IPhone 4S browser text fields

When entering numbers in a text field on a Safari web screen, a "comma" is automatically added when 4 or more numbers are entered. How can I disable this from happening?

I would certainly contact the mobile webmaster if this happened consistently across the board to all of my iPhone users. This issue seems specific to one user which is why I thought it may be an individual settings issue.

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    I'm using Glassfish as JSF Container and have some strange problem with JSF navigation.
    The navigation itself works but according to the JSF spec the browser address field should stay the same for all pages/outcomes if 'redirect' is not specified. In my case it's somehow populated by previosly loaded page name.
    For example: if browser initially showed the http://server/faces/page1.jsp and as a result of "dopage2" outcome Glassfish generated and sent the page2.jsp - everything is fine - it is properly rendered and address field contains the same http://server/faces/page1.jsp, but after the outcome "dopage1" was sumbited and processed from page2.jsp - the page1.jsp is rendered properly but address field contains http://server/faces/page2.jsp, so it changing and changing not correctly (for another outcome lets say "dopage3" sumbited from page1.jsp there will be http://server/faces/page1.jsp - always late by one submit).
    If anybody have some idea why is it changing the address bar, - it will help a lot.

    Actually there is nothing in the spec about the browser address field...
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    Juan Pablo

    JaimeRJ wrote:
    Hi, I'm having problems with text fields in full screen.
    I'm aware of the security restriction but Adobe says text fields are disabled only when running in a browser, text fields should be OK when in standalone player or AIR.
    Not the case.
    I'm exporting a .exe file and text fields become immediately disabled when I go to Full Screen. I can't develop the thing in AIR (to use  FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE ) due to company restrictions on installing software. So the standalone exe is the right solution to me, this should be working, but it isn't, please help.
    Hey there,
    The documentation you're referring to says the following:
    "These restrictions are not present for SWF content running in the stand-alone Flash Player or in AIR. AIR supports an interactive full-screen mode that allows keyboard input."
    It mentions nothing about running full screen in a projector executable file which is what you are trying to do. The stand alone flash player is usually an executable file in the flash development environment that is used for testing and debugging flash content for the developer. For distributing your app I would think that there would be good reason to prevent text input in full screen projector files for the security reasons. You should probably look at distributing your intended content some other way or ask for special permission to do AIR. I can't confirm this, but maybe this might be an option: http://www.flashjester.com/?section=tricks_jugglor3
    Hope that helps.

  • Text field RESIZE disappears in Safari 4 and 4.0.1 after browsing awhile

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    I have found that after browsing awhile this ability and the 3 diagonal lines in the lower right corner of such a field disappear on most sites. To get it back I have to quit and restart Safari. Something turns it off and keeps it off. This has happened on sites like Amazon, Facebook, Goodreads, phpBB forums etc. I works on all these sites, eg, I go elsewhere, return to said site and it no longer works.
    Could a site turn off this behavior and keep it off or is this a Safari bug? How can I keep this feature from disappearing?

    Hi Bill
    The text box resize is part of Safari's application code. Use Safari from another User Account (if necessary, you can create one in System Preferences>Accounts). Log-on to the other account and open Safari.
    If the same problem occurs there, I suggest reinstalling Safari. Otherwise, the problem is specific to your regular user account. In that case, go to the Finder: Your User Account>Library>Preferences file. There, move the com.apple.safari.plist file to the trash, then restart Safari. This resets Safari Preferences to default values. Make sure you restore any custom settings in Safari Preferences, or in the View Menu, or your Toolbar.

  • No Cursor In Text Field - any browser

    I'm fairly new to actionscripting and this forum. I'm not
    sure if this is the right place to post, but it has to do with
    posting data from a form.
    I have come across an odd and very frustrating phenomenon
    with a simple flash form. The text fields do not show the blinking
    cursor or the text being entered, but when submitted, the email
    shows all text entered.
    The form is an external movie being loaded into a mc -- I'm
    sure this is the problem, but it should be possible no?
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    works fine. I have also tested it being loaded into a loader
    component and it works fine. (see both examples here:
    But in the main movie, swf, the text fields just won't show
    (see here - click on Contact -
    Any ideas?
    I don't know if it will help but I have included the AS for
    the contact button here.

