Iphone can't receive messages on one particular Android?

I've googled for answers, but all the problems I found were related to switching from an Iphone to an Android.
My friend owns an Android and we texted each other a few times when one day, I couldn't receive his messages anymore. He owns this old black Android (not sure what brand/model) and I own an Iphone 5 ios 6.1.2(10B146). I'm still able to text all other Android phones (SG3/4, Droids, other old Androids), but not his phone. I've tried turning iMessage off -> restarting iphone -> him texting back, but it's still not working. My phone number is listed on the imessage send/receive list, but checked and greyed out. I haven't tried deleting all my saved messages yet because I wanted to keep some of them.
Here's one thing that changed though:
He saved my contact with  +1(areacode)-number. From then on, I could send him messages, I couldn't receive any. Even when he removed the +1(areacode) off his contact, it still wouldn't work.
I don't think it's an issue serious enough for a complete factory restore, since I can still text all other androids but him.
Can anyone shed some light to my problem?

I am also facing the same issue.! I also tried the following steps found in some community answer but still no success.1. Quit and Remove the app. (drag to recycle-bin)
2. remove the Skype folder at ~/Library/Application Support
3. goto ~/Library/Preferences and Remove the com.skype.*.plist files found there..4. Re-install and login again in skype. 

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    SMS messaging is a carrier feature. Contact your carrier.

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    I am right there with you. This describes my problem to a T. Only other issue I am having is group texts. Iphone users who include me in a group text still send as imessages as well, so even if I text them first and they reply, it send as an imessage. Get it together apple.

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    This won't get your old messages back but will help with new ones: https://selfsolve.apple.com/deregister-imessage

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    Hi Tnolen15,
    If you are having issues sending or receiving messages from a specific contact (in this case, your wife), you may find this portion of the following article helpful (ignore the numbering):
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, back up or forward important messages and delete your current messaging threads with the contact. Create a new message to the contact and try again.
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, delete and recreate the contact in the Contacts app. Create a new message to the newly created contact and try again.
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages
    - Brenden

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    Try runing iTunes in admin mode. That fixed the issue for me. You can either right click on the shortcut on your desktop and choose to run as an admin each time you launch it or go to the advanced tab under security on the program itself and click the run as admin every time.

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    Hi Tnolen15,
    If you are having issues sending or receiving messages from a specific contact (in this case, your wife), you may find this portion of the following article helpful (ignore the numbering):
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, back up or forward important messages and delete your current messaging threads with the contact. Create a new message to the contact and try again.
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, delete and recreate the contact in the Contacts app. Create a new message to the newly created contact and try again.
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages
    - Brenden

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    Hi Using iPad,
    Can I receive message from my cellular service provider in my iPad mini cellular?

    I Picked This Username wrote:
    Be aware though..
    If you send an iMessage to an iPhone that isn't using WiFi, they will be charged for receiving the message..
    The same goes with the iPad sending the message: if you are not using WiFi..
    That is incorrect. No cell carrier charges for a message sent by and received by iMessage other than any relevant data charges. The carrier doesn't even know the message is any different from an email message or any other standard Internet traffic. Only if the iPhone was not set up to iMessage and hence receives the message via SMS would there perhaps be a charge, and that will depend on the cell plan. The iPad cannot receive messages via SMS at all so there will never be a charge.

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    If your friends are trying to message you from their iPhones to your iPad, they have to send the text to your Apple ID email address and you have to set up messages to use your Apple ID instead of the iPhone number. Your Apple ID should already be accessible in the settings since you have to set up Messages with your Apple ID in the first place.
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