IPad in a clinical environment

I am researching the use of iPads in a clinical environment, but do not work when wearing nitrile/latex gloves. Is there a way around this?

Using a compatible stylus, of which there are several made by various companies, would be the only workaround I know of in an environment where sterile gloves are required.

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    Can anyone tell me how they are handling software distribution for the iPad in an enterprise environment?

    The new Business Volume Purchase Program is pretty interesting...it can be used to centrally purchase and distribute paid ( not free) items from the AppStore.  We are getting setup to use it.  You can keep an eye on licenses etc.  You can also use a single centralized form of payment. 

  • Licensing of apps for multiple iPads in an enterprise environment

    I have 21 iPads in an enterprise environment, syncing to one iPad.  Am I violating licensing terms.? These are 21 iPads used by 21 board members on each Friday.  Do I need to purchase this app 21 times?  If so how?

    Yes, you may be. The applicable terms of sale are these:
    (ii) If you are a commercial enterprise or educational institution, you may download and sync an App Store Product for use by either (a) a single individual on one or more iOS Devices you own or control or (b) multiple individuals, on a single shared iOS Device you own or control. For example, a single employee may use the Product on both the employee's iPhone and iPad, or multiple students may serially use the Product on a single iPad located at a resource center or library.
    If these iPads are under your own control and you just loan them out for the board meetings, then that might fall under clause (a), though I'm no lawyer and I don't speak for Apple.
    If these iPads are kept by the board members for their use, then your company needs to purchase the app twenty-one times, and the only way at present to do that is through twenty-one different iTunes Store accounts. So each board member should probably buy through his or her own iTunes Store account, and get reimbursed by the company if appropriate. I know this is awkward; perhaps Apple will come up with a better mechanism in the future.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

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    That is a good solution since Adobe continues to support and update Flash for most laptop operating systems.
    As a caveat, if any are using an older Mac OS X or get the infamous blocked plug-in message:Adobe Flash Player updates available for OS X on October 24, 2014 - Apple Support

  • Deploying & Managing iPads in K-12 environment?

    I'm a systems administrator for my K-12 school district which has 20 locations. We're starting to get more and more ipads every year, and figured it's about time we nail down some sort of system to manage these. Currently teachers are doing their own purchasing and syncing, but we need a standardized system.
    Here is what I'm going to suggest to my IT manager and cirriculum department:
    -We will Active and deploy a base "image" to all new iPads in central office with Apple Configurator
    -We will deploy a Meraki profile to each iPad so we can remotely manage them.
    -We will have to log into the app store on each iPad under a general iTunes account that we have setup.
    -The base "image" will have all of the apps that they want.
    -Users will submit requests for additional app installs, and we will use Meraki to deploy them OTA with the VPP codes we receive.
    -Teachers will have to enter the general iTunes account password on every iPad to allow the install of the app on that device.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for this? We want to be able to manage VPP codes, devices, etc., and don't have a budget for a more popular MDM provider at the moment. I looked into purchasing an OSX Server, but it looks like the profile management ***** on it since it can't deploy apps properly and isn't a true MDM setup.
    The other thought process was having one mobile Macbook that would travel around to each school to allow them to install apps via USB to the devices. (Our district doesn't have money for Macs in each location). Our budget at the moment is $1,000 or less.
    Another question I had was in regards to in-app purchases. Can these be done via VPP or will there need to be a credit card associated with the iTunes account in order to purchase those?
    Any help is appreciated. I'd rather do this right the first time. I'd love to use the profile management portion of OSX server, but it looks like it's not quite there yet.

