IPhone 4 Lucky!

So, I've been waiting until the rush for the new iPhone 4 had settled somewhat before making my jump from the 3g. I've checked online at both the AT&T store and the Apple store and it still shows a 1-3 week delivery time. Well, yesterday, just out of habit I stopped in my local AT&T store to see what they might possibly have available, I've done this about 7 or 8 times and have always been told, none were available, so when I went in yesterday the guy behind the counter says, hey you, having recognized my face from my previous visits, and lifts a cardboard box up onto the counter. Just received some 4's, you interested. Can you believe my luck? The FedEx delivery man was actually just leaving the store....! So, he opens the box and there were only 5 in the shipment. I guess timing is sometimes everything. Maybe this isnt unusual to some or most of you, but at my local store they were not holding any phones, they were for walk-in's only... So, anyway, yes, I finally got my 4. I could have had it long ago I suppose if I had just ordered it but like I said I was just waiting...

Do a software update once again. I mean a restore the phone to the factory settings. (If you have any data, do back up and then restore it back). May be that works, else you are sailing in the same boat as mine. Once its confimed that it is a hardware issue, you can straigh away walk to the store and get it replaced since its a brand new phone in warranty.

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    Hi there
    This is a very easy thing to get confused about. iCloud works in various ways. The whole syncing of contacts/photostream/calendar events across iCloud-enabled devices (Macs with Lion OSX, and mobile devices with iOS5) is a totally separate thing from backing up to iCloud.
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    Go to Calendar>Preferences...>Accounts>Account Information, and delete/re-add your iCloud account information.

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    Yeah it's pretty sad that $1000 phone they put out you such cheap memory It causes issues, I have iPhone 6+128 GB actually this is the second brand-new one they gave me because they keep affording it trying to act like that's not the issue because they're too stupid to know how to check what memory is in each one before they give it to me when I have told them multiple times my back up runs perfectly fine on two 5s phones and a 6 64GB of course running MLC memory.
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    Yup - that would work as a test. What you want to do is to isolate the problem, so if you can test that cable with a different device, that would be the ticket.
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  • Maybe I'm just lucky, but so far so good with iPhone

    First let me say that I feel badly for all who have had issues with their phones. I'm beginning to think that I just lucked out and there is no rhyme or reason for it.
    Stood in line for 4 hours June 29th to get my iPhone 8 gig. Took it home and activated at 7:30 P.M. that night. No problems (was an existing customer). 2 minutes to activate, another 5 or so to synch, and it has worked as advertised ever since. No syncing problems either way from or to phone (calendar and contacts). Email has worked fine. I learned much from everyone here how to manage my battery life, and that has been fine too. Today lots of emails, a little web browsing, lots of calls, Blue tooth on, some wifi, but mostly off and got a little under 4 hours "usage" and total time of around 8 hours. 2/3rds battery left.
    I don't think I've gotten the elusive "green glow", but the battery has always charged fully (plug icon). I have noticed one thing. If I plug the phone in to the ac charger for the night while it is still on and power off when the phone is locked the wheel spins for a very short time after the slider is turned to off. If I do the same with the phone on the home screen (unlocked) the wheel spins for a MUCH longer time. Almost like a reset. Not sure what this means, but again so far so good.
    Having said and posted all this I hope I don't turn the phone on tomorrow and all **** breaks loose, but I don't think it will. I'm also confident Apple will address most if not all of our concerns in the next software update.
    Good luck to all and thanks,

    "Syncing" is another way of saying "transferring" or "connecting" your iPod to iTunes. So no, you cannot put anything on the iPod without syncing it.
    However, I think what you need is to set the iPod to manage your songs manually.
    This will allow you to transfer songs and videos to your iPod and not erase anything that is currently stored on it. If you are going to delete everything from your computer after you have transferred it to the iPod ( a very bad idea), then this is the setting you need.
    "why cant i play songs off my ipod while its connected to my computer, thats crap"
    Again, "manual song management" is the answer.
    Not crap at all really.

  • My iPhone 4S runs out of battery power very quickly.  I have disabled all functions (ie location services, push notifications etc etc) that actively use power.  However, even when in standby mode for most of the day, I'm lucky to get 12 hours out of it.

    I read in the press this might be a design fault.  Does anyone know how I can resolve this?

    There is a huge thread discussing this problem: https://discussions.apple.com/message/16542550. There is a lot of discussion around locations services and the notification centre however many users are experiencing different levels of battery drain and there is no definitive fix at present.  You may want to try some of the 'fix' suggestion in those posts and that may help but I would urge to keep an eye on the thread as that is where the majority of the community is focussing and discussing the issue.  Also take a look at this recent article:http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/oct/28/iphone-4s-battery-apple-enginee rs.
    I know it's little consolation but there many people experiencing the same problem.

  • My iphone 4s contact suddenly disappear. Lucky i got backup. What is happening? Can Apple fix this bug?

    As above.

    How do you know it's a bug and not user error?  What were you doing with the device when the Contacts disappeared? 

  • Just because the iphone 3g is no longer sold, doesnt mean people still dont own it.

    i am not happy with apple, i bought the iphone 3g when it came out and now since they have a newer iphone they can just cut off there services to the iphone 3g??!!! like just cause its older doesnt mean people dont own them anymore. my phone is always glitching out, or a lot of apps i cant get cause its not compatible with this iphone. in my opinion thats dumb. i cant afford to just go out and buy a brand new iphone for 800$!! like really? just cause apple stops making it they can just not have updates for the 3g phone that lots of ppl still own??....