    If you click on the page header (page definition - edit attributes button in v2.0) and then under the display attributes section you will find a focus cursor select list.

  • Firefox doesn't detect text field on flash content in the Firefox for Android browser

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    Installed Flash Player 11.1 for Android 4.0 (
    Logged in with my account on www.chatango.com, which is a pure flash based site.
    I can't type into the text field because the keypad doesn't popup when clicked on the field.

    No, you have to click on "Login" and get in with your credentials. And then try sending someone a message. You won't be given a keypad to type with when you click on the input field. Why are you trying to do "Create A Public Group"? That wasn't what I meant when I wrote "Logged in with my account".

  • Text field not showing record set options

    I entered the following php code to a text field in a form:
          <label for="date">Select Available Date</label>
          <select name="date" class="text" id="date">
            <option value="0" selected="selected">select your preferred travel date</option>
                <?php while ($row_rsDep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsDep)) {
                      echo '<option>' . date('d.m.Y',strtotime($row_rsDep['Start_Date_Eur'])) . ' - ' . date('d.m.Y',strtotime($row_rsDep['End_Date_Del'])) . '-' . $row_rsDep['Itinerary_Code'] . '</option>';
    In the text field it shows only the option=0 "select your preferred travel date" and does not show the rest of the options as available from the database.
    Any idea what is wrong with my code?

    I do have it showing in the sidebar showing as a repeating region. I commented it out and entered your code, but this time it shows nothing at all, not even an error!
    The problem may have to do with "VIEWS" as I am working partly with Views on the external server. The server guys are having problems allowing Views. They did allow it for my account, but somehow this is not working. So I update my database leaving out the 3 tables created as views out of a total of 8. On the contrary on the local server the database is working fine, so that may not be the problem after all.
    I had got it work a fortnight back, but lost it as I had to redo a few things with the forms it is in. On the sidebar it is working fine otherwise as a repeating region and showing all the dates of all itineraries. Only it's not working in the form, where it shows the preselected string (select your preferred travel date), but not the rest of the options.
    About changing the email, one has to change the whole ID  and profile etc. and then you can't log into your own account with the same user name, you have to have a different one, so that your own thread is no longer your own. What a pile of goons at the wheels! And what a disappointment with otherwise such a great bunch of forums.. I'll now have to contact the staff and would like them wipe out all my ID's and Profiles at Adobe and make a new one. It's such a rotten mess. This thing even ruined my ID at Adobe Browser Lab.
    I suppose we'll leave it for Mr. Nobody to fix it, like so many other things especially around Christmas!

  • Populate a drop down list with data from Excel and fill in a text field, based on drop down selectio

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    How to do this is described by Stefan Cameron here:
    There's a snag, though, and to describe it more clearly:
    The XML file contains three types of objects: role, role number, and role cost center. Of these I use the first and the third, i.e. the role and the role cost center. The drop down list contains the roles, and when I select a role, the corresponding cost center is filled out in the text field. So far, so good!
    But -- if the cost center has the same value for two or more roles, all of these roles "bounce back" into the drop down list, that is, they are all selected in the drop down list. How many of these you can see depend on the height of the drop down list -- if it's low you'll only see the first one.
    If I modify Stefan Cameron's data in his example I get the same behavior, so the problem seems to have to do with how XML data are fetched.
    I'm sure there's a workaround, but I can't find it! I've spent many hours browsing the web without finding anyone with a similar problem.
    Any suggestions appreciated!

