IPad email stuck in endless loop of sending corrupted attachment

I sent an email from my iPad 2 days ago with picture as an attachment bcc to myself as usual and immediately came back corrupted with picture as reams of text. Now keep receiving same email every 20 minutes or so and even seems to being sent when I turn off my iPad. I suspect outbox error. What I am not sure about is if I sent through iCloud or my own ISP. How do I stop send process?

Reset made no difference but seems to have stopped either spontaneously or at the same time i put ipad into airplane mode and not restarted after airplane mode turned off. Weird.

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    Sometimes a cold re-start is necessary.
    On your iPad double click your Home button to reveal all apps that are running in the background.
    Tap and HOLD on the Mail icon until it wiggles and displays a "-" button then tap on the "-" to turn OFF Mail (I recommend shutting all apps off at this point).
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    once u have restored from back up it will do the set up assistant as u said, when u get to the part where it asks if u want to set up as new, hit that. it will let u in and ur back up will be there. at least thats the way its suppose to work. if it doesnt u can always erase all content and settings to go back to the loop.

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    First thing to do is never post your actual email address in the forums; you don't want to get lots of spam as a result of spambots harvesting that address.
    Next, login to the web interface of your .mac account and verify how many messages are actually there, both new Unread messages, and already Read messages. Write those numbers down and then logout.
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    Hey cdlordo,
    Thanks for the question. I understand that you are experiencing issues with your iPad after attempting to install iOS 8. To troubleshoot, let’s go ahead and place your device into recovery mode and restore it with iTunes:
    If you can't update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    Matt M.

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    pls help..
    var01 VARCHAR2(1000);
    var02 VARCHAR2(1000);
    var03_error VARCHAR2(1000);
    cnt number(3);
    CURSOR cur is
    SELECT * from temp_merge01
    FOR i IN cur
    var01 := i.action01;
    var02 := substr(replace(var01,''),1, (instr(replace(var01,''),chr(10))));
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    dbms_output.put_line('var02: '|| var02);
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    Sure, just as soon as you come round to my house and do the laundry for me ;)
    Alternatively, you could put a bit of effort in and fix the basic errors. You say that you are stuck in an endless loop. That is not possible from the code that you have supplied, there are therefore two possibilities.
    1. You lied i.e. you are actually trying to run the above code, it errors and you want someone to fix it, but thou8ght that somehow implying a different error in the code would get someone to do your work for you.
    2. You Poste d code different to that which you are actuially running and your code does indeed have an infinite loop. In which case, post the code that actually runs but drops into an endless loop.

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    Sure, just as soon as you come round to my house and do the laundry for me ;)
    Alternatively, you could put a bit of effort in and fix the basic errors. You say that you are stuck in an endless loop. That is not possible from the code that you have supplied, there are therefore two possibilities.
    1. You lied i.e. you are actually trying to run the above code, it errors and you want someone to fix it, but thou8ght that somehow implying a different error in the code would get someone to do your work for you.
    2. You Poste d code different to that which you are actuially running and your code does indeed have an infinite loop. In which case, post the code that actually runs but drops into an endless loop.

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    Werner Kranwetvogel wrote:
    Thanks for the tipp, Pondini. Did exactly as you told me and now it works,
    even if it's a shame that all the old backups are gone.
    They were corrupted, so might have been useless anyway.
    Wonder what happens, when my TimeCapsule will be full again and Time Machine has to delete old backups once more. Do I have to do this hard restart again, or will it work like it should? We'll see about that.
    Unless Time Machine needs to do another full backup, or perhaps a very large one, you should be fine. This was a "perfect storm" of needing to do a full backup and a "deep traversal" at the same time. We've seen that on rare occasions; why it has to repeat the "deep traversal" after deleting each backup is not clear, but at least it's rare.

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    Thanks very much.  That did it.
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    I assume you did an iOS update. First, you should always backup before you update. Second, never update when you are away from your sync/backup computer. There's no way without your computer. And, never update unless you are in your home country.
    iPad: Unable to update or restore
    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
    If you can’t update or restore your iOS device
    iPad Stuck in Recovery Mode after Update
    http://www.transfer-iphone-recovery.com/ipad-stuck-in-recovery-mode-after-update .html
     Cheers, Tom

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    A wipe can take hours. and hours.
    Especially if you might have had encryption enabed, did you? In that case, 6-12 hours.
    And, according to how much data in the device memory you had...
    leave it to wipe. plug it to a charger so the battery doesn't go dead.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
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    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
    Join our BBM Channels (Beta)
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  • My iPhone 5 sync seems to be stuck on endless loop

    I just got my iPhone 5 tonight and I plugged it in (after running through the setup and everything).
    I am choosing to set it up as a new iPhone.
    After I clicked next on the "Set up your iPhone" wizard in iTunes it seems that the sync process has frozen or something. Nothing appears out of the ordinary when I click the home button on the phone, yet iTunes has been stuck "Syncing iPhone" for a long time now.
    Any ideas? Anyone else seen this?
    iTunes is the latest version.
    I'm afraid to unplug the phone. I really want this stupid thing to work on this PC!!!

