Iphone photos folders to iphoto

I have taken pictures on my iPhone4 and organised them into various albums I've created in the 'photos' app that comes with the phone. When I download them into iPhoto, willl they stay referenced to the albums, or end up all jumbled up again in iPhoto? I've plugged the phone into my MacbookPro and I see an import button highlighgted in iPhoto, but no option to choose which folder I want to download.

at this time theere is no connection between orgianization on an iPhone and on teh Mac - the Mac improts the photos as photos just like from a camera

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    Thank you

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    GRPhil wrote:
    I have a new 3GS. It will not email my iPhone photos nor can I import them into my iMac running iLife 08 and OS 10.5.7. The iPhone shows up in iPhoto on the iMac but it says there are no photos on it when there are. I did not have this problem with either my previous 3G or 2G.
    How are you attempting to email the photos? The mot direct way is the Share function in the Photos app .. though that will give you 800x600 version. Or you can copy them there and paste them into an email. But there are known problems emailing photos via Yahoo.
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    To get the photos from your iPhoto Library on your Mobile device to the computer, add them to the Camera Roll, see:  http://help.apple.com/iphoto/ipad/1.1/#blnkee26bc1f
    Import photos to iPhoto or Aperture on your computer
    Tap a photo and tap .
    Tap Camera Roll.
    Confirm or change the photos you want to share:
    Select all the photos in an album or event: Tap All.
    Select a range of photos: Tap Choose Photos, tap Range, tap the first and last photos in the range, and tap Next.
    Connect your iOS device to your computer.
    Open iPhoto or Aperture, and import your photos.

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    These are user-to-user forums, so I've asked the hosts to remove your email address from your post (posting it on public forums can lead to spam).
    Only photos taken with the iPad, copied onto it via the camera connection kit, or saved from emails/websites etc can be deleted directly on the iPad.  Photos that were synced from your computer are deleted by moving/removing/de-selecting them from where they were synced from on your computer and then re-syncing.
    In terms of editing them, on iOS 6 I get an Edit button at the top left of the screen which gives me some edit options at the bottom of the screen : rotate, enhance, red-eye, crop. The edited version will then be saved to the Camera Roll album, the original photo is left untouched.  There are also third-party photo editing apps e.g. Photoshop Express (which is free with some in-app options) - they will also save the edited version to the Camera Roll album, the original photo will be left unaltered.

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    Copy the old Library to the New mac.
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    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
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    Good to read and note error messages - it turns out that there is a reason to have them - they often explain problems and the solution to the problem
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    Kind Regards,
    Roman zaharenkov


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    Just sharing if others have the same experience sending 3 iPhone photos by email to themselves and seeing if all can be added to iPhoto from Mail. Thanks.

    Yes it is a bug
    Report to apple. iPhoto menu ==> provide iPhoto feedback
    You can work around BR saving to the desktop and importing or opening in quick view, expanding to full screen and saving to iPhoto

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    That's the way it works, & there is nothing wrong. iPhone organizes photos the same way iPhoto does on a Mac. All photos synced to your phone appear in your "Photo Library". The photos in the various albums/folders are not duplicates, rather they are pointers to the actual photos, which, again, are in your Photo Library.

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    1. The photo library on your phone is not the same as your iPhoto Library. For a start, thoe images have been compressed to a very small size to save space on the device and you're missing versions, metadata and so on.
    2. You would be better restoring from a back up.
    3. You can get these versions off your phone with an app like http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/36028/iphone-photo-transfer . There are others. Search on MacUpdate
    4. Once you've recovered them to the computer you'll need to create a new Library to import them.

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