayed. Typically these will include Artist, though not with compilation albums, Album Artist, Album, No. of Tracks, Genre plus various sort fields. A blank value may indicate that different tracks have different values or it may be that the value is blank for all tracks. For the drop down values on the Options tab the value shown may not reflect the information in every tag. If values you expect to be common, such as Album Artist or the Album title are not displayed you can simply type these in and click OK. This will often be enough to group the album.
    If you place a checkmark against the blank boxes and apply changes then you will clear those fields so you should only do this if that is the effect you want. Putting a checkmark next to an empty (representing different values) *Track No.* box, for example, will just clear the all the track numbers which is very rarely useful.
    Adding then removing extra text is for a specific problem where despite all common values being identical across the tracks of the album iTunes seems to "remember" that it should see two albums. A typical example would be when an album originally listed as *Album CD1* & *Album CD2* is given disc numbers X of Y and then has the Album name changed to Album. I've seen iTunes merge all but one track into the new album, but insist on listing one remaining track separately, despite both albums having the same title. In this case I've found overtyping the album title again has no effect whereas changing it to AlbumX and then back to Album does what I was trying to achieve in the first place.
    Don't forget that even properly organsied albums may still break up if you don't chose an album-friendly view. Sorting on the track name or track number columns can be useful in some circumstances but in general I revert to Album by Artist when browsing through my library.

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    Readyhosting is still around? They were a really good host back at the turn of the century then were bought by a company that proceeded to hire incompetents and became totally unreliable. I'd have thought they folded a decade ago.
    As others said, this is an issue to be resolved through Readyhosting's support personnel. EW is not really deigned for managing database servers. If their connection permits it you can use the MS SQL tools to manage remotely (doubt they allow it though)
    and most people use MS Web Developer Express for their database work on small websites not EW.
    Free Expression Web Tutorials
    For an Expression Web forum without the posting issues try

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