Ios4 crashing my 3GS

My phone worked wonderfully until i upgraded to this ios4. Now the phone "crashes" (shows me the pic of the cord and itunes) CONSTANTLY!!!! I have restored it too many times to count, lost half of my phone contacts and have even gone so far as to restore it to one of my kids phones backups. I am so frustrated!!! There was NOTHING wrong with this phone and now it is a worthless piece of junk. I can't wait for Apple to call to tell me that I can purchace a new one!!

Hello, I have attempted to update my iphone with the new update to OS/4 i have the 3gS 16gb and it stopped working.... I returned my iphone and was given a new one again I did the update on the same day and guess what? yep it doesn't work either, and when attempting to restore it I get the following message "The iphone "iphone" could not be restored. This device isn't eligible for the requested build" now it dosen't switch on either I have now retuned it back to Apple who say they will look into it and replace it...... maybe i will be 3rd time lucky?
Good luck to anyone else who has had the same problem and it you were able to restore it please leave a message to say how because I feel like i have had my right arm cut off. I am using "windows 7" and wondered if maybe they are not compatable with each other.

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    1. You are thread-jacking. Kangdequan has an open question and adding unrelated questions to that, will not help him at all. Kangdequan, please see below.
    2. There have been countless articles in the last few years explaining why some countries have iTunes music stores and others not. The main reason is something called copyright.
    3. There is an Apple app store in the Philippines.
    4. There are many other sources of music.
    Kandequan. It may be that something has become corrupted, but I also see a problem in that the iPhone is only supposed to sync with one computer. Trying to sync with a second one will not work.
    There are a number of things you may need to do now, but first decide which computer is to be the one that you sync with: the master, if you will.
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    You can only restore an iphone to iOS 4, as that is the only software currently signed by Apple. When you get your new phone, and restore from backup, iOS 4 will be installed on your phone. If your new phone comes with 3.1.3(possible, but unlikely), and you do not want to upgrade to iOS 4, your only choice is to set the phone up as new & not restore from backup.

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    Assuming you mean bought/free Apps try this ...
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    Also in the previous iTunes there used to be a tab for "pictures" just like "movies" "Music" "tv-shows" etc the "picture" tab is missing.........?!?!
    My wife also has a 3GS and I did the software update on hers.....and there everything works just fine!!
    I have so far come to the conclusion that I could restore to factory settings and start fresh with the option "set up as new iphone", but then I would loose all contacts.....all programs and email settings........which is a pain in the butt.........
    I'd appreciate if someone could help me because the help desk in Norway (Apple resellers) don't have a clew.....
    Thanks in advance

    Someone gave me help in my own thread. They used a Mac program and deleted files, but Im on Windows 7.
    I used iBackupBot 3.0.7
    Just load it up (I had my phone connected). The select a backup and then select 'Browse and export media' button then on the pop up window is a complete list of all my missing media. There is an export button in the top corner.
    I have all my photos and videos back now YAY!
    Thanks all!

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    how do i get ios4,xxx?
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