IOS App View Bugs

Help! I'm getting this bug that zooms out Facebook and Twitter apps on my 4S. I've tried restarting, deleting and reinstalling and restoring the phone, but this bug persists. Any ideas?

Check your settings to see if Accessibility functions are turn on: Settings App > General > Accessibility. Zoom is the likely culprit if this is the issue.

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    Flash Builder is developed on top of Eclipse platform, which is basically a pluggable architecture - nothing wrong with that. Number of files do not really affect the overall application performance. In general you should not touch that, unless you really know what you doing and can manage all the dependencies on your own. I agree, though, that's is quite unfortunate that Adobe decided to hide the AIR SDK deep inside plugins, instead dragging it out to a top-level folder, where it's visible and available for change. It was possible with Flex SDK configured externally, so why not here?

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    Hi Sharik Kurikkal,
    If you have concerns about how a list may be appearing or the items that are listed on the App Store, you may want to send in feedback about what you are seeing to the iTunes Store; you may find the following page helpful:
    Apple - iTunes - Feedback
    - Brenden

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    Thank you.

    As always, feel free to use Report a Bug for any samples, doc additions, feature requests or enhancements you'd like to see as well. Add your BR# to this thread for reference, thanks.
    But I wouldn't hold my breath on this would only result in immediate scams.

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    Thanks much, Jon

    Well, I followed the iOS language list in iTunes thread   in this forum and was able to get rid of them all. I have to say that not any single reply in the thread was exactly right. It took a combination of Saumitra Bhave's and spinlight's replies and mass of trial and error to get it all to work. Even the App loader utility came up as obsolete! I have uploaded the updated binary to Apple and am awaiting their approval. The biggest issue is the placement of and actual coding in the entitlements plist; spinlight had the right idea, but, at least in my case, was coded out a bit different. Also, it was not exactly apparent that you had to use the teminal untility to recodesign the app after tearing it apart. Thank the heavens I have a least a basic understanding of how things work on the Mac and was able to puzzle it out. If Apple approves the app and all things look good, I will follow up here with what I did. Of course, if Adobe would kill this bug with a giant can of bug spray, this crazy work around wouldn't be needed...
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    Is there a way to create an iOS app in Flash CS5.5 and make it a file sharing app?

    I used the following code for sharing files to documents directory, and it works just fine. I am able to access the files copied by the app.
    I made this app using Flash Builder. I will share another one using Flash Pro, soon.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx=""
              xmlns:s="library://" title="Share File">
              <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
                   public function shareFile():void
                                  var file:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("original.swf");
                        var dest:File = File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath("copy.swf");
                        file.copyTo(dest, true);
                        input.text = "File Written";
         <s:TextArea id="input" x="216" y="89" width="336" height="59"/>
         <s:Button id="button" x="292" y="220" width="184" height="50" label="Share Data" click="shareFile()"/>
    Can you please share the app/more details about the issue in the meanwhile?

  • Need help with languages issue in iOS app created in Flash Pro CS5.5

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    I'm using Flash Pro CS5.5 on a Mac running Snow Leopard to create an iOS app by publishing with 'AIR for iOS' from inside Flash Pro. Everything works great except after I submit my app to the Apple App Store and it is approved, the App Store listing claims that the app is available in a ton of different languages including English, German, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, etc. Since this app is a word game and all the words are in English, this is a pretty significant issue.
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    I have also tried setting the plist attribute 'CFBundleLocalizations' to 'English' by editing the 'app.xml'. I have verified that the attribute has been changed correctly but it does not solve the issue. All of the localizations are still active.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Can you try workaround given at and post back your findings.

  • Sticky notes in iOS App

    I have a Adobe PDF document the i want to add sticky notes to in the Adobe App on iOS.
    However when I click the edit option it tells me the document is protected. The documents securtiy settings are:
    Adding sticky notes works fine on a pc.
    Is there a way to get sticky notes to work on the app but keeping editing/copying locked?
    Thank you in advance.

    There is a special Reader for iOS sub-forum:

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    Anybody else having this kind of behavior?

    Thanks for your prompt reply. I have found the way to reproduce. It is about interfaces, and when I try to call a method through an interface the app crashes. I think that it is related to having an interface with many parameters. I have logged the bug here:
    Bug#3935199 - iOS App crashes when calling an objects method through interface

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