IPhone 6 & Safari Problems

I have just received a new iPhone 6. I upgraded it from iOS 8.2 to 8.3. Since then Safari doesn't work. A clicked link opens Safari and then stalls. Entering a URL directly simply does nothing.
I had the same problem on my iPhone 5 and assuming it was related to some damage after I dropped it. With the new phone I didn't restore it from an old backup and just logged in to my iCloud account and downloaded apps and other data.
Any idea what is going wrong as I'd really like to be able to use Safari again?

Did you already try to reset the phone by holding the sleep and home button for about 10sec, until the Apple logo comes back again? You will not lose data by resetting, but it can cure some glitches.
If this does not work, and to make sure that this is not software related, set it back to factory settings, without using any backup data afterwards. Set up the rest of the personal settings manually and try to use Safari.
Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings - Apple Support

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    I have a question about my iPhone 5 and Safari. When going to a site such as Reddit, the comments are separated
    from the title of the article. When I used to click to go to the comments, it would take me to a comments page-but without loading
    up a whole new seperate screen for it. Now, when clicking for comments, it will create an entirely new page and then go to the comments.
    I would like to know if there is a way to fix this, so it just stays on one screen and if it is my iPhone 5's problem, or if a site like Reddit suddenly
    changed how it loads the pages.
    Thank hank you for the help

    Nevermind guys-
    I dug a little deeper and found out that Reddit changed some coding in their website on their latest change log.
    Sorry about that

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    I have tried rebooting multiple times, I have put it on airplane mode and tried strictly from WiFi (connection is good), I've tried it on 3G alone.  I have also cleared all of my history, cache, etc and reset my networks.  In between all of those changes, I've rebooted.  Nothing thus far is working. 
    If anyone can give me any tips or advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

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    Mobile devices don't always display websites designed for desktop resolutions properly. That is why they offer mobile versions of the website.
    Use the mobile site or download the YouTube iOS app from the App Store.