    Although your issue is far beyond mine, I was hoping you can help me out.....
    I need to create a drop down list of names which I wish to somehow link to an Excel spreadsheet.
    Please let me know the steps I need to do.  I've tried several things, but nothing seems to work and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.
    Thank you

  • Problem with characters in text field

    hi all
    i am missing a few characters, once i load text into a dynamic text field. chars are not missing per say; they are being replaced with empty squares.
    characters like the euro sign and accentuated german a letter.
    whats is weird is that other accentuated german letters do appear. so only a few selected are missing.
    How ive set up the fla:
    1) i've added 4 text fields to the stage in the font im using, Arial, one for each font style: normal, italic, bold and bold italic, and in all 4 fields ive embedded all latin characters (to include the german accentuaded characters and im guessing it's in the punctuation group that holds the euro sign, so that one is also embedded), besides lowercase, uppercase, numerical, and all the default groupd to include basic text.
    2) i've got a dynamic text field, created with createTextField, and setup the following ActionScript (2):
    var myFmt = new TextFormat();
    myFmt.size = 12;
    myFmt.leading = 3;
    myFmt.font = "Arial";
    T_text.html = true;
    T_text.autoSize = "left";
    T_text.multiline = true;
    T_text.wordWrap = true;
    T_text.selectable = false;
    T_text.embedFonts = false;
    T_text.textColor = "0x666666";
    T_text.htmlText = _global.gallery_1_image_text_1; // this holds the text im displayed, called in from a database.
    now, im calling text from a database.
    when calling the text from the browser  url bar, there's no chars missing.
    its just when i make this call from flash and load the text into the dynamic text field, that characters go missing.
    below is a link to a print screen of the faulty text that is displayed in flash's dynamic text field.
    any ideas? i mean, it seems that the arial font is missing a few accentuated characters! because the code i have setup loads other accentuated characters.
    anyone has seen this issue before and know how to solve it?

    you assigned your embedFonts property to be false.
    look, you can test if you've embedded fonts correctly by using:
    if you see no text, you're not embedding fonts correctly.
    so, use:
    and then test.  if you see no text, use:
    click on the upper right of your library panel > new Font > select Arial and tick the symbols you need to embed > tick export for actionscript and assign a linkage id (eg, ArialID). click ok.  then use:
    var myFmt = new TextFormat();
    myFmt.size = 12;
    myFmt.leading = 3;
    myFmt.font = "ArialID";
    T_text.html = true;
    T_text.autoSize = "left";
    T_text.multiline = true;
    T_text.wordWrap = true;
    T_text.selectable = false;
    T_text.embedFonts = true;
    T_text.textColor = 0x666666;  // no quotes here.  this is a number
    T_text.htmlText = _global.gallery_1_image_text_1; // this holds the text im displayed, called in from a database.
    T_text.setTextFormat(myFmt);  // to format the above text, use setTextFormat().  if you want to format text added after this line, use setNewTextFormat()

  • Text field is not working at first time after loading the flash files

    Hi to all,
         In my Java application, I'm using a text field and a panel to load flash files. I'm using JDIC 0.9.1 to load the flash files in the panel. The flash files are created by Flash CS4.
         While running the application, I can't enter any value in the Text field, after minimize and maximize the application I can enter the values.
         This problem happens after change the jre version from 1.6 to 1.7.
         I'm getting the following exception while running the application.
    org.jdesktop.jdic.init.JdicInitException: java.io.IOException: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
    at org.jdesktop.jdic.init.JdicManager.initBrowserNati  ve(Unknown Source)
    at org.jdesktop.jdic.browser.WebBrowser.<clinit>(Unkn  own Source)
    pls give me a solution.
    Thanks in advance...:)

    Have you tried testing on a server?
    When you test in Flash, see if you get traces when you click these buttons.

  • How do you add a scroll bar to a scrolling text field in a folio?

    I've created iPhone and iPad folios with multiple pages. There are scrolling text fields on each page. The fields scroll as designed, but the scroll bars on the  text fields only appear while actually scrolling. Is there a way to have them always visible so the user knows there is more hidden info? The only bars that are constantly visible are the page scroll bars.  Thanks!