    Think yourself lucky you've still got a phone that works and has been supported by Apple for as long as it has.
    Many Android phones receive no updates whatsoever past the version that comes on the device, or are made obsolete within months of purchase.
    Apple has given you many free OS updates and a good couple of years of support. Before you start complaining, you should check what other manufacturers would have given you, if you'd bought their phones.

  • IPhone stuck in reboot loop - too many apps installed?

    Hi guys!
    Starting some months ago, I've had nothing but problems with my iPhone. However, I've been dealing with most of these or even solved them.
    But now I'm stuck on a reboot loop for a few days and don't know what to do.
    When did it start? I think it was in May when I first got panic.plist, ResetCounter and SpringBoard-CrashLogs under "Diagnostics and Usage". Following this, everytime I rebooted my phone or the battery was empty, it could take some more minutes than normal for my iPhone to boot. This loading time increased and increased, in October it once took more than two days for my iPhone to reboot. I now have really thousands of those ErrorLogs. The Apple support on the phone couldn't help me either. Additionally, the phone performed some cruel changes I can't explain: Once the language was changed, once the photo gallery had to be restored (the iPhone did that on its own).
    However, sometime in November the iPhone crashed, and I was already thinking that it would now last a few days until I could use it again. But somehow it was done within 15 minutes. Without any error or reboot loop. The last two months I haven't had any problems with this until the battery was empty three days ago.
    Since then, I have had the iPhone plugged in so the battery doesn't get empty and it's stuck on the bright Apple logo. After about 210 seconds the logo gets dark, then the screen is completely black and it's starting the same procedure again. Sometimes I get the vibration, sometimes the loading circle (white wheel of death!), but everytime it just starts over again.
    I am pretty sure this problem appears because I have more than 1300 apps installed (yes, this is a very huge number, but I remember Steve Jobs saying that, with the folders in iOS 4, it would be possible to have a few thousand apps installed), 4000+ photos, and so on. I am pretty sure it's not a hardware, but a software problem. In detail, it's about the SpringBoard. The iPhone 4S only has 512MB RAM, so it's hard for it to load 1300+ app icons into its memory (which it has to because the SpringBoard has to run without any lags). Only in some cases it's able to boot that up, but I have absolutely no idea which cases these are and why it has run well for the last two months, but beginning with the new year stopped to work.
    Furthermore, the panic.plist entries all say that the problem is a watchdog timeout. Apple's iOS seems to allow the devices only to take up to two minutes (always around 120 seconds in the CrashLogs) to boot up, then probably another 120 seconds to launch the SpringBoard process (which explains the watchdog timeouts in the SpringBoard-CrashLogs).
    I will not restore the iPhone because I unfortunately haven't backed up for a long time and there have been many data changes since the last backup.
    So altogether, I tried to collect all the information I know here, but that's really not enough. Apple unlikely wants to help me, the phone support was really nice, but even asked his superior, who couldn't help either.
    My questions to you folks now are: Do you have any more information regarding panic.plist's, watchdog timeouts or reboot loops?
    What would your advice be? Any chance to get onto my data and back it up? Or is waiting the best solution?
    Would it be better to try several hard resets, or let the battery run empty and start the whole process again, or just let the phone plugged in so it tries to reboot on and on until it's hopefully successful sometime?
    And: Would it maybe increase the loading time if I would take the SIM card out of the iPhone, so the chance to have an successful try would be higher?
    Note: I am still using iOS 5.1.1 because I am completely sure that I'd have to buy an iPhone 5 to run 1300+ apps on iOS 6.

    Okay, some more information about this.
    Apparently there is a 'watchdog' that listens whether the iPhone's software responds or not. If it doesn't, it forces a restart, and also creates a panic.plist entry (under Diagnostics). Unfortunately the responding time is only 120 seconds. The problem I have now is the so called 'Application Map'. To ensure a smooth browsing through the different screen filled with apps, this map is regenerated everytime the user installs a new app or deletes one. Because I have more than 1300 apps installed, generating this Application Map usually takes more than two minutes. I can only hope that sometime in the next days my iPhone will be able to do this in less than 120 seconds (like it has done that several times before).
    I still can't explain why everything had been working great during the last two months. I have probably installed some new apps, but also deleted other ones, so the number of total apps didn't really increase heavily.
    However, I've read about some possible solutions to this problem (without restoring - which would solve the problem only temporarily anyway):
    Hard-resetting the iPhone until the screen is completely black, then wait a few minutes, then turn the device on. It's possible that this has to be repeated several times, but for the user who posted this it resolved the issue.
    For all the (in this case lucky) guys with a jailbreak: SSH into the iPhone, then temporarily move the watchdog located under /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/mobilewatchdog.bundle to a different folder, the iPhone will boot up after a few minutes. Then just move the watchdog back. It's a shame that apparently jailbreak users can resolve this issue, while normal users can't.
    I also want to note that this problem has been appearing since iOS 2, which came out more than four years ago. It would be really no big deal for Apple developers to change the 120 seconds to e.g. 300 or even more. I've found hundreds of threads, not only here, where users complain about exactly the same issue. I don't have any hope that an Apple employee will ever read this, but if so, please keep that in mind. I don't understand why Apple has done nothing to solve this issue.
    However, if you have any more ideas, please reply here. If there's anyone around here who has managed to successfully install more than 1300 apps on his iPhone (or iPod touch), please post that.

Maybe you are looking for