  • Iphone 5 Safari Problem

    Why I always get error when I open youtube on my iPhone 5 and iPad2?
    The error as follows:
    '}function gq(a){return"%"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)}var hq=/['()]/g;function iq(a){return a in le?le[a]:void 0}function jq(a){oe(le,arguments)}function kq(a,b,c){c?Cp(a,b):Bp(a,b)}function lq(a,b,c){Math.max(b.length-(c||0),0);for(c=c||0;c"):"";Fg||(a=Kp(a));return a} function oq(a){for(var b=[],c=0;c'+(a.Fa?Hh(a.Fa):"")+""}function wq(a){return""+tp(Bh(a,{style:"_mse"}))}function xq(){this.G=[];this.D=[];this.url=Vh()}A(xq,ym); xq.prototype.send=function(){var a=km(window.bootstrap_data);Nl("WatchBootstrap",this.nC,0,this,a);window.bootst rap_data=null;Em=!1};function yq(a,b){var c=a.split("#")[0].split("?"),d=c.shift(),d="/"===d.substring(0,1)?d.substring(1 ):d,c=Tg(c.join("?"));b.Ea(d,c).send()}function zq(a){return ql(kk(),{Q:a})} function Aq(a,b){var c=ml(a).tick,d=ml(a).span,e=ml(a).info,f=b||ja("yt.timing.reportbuilder_");if(f ){if(f=f.apply(null,[c,d,e,a]))Np(f),nl(a);return NaN}var f={v:2,s:"youtube",action:pe("TIMING_ACTION")},h=pe("TIMING_INFO")||{},l;for(l in h)e[l]=h[l];l=e.srt;delete e.srt;var m;l||0===l||(m=jl.timing||{},l=Op(m),isNaN(l)&&e.pt&&(l=e.pt)); if(l||0===l)e.srt=l;c.aft||(c.aft=c.pbr&&c.pbs>c.pbr?c.pbr:c.pbs?c.pbs:c .vr&&c.cl&&c.cl>c.vr?c.cl:c.vr?c.vr:c.ol);c.vr&&c.gv&amp ;&(d.vl=Math.round(c.vr-c.gv));h=c._start; if(!Pp){m||(m=jl.timing||{});var p;i:if(p=m,p.msFirstPaint)p=Math.max(0,p.msFirstPaint);else{var r=window.chrome;if(r&&(r=r.loadTimes,qa(r))){var r=r(),u=1E3*Math.min(r.requestTime||Infinity,r.startLoadTime||Infinity),u=Infin ity===u?0:p.navigationStart-u;p=Math.max(0,Math.round(1E3*r.firstPaintTime+u)||0 );break i}p=0}0h&&(c.fpt=p);p=m.redirectEnd-m.redirectStart;0'+K(P(a.Ld))+(a.bS ?K(P(a.bS)):K(P(a.me)))+""}function Kq(){var a;return a=""+('AD")}function Lq(){return"An error occurred while performing this operation."}function Mq(){return"Share this video"}function Nq(){return"Add to"}function Oq(a){return'
    "} function Pq(a){var b='
    ';a=a.Ej;for(var c=a.length,d=0;d"+Hh(a[d])+"";return b+"
    "}function Qq(a){var b="";a.eg&&(a=J(a.eg)+" views",b+=a);return b}function Rq(a){return""+K(P(a.content))}function Sq(){return"Visit advertiser's site"}function Tq(){return"Please sign in to dislike this video."}function Uq(){return"Please sign in to like this video."}function Vq(){return"Flag as inappropriate"} function Wq(){return"Do you really want to unsubscribe from this channel?"}function Xq(){return"You have received a YouTube video!"}function Yq(){return"Ratings have been disabled for this video."}function Zq(){return"This video is not available on mobile"}function $q(){return"Loading"}function ar(){return"TV Queue"}function br(){return"Save"} function cr(a){var b=Math.floor(a);a=Math.floor(b/3600);var c=Math.floor(b/60%60),b=Math.floor(b%60),d="";0c&&(d+="0"));d+=c+":";10 >b&&(d+="0");return d+b}function dr(){document.removeEventListener("touchmove",eq,!1);dq=!1}function er(){dq||(document.addEventListener("touchmove",eq,!1),dq=!0)}function fr(a){if(null!=a&&a.Rj===No)return String(a).replace(gp,hp);a=Ha(String(a));hq.lastIndex=0;return hq.test(a)?a.replace(hq,gq):a} function gr(a){return-1!=a.indexOf("?")?(a=(a||"").split("#")[0],a=a.split("?",2),Xf(1
    "};var ur={vY:"concurrent_viewers",yY:"hlsdvr",qC:"formatted_datetime",cv:"formatted_s hort_datetime",SA:"is_active",lm:"is_upcoming",source:"source",nP:"watch_url"},v r={uY:"comment_count",description:"description",Fi:"dislikes_num",duration:"dura tion",Aa:"encrypted_id",MB:"encrypted_set_video_id",HC:"feed_label",Oe:"feature" ,Jh:"length_seconds",Ag:"likes_num",Mb:"live_event",ES:"longform",privacy:"priva cy",th:"profile_url",Eb:"public_name",BY:"related_feature",pD:"tags_formated",ji :"thumbnail_for_watch", Lc:"thumbnail_info",EC:"time_created_text",title:"title",DY:"user_image_url",Tk :"view_count",Mc:"watch_link",PD:"watched"},wr={height:"height",Mj:"posx",dh:"po sy",xm:"stitched",XR:"stretched",YR:"thumb_height",ZR:"thumb_width",url:"url",wi dth:"width"};function xr(a){var b={};B(arguments,function(a){var d={},e;for(e in a)d[a[e]]=e;Qb(b,d)});return b} var yr=xr(vr,ur,wr),zr=xr(wr),Ar=xr({body:"body",vp:"date",KP:"folder",read:"read", sender:"sender",BP:"sender_external_id",Xu:"subject",uid:"uid",Q:"video",EY:"vid eo_encrypted_id"},vr,ur,wr);function Br(a,b){var c;b&&ta(b)?(c=ma(b)?[]:{},Db(b,function(b,e){b=Br(a,b);e=a[e]||e;c[e]=b })):c=b;return c}var Cr=Aa(Br,yr);function Dr(a){return a&&C(a,Cr)}function Er(a){return a?{tp:a.player_vars,cw:a.fmt_stream_map,Yn:a.stream_url,gR:a.stream_sig,dR:a.hq _stream_url,cR:a.hq_stream_sig,Ei:a.player_type,Jd:a.playability,jm:a.playabilit y_message,xU:a.desktop_get_video_info,yU:a.ttsurl}:a}var Fr=Aa(Br,zr); function Gr(a){var b;a?b={wm:Fr(a.thumbs_info),ya:wh(a.title),url:a.url,Gn:a.username,gd:a.video_c ount,lg:wh(a.description),Aa:a.encrypted_id,bD:a.is_public,type:a.type,pU:a.is_w atch_later}:b=a;return b}function Hr(a){return a&&C(a,Gr)}function Ir(a){var b=a;b&&(b={click:a.click,lv:a.clickthrough,Wv:a.companion_image,duratio n:a.duration,Aa:a.encrypted_id,message:a.message,source:a.source,Yn:a.stream_url ,zs:a.tracking});return b};var Jr={};function Kr(a){if(!a||!a.item_type)return null;var b=a.item_type;return Jr[b]?new Jr[b](a):null}function Lr(a){a=C(a||[],Kr);return cb(a,function(a){return!!a})};function Mr(a){var b="";if(a.$g){b+='
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    "):"")};function $r(){return"No item to show"}function as(){return"Show more items"}function bs(a){return'
    "}function cs(a){return'"+Hh(a.content)+""}function ds(a){var b='
    ";a=a.Yg;for(var c=a.length,d=0;d"+J(e)+"");return b+"
    "} function es(a){return'
    '+(a.Yg&&a.Yg.length?ds(a)+K(Ul("paginator",fs)):a.de?Pq({Ej:a.de}):"")+ "
    "}function fs(a){return'
    "};function gs(a){var b='
    ";if(a.Mb&&a.Mb.SA)a='LIVE';else{var d;d=a.PD?'WATCHED':"";a=d+(a.duration?'"+J(a.duration)+" ":"")}c+=a}else c="";return b+c+"
    "} function hs(a){return""+(a.xm&&a.XR?'':a.xm?'':'

