Iphone 4s rubato

il mio iphone 4s è stato rubato. icloud non va, esiste un altro modo per localizzarlo? l'imei è stato già dato alla polizia.

ciao sei riuscito a trovarlo?a me e' successo la stessa cosa sarei grata se mi dessi qualche dritta grazie!

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    cerco il mio iphone 5 rubato in data 5 aprile 2013 alle ore 17.30 circa n° part. MD297IP/A, seriale n. C2*******TWD, IMEI/MEID n. ****
    Intestato a Nave Alessandro, via F.lli Rosselli
    <Edited By Host>

    O "find my iPhone" não realmente pretende localizar um iPhone roubado. As maneiras de derrotar este são bem conhecidas.
    O objectivo desta funcionalidade é realmente ajudar a localizar e recuperar um telefone extraviado.
    Se um iPhone for roubado as ações a serem tomadas estão listadas aqui:

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    Vi racconto la mia esperienza, spero possa esservi utile se vi doveste trovare in Spagna!
    Mia figlia aveva un Iphone 4S. Il 7 agosto 2013, mentre si trovava a Marbella le rubarono il cellulare. L'8 agosto scrissi una mail dall'Italia ad un dipartimento di polizia che si chiama "Grupo Técnico de Delitos Tecnológicos" e il mattino seguente restituirono il cellulare a mia figlia.
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    Ieri è stato rubato dalla borsa di mia figlia lo stesso cellulare. Oggi ho fatto denuncia presso i Carabinieri ma mi hanno detto che difficilmente sarà ritrovato.
    Ho chiesto se in Italia esista un dipartimento con analoghe funzioni al "Grupo Técnico de Delitos Tecnológicos" ma ovviamente in Italia non esiste nulla! Il vostro cellulare non potrà mai essere né cercato né ritrovato in Italia! Chissà perché!!!!

    Ciao Miticamimi,
    sono riuscito nell'impresa di farmi rubare l'iphone 5s in Spagna! Grandioso no?
    Mi spieghi meglio come sei riuscito/a a recuperare l'iphone di tua figlia...? Email da contattare? Ecc...Grazie

  • Mi hanno rubato il telefono come faccio a recuperare le foto che erano sul mio iphone?

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    Avete un backup di iTunes? È possibile recuperare le foto rullino fotografico, quando si utilizza il backup per inizializzare un nuovo telefono.


    salve a tutti!! volevo sapere se c'è un modo per riavere le mie foto... vorrei solo riavere delle foto importantissime che avevo... mi sono iscritto ad i cloud.. e mi era apparso la cartella : streaming foto... non so se magari le ha salvate anche in rete... pero vorrei davvero riaverle.. avete qualche idea... secondo voi i carabinieri o la polizia potrebbe aiutarmi a rintracciarlo anche se spento???...

    I'm sorry, but Apple does not track phones. The only way to track a device is through Find My iPhone. You could also ask your local law enforcement if they will get a warrant to get your carrier to see if they can locate the phone, but I doubt that will happen.

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    ciao a tutti, mi hanno oggi rubato il mio iphone 3.... tutte le foto, i contatti, l'accesso alle mail......
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    vi prego.... aiutatemi

    Se avete find mio iphone allora si può utilizzare per trovare il tuo iphone andando me.com e accedere utilizzando le informazioni account utilizzato per iscriverti.
    Spero possa aiutare

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    (avevo l'app Find my Iphone... ma ovviamente è spento ecc ecc.....)  AIUTO

    vedo che ci sono molti commenti simili al tuo, e anche io sono nella tua stessa situazione cmq dato che è successo prima a te... com'è andata a finire? l'hai ritrovato??