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  • Time capsule stuck in endless loop after installation of Snow Leopard

    I've done an upgrade to Snow Leopard on my Unibody Macbook.
    Then when I started Time Machine for the first time, it asked me if I wanted to use my existing backup file or make a new one. I went for the existing backup file and it gave me a warning that I wouldn't be able to use it on my old machine anymore. I went for it.
    Then I let it go for something like 15 hours, but it would always get to a certain percentage at "Calculating Changes", but never complete the actual backup. It would somehow restart after a while and start again from the beginning.
    I tried this both wired and wirelessly. Also, I do not have access to my old backups in Time Machine. I just see "today".
    I've looked in Console and filtered the syslog for "backupd". This clearly shows that it stops and starts several times. Problem is that I don't understand why this happens and how to solve it.
    If anyone can shine a light on this, that would be great. Below are a few hours worth of logfile.
    Kind regards,
    Aug 26 00:30:20 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 208.82 GB requested (including padding), 5.76 GB available
    Aug 26 00:30:20 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:30:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Stopping backup.
    Aug 26 00:30:22 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 00:30:24 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 00:30:24 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    Aug 26 00:31:04 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    Aug 26 00:31:04 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 00:31:04 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule
    Aug 26 00:31:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"
    Aug 26 00:31:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 26 00:31:11 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Node requires deep traversal:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/iPhoto Library reason:must scan subdirs|missed reservation|
    Aug 26 00:31:11 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    Aug 26 00:40:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 208.82 GB requested (including padding), 5.76 GB available
    Aug 26 00:40:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:40:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Stopping backup.
    Aug 26 00:40:47 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 00:40:49 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 00:40:49 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    Aug 26 00:41:29 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    Aug 26 00:41:29 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 00:41:29 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule
    Aug 26 00:41:32 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"
    Aug 26 00:41:32 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 26 00:41:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    Aug 26 00:41:37 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Node requires deep traversal:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/iPhoto Library reason:must scan subdirs|missed reservation|
    Aug 26 00:51:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 208.82 GB requested (including padding), 5.76 GB available
    Aug 26 00:51:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 00:51:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 00:51:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:51:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 00:51:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Stopping backup.
    Aug 26 00:51:14 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 00:51:16 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 00:51:16 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    Aug 26 00:51:56 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    Aug 26 00:51:56 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 00:51:56 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule
    Aug 26 00:51:59 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"
    Aug 26 00:51:59 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 26 00:52:03 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    Aug 26 00:52:03 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Node requires deep traversal:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/iPhoto Library reason:must scan subdirs|missed reservation|
    Aug 26 01:01:38 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 208.82 GB requested (including padding), 5.76 GB available
    Aug 26 01:01:38 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042: 5.76 GB now available
    Aug 26 01:01:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Stopping backup.
    Aug 26 01:01:40 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 01:01:42 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 01:01:42 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    Aug 26 01:02:22 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    Aug 26 01:02:22 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 01:02:22 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule
    Aug 26 01:02:25 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"
    Aug 26 01:02:25 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 26 01:02:30 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    Aug 26 01:02:30 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Node requires deep traversal:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/iPhoto Library reason:must scan subdirs|missed reservation|
    Aug 26 01:12:51 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 01:12:54 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 01:12:56 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[6589]: Ejected Time Machine network volume.
    Aug 26 01:29:14 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 01:29:14 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Attempting to mount network destination using URL: afp://Bastian%[email protected]/Bastian%20Time%20Capsule
    Aug 26 01:29:15 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Mounted network destination using URL: afp://Bastian%[email protected]/Bastian%20Time%20Capsule
    Aug 26 01:29:17 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Failed to mount disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle (DIHLDiskImageAttach returned: 35)
    Aug 26 01:29:17 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Waiting 60 seconds and trying again.
    Aug 26 01:29:18 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Ejected Time Machine network volume.
    Aug 26 01:30:18 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Attempting to mount network destination using URL: afp://Bastian%[email protected]/Bastian%20Time%20Capsule
    Aug 26 01:30:18 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Mounted network destination using URL: afp://Bastian%[email protected]/Bastian%20Time%20Capsule
    Aug 26 01:30:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Failed to mount disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle (DIHLDiskImageAttach returned: 35)
    Aug 26 01:30:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Waiting 60 seconds and trying again.
    Aug 26 01:30:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Ejected Time Machine network volume.
    Aug 26 01:31:20 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Attempting to mount network destination using URL: afp://Bastian%[email protected]/Bastian%20Time%20Capsule
    Aug 26 01:31:20 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Mounted network destination using URL: afp://Bastian%[email protected]/Bastian%20Time%20Capsule
    Aug 26 01:31:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Failed to mount disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle (DIHLDiskImageAttach returned: 35)
    Aug 26 01:31:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Giving up after 3 retries.
    Aug 26 01:31:26 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backup failed with error: 31
    Aug 26 01:31:27 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Ejected Time Machine network volume.
    Aug 26 01:32:16 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 01:32:16 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Attempting to mount network destination using URL: afp://Bastian%[email protected]/Bastian%20Time%20Capsule
    Aug 26 01:32:16 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Mounted network destination using URL: afp://Bastian%[email protected]/Bastian%20Time%20Capsule
    Aug 26 01:32:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"