    anyone else have this problem??

  • IPhone 3G, Safari cannot open OWA (Outlook Web Access) to Exchange 2007

    Hello, picked up iPhone 3G in hopes of replacing my Windows Mobile 6 phone (AT&T 8525), and first i did was,
    a) Installed the my .pfx certificate, appears successful as the certificate showed up under Settings | General | Profile, as identity certificate (although shows up as "Unsigned", not sure why). Verified the details of the certificate and all looks correctly imported, especially the expiration date is correct.
    b) Setup Safari to NOT block popup, cleared cache, history and cookies
    c) Opened up Safari, and pointed to the following URL,
    And i get the "The page cannot be displayed", with Error Code: 401 Unauthorized.
    This same .pfx certificate is used successfully in my Windows machine, and using the same OWA URL, using Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari for Windows.
    And my Windows Mobile 6 (AT&T 8525 phone) also using the same .pfx certificate has no problem opening up the login page to the OWA, using the same URL.
    Can someone help or verify whether accessing OWA through iPhone 3G Safari using the .pfx certificate is NOT supported at this time?
    Thanks much!

    When you created the PCKS#12 did you create with the full chain? My first suspicion is "unsigned" - this indicates that the phone can't validate what signed this certificate. You may have to import the signing root seperately as I don't know if the iPhone cert store handles chained certs or not.
    Secondly, Safari browser is echoing back the 401 message indicating that the server did not accept your credentials. Many SSL implementations require the client to send the full chain (to the root that signed everything) - it makes no sense when the server should have the root and be able to validate this, but I have run into this before.
    Since this has worked on your WinMO device I would try the following:
    From a desktop PC access your OMA/OWA server - hopefully you have the PFX installed on a desktop
    Click on the SSL lock icon and view the certificate hierarchy
    Export the root and any intermediate into .CER file
    Import the root and any intermediate CER files into the iPhone
    The first thing that you hopefully will see is that the Profile cert will no longer say unsigned. If it does not, try re-importing it (pfx) AFTER you install the root(s).
    I know that some of this seems un-necessary, but I have done a lot of PKI stuff over the years, but there seems to be very different implementations in key management.
    Hope this helps!

  • Hello i have an iphone 5 it is very slow when i am downloading app my iphone 4 it is much much better are all the iphone 5 are the same or my iphone 5 have problem please

    hello i have an iphone 5 it is very slow when i am downloading app my iphone 4 it is much much better are all the iphone 5 are the same or my iphone 5 have problem please????

    Thank you for your help are you aware of any apps that will work the iso 4.2.1 system that will let you watch movies on the phone. Also I tried to down load something else the other day and got message that Safari wont let you open this is ther any to see if i have the latest safari on my phone?