    Why is your content pane null? I thought the content pane was the top-level in all windows? If you want complete control over the location of a list box, you want to set the layout of the content pane to null... the way I almost always do this is the other way around, to create my own panel and use setContentPane instead:
    JPanel content = new JPanel(null);
    JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(myListBox);
    scroll.setBounds(380, 10, 500, 500);

  • InfoPath form, rich text fields, "There was a form postback error" InvalidOperationException, There has been an error while processing the form

    Using InfoPath 2013 browser enabled form.
    I am getting the above error on ALL Infopath Designed Rich Text fields, where the "Cannot be blank" attribute is set.
    To reproduce it, I create a custom list and custom list form with InfoPath 2013. I add 2 Rich Text fields and enable "cannot be blank". To raise the error, I put some data in the RT field. Skip to another field (so focus is changed and a postback
    occurs), then back to original field to delete the contents (to raise the validation).
    I originally thought it was associated with the HTMLCHKR.DLL not being registered (and I have re-registered it just in case), but the exception I get from the ULS logs reads (it is from a list AFTER I have re-registered the DLL):
    There was a form postback error. (User: 0#.w|myDomain\jc, Form Name: Template, IP: , Request: h t t p ://MyWebApp/MySite/Lists/rtAfterHtmlCHkrReg/Item/newifs.aspx?List=2212ff41-77b4-445b-931b-d7e538c9da91&Source=h t t p://MyWebApp/MySite/Lists/rtAfterHtmlCHkrReg/AllItems.aspx&RootFolder=&Web=3db49106-bdca-47bb-b4cd-a549d2d86aa7,
    Form ID: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:list:-AutoGen-2015-01-16T21:51:48:853Z, Type: InvalidOperationException, Exception Message: No content generated as the result of the operation.) 8cc5e09c-3665-903b-575a-faaac506c40a
    I noticed that errors associated with the HTMLCHKR.DLL not being registered would have some sort of COM exception (example: TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED or REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)
    I also should mention that this problem started happening about 3 weeks ago. We have extended the web application to handle HTTPS on the intranet zone (we had a reverse proxy project that did not eventuate) - would that cause something? How can I do further

    I have done a test in my SharePoint, and I met the same issue with you.
    I created a custom list and custom list form with InfoPath 2013. I added 2 Rich Text fields and enabled "cannot be blank".  I put some content in the RT field, then delete the contents, I got the error message:"there has been an
    error while processing the form."
    Here is a similar post said that executing the command: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\
    OFFICE14\htmlchkr.dll" will solve the issue.
    But I just disabled "cannot be blank", and it solved the issue.
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Issue with length of form text fields in Firefox in OSX

    I've just spotted an issue with this in a page on a site, with two forms next to each other. (the limited space has highlighted it.)
    Basically FF on the Mac is making the text fields longer than any other browser :
    If anyone knows a fix for this, that would be great.
    If not, I'll just reduce their length so that at least they're not squashed in any browser (even though they'll be a bit short in every browser other than FF Mac).

    Thanks guys - its just not something I've really noticed before, as most forms I do have enough width compared to this page where I have two side by side.
    Will pop that bit of CSS in.

  • How can I get text from a text field and display it in an alert?

    Hello!  I am BRAND NEW to Objective-C and Xcode and iOS, so PLEASE be forgiving of what is going to be a stupid question.  I have a text field.  I want to enter some text, click "return", and see my text in an alert.  It doesn't serve any useful purpose, but this is how I learn.  So far, I am unsuccessful.  Here's my function from my HelloEarthViewController.m file:
    -(IBAction)showInputMessageUITextField *)textField
    if ([textField.text isEqualToString:@""])
    UIAlertView *helloEarthInputAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                                         initWithTitle:@"Name!" message:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Message: %@", textField.text]
                                         delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
    // Display this message.
    [helloEarthInputAlert show];
    Then I go option+click the text field and drag it to File's Owner and connect it to "showInputMessage:"  Then I run it and the build succeeds, but nothing happens when I click my "return" button on the iPhone simulator.
    What have I missed?  Where have I gone wrong? 

