Ipad1 al nuovo ios

come faccio a installare il nuovo ios su ipad 1?
lo sincronizzo da pc e non da mac.

Si usted tiene cualquier cosa menos que iOS 5 en su iPad tendrá que utilizar la aplicación iTunes en un ordenador para actualizar el iPad a través del cable USB. Si usted tiene iOS 5, a continuación, conecte el iPad a su adaptador de energia e instalar la actualización a través de Wi-Fi. Vaya a Ajustes / General / Actualización de Software.

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    You probably have a currupt backup. You can delete the backup by going to iTunes Preferences, Devices tab. Or better yet, rename the current backup so iTunes creates a new one.
    Use Windows Explorer to go to:
    On Windows XP
    \Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\
    On Windows vista and Windows 7
    \Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\
    You will need to set explorer to show hidden files.
    Once there rename "backup" to "backup.sav", The next time you try to back up your iPhone iTunes will create a new backup.

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    I am afraid the Original iPad can only be updated to IOS 5.1.1
    Time to get the new iPad Air.

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    Does anybody have an idea?
    Thx in advance

    Try this:
    1. Close all apps in the Task Bar. Double-click the Home button and hold apps down for a second or two. Tap the minus sign to close app.
    2. Hold the Sleep and Home button down until you see the Apple Logo.

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    It's should be working just fine. I am having issues with mirroring on my iPhone 5. AirPlay should be enabled and working to stream audio and video for you though.

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    Thanks and regards...

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    Marzia, come ti capisco, ho il tuo stesso problema, ho comprato il 4s oltre 2 anni fa, pagato circa 700 euro, e ora per un difetto tenuto incubato fino a quest'ultimo aggiornamento che per me è stato solo un PEGGIORAMENTO, devo pagare???
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    Sai cosa Ti dico..... appena mi rompo le palle di metterlo in freezer lo demolisco e cambiero produttore ormai ci sono prodotti equivalenti.
    Che si mettano nostri panni questi grandi pensatori che decidono come bisogna rispodore ai clienti!!!
    Non è modo di comportarsi con i clienti!!!!!!
    Cosi li perdono i clienti e non solo me perche non gli faro una bella pubblicità!!!!!!
    per chi avesse dei dubbi il mio ID pratica: 591239036 dell'ultima pratica.

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    Message was edited by: Zambomax

    Ciao ho ho il tuo medesimo problema con ip 4s 32g pure dopo aggiornamento 8.1 provato ripristino impostazioni va un po meglio ma non ci siamo ancora è proprio possibe copiare una mail in inglese per incollarla su pagina web Google trastate

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    it's cumbersome, time-wasting and costly coz i have a limited 2 Gb data-plan.
    can anyone help?

    I am experiencing the very same issue. iOS 5 was always a little less stable than 4 on my iPad (1), but since I've upgraded to 5.0.1 Safari crashes constantly on sites I used to visit frequently without a problem, such as NYTimes.com. Please patch!
    I have tried
    - soft restart (holding buttons down til the Apple icon appears)
    - quitting all suspended apps
    - resetting network settings
    To no avail.  Seems to be a memory management problem.

  • Multiple calendars

    I have a work laptop using Exchange/Outlook 2010 connected to iCloud, a PC with Outlook 2007 for my personal email connected to iCloud, an iPhone 4s and an iPad1. Both iOS devices sync to iCloud. iCloud on the web, too. So why are they all showing different content? I can't get birthdays to show on Outlook, events in Exchange sometimes appear in iCloud but sometimes not, some events on iCloud on the web don't show on any other iOS device.
    It is really frustrating - these days many people have multiple devices and I had thought iCloud was my answer - 1 calendar to rule them all. But the only way to get things everywhere is to manually copy them across from an outlook calendar to the icloud calendar - then they show up, on iCloud calendars anyway. Getting events IN to the calendar seems hit-and-miss.
    I'm not entirely sure it's not my fault but this whole syncing calendars lark is (as a quick web search will prove) still far from solved. In fact it's a mess.
    Any suggestions?
    (I tried to click on ALL Prodcts but it just allows me one!)