  • IOS 8 Safari Problem

    I'm using iPad mini 16 GB Wi-Fi model. So far I found 3 problem in Safari of iOS 8.
    Using Safari can't upload image from Photos app to image hosting. I'm also found a thread someone who also complain cannot upload his image to Facebook. So I suspect everything that including upload image is got same problem.
    Copy image have different behaviour. OK... this is bit hard to describe so I will just giving example.
    Here is image with no URL hyperlink so you just can't open this on new tab. The only option is save image or copy :
    Here is image with hyperlink, you can open in new tab and also copy link.
    I know iOS 7 Safari had limitation but at least not so crippled in iOS 8. In iOS 7 I could copy then place it on address bar, paste it to get the URL http://blabla.eww/filename.jpg. Now in iOS 8 I'm hoping the image have URL hyperlink, but sadly most isn't. Of course I could save it then upload to image hosting. Then back again to first problem, can't upload image from Safari, cheers. I hope Apple add copy image address, same with Safari desktop. Even if they can't bring back some behaviour of iOS 7. I really need this copy image address thing.
    There is also some rare case Safari hung up in typing area of forum/image board when I'm trying to copy paste and delete a word. While I say rare this actually happen 3 times and I haven't using iOS 8 more than 72 hours.
    I haven't try other browser. If someone knew other browser working fine in iOS 8, let me know.

    I finally gave up and rolled back to 7.1.2. Just to much odd stuff like broken Apps not to mention the Safari and Camera issues. I ma posting what I did here like I did on the other forum page. The only caveat is on when using iTunes on a Windows PC you must rename the download file with the .ipsw extension as it will down load as a .zip. You do not unzip it just rename it. Follow the rest of the directions an you will be fine. I am told this may not be available much longer so if you want to revert do it soon:
    It_caveman                                                                       Sep 20, 2014 6:18 PM                                     Re: Problems and issues after updating to iOS 8 (iPhone 5S)                                
    Re: Problems and issues after updating to iOS 8 (iPhone 5S)                                                 in response to MyBlueSky                
    Follow directions carefully to return to IOS 7.1.2, IT WORKED FOR ME!!!!!!!!!

  • Cannot play podcast from .mac website on iPhone's Safari

    Published a podcast, using iWeb on our .mac website. Works great on my laptop, however, on the iPhone using Safari, it just shows a QuickTime icon. If you click on the icon it takes you to the quicktime site to download the latest version of quicktime. There isn't a "play" button visible to press instead.
    If I subscribe to the podcast, download it into iTunes and then sync my iPhone, it works great. Is it possible to listen to podcasts right through Safari on the iPhone?

    It's that way because that's the way Apple designed it.
    I just merely wish to listen to them using itunes and my pc headphones while it charges the unit.
    You can still connect headphones to the iPhone and listen while your PC changes the iPhone. Until Apple changes things, that's it.
    You can submit feedback to Apple: http://www.apple.com/feedback/iphone.html.

  • My iphone 4S has problem in making and receiving the calls. While making the call , call fails and netwrok disappears. Like wise no voice is heard for incoming calls. This happened after return from the overseas travel.

    My iphone 4S has problem in making and receiving the calls. While making the call , call fails and netwrok disappears. Like wise no voice is heard for incoming calls. This happened after return from the overseas travel.

    Hello SamSax
    Check out the assist page below for troubleshooting call connectivity.
    Calls and connection issues
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

  • Safari problem:  when I switch back into safari from another application, the menu bar comes up but no tabs or windows.  What's going on?  Just started yesterday.  I have found a workaround: when I Command Tab back to safari, I hit command T to open a new

    Safari problem:  when I switch back into safari from another application, the menu bar comes up but no tabs or windows.  What's going on?  Just started yesterday.  I have found a workaround: when I Command Tab back to safari, I hit command T to open a new tab and Command W to close it, and my other tabs are visible.
    I have tried shutting down, closing tabs, with no success.  What's going on and how can I fix it?
    Cindi B
    PS:  I'm not sure of the actual OS level, but I have not allowed it to upgrade to Maverick yet; concerned about it because of a few things I've read...

    A Safari extension or third party plugin may be causing the menu bar issue.
    From the Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Extensions tab. Turn that OFF, quit and relaunch Safari to test. If that helped, turn one extension on then quit and relaunch Safari to test until you find the incompatible extension then click uninstall.
    If it's not an extensions issue, try troubleshooting third party plug-ins.
    Back to Safari > Preferences. This time select the Security tab. Deselect:  Allow plug-ins. Quit and relaunch Safari to test.
    If that made a difference, instructions for troubleshooting plugins here.
    As for which OS X is installed.
    Click the Apple () menu top left in your screen. From the drop down menu click About This Mac.
    The version is noted there.
    v10.6 Snow Leopard v10.7 Lion  v10.8 Mountain Lion
    It's your choice whether or not to upgrade to Mavericks. If you decide to do this, make sure your Mac meets the requirements noted here.

  • I was using same id on 2 iphones with no problems suddenly everything got mess, how can i set a new id w.out losing my contacts?

    i was using same id on 2 iphones with no problems suddenly everything got mess, how can i set a new id w.out losing my contacts?