    Aug 26 01:32:21 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 26 01:32:30 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/iPhoto Library reason:must scan subdirs|missed reservation|
    Aug 26 01:32:30 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    Aug 26 01:54:54 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Compacting storage: 208.83 GB requested (including padding), 33.15 GB available before compacting
    Aug 26 01:54:54 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Stopping backup.
    Aug 26 01:54:55 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 01:54:59 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 01:54:59 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    Aug 26 01:55:43 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    Aug 26 01:55:43 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 01:55:44 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule
    Aug 26 01:55:47 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"
    Aug 26 01:55:47 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 26 01:55:55 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/iPhoto Library reason:must scan subdirs|missed reservation|
    Aug 26 01:55:55 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    Aug 26 02:11:18 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 208.83 GB requested (including padding), 33.15 GB available
    Aug 26 02:11:18 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 02:11:18 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:11:19 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Stopping backup.
    Aug 26 02:11:20 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 02:11:22 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 02:11:22 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    Aug 26 02:12:09 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    Aug 26 02:12:09 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 02:12:09 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule
    Aug 26 02:12:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"
    Aug 26 02:12:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 26 02:12:16 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/iPhoto Library reason:must scan subdirs|missed reservation|
    Aug 26 02:12:16 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    Aug 26 02:22:11 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 208.83 GB requested (including padding), 33.15 GB available
    Aug 26 02:22:11 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 02:22:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 02:22:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:22:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 02:22:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 02:22:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:22:12 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 02:22:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 02:22:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:22:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 02:22:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 02:22:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:22:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 02:22:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 02:22:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:22:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Stopping backup.
    Aug 26 02:22:13 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 02:22:16 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 02:22:16 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    Aug 26 02:22:55 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    Aug 26 02:22:55 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 02:22:55 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule
    Aug 26 02:22:58 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"
    Aug 26 02:22:58 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 26 02:23:03 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/iPhoto Library reason:must scan subdirs|missed reservation|
    Aug 26 02:23:03 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    Aug 26 02:32:35 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 208.83 GB requested (including padding), 33.15 GB available
    Aug 26 02:32:35 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:32:36 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 02:32:37 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 02:32:37 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:32:37 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Stopping backup.
    Aug 26 02:32:37 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 02:32:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 02:32:39 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    Aug 26 02:33:20 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    Aug 26 02:33:20 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 02:33:20 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule
    Aug 26 02:33:22 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"
    Aug 26 02:33:23 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 26 02:33:29 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/iPhoto Library reason:must scan subdirs|missed reservation|
    Aug 26 02:33:29 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    Aug 26 02:43:06 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 208.83 GB requested (including padding), 33.15 GB available
    Aug 26 02:43:06 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:43:07 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 02:43:08 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 02:43:08 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:43:08 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Stopping backup.
    Aug 26 02:43:08 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 02:43:11 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 02:43:11 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    Aug 26 02:43:57 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    Aug 26 02:43:57 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 26 02:43:57 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule
    Aug 26 02:44:00 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Disk image /Volumes/Bastian Time Capsule/BM’s MacBook Pro 15"_0017f2d2f0b3.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"
    Aug 26 02:44:01 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 26 02:44:04 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    Aug 26 02:44:04 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Node requires deep traversal:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/iPhoto Library reason:must scan subdirs|missed reservation|
    Aug 26 02:53:44 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 208.83 GB requested (including padding), 33.15 GB available
    Aug 26 02:53:44 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 02:53:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649
    Aug 26 02:53:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-04-110649: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:53:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 02:53:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943
    Aug 26 02:53:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-07-115943: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:53:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 02:53:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634
    Aug 26 02:53:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-08-091634: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:53:45 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 02:53:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726
    Aug 26 02:53:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-10-081726: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:53:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Found partially deleted backup - trying again to delete: 2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 02:53:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Error -47 deleting backup: /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042
    Aug 26 02:53:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Backup of BM’s MacBook Pro 15"/Backups.backupdb/BM’s MacBook Pro 15" (3)/2009-03-11-094042: 33.15 GB now available
    Aug 26 02:53:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Stopping backup.
    Aug 26 02:53:46 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Backup canceled.
    Aug 26 02:53:49 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Aug 26 02:53:49 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    Aug 26 02:54:29 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    Aug 26 02:54:29 BM-MBP101 com.apple.backupd[7534]: Starting standard backup

