IPhone version of folio on Android tablets

Why iPhone version of folio shows on Android tablets together with tablets version? Could i prohibit iPhone folios for any Android devices?

Correct, a separate application account for every app is the recommended workflow.
(Not recommended) However if you still want to use the same account for both Android and iOS, you can use renditions to target different screen sizes.
Details here: http://helpx.adobe.com/digital-publishing-suite/help/creating-documents-multiple-devices.h tml

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    RolandCKO wrote:
    The iPhone practically does whatever the iPad could.  The only differences are :
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    If you kept different screen sizes in mind when you were building the app then its just as easy as you described it. You will need to get an android certificate but its easy as pie and all done right there in flash.
    If however you designed the app to fit just right into 768x1024px dimensions then you have a whole lot of work in front of you not to mention android tablets are all different sizes too, the original galaxy Tab looks to be 600 x 1024 and the new galaxy tab is close to an ipad in dimensions where the motorola Xoom is 1280x800 so its a lot to keep track of.
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    This is a user forum, not a Lenovo company resource. We are all just users like you. Lenovo makes two IdeaPad tablets, and a ThinkPad tablet. You are going to have a hard time finding the features you want under $300. The A1 (which is a 7" entry-level tablet) will not come close to meeting your desires. Perhaps others can discuss the K1 and ThinkPad. You probably should be looking at iPad-level equipment.
    IdeaPad A1-07
    iPhone 3GS

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  • WiFi Tether Your Android Tablet to Your Cell Phone - LG Marquee Boost Mobile Example

    Greetings Earthlings and Android Fans....
    Just posted this to my blog and wanted to share a text version here. Check it out if you're looking to tether your tablet to your cell phone. I tethered my Thrive to my Boost Mobile LG Marquee.
    From:  Kaio's Klassroom: WiFi Tether Your Android Tablet to Your Cell Phone - LG Marquee Infrastruct...
    Want to tether your tablet to your cell phone, but Ad-Hoc got you down?  How about trying this nifty little tweak that got me up in running in a jiffy!!
    I recently got a new LG Marquee Prepaid Phone with Boost Mobile @Amazon and I really love it.  Only problem is, I was spoiled with my last phone because it was rooted to support Infrastructure tethering and I had no idea how difficult and unusual that was.  I've since done some research with my new Boost Mobile LG Marquee, and after a little trial and error (and some lucky Google searches) I have successfully tethered my LG Marquee to my Toshiba Thrive tablet!!!
    Here's what I did:
    Mandatory Disclaimer - The following information is for informational purposes only.  Proceed at your own risk!!!  Rooting will void your warranty and could "brick" your phone if you do something wrong!!  So if you damage your phone, or any of your tech, that's on you.
    NOTE: If you don't have an LG Marquee, just search "your phone model" + "root" and you should find plenty of information specific to your phone.  There's always people wanting to do the same thing you are, so it's just a matter of finding the information that's already out there.  Once your phone is rooted, come back here and start on Step 2.
    Step 1 -- Root your LG Marquee (You do NOT need to root your Tablet)
    The following information was taken from LG Cell Phones Blog and are for the LG Esteem, which is a generic root mod.  
    > Enable USB Debugging on your LG Marquee: Go to Settings > Applications > Development > Enable Debugging and check the box.
    > Download and install the LG USB drivers at:  LG Cell Phones Blog You want the file "LGUnitedMobileDriver_S4981MAN32AP22_ML_WHQL_Ver_3. 2.1_2.exe"
