IPhone - To cover or not to cover?

My iphone has been naked ever since last june... and still looks like a newborn today. Cases don't add as much protection as they do a false sense of security. And they take too much away from the bling factor of the iPhone.
I always carry my iPhone in my front pants pocket... all by it's lonesome.
Anybody else out there walking around without protection?

nope no case, i hate cases on phones, i looked into trying to get a sleeve for it but i guessed that i would end up dropping it more fumbling to get it out.
my brother has one of the rubber wrap around cases and he likes it but he said that it does catch a little on his pants when he tried to pull it out but it gives better grip.
personally, meh if i were to get anything for it i would get the plastic sheets to cover the screen or if i was in very rough work id grab an ottercase but if it gets scratched ya ill be sad but them go "o well cant do anything now"
the rubber wrap arounds seem to give a little drop protection but that is what insurance if for (in fact if you are covering other electronics and valuables the cost that the iphone takes to cover is probably less than the case... and lets your iphone be sexy still)

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    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.  
    I would need clarification on if you are experiencing an issue with syncing photos via iTunes or iCloud to provide a better answer.  However, here are a couple troubleshooting articles that cover both scenarios.    
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    Good Morning S.GOPINADHAN,
    I understand your iPhone screen is black and you are not able to turn it on.  The article below will explain what to do when your iPhone is not responsive.  I'll also include instructions on how to back up your iPhone when you are able to turn it on.
    If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch doesn't respond or doesn't turn on - Apple Support
    iCloud: Back up your iOS device to iCloud
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