    The problem you might have is easily getting them on wireless at different locations
    assuming each location has a different wireless ssid and password
    I use apple configurator to deploy latest ios onto the device along with with minimal configuration profiles, just enough to get the device on the wireless, the rest I push out via MDM
    apple configurator profiles:
    auto join device enrollment profile
    enrollment wireless profile
    trust cert
    I use OSX profile manager
    my enrollment wireless is only for getting the IOS devices configured
    I then use PM to push out the wireless settings mail, LDAP, vpn etc required for the user/device
    with auto join enabled on the wireless profile , once the enrollment wireless is turned off the IOS devices join the pushed wireless. if a user is deleted from the device, the wireless settings are gone also
    I can turn the enrollment wireless back on and it'll auto join and I can then push out the new configuration
    I have basic needed apps installed, on a master itunes account. staff can use their own itunes accounts for any other apps and they can recommend apps which we look at distributing
    IOS 6 seems to have removed the need for user authentication for updating apps
    that can be both good and bad, depending on if you need users to stay on a particular app version.
    from what I've seen with OSX PM if you push out an app update users don't need a itunes password
    they just need to tap yes to accept the update, this is an opt in, if they choose no you can't update the app and have to push it out again
    I would think VPP in app purchases would need credit on the itunes account either via credit card or itunes gift card, I use gift card so there is less of a worry about itunes getting hacked
    I think the traveling macbook would soon become a pain

  • Ipad use in hospitals

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    As the others have said, check with the clinic. Since you said clinic, rather than hospital the policies may be more lenient.
    Hospitals generally don't like cell phones due to disturbing people, and interference with instrumentation. Same reason commercial airlines restrict cell phone use...older aircraft are not well shielded and instruments run on frequencies adjacent to some cell phones. Latest aircraft are not prone to interference so some airlines, more so non-US flags, permit cell phone use.
    If you are using an iPad and turning off WiFi and 3G (if you get the 3G) then they really should not have problems. And if they offer free WiFi, so much the better.
    Good luck with the dialysis.

  • Personal iPads in the enterprise - keeping work/personal apps separate

    Hi All,
    I work in IT for a school district.  Recently, we got a grant for iPad training.  As part of that training, every teacher that attended the classes was given an iPad.  The problem is, that because of the way the grant was structured, the iPads ended up belonging to the teachers personally instead of belonging to the school district.  Since all these teachers now own their own iPads, we do not want to spend the money to buy them a second "work" iPad.
    I am trying to come up with a solution that allows those teachers to use their own iPads in our school environment.  Specifically, I am looking for a way to be able to purchase needed iPad apps with school funds, install them on the users' personal ipads, but prevent the user from backing up/syncing those apps with their home Mac/PC.
    The best idea we have come up with so far is to create a generic Apple ID for each teacher, such as "schoolname-01", "schoolname-02", etc.  The school's IT department would then be the only ones who would have the passwords for those accounts.  The IT department would then download and install the school owned apps on the teachers' personal iPads using one of the generic "schoolname-xx" accounts.  The theory is that the iPad registers and stores the Apple ID used to purchase each app, so we will be able to tell what apps are bought with school money and what apps are bought by the teacher for personal use.
    Obviously, this is not an ideal solution, but we haven't been able to come up with a better one.  The biggest question we have is this:  each of these personal iPads is going to be sync'd with the teacher's home Mac/PC.  Since the home Mac/PC will not be authorized for the generic "schoolnamexx" Apple ID that was used to install the school apps,  will that mean that only the teacher's personal apps will be backed up when they sync with iTunes, or will iTunes back up every app, regaurdless of what Apple ID was used to purchase it?
    Also, since an iPad can only sync with one Mac/PC, how can we back up the apps purchased with school funds?  Theoretically, we can re-download them from the app store, but only so long as they are still available for sale.
    I would appreciate feedback from anyone who has had success integrating personal iPads into a work environment.