    > After installing the USB drivers connect your phone to a PC.  On the phone, pull down the notification bar at the top of the phone's screen and click on USB Connected.  Set the phone to Internet Connection mode (CHARGE ONLY not Mass Storage).
    > Download "LG_Esteem_Root.zip"  at:  LG Cell Phones Blog.  Unzip the file and double-click on the run.bat file.
    Note: Kaspersky Internet Security will flag this file as a Trojan: "Exploit.Linux.Lotoor.ag"  I don't believe this file is a Trojan, per se.  I believe it's required during the root process.  When I let Kaspersky eliminate the file, my phone wouldn't root.  So I decided to run the root program on a secondary computer, just in case.  I disabled Kaspersky temporarily on that computer, and ran the root zip and my phone rooted without a hitch.  I later scanned my phone with Webroot Security and AVG, and neither found any viruses on my phone, so I believe the process is safe.  Technically, rooting your phone probably does involve a Trojan hack, hence why Kaspersky flags that file.  However, I must reiterate to proceed at your own risk.
    Just in Case -- How to Unroot Sprint LG Marquee:
    Use root explorer and delete superuser.apk from the /system/app folder. Go to the Android market and download and install super user. Use root explorer again and delete su from /system/bin. Go to the market and uninstall super user.  Do a factory reset & you will be back to square one.
    Step 2 -- Verify that you have properly rooted your phone with this nifty free app: Root Checker Basic
    If you did everything right, you should get a message that says "Congratulations, this device has root access."  If you fail to get that message, go back to Step 1. 
    Step 3 -- Download the Android WiFi Tether for root users app
    Currently, the only version of Android WiFi Tether that worked for me was 3.1-beta7.  The newest version doesn't work properly with tablets, so be sure to get 3.1-beta7.  Here's a link and QR code for easy access: WiFi Tether 3.1-beta7 apk
    Step 4 -- Configure WiFi Tether app:
    I've tried many settings, but these are the only ones that have worked.  Start the app and grant Super User Permissions.  Then Click Menu to get into the app's setting.  Inside the Settings, do the following:
    > Change Device Profile to: Samsung Galaxy S
    > Change Setup Method to: Netd (Master)
    > Enable WiFi Encryption: Check box to Enable
    > Change Pass Phrase to: any 13 digit password of your choice.
    > Change SSID to: any name of your choice.
    > Change Channel to: 4 (2427mhz)
    > Disable Update Check: Check box to Disable.
    > Click your phone's Back Arrow to Exit back to the app's Main Screen
    > Touch the WiFi button onscreen to start tethering.
    > Grant Super User Permissions
    Note: If you get Error Code 67, Click Dismiss.  If you update, I don't know what will happen; my guess is it will disable the ability to tether.  But if I click Dismiss, my tethering is Enabled, and works perfectly.
    Step 5 -- Grab Your Tablet & Start Tethering
    > Go to Settings > Wireless & Networks > Check the box to Enable WiFi > Click WiFi Settings > Under WiFi Networks, find the SSID for your tethering app that you entered in Step 4 above. > Click on the SSID of your tethering app > Enter the 13 digit Pass Phrase you created in Step 4 above and Click Connect.
    That's it!  Congratulations -- your tablet should now be tethered to your cell phone!
    Now that you're tethered to your cell phone, be smart, and DON'T download a ton of gigabytes.  Just be smart about it, and you should be fine.  Remember, tethering to your cell phone probably goes against the terms of service with your cell phone carrier, so DON'T abuse the privilege.
    Now that you're the envy of all your friends, why not test your data speeds: SpeedTest App - FreeMy data speed test results with my Toshiba Thrive tablet tethered to my LG Marquee:
    Download:  855kbps   Upload:  302kbps
    That's pretty great for a 3g no-contract cell phone with unlimited data.
    Happy tethering everyone!
    Go forth and Androidify!
    Hugs, Kaio
    From:  Kaio's Klassroom: WiFi Tether Your Android Tablet to Your Cell Phone - LG Marquee Infrastruct...

