IPhone/app use analysis software?

Hi folks,
  A buddy and I teach student and resident physician trainees.  We show our trainees how to find medical information to guide care.  Each has an iPhone (or iPad in some cases) loaded with medical software.  We would like to know if there is a way to track their usage in terms of what apps they use, what kind of info they look up, how frequently they do so, how quickly they access information (which apps do they use to find info for 30 seconds at a time and which ones do they read for 30 minutes at a time), ratio of medical use to Angry Birds, and perhaps more.
  Is there usage analytics software out there which would enable us as educators to learn how our trainee users of our devices use the tools?  This would not be surreptitious, the trainees would know that we're tracking their use and would give consent, so we're not talking about spyware in its evil exploitative non-consentual sense. 
Grateful for your responses.
-- Joshua Steinberg MD

My colleague has not found anything in the App Store either, but there's a lot of stuff in the store which we may overlook, which is why I'm crowd-sourcing our question to this forum of smart experienced people.
I wonder whether Apple would permit what is essentially consensual spyware!
But I don't want to derail this discussion with speculation. Still hoping folks can comment on whether they know if there is such software out there already, or perhaps if such software is impossible because it would violate iOS development policy and I shouldn't bother looking any further.
-- Josh

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    Hi folks,
      A buddy and I teach student and resident physician trainees.  We show our trainees how to find medical information to guide care.  We have given each an iPad loaded with medical software.  We would like to know if there is a way to track their usage in terms of what apps they use, what kind of info they look up, how frequently they do so, how quickly they access information (which apps do they use to find info for 30 seconds at a time and which ones do they read for 30 minutes at a time), ratio of medical use to Angry Birds, and perhaps more.
      Is there usage analytics software out there which would enable us as educators to learn how our trainee users of our devices use the tools?  This would not be surreptitious, the trainees would know that we're tracking their use and would give consent, so we're not talking about spyware in its evil exploitative non-consentual sense. 
    Grateful for your responses.
    -- Joshua Steinberg MD

    My colleague has not found anything in the App Store either, but there's a lot of stuff in the store which we may overlook, which is why I'm crowd-sourcing our question to this forum of smart experienced people.
    I wonder whether Apple would permit what is essentially consensual spyware!
    But I don't want to derail this discussion with speculation. Still hoping folks can comment on whether they know if there is such software out there already, or perhaps if such software is impossible because it would violate iOS development policy and I shouldn't bother looking any further.
    -- Josh

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    As TJBUSMC1973 states, and as I said earlier, the Find My iPhone app has nothing to do with your use of Find My iPhone. The app is just used if necessary to locate another iOS device from that particular iOS device. To see if both of your devices are being located in Find My iPhone, log into www.icloud.com and select Find My iPhone. Both of the devices should appear. If they do not, then go into whichever of the devices does not appear and make sure that Find My iPhone is activated. It has to be activated through iCloud, and for both to show on the same map, they both have to have the same iCloud ID.

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         Air 3.7
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    Error occurred while packaging the application:
    Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
      "__ZN7avmplus8Debugger9debugLineEi", referenced from:
          __ZN7avmplus9MethodEnv9debugExitEPNS_13CallStackNodeE in AOTBuildOutput-4.o
          __ZN7avmplus11BaseExecMgr22debugEnterExitWrapperNEPNS_9MethodEnvEiPj in AOTBuildOutput-4.o
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    If your phone is on wifi, then almost all apps will use it.  The exceptions are those from your provider.  For example, AT&T apps will always use their network.  To determine if an app is using data, you need to install DataMan Pro.  Even then, you will only get general info and on an hourly basis. Use the process of elimination to figure it out.

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    Hello amybett,
    I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that your printer is not Airprint/ePrint capable. However, the good news is that with the HP ePrint Home and Biz iPhone app it does not need to be Airprint/Eprint capable, as long as it is connected to the same network as your phone.
    Here are the steps you will want to take to print something:
    1. Setup the app by completing the email registration and entering the code (which I believe you have).
    2. Select the item you wish to print using the menu in the app (Photo Albums, Saved Files, Web Browser, etc.).
    3. Once you select the item you should see the item and a large "Print" button under it.
    4. If the printer you want to print to is not listed above the "Print" button, select the icon on the right (wrench/computer) and select the printer you wish to use (along with other settings). 
    5. Tap on the "Back" button in the top left corner, then tap "Done" (blue button in the top right corner), and then tap the "Print" button to print your item.
    Let me know if you are still having trouble after following the guide above.
    If I have helped in any way, just click the Kudos star on the left. Also, if your issue has been resolved, don't forget to select Accept as Solution

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    App Store Resource Center - Apple Developer

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    Thanks in advance

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    The iPhone software development kit simply requires an intel processor-based Macintosh, running the current release of Mac OS X 10.5. Your questions can be answered by browsing the iPhone developer site, starting here.

  • Question Regarding "Find My iPhone" App (Used On Macbook Pro)

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    - iPod Touch 8BG (I got the iPod in August of 2009)
    - The iPod SHOULD be in my house.
    Here's what I'm trying to find my iPod with:
    - "Find My iPhone" App on iTunes
    - MacBook Pro (Mac OS X Version 10.5.8) My laptop was also purchased in August of 2009, and my software is up to date.
    Here's my main question: Is it possible to use the "Find My iPhone" App on my computer to help me find my missing iPod if I DO NOT have the "Find My iPhone" App on my iPod? I would assume that the answer to my question would be "no", but I'm not very familiar with apps.