    Hi gyrhead,
    Thanks for the information.  I understand that the teachers will not be able to transfer app purchases from the school Apple ID to their personal Apple ID.  The concern we have is this:  what do we do when a teacher with a personal iPad with school software on it leaves the district?  I know we can re-download the software purchased with the school Apple ID onto a new iPad, but how do we get the school software off the teachers iPad?
    If a teacher leaves under bad circumstances, there is not much hope that we will be able to remove the software from their iPad.  If their is a solution to remotely wipe apps installed under a specific Apple ID I would love to know about it.
    However, if a teacher leaves and it is an amicable parting, we are hoping that the teacher will allow us to remove the school software from their iPad.  However, even if we remove the software from the iPad, couldn't the teacher just restore it from their home Mac/PC?  If the teacher syncs his/her iPad to their home computer, will it back up just the apps purchased under their personal Apple ID or will it also back up the apps purchased under the school Apple ID as well?  If it is the latter, then I don't see how we could prevent the teacher from reinstalling the school apps, even after we remove them from the iPad.
    As long as the school can still install the apps it purchased on a new iPad, that last issue is not a huge concern for me.  However, the upper management/legal guys want to know the answer to this one. 

  • HT4113 Disabled IPad that will not show up on my computer in Itunes.  Can some one give me suggestions?

    My ipad keeps telling me it is disabled and to connect to itunes. I have powered my ipad off connected it to the computer holding down the home button. I get the display on my ipad but my ipad does not show up on itunes. I have also tried the locate my ipad and erased everything, but that needs the internet to wipe everything out, so I am still getting the display disabled connect to Itunes. Is there anything else I can try?

    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/ipad/ipad-troubleshooting-repair-faq/ipad- how-to-unlock-open-forgot-code-passcode-password-login.html
    iOS: Device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    How to Reset a Forgotten Password for an iOS Device
    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
    You may have to do this several times.
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just canceling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Apple Configurator 1.3.1 crashes.  I haven't been able to prepare any IPad with the configurator.

    New to this process and we are setting up bays for IPads in an education environment.  I'm able to load a profile (unsupervised) onto an IPad but as soon as I choose supervise and prepare the IPad the Apple Configurator crashes with the error message below.  I'm not sure how to proceed from this - running OSX 10.7.5 and configurator 1.3.1.  The Mac book pro was bought to supervise the IPads and not used for anything else.  Have reinstalled configurator without any luck. Any help would be appreciated. 
    Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'ACUUnpackFirmwareOperation cannot fail the operation and without setting an error'
    *** First throw call stack:
              0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff82091f56 __exceptionPreprocess + 198
              1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff8e4f1d5e objc_exception_throw + 43
              2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff82091d8a +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 106
              3   Foundation                          0x00007fff8971a71f -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 169
              4   Apple Configurator                  0x0000000105795563 _mh_execute_header + 701795
              5   Apple Configurator                  0x000000010579678b _mh_execute_header + 706443
              6   Apple Configurator                  0x0000000105756707 _mh_execute_header + 444167
              7   Apple Configurator                  0x0000000105757904 _mh_execute_header + 448772
              8   Foundation                          0x00007fff896aa912 ____NSOQSchedule_block_invoke_2 + 124
              9   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8a60da82 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 18
              10  libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8a60e961 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 255
              11  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff87bd33da _pthread_wqthread + 316
              12  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff87bd4b85 start_wqthread + 13
    objc[179]: garbage collection is OFF
    abort() called
    terminate called throwing an exception

    Boy, I sure hope you found a solution to this.  THe exact same thing happened top me, yesterday.  I thought it was the updates to the iTunes store and the release of iOS 7.  However, today, it is still happening.  I was partway through setting up iPads for a 1:1 initiative.  The first 11 worked fine, then the strangeness started.    Most of it seemed to relate to the iTunes store, but the worst part is exactly as you describe, and I have the same setup.   MacBook Pro specifically to manage the iPads.  Configurator crashes whenever a device is hooked up to "supervise" even if it is fresh out of the box.  The details on the crash also show the "Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'ACUUnpackFirmwareOperation cannot fail the operation and without setting an error'"
    Oh, did I mention I have to have the iPads set up next week?

