IPhone 4s left speaker broken

Hi there,
My iPhone 4s left speaker does not have any sound when I play music. It is still under warranty though. Should I send in to Apple Store?

All iPhones include a single external speaker. The opposite that looks the same is a microphone.

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    MichaelMcfc1995 wrote:
    Already had another after it broke after 5 month, meant to sections the left is for music and on the phone, the right is for the ringtone.
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    If your iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad is Broken
    Apple does not fix iDevices. Instead, they exchange yours for a refurbished or new replacement depending upon the age of your device and refurbished inventories. On rare occasions when there are no longer refurbished units for your older model, they may replace it with the next newer model.
    You may take your device to an Apple retailer for help or you may call Customer Service and arrange to send your device to Apple:
    Apple Store Customer Service at 1-800-676-2775 or visit online Help for more information.
    To contact product and tech support: Contacting Apple for support and service - this includes international calling numbers.
    iPod Service Support and Costs
    iPhone Service Support and Costs
    iPad Service Support and Costs
    There are third-party firms that do repairs on iDevices, and there are places where you can order parts to DIY if you feel up to the task. Start with Google to search for these.

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