Iphone 4s Clearance delay at MEMPHIS, TN

My iphone 4s is at MEMPHIS, TN with Commercial Invoice is incomplete.!!!
what does this mean? and who will complete the invoice? am i supposed to do something or i should just wait?
screw Fedex..

hi, i had the same problems you guys are having with my iphone 4s.
i called both apple and ipad, the told me they were solving the problems.
the shippment stays in customs until they solve it.
how much time does it usually take to get out again for shipping to its final destiny?
am i still going to get on the delivery date (w 14) ??

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    Double tap the home button. Then you'll see the  apps that are currently running. close all all by holding any of the icons for two secs and tapping the red minus sign. then try it again.
    If this doesnt help, do a hard reset by pressing and holding the sleep/wake button and home button together until the apple logo appears.

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    Hello! And congratulations on getting a new iPhone 4. I am also new to the iPhone/smartphone business but I can tell you that I experienced this slight delay when I wake up my phone.
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    Hello Attil,
    The article linked below details some useful steps that may help resolve this issue with Mail on your iPhone.
    iOS: Troubleshooting Mail

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    Cheers guy

    Did you ever find a solution? I have pretty much the same issue. I will receive text messages but not receive an alert. Then anywhere from a few seconds to minutes later my phone will light up and vibrate but there is no notification. I'll unlock my phone and sure enough I have a text message.
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    I'm sorry that this turned into giant rant but the amount of incompetence and lack of sympathy is approaching farcical levels. If anyone can tell me what's going on or how I can fix it I'd really appreciate it.

    Ordered Nov 1, 6, 64 GB and 6+, 128 GB. Shipped date originally set for Nov 21st. Nothing. Online status still showing Nov 21st shipping date. Have to call or walk into a shop for any info...as of right now I am being told shipping on Dec 12th. I love to drop that much money on a product I can't even get into my hands. If anything...would really like Verizon to be more upfront about delivery expectations. ACTUALLY UPDATE THE STATUS CORRECTLY!!!!!

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    Has anyone else noticed this problem? What can I do to solve it?
    Thank you very much

    Haven't seen a similar issue myself, sorry.
    Consider walking it into the nearest Apple Store and asking for assistance there.
    Good luck in any case.

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    I am so sorry to hear about the delay in the text sending. Thanks for all the troubleshooting you have done already. Does this happen everywhere you are or only in a certain area? Have you tried resetting network settings? http://vz.to/1rmz1ev Let us know if this helps.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    No. Nobody has any more info than what you have read. Or if they did, they would be bound by a non-disclosure agreement and wouldn't be able to tell you anyway.
    iOS 5 will be compatible with the iPhone 4 - whether it is GSM or CDMA will be irrelevant.

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    I was just reading an article the other day (I think it was on PC World) about just this topic. Apparently this is a known issue with AT&T and the iPhone, and it has been since iPhone 2G day one. According to what the author was told by AT&T tech support though, AT&T has no intention of doing anything about it, or any explination as to why this is the case.
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    On the other hand, I've received a handful of voicemails since getting the iPhone, and they've all come through right away.
    Message was edited by: chrispo86

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