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    potete aiutarmi?
    l'anno scorso mi hanno rubato l'iphone e, dopo alcuni mesi, sincronizzando il nuovo iphone mi sono ritrovata le foto del LADRO (FATTE IN ALBANIA) , ora non riesco più a liberarmene e sono costretta a tenere le foto di quel delinquente sulla mia libreria foto AIUTATEMI, please

    Google translation:
    I came as a guest and I downloaded all my photos from iphone to mac. but now I can not traferirle main account. how can I do? tells me that if I close the window as a guest I will delete all files .. help please. Annalisa
    That's how the Guest account works.  Log into the main account and download from the iPhone again. 
    Did you download to an iPhoto Library or to a folder?  If it was a folder insert  a blank CD or DVD disk and burn the photos to the disk.  Then you can log into the main account and upload from the disk to that account.
    I hope you didin't delete the photos from the iPhone.  Never do that.  Always delete from the device itself after you've confirmed that the download to your Mac was successful.

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    Hi everyone,
    I have a problem with the voice memos.
    I am using an iPhone 5S -> iOS7, back up from iPhone 4S (the voice memos were recorded in iPhone 4S).
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    The memos are greyed out in iTunes, but can be played.
    Also, the checkbox in iTunes > Music > Include Voice Memos is unchecked.
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    I am paranoid that some untrusted technician is going to make a copy of my music (11,000 tracks) or share some of my personal information (scanned copies of my birth certificate, passport, certificates, photos, etc.) on the web.
    If you put your info into the computer and hand it to another, you have to assume they will copy everything.
    Why are you putting scanned copies of valuable identity information into a computer than can be hacked, stolen, lost or compromised by a dirty tech?
    Have you lost your mind?
    Is there a way of finding out what activity has taken place whilst they've had it in their possession?
    No. The tech would just deny it if he did, or tell the truth which the answer would be "NO" in either case.
    The employer won't ask that sort of questions without solid proof, less they make a enemy of the employee and/or risk being sued for defamation of character.
    It's not like they bother to have a team of people watching over his shoulder that he doesn't stick a USB thumb drive of your data into his pocket to take home.
    I am paranoid that some untrusted technician is going to make a copy of my music (11,000 tracks)
    If it's iTunes music, it has your personal ID embedded into the song files. Most IT techs know this though.
    I appreciate any advice you guys can offer.
    Too late now, all you can do is not worry about it.
    Take your personal info out of the machine and if you need it, burn cd/dvd copies, a few USB thumb drives, Iron Keys or self encrypting external storage drives with key and/or keypad.

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    It is an option to separate the contacts and get them to each phone separately?

    If the person have 2 or many iPhones? Why does the person want to waste money?
    One iPhone can do it all.
    This is a very usual case if someone has a personal phone number and a business phone number. This is done for a number of reasons, including having a separate bill for the business number and so you can avoid taking calls on the business phone when you are technically "unavailable".
    Besides the group idea, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having two separate iCloud accounts for one's personal and business use. Just as with the phone number, the email contacts, email account, calendar, etc. can all be kept separate.

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    Any thoughts or suggestions?

    Perhaps a failing USB port (check with another device) or a failing iPhone docking cable. Could also be some debris in your docking port on the phone - have a look.

  • Cannot send email from an iPhone to a Outlook group.

    My question is simple and I'd like an exactly same answer : Can iPhone users send emails from their iPhone's to one or more groups created in Outlook?
    This is my situation: our organization is using iPhone to provide email, calendar, contact, task etc. to some of their employees. We are using Airwatch MDM Agent on user's iPhone because we have an Airwatch server in place. I have an user and she has an iPhone 5 and she has created some groups in Outlook but these groups are not reflected in her Contacts in the iPhone. I have update her phone with the latest update, although I was almost sure that this was not the issue, then I've found some interesting posts on internet saying that this was a known problem for the users with the previous iOS but I thought this might has been corrected with the iOS, apparently not.
    Also I've tried ''the trick'' that is posted on several forums with the iCloud but neither so it's working. I am looking for a straight answer, if this works or not on iPhone's?

    There indeed ARE apps in the app store that will do what you want.  Just search and find the one that best fits your needs.

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