    If you have a compatible device without Android Market access, you can download Firefox directly from our FTP server. See the instructions here for details: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms/Android

  • How do I take all the bookmarks on my android tablet and sync them with my desktop, if I've had to change my recovery key?

    Anciallry to my profile becoming corrupted on Desktop Computer A (windows 7), and a subsequent sync of the corrupt information to Desktop Computer B (OSX 10.6), I'm left with all 1400ish bookmarks residing on Mobile Device C (Android Tablet).
    During my attempts to restore, I had firefox services generate a new Recovery Key, prior to my knowing that my bookmarks were stored in "C".
    when attempting to sync now, on the desktop, i see:
    <pre><nowiki>1349979922766 Sync.Service DEBUG Exception: Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsINavBookmarksService.removeFolderChildren] Stack trace: BStore_wipe()@resource:///modules/services-sync/engines/bookmarks.js:1253 < <file:unknown> < Engine__wipeClient()@resource://services-sync/engines.js:498 < <file:unknown> < WrappedNotify()@resource://services-sync/util.js:142 < <file:unknown> < Engine_wipeClient()@resource://services-sync/engines.js:504 < <file:unknown> < resource:///modules/services-sync/service.js:1563 < <file:unknown> < WrappedNotify()@resource://services-sync/util.js:142 < <file:unknown> < WeaveSvc_wipeClient()@resource:///modules/services-sync/service.js:1548 < resource:///modules/services-sync/service.js:1246 < <file:unknown> < WrappedNotify()@resource://services-sync/util.js:142 < WrappedLock()@resource://services-sync/util.js:97 < <file:unknown> < _lockedSync()@resource:///modules/services-sync/service.js:1186 < resource:///modules/services-sync/service.js:1177 < <file:unknown> < WrappedCatch()@resource://services-sync/util.js:71 < <file:unknown> < sync()@resource:///modules/services-sync/service.js:1165 < <file:unknown> < <file:unknown>
    1349979922789 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
    1349979922800 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
    1349979922809 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
    1349979922819 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
    1349979922819 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
    1349979925683 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
    1349979925704 Sync.ErrorHandler DEBUG Beginning user-triggered sync.
    1349979925705 Sync.Service DEBUG User-Agent: Firefox/15.0.1 FxSync/
    1349979925705 Sync.Service INFO Starting sync at 2012-10-11 13:25:25
    1349979925706 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Clearing sync triggers and the global score.
    1349979925706 Sync.Service INFO In sync().
    1349979925707 Sync.Status INFO Resetting Status.
    1349979925707 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
    1349979925814 Sync.Resource DEBUG mesg: GET success 200 https://scl2-sync623.services.mozilla.com/1.1/vq5tgzklyepycf5agigiay47ime5ytho/info/collections
    1349979925814 Sync.Resource DEBUG GET success 200 https://scl2-sync623.services.mozilla.com/1.1/vq5tgzklyepycf5agigiay47ime5ytho/info/collections
    1349979925815 Sync.Service DEBUG Fetching global metadata record
    1349979925815 Sync.Service DEBUG Weave Version: 1.17.0 Local Storage: 5 Remote Storage: 5
    1349979925815 Sync.Service INFO Sync key is up-to-date: no need to upgrade.
    1349979925815 Sync.Service DEBUG Fetching and verifying -- or generating -- symmetric keys.
    1349979925815 Sync.Service INFO Testing info/collections: {"passwords":1349979572.28,"tabs":1349979636.47,"clients":1349979114.63,"crypto":1349974699.42,"forms":1349979571.23,"meta":1349975849.38,"prefs":1349975802.81,"bookmarks":1349976817.63,"addons":1349979226.66,"history":1349979571.65}
    1349979925815 Sync.CollectionKeys INFO Testing for updateNeeded. Last modified: 1349974699.42
    1349979925815 Sync.Service DEBUG Refreshing client list.
    1349979925817 Sync.Engine.Clients INFO 0 outgoing items pre-reconciliation
    1349979925818 Sync.Engine.Clients INFO Records: 0 applied, 0 successfully, 0 failed to apply, 0 newly failed to apply, 0 reconciled.
    1349979925944 Sync.Collection DEBUG mesg: GET success 200 https://scl2-sync623.services.mozilla.com/1.1/vq5tgzklyepycf5agigiay47ime5ytho/storage/bookmarks?full=1&sort=newest&limit=1
    1349979925944 Sync.Collection DEBUG GET success 200 https://scl2-sync623.services.mozilla.com/1.1/vq5tgzklyepycf5agigiay47ime5ytho/storage/bookmarks?full=1&sort=newest&limit=1
    1349979925945 Sync.Engine.Bookmarks DEBUG Resetting bookmarks last sync time
    1349979925945 Sync.Engine.Bookmarks DEBUG Deleting all local data
    1349979926487 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Sync error count has exceeded 3; enforcing backoff.
    1349979926488 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Starting client-initiated backoff. Next sync in 2777931 ms.
    1349979926488 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Next sync in 2777931 ms.</nowiki></pre>
    the android device logs arent as friendly to export, but i see similar complaints about crypto.

    It sounds like your desktop profile is (still?) corrupt; it's failing to process the wipe on bookmarks. So let's be super thorough: we'll clean up the desktop, then reconnect so the Android device's data will replace it.
    My suggestion is to do the following. Read all of the steps before you start. I recommend that your Android device is on wifi.
    # On your Android device, go to Settings > Accounts & sync. Remove your Sync account. Your Firefox profile will be unchanged.
    # On your desktop, create a new profile.
    # On the new profile, assuming you want to re-use your Sync account, follow the instructions below.
    # Re-pair your Android device with the new desktop profile, and wait for it to finish syncing before syncing the desktop.
    Connecting to an existing sync account:
    # Set Up Sync
    # I have an account
    # I don't have the device with me
    # Enter username and password, choose "I have lost my other device"
    # You'll get a dialog with a new recovery key. Choose "Change recovery key".
    Let me know if you have any problems!

  • The Bluetooth on my 2012 Lexus doesn't work with my iPhone 5.  My old android phone worked perfectly with my car.  Even the tech guy at Lexus couldn't get it to work.  What is apple doing to fix this.

    The Bluetooth on my 2012 Lexus doesn't work with my iPhone 5.  My old android worked perfectly with my car.  Even the tech specialist at Lexus couldn't get it to work.  Lexus said that other iPhone 5s were having the same problem.  What is apple doing to fix this?