    I believe because you migrated from a Nokia to an iPhone you need to register the Bn phone number with your Apple ID so it can be used for iMessage. The Pn number seems to be the only one registered
    Go here > https://appleid.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MyAppleId.woa/
    Manage your Apple ID and see if that does the trick
    Hope that helps

  • I set up my iCloud account on iPad with an exchange account and aol account.  I can see exchange and aol emails but not those from .me account or apple email.  I got it to show all 3 accounts on my iPhone with no problem.  Hat am I missing?

    I set up my iCloud account on iPad with an exchange account and aol account.  I can see exchange and aol emails but not those from .me account or apple email.  I got it to show all 3 accounts on my iPhone with no problem.  Hat am I missing?

    I'm having a similar problem, but I do have the key and is not working anyway.
    My old pc was running on windows 7 and my new one is an apple running on Lion.
    My phone is an Iphone IV and I can see all the bookmarks there.
    In order to sync, what I did was click on the "I don't have the device with me", I entered the key that was provided and the process finish ok. It says congratulations, etc, etc.
    But the bookmarks are not there, I tried merging data and replacing data on this computer options but is the same.
    Any suggestions?

  • TS5183 My Iphone has a problem with the microphone it doesn't seem to work! so there for i can't use Siri anymore..:-( this has been playing up for some time now.

    My Iphone has a problem with the microphone it doesn't seem to work! so there for i can't use Siri anymore.. this has been playing up for some time now. But as my wife & I had a baby 7 Months ago I have not found the time to pop in to the apple store until today (8/12/13) and they told me that they couldn't help as it's out of it's warranty by 57 days
    Can antone help me? is there something i can do, apart from buying a new iphone!

    Have you got Siri turned on in settings/general/restrictions?

  • IPhone 3G Reception Problems? You're Not Alone

    I have the same problem with 3G coverage. I am suppose to be in a strong 3G coverage area at home. I only have 1 bar. Traveling around town (Sacramento area) my 3G coverage changes dramatically. From 1 bar to full bars? Not sure if its working properly or not??? Anyhow, this was posted on Engadget. After they exchanged their iPhone the problem went away? Could it be true? Is it the netork or our iPhones? Lets all hope nothing is wrong with our iPhones!!!!
    iPhone 3G Reception Problems? You're Not Alone
    One of the more disturbing things coming out of the iPhone 3G launch is reports of suspiciously poor 3G reception and speeds. Specifically, I've seen several people report one bar - specifically, one bar - of 3G reception in areas where other devices report strong reception. (More complaints at Engadget.)
    This may be a problem with a batch of iPhones, or with something in AT&T's network, though I've also seen someone reporting the problem on O2 in the UK. The first review iPhone we got had this problem - it would mysteriously drop from four bars of 3G to one for no apparent reason, while our Motorola RAZR2 V9 reported better reception. Then it would shoot back up to four bars for no apparent reason a few minutes later. That unit would also occasionally throw up an "invalid SIM" error, requiring a reboot. That phone also had hideously slow 3G data speeds in the 50 kbps-150 kbps range, so the missing bars weren't just a display issue; there was something wrong with the way the phone was hitting the network.
    We exchanged that iPhone for a different unit and no longer had the problem. We took the new iPhone and carried it around comparing it to a Motorola V9, and the two phones connected roughly the same number of calls on the 3G network. The new unit also had much higher data speeds in the same locations - still not great, in the 300-400 kbps range, but at least reflecting 3G.

    my white iphone does the same thing. I will drop down to one bar on 3g but full strength when i turn 3g off. Some people have tried to say that it is because 3g had more difficulty going through walls. Mine will not switch between 3g and edge on it's own so i find that when at home i just have to turn off the 3g. I have also heard rumors of a bad batch of iphones. I tried to take it into the store today but they were so busy i just had to make an appointment for thursday, although i was able to replicate the problem in front of the apple geek, which was a little surprising becuase while in line outside the store i had full bars of 3g. It might just be an issue that occurs when indoors? I also have a problem with lag. I'm hoping to get it resolved thurdays, whether they give me a new phone or just tell me to eff off and deal with it. probably the latter.

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    I wanted to share an experience of keyboard problems with windows 7 and bootcamp, and then ask a question about bootcamp on my soon-to-arrive shiny new iMac. Current machine: Core 2 duo 24" iMac mid 2007; Mavericks; bootcamp created with version 3.0,

  • Suggestion for a possible iphone with slide out keyboard.

    I dont really know if there is a suggestion forum but i thought it would be neat if apple designed a iphone with a physical keyboard for those people who love to text. Apple could even run a internet pole to see what there customers would think i mea