    Possibly the subscriptions are still there but the Outlook is set to not display.
    Two ways to stop it from showing up on your BB. Go to "manage" and uncheck those that you don't want to see. If you choose this, ensure you go to "default services" (most easily found by entering that in search - the magnifier at the bottom) and select the one you want.
    The other way to do it is to go to the account that is subscribing to those calendars. See, if my gmail account is subscribing to a calendar, by adding my gmail calendar, those that it subscribe to also show. Then I'd have to go to my gmail account through a computer browser and un-subscribe from there. The thing here is to go to your accounts by web, not through your Outlook.
    Hope this was helpful.

  • Itunes 10.5 not playing movies on apple tv

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    Hi Scott,
    i have very similar problem but even with older versions.
    all of my devices all use iOS 4.x, iTunes upgraded to 10.5 since a week now.
    here is my situation:
    - My itunes Windows 7 PC can ping all other devices.
    - AirportExpress Admin Tool cannot find any device.
    - iTunes does not find remote Speakers.
    - iPad1 & iPhone4 with iOS 4.x can play movies via AirTune EVERY time.
    - AppleTV2 with latest iOS update can play youtube videos and online streaming content EVERY time.
    - iTunes Windows PC has online Access every time.
    - iTunes has well working access to NAS Harddrive with music and photos.
    to me it seems like bonjour does not work quite well, but i have no idea how to double check connection. is there a way to do ping / traceroute / nslookup from ATV2 without jailbreaking?
    I would really like to have more technical information in iOS devices to do error determination and investigation.
    last weekend i completely reinstalled Windows 7 and iTunes from scratch, as my problem exists since a couple of iOS 4.x updates. i remember it worked quite well in the beginning of 2011 with iOS 3 everywhere.
    any ideas welcome !

  • Sync iDevices with new Mac?

    I have upgraded to a new iMac. The old iMac is still in service, used by another family member. I used Setup Assistant to transfer my account, iTunes library, etc. to the new computer.
    I have an iPhone 4 and an iPad1, both running iOS 5.0.1. Both were set to sync wirelessly to the old iMac.
    Wi-Fi Sync on the devices looks for the original iMac.
    Because the profile, backups, etc should be on both iMacs at this point, can I just plug the devices in to the new iMac and sync without any need to erase or reset the devices? I'd really like to avoid the whole setting up as a new device if I can avoid it.
    Is there anything I need to do to switch the device's allegiance to the new iMac? anything I need to do on the old iMac to turn off the sync connection, either before or after syncing with the new iMac?

    Syncing to a new iTunes library or computer will erase your iDevices. Only if you back up manually before syncing, you can restore your devices from those backups again. A manual backup does not include the sync process.
    Do this:
    Disable autosync in iTunes, connect your phone to your new computer and right click on it in the device list and choose backup. iTunes will backup your device without syncing.
    Transfer your purchases the same way, choosing "transfer purchases" this time.
    When you connect your phone for the first time, all media content will be erased. But you can restore your settings and app data from your manual backup afterwards.
    Don't forget to set up at least one contact and event on your new computer to be able to merge calendars and contacts when you sync the iPhone for the first time.
    Music is one way only, from the computer to your device, unless you bought the songs in itunes and transferred your purchases.
    There is 3rd party software out there, but not supported by Apple, see this thread:http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2013615&tstart=0
    About backups and what's saved:iTunes: About iOS backups
    How to back up and restore:http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1414
    How to download apps for free again:http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2519
    Saving other data is also described here. How to back up your data and set up as a new device
    You can deauthorize your old iMac for the use with iTunes after that if you want to: About iTunes Store authorization and deauthorization

  • Ipad hang on prepare ipad software for restore?

    hi gently,,
    i maked update for ipad1 3g with ios 5.0.1 then hang and stoped update on 60% of update then i try to restore ipad agine but it still hang on "prepare ipad software for restore" at itunes on Pc windowes.
    so, what i can do to restore my ipad?

    Hi there,
    There are a number of steps you should take if your iPad begins crashing. The first is to restart, then hard reset, before restore. I have posted a link below which outlines the relevant steps. This should solve your issue.
    iPad not responding

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