    Okay, here's where I am.  I have this in my view controller .h file:
    @interface HelloEarthViewController : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate>
        IBOutlet UITextField *textFieldTest;
    And this in my view controller .m file:
        if ([textFieldTest.text isEqualToString:@""])
        UIAlertView *helloEarthInputAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                                             initWithTitle:@"Name!" message:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Message: %@", textFieldTest.text]
                                             delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
        // Display this message.
        [helloEarthInputAlert show];
    And I have connected the text field to showInputMessage.  When I hit "return", however, I still get nothing.
    Is an "action button" a real button?  From my limited understanding, the alert should launch when I click "return" since showInputMessage is attached to Editing Did End on the text field.
    Thanks for the help.  The transition from writing C# for web applications to writing Objective-C for iOS applications is not going as smoothly as I'd anticipated.

  • My MacBook Pro freezes whenever I try to type in a text field

    In the past couple of days, out of the blue, My MacBook Pro (early 2011, Logic Board replaced twice by now due to video card issues) freezes whenever I try to type something in any text field of the system or or other apps.
    Specifically, whenever I try to search for an item in spotlight, or search for a "help" item under each application's help menu, even when I try to type in the adress bar of (any) of my browser(s). The crash causes all running apps to freeze for a few seconds and makes things work drammatically slower.
    I'm on 8GB RAM so I think this is ridiculous and I cannot think of any third party app causing the issue, since I have not installed anything in the past few days. I Also resolved and deleted any fonts that seemed redundant and/or probematic (I do have a lot of fonts installed as I am a graphic designer, but again, no new fonts were added any time recently).
    Any help would be appreciated!

    See below.
    Let me know if you want me to stop all running apps and redo it.
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,2
              1 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4 cores
              8 GB RAM
    Video Information:
              Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 512 MB
              AMD Radeon HD 6750M - VRAM: 1024 MB
    System Software:
              OS X 10.9 (13A603) - Uptime: 0 days 1:13:42
    Disk Information:
              TOSHIBA MK7559GSXF disk0 : (750.16 GB)
                        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        mem (disk0s2) /: 749.3 GB (253.42 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-8A8 
    USB Information:
    FireWire Information:
    Thunderbolt Information:
              Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Kernel Extensions:
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
    Problem System Launch Agents:
    Launch Daemons:
              [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
              [loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
    Launch Agents:
              [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
              [loaded] com.nike.nikeplusconnect.plist
              [loaded] com.wacom.pentablet.plist
    User Launch Agents:
              [loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist
    User Login Items:
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Flash Player
    Internet Plug-ins:
              Default Browser.plugin
              Flash Player.plugin
              QuickTime Plugin.plugin
    User Internet Plug-ins:
    Bad Fonts:
    Top Processes by CPU:
                  23%          Airmail
                   6%          Adobe Photoshop CS6
                   4%          WindowServer
                   2%          Adobe InDesign CS6
                   2%          coreaudiod
                   2%          Google Chrome
                   1%          EtreCheck
                   0%          fontd
                   0%          NotificationCenter
                   0%          hidd
    Top Processes by Memory:
              1.08 GB            Adobe Photoshop CS6
              344 MB             Adobe InDesign CS6
              213 MB             iPhoto
              172 MB             Airmail
              123 MB             WindowServer
              123 MB             com.apple.internetaccounts
              115 MB             iTunes
              106 MB             Safari
              98 MB              Twitter
              98 MB              mds_stores
    Virtual Memory Statistics
              1.88 GB            Free RAM
              3.85 GB            Active RAM
              1.06 GB            Inactive RAM
              1.21 GB            Wired RAM
              918 MB             Page-ins
              0 B                Page-outs

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