    You need to pay to update the OSX on your Mac.
    Mountain Lion (OSX 10.7.x) requires
    General Requirements
    OS X v10.6.8 or later
    2GB of memory
    8GB of available space
    Some features require an Apple ID; terms apply.
    Some features require a compatible Internet service provider; fees may apply.
    Supported Models
    iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
    MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
    Xserve (Early 2009)
    MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
    Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
    Also since you said you have iPod Touch 8BG (I got the iPod in August of 2009), that iPod is a 2G iPod touch that does not Support iCloud. However, if you previously subscribed to the paid MobileMe you might be able to find it but since you can;t log into iCloud you can't do that.
    Sorry but you are out of luck finding your 2G iPod except the old fashioned way, lokk for it,.

  • Trying to create first iPhone app, use Interface Builder or Xcode first?

    I'm trying to create my first iPhone App, do I start with Interface Builder or Xcode first? And how do I link the two together?

    It's not really that simple -- you'll be working with both. Interface Builder is used to design the GUI (graphical user interface, which consists of the windows and buttons and text fields and so forth, the parts of the application that your user interacts with). Xcode, on the other hand, is used to write the code that tells that GUI what it's supposed to do, and how to do it. So, to answer your question as best I can -- generally, I would imagine you would want to start by creating the basic form of your GUI in Interface Builder and then start coding where appropriate in Xcode, then you'll move back and forth between the two (Xcode and Interface Builder) as needed.
    If you're new to programming and want to start with iPhone apps, I recommend picking up a book on the topic (Apress publishing has a book called "Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK" that is a good one, and don't forget to take advantage of Apple's iOS Dev Center, which has lots of good documentation on most any topic that will be helpful in supplementing the information in the book you buy -- click [here|http://developer.apple.com/iphone/index.action] to go there).
    Keep in mind, however, that trying to learn to program iPhone apps will be difficult (to say the least) if you don't already know Objective-C, and the Apress book I recommended above will not be easy to follow without understanding Objective-C first. Objective-C an object-oriented extension of C, and it is the programming language that is used to develop iOS apps (apps for the iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad). I would definitely recommend learning Objective-C on the Mac before jumping in to iPhone development in specific. Apress has another book called "Learn Objective-C on the Mac" that I would recommend for this.
    Furthermore, since Objective-C is an extension of C, you won't have an easy time learning it without a prior understanding of the C programming language. Again, Apress has a book for this, called "Learn C on the Mac."
    Put simply, learning to program for the iPhone is not something that comes overnight -- it's a step-by-step process that takes patience, and you have to be willing to go through these steps if you want to learn to program properly for the iPhone.
    Step 1 -- learn the C programming language
    Step 2 -- learn the Objective-C programming language
    Step 3 -- apply your knowledge to developing for iOS (iPhone's operating system) with the Cocoa Touch framework
    Anyways, that's just my advice -- I definitely recommend taking the time to do it right and not jumping straight into the deep end, but in the end only you know what works best for you. Also, like I said, I definitely think investing in a book on the subject is worth the time and money, so let me know if you want any other recommendations for books beyond the ones listed above.
    Hope this was helpful to you, and best of luck with your journey toward programming for iOS.

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    The find my iDevice works through iCloud.  What you needed to have done before it went missing was setup an iCloud account on the device, then enable the find my device slider setting to "ON" under that account's settings.
    If you did not do that, it is not trackable.
    There is no way to track it by serial number.
    Also, in order to be trackable it has to be powered on and connected to a data connection.  A wifi-only device like an iPod Touch powers off the wifi radio when running on the battery, so if it has gone into sleep mode, it would not be trackable until or unless woken up by someone so it could re-acquire a data connection with a wifi network.

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    Dear all,
    My friend just lost her iphone 4 and she didn't has find my iphone app. So is it possible to track her iphone using "find my iphone app" by key in its ID number only? Or is that any other way to find it?


  • Iphone apps using flex remote objects with CF???

    I am used to making web applications that use flex remote objects to interact with CF.
    Is it possible to use remoting from an iphone app cross compiled using flash builder to interact with Cf remoting on a remote server?

    Interseting, config files always seem to me like a strange way to do things.
    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this, but by default, that's how remoting works in Flex - you have channels and destinations defined on your server, and your compiler points to your config files and reads those values. So it's a little extra work to define them in AS instead.
    Can you give me any tips on authenticating requests to cfc's from mobiles and how to protect my servers once I exposes cfc's to apps not hosted on the same server as CF?
    There isn't really anything mobile-specific you need to do here. Exposing CFCs isn't any different than exposing CFM files that are accessed via a browser. You can use the standard CF session management and CF authentication (cflogin) - there are some examples available by Googling "coldfusion cflogin flex remoting".
    Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

  • IPhone apps used to appear in iPhone size on iPad.  Since updating to iOS7.0, these apps are HUGE and unreadable.  How can I display actual size in iOS 7.0?

    I realize this is a Mac forum, but I am sure there are iOS users here as well.  My problem is that apps made specifically for iPhone used to display in regular iPhone size on the iPad which was fine --- it was workable.  Since upgrading to iOS 7.0, these apps are HUGE, filling the entire iPad screen.  How does one revert to the non-magnified appearance?

    I tried:
    01. Rebooting PC
    02. Rebooting iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad 2, iPad 3
    03. Stoppng and restarting Apple Mobile Support service
    04. Deleting backup in iTunes
    05. Buying music and transferring purchases
    06. Transferring photos
    07. Buying app and transferring purchases
    08. Deleteing and reinstalling iTunes
    09. Backup to the iCloud (failed as well)
    10. WIFI sync
    11. Return the iPod Touch to factory settings and reinstall from backup
    12. Return the iPod Touch to factory settings and install as new device
    ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WORKED !!!  I still cannot backup because iTunes cannot start a session.
    My devices are completely vulnerable to loss.
    I have spent hours searching the Internet trying to find a solution.
    I have concluded that the iTunes software or its driver are at fault.

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