IPad home sharing

I receive an 'unknown error' message a few minutes into and video I try to stream from my iTunes library. Afterwards I am unable to watch videos stored on my iPad without turning off and on again. This was now a problem until I did the most recent iTunes and iPad updates. Anyone have a solution?o

vanise wrote:
can it be used to connect onto the wireless network of which the Apple TV is on and then stream music/movies?  If so, how do I go about doing this?  Right now I am using AirPlay but would rather connect via the network and stream that way. Thanks.
AirPlay is the best way to do this, and you're already using it.
You might also try iTunes Match, but that costs $24.99 a year, so I would stick with AirPlay.

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    I find the home sharing can be a little finicky at times. Reboot the ipad by pressing and holding both the home and sleep/wake buttons at the same time until the apple logo appears on the screen, then let go.
    Rebooting your macbook might work as well.
    Rebooting the wifi router by unplugging it for 5-10 minutes.
    Home sharing support
    Understanding Home Sharing
    Troubleshooting home sharing

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    Hello James,
    Sorry to hear you are not able to connect to Home Sharing on your iPad.  I found an article that has steps for troubleshooting Home Sharing.  You can skip any of the steps that you have already done and the ones that do not relate to the iPad (like checking Firewall Settings).
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    If you are still getting the same error, "Unable to connect to Home Sharing," you can try restarting your iPad and then continue with resetting your iPad if the error persists:
    Resetting your device
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    You can find the full article here:
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    Sheila M.

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    I have this same issue.  The discussion here https://discussions.apple.com/message/16395204#16395204 indicates that it may have something to do with the information under the "Sorting" tab when you get info on the indiviual shows (⌘+i).
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    I am having the same issue
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    Home sharing allows you to stream your computer's iTunes library to your other computers/devices, so for that to work then yes, your PC will need to be switched on and have iTunes open on it - your other devices and computers, which will need to bo connected to the same wifi network as that PC, will be able to stream your music, films, TV programmes from that PC.
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    And an Apple TV 2
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    Please someone help!!!

    I am having the same issue
    I just recieved my iPad 2 from a friend who is getting The New iPad
    Home Sharing is turned on in iTunes and my credentials are correct on both iTunes and the iPad but i cannot access any shared libraries

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    A guide to iPad Home Sharing

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    Here's a screen cap of the issue: https://skitch.com/darkstream/r7iku/ipad-home-sharing-menu-glitch

    I didn't realize we could post pix now, so here is the linked graphic so you don't have to leave this site.
    Looks like somebody else has run into this problem (https://discussions.apple.com/message/15005124#15005124). They found a workaround using Search, but I haven't tried it yet. I'm hoping other people will sound off here. I'm curious to know if others have experienced this.

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    sophie fromgillingham wrote:
    I have tried to connect them through home sharing to get my music on the iPad
    home sharing works between computers on the same LAN. you can not transfer music from iPod Touch to iPad this way.
    connect iPad to your computer using the USB cable that came with it and sync content to it from iTunes.

  • ITunes/Music Home sharing does not work on my iPad Air

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    Also, not all Album cover artwork is displayed correctly.
    It seems many of the things I bought the iPad for are non-functional and the tablet is virtually useless. I can't beleive Apple would produce software and hardware which is specifically made to work harmoniously but obviously doesn't.
    Any help, here, please?
    I'm also having problems with Bluetooth connecting to my Mac Pro (2008)... Namly, it will not.

    Understanding Home Sharing
    Setup Home Sharing on iPad
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing

  • HT4557 We have a wired in network in our house, we also have an apple airport for use with my ipad/our ipods/iphones, etc.  Can we use home sharing if our desktops do not have wifi?

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    Have a look here...
    http://macmost.com/setting-up-multiple-ios-devices-for-messages-and-facetime.htm l

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