    BastianM wrote:
    Thank you for your feedback. I tried repairing in Disk Utility, but it didn't find any problems.
    I think it may have to do with some of the things mentioned in this article about new hardware and time machine backups: http://www.tuaw.com/2009/07/20/mac-301-time-machine-backups-after-your-macs-brai n-surgery/
    Reason is that I changed my Macbook Pro for a new model Unibody one at the same time I upgraded to snow Leopard.
    How did you get the data, etc., from the old Mac to the new one?
    Not sure if these instructions play nice with Snow Leopard, and frankly I'm a bit amazed this doesn't work smoothly out of the box. People must upgrade their machines all the time, and its only logical you'll want to pick up from your last backup.
    If someone who understands about these things tells me there's a good chance that I'll get things working if I'll follow the instructions in the article, I'll give it a go.
    No. Those instructions are for a *completely different* problem: if you have the Logic board replaced. Because the hardware on the Logic board contains your Mac's "Ethernet Address," which TM uses to keep one Mac's backups separate from another's, TM starts a whole new "sequence" of backups. It does not cause what you're seeing.
    Since +*Repair Disk+* didn't find any directory problems, the corruption must be within the backup structure itself -- the multi-links that TM uses. That means your best bet is to erase the disk completely and let TM start fresh, as in my last post.
    Have you ever moved, change, or deleted anything in your backups via the Finder?

  • Firefox stuck in endless loop asking to restart to finish previous update but does nothing. Can uninstall or install newer version over it. I believe the setup files were erased before reboot by another installer. How do i fix this?

    Anything i try related to firefix gets "Your computer must be restarted to complete a previous upgrade of Firefox" I have tried rebooting no luck, i have tired uninstalling from add remove programs or installing 4.0 over it. At the time I was try to upgrade from 3.0 to 3.6.15. I tried searching for the xpicleanup.dat file but no luck there.
    Any suggestions to get firefox back up and running

    I was having the same problem, so I deleted 'firefox.exe.moz-upgrade' from 'C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox' directory, as recommended. Now it no longer says it needs a restart to complete a previous installation. It says it needs a restart to complete a previous uninstall. What do I do now? Help!

  • Time Machine backup stuck in endless loop.

    I'm a MacBook Pro, 10.6.8 running Time Machine. Everything was fine until today, my browser crashed - got the "aw snap!" message in Chrome. Last time this happened it triggered a whole system wide crash which also corrupted my back-up disk. Crazy. I got a new hard drive put in, was able to remount the backup disc and restore all my stuff.
    Today, the crash seemed restricted to the browser.  Restarted Chrome and everything working fine. Until my next backup, which went on and on and on and on. It would get to 100% and then start all over again. In my backup disc, the last file was an "in progrss" file. Thinking the presence of this might be causing the backups to keep going in a circle, I put it in the trash. Mistake. Now the trash wouldn't empty for anything!
    So. I erased the backup disc, making the "in progress" file vanish from the trash - restarted, etc etc - reformatted the backup disc - all set to back up fresh. And: same problem. After 2+ hours, the backup looked complete when it started right at the begining again, leaving only an "in progress" file in the backup folder.
    So what is wrong with Time Machine? What would cause this to happen?  Could whatever caused this weird browser crash have something to do with it?

    I'm a MacBook Pro, 10.6.8 running Time Machine. Everything was fine until today, my browser crashed - got the "aw snap!" message in Chrome. Last time this happened it triggered a whole system wide crash which also corrupted my back-up disk. Crazy. I got a new hard drive put in, was able to remount the backup disc and restore all my stuff.
    Today, the crash seemed restricted to the browser.  Restarted Chrome and everything working fine. Until my next backup, which went on and on and on and on. It would get to 100% and then start all over again. In my backup disc, the last file was an "in progrss" file. Thinking the presence of this might be causing the backups to keep going in a circle, I put it in the trash. Mistake. Now the trash wouldn't empty for anything!
    So. I erased the backup disc, making the "in progress" file vanish from the trash - restarted, etc etc - reformatted the backup disc - all set to back up fresh. And: same problem. After 2+ hours, the backup looked complete when it started right at the begining again, leaving only an "in progress" file in the backup folder.
    So what is wrong with Time Machine? What would cause this to happen?  Could whatever caused this weird browser crash have something to do with it?

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