    Going to the local Apple store this morning...
    My problem is not uncommon as the board is showing signs of this happening to many others as well. That is where I found the restore and reboot information to try to solve the issue of crashing apps.
    I understand that Apple will not "give away the cow", but letting iPhone users know that the problems they are having are being addressed by Apple is a little more comforting than nothing at all. Other wise, all the apps in world are useless and even more importantly worthless, if a person has to reset/reboot/reload just to get them to work.
    IF Apple can not address the basic problems with todays iPhone apps, why should one believe that the iPhone 3.0 OS is any better? Using a PC comparison, which is better, XP or Vista. If the current iPhone OS of 2.2. what ever is not working that well (as related to down loaded apps and iTunes), will OS 3.0 be any better?
    The waste of time I refer to is in going to the apps store and downloading the apps... Again why by apps if the free version does not work?

  • How can I sync a new desktop computer to an existing sync account, already set up in an android tablet?

    The story is, I had my desktop and android tablet synced, with a significant amount of bookmarks in the desktop PC. Then my desktop hard drive was reformatted and Win XP reinstalled.
    I had not taken note of the recovery key previously (nor backed up the firefox profile), thinking that I would just easily sync the "new" desktop back to the existing account.
    I can see the synced bookmarks in my tablet (but associated to the now nonexistent desktop).
    I just can't find a way of retrieving the sync key or recovery key from the android tablet, to be able to join the "new" desktop to the same account.
    Anyone have any idea of how to do it?
    I've seen references to an add-on that would show the key but it doesn't work with the current firefox version (19)
    An alternative would be to export the bookmarks from the tablet, but I couldn't find how to do it either. The option to export is not there on the android version.
    Thanks in advance!

    I've tried, but it requires me to enter a Recovery Key and I can't find a way to retrieve that from the android tablet.
    Am I missing something?

  • I want to refresh firefox on my android tablet

    I cannot play a video on a site I am using. Last Sunday it worked perfect and today there is a message on the screen where I watched the video before saying ( Video format or MIME type is not supported) Please help. Thank you.

    Hi Mpuzir
    We need details :-) in order to help you. Can't read your mind :)!
    #What version of Firefox for Android are you using? FF 37.0.1?
    # What tablet are you using?
    # What version of android are you using?
    # Which video site isn't working. Please tell us the url and what you did, what you expected and what happened!

  • Connect to my 10.6 mail server from an android tablet

    I have an Samsumg Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (Android 4.0.1) tablet and I need to set up my email for my business on it. I have it set up fine on my iPhone and iPad and desktop (Mac and Windows both), but when I try to set it up on my Android tablet it either says the username or password is incorrect (I am positive it is not) or it cannot contact the server. I've about pulled my hair out trying to figure out which setting is messing things up, but on the tablet the choices are few, so I'm about at a loss. The only thing I can think of is that there is no option on the Android to use MD5 challenge/response for authentication. If that were it, why would it say "Incorrect username or password"?
    I know this isn't an Android forum, but it IS an Apple email server. Any peculiarities I might be overlooking might be the problem, so that is why I ask here.

    There is nothing unique, special or weird going on here, there is only the usual slog of figuring out what an individual mail client requires and offers, and what the mail server provides and can offer, and aligning the two within your local expectations and needs.
    OS X Server uses standard Unix mail server tools.  Postfix and Dovecot.  And again, there is nothing special, weird, or unique here.
    Check your mail server logs for details around the connection failure.  Assuming you see the connection error arriving, of course, and that's a clue in itself.  You'll want and need to look at both the IMAP or POP logs, and the SMTP logs.
    The usual triggers are the firewall settings, the particular required ports for your mail server configuration, whether SSL is used or not, and possibly the encoding of the credentials.
    Check with the Android client settings, with the Android documentation, and possibly then with an Android forum around what your particular client requires, when connecting with Postfix and Dovecot tools.  (These are standard Unix tools, so I'd expect there are Android-specific discussions around the network.  Here's one discussion, though the trigger for what that Android user encountered is probably a firewall block against outbound TCP port 25 connections from random boxes — boxes that are not known mail servers — that is increasingly implemented around the 'net.)
    And FWIW, OS X Server 10.6 has a layer of management tools atop Postfix with Server Admin key among these, and I'd manage via those first and not via the direct postfix commands.  But the lower-level postfix commands do work on OS X Server, if you're looking around.  In other words, read-only, don't use the lower-level Postfix tools to make changes, unless Server Admin et al don't allow you access to the setting.

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