  • HT1689 my ipad mini retina display is disabled.  I believe I know the cause.  I packed it with my blue tooth key board in my back pack.  The key board likely entered various keys and the ipad believes these entries were invalid password attempts.  I am tr

    my ipad mini retina display is disabled because my blue tooth key board made number key entries while in my back pack.   How do I re-enable?

    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.) No data/files will be erased. http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1430http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1430
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/ipad/ipad-troubleshooting-repair-faq/ipad- how-to-unlock-open-forgot-code-passcode-password-login.htmlhttp://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/ipad/ipad-troubleshooting-repair-faq/ipad- how-to-unlock-open-forgot-code-passcode-password-login.html
    iOS: Device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    How to Reset a Forgotten Password for an iOS Device
    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
    You may have to do this several times.
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just canceling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

  • When I try to reset my iPad mini it keeps asking for  a passcode! have tried restoring, connecting to iTunes and looked for the 'set up as new iPad' notification, but nothing is working? can anyone help please?

    I know my passcode is correct but when I try to reset my iPad mini it keeps asking for  a passcode! have tried restoring, connecting to iTunes and looked for the 'set up as new iPad' notification, but nothing is working? can anyone help please?

    If the iPad was running iOS 7,  iCloud: Find My iPhone Activation Lock in iOS 7
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/ipad/ipad-troubleshooting-repair-faq/ipad- how-to-unlock-open-forgot-code-passcode-password-login.html
    iOS: Device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    How to Reset a Forgotten Password for an iOS Device
    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just cancelling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Ipad disabled. How can I unlock without restoring on Itunes? Need the photos

    My daughter disabled my Ipad. Now it says to connect to Itunes and does not even allow me to put in a code. I have many photos and videos saved on my Ipad I wish not to erase. Any way to unlock the ipad without having to restore it through itunes? Or some how pull photos and videos prior to restoring? Any help please. Thank you. CHRIS

    When you have important videos/photos on your iPad, you should backup frequently.
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/ipad/ipad-troubleshooting-repair-faq/ipad- how-to-unlock-open-forgot-code-passcode-password-login.html
    iOS: Device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    How to Reset a Forgotten Password for an iOS Device
    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
    You may have to do this several times.
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just canceling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

  • I have forgotten my password and want to sync my iPad to a different computer so I can reset the password

    How do I reset my password when I have to sync to a different computer?

    Sync Your iOS Device with a New Computer Without Losing Data
    http://www.howtogeek.com/104298/sync-your-ios-device-with-a-new-computer-without -losing-data/
    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/ipad/ipad-troubleshooting-repair-faq/ipad- how-to-unlock-open-forgot-code-passcode-password-login.html
    iOS: Device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    How to Reset a Forgotten Password for an iOS Device
    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
    You may have to do this several times.
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just canceling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

  • How do i get into my ipad 4 without restoring because i have forgotten my password

    how do i unlock my password protected ios 7 iPad 4 without restoring it

    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/ipad/ipad-troubleshooting-repair-faq/ipad- how-to-unlock-open-forgot-code-passcode-password-login.html
    iOS: Device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    How to Reset a Forgotten Password for an iOS Device
    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
    You may have to do this several times.
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just canceling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

  • How do I unlock myself out of my ipad when I don't remember the password and cannot connect to iTunes with out it requiring a password?

    I recently made a dumb decision and changed my iPad pass code, I must have blanked out because I have no memory of the password to get in and now I'm locked out.   iTunes is requiring the pass code but I don't remember it!  I'm not connected to iCloud for some reason so I cannot reset my iPad.  I feel that I have to resort to buying a new iPad.  Please help!  

    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/ipad/ipad-troubleshooting-repair-faq/ipad- how-to-unlock-open-forgot-code-passcode-password-login.html
    iOS: Device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    How to Reset a Forgotten Password for an iOS Device
    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
    You may have to do this several times.
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just canceling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

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