Iphoto 11 slideshow & music not working [OSx 10.8.2]

For some reason my slideshow will not play music after I press "PLAY."
Is there a reason for this?  Volume is up and everything looks to be ready to play the slideshow; I think is has to do with the new OS.  I've had no problem in the past.
Any thoughts?


Similar Messages

  • Iphoto 08 slideshow music not playing

    After making a slideshow with iphoto I mixed some songs together using garageband, then exported the mixed songs to iTunes.
    But when I choose that track in iTunes for my slideshow it doesn't play. I've tried a bunch of other songs they won't play either. I have done this before using iphoto 06 and didn't have any problems. But now with 08 I can't seem to get any music to play with my slideshow.
    Which means no exporting to iDVD, no burning to a disk, no showing off to my friends.
    Can anybody tell me what my problem is??

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Are you able to get non-Garageband mixed playlists to work in iPhoto's slideshows? If so then there's something GB is doing to the joined tracks that iPhoto doesn't like. For that you'd probably get more informed responses in the Garageband forums.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Slideshows & Music not working

    It's intermittent - sometimes the music will start and sometimes it won't.  Usually it won't when I have client sitting down to view their proofs.  Sometimes it works better if I start iTunes first - sometimes not.
    What the heck is going on?
    LR 2.4 on a MacPro

    As a workaround, and provided that you have Adobe Acrobat Professional, you can export your slideshow in PDF format from Lightroom 2, and import it into Acrobat Professional.  There you can embed music (in MP3 format) in the slideshow.  You can then save this modifed PDF file containing your slideshow, and the slideshow with music then works independently of Lightroom completely.  You are also then able to email the slideshow with music to clients so they don't physically have to be sat in front of your machine running Lightroom to view the slideshow.  The only drawback is that you don't have control over the speed of the transitions between the slides, nor the duration of each slides.  Otherwise, it works fine.  Hope this helps.

  • IPhoto '11 Slideshow Settings not working

    running iphoto 9.2.3
    not matter how many seconds i put into the "play each slideshow for X" setting
    the slides only show for about 3 seconds.  that was last night
    now i am putting in various durations (3-7 seconds long) but after i close window
    and open it again then the duration is set back to 5 seconds every time but
    the slides are showing for 3 seconds
    have been making slideshows for family gatherings for over 7 years, first time
    to have this problem
    restarting computer did not work
    disk utility and repair disk permissions did not work

    yes, the problem still exits with a new library.
    Have also tried holding down option and command key and then rebuilding thumbnails, repair database, and examine + repair permissions
    however, i just noticed that the problem affects the theme "vintage" but did not affect the theme "ken burns."
    in the interest of getting the suitcases packed and the family in the car i may just give up on vintage
    lastly, looked for my file com.apple.iPhoto.plist and could not find it...which seems strange to me.
    i also routinely use disk utility to repair permissions and notice that this iMac (2011) always has several pages of permissions to repair whereas my previous iMac (2006) would remain stable for a week. maybe my new mac is gamey?

  • IPhoto '11 (9.5) Slideshow music not working

    Having made hundreds of slideshows with iPhoto before version '11 (9.5), I now find that either way I attempt to add music to a slideshow I get silence. I double checked the Music menu that appears when the show plays, to be sure that the "Play music during slideshow" box is checked. My music selections for a 'Custom Playlist' do appear in the menu box. Any ideas?  
    Thanks, Greg
    (OSX and the related apps worked fine -- why tamper with a working tool, Apple?!)

    In iTunes go File -> Library -> Organise Library -> Reorganise Library.
    Then quit and restart iPhoto.
    Credit to user keysandfood who figured that one out.

  • Just upgraded to iPhoto 11.  slideshow does not work. just is black.

    I just upgraded to iPhoto 11.  I am on a MacPro desktop.
    Slideshow does not work for either the existing slideshows or to create new one.
    Just a black screen.  When you click on the slideshow button it fades for a microsecond like it is going to go to slideshow...but then just a black box where teh photo should be.

    Can you view the photos normally at full size?

  • Iphoto slideshow does not work

    How do I get iPhoto's slideshow function to work without iPhoto 'not responding' message?

    Fix it, of course. Now for a more useful answer give us more information to work with.

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    Just updated to Iphoto 9.1.3 but the slideshow feature not working at all. Screen goes white but any features selected, nothing is produced .The themes preview windows are blank too. is there something missing?

    Sounds like it.
    To re-install iPhoto
    1. Put the iPhoto.app in the trash (Drag it from your Applications Folder to the trash)
    2a: On 10.5:  Go to HD/Library/Receipts and remove any pkg file there with iPhoto in the name.
    2b: On 10.6: Those receipts may be found as follows:  In the Finder use the Go menu and select Go To Folder. In the resulting window type
    A Finder Window will open at that location and you can remove the iPhoto pkg files.
    3. Re-install.
    If you purchased an iLife Disk, then iPhoto is on it.
    If iPhoto was installed on your Mac when you go it then it’s on the System Restore disks that came with your Mac. Insert the first one and opt to ‘Install Bundled Applications Only.
    If you purchased it on the App Store you can find it in your Purchases List.

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    What version of Mac OS X?
    What home page?
    What browser?

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    == URL of affected sites ==

    Error: $.ad is undefined
    Source File: http://www.foxnews.com/static/all/js/slideshows-pack.js
    Line: 850
    // Slideshows - updated: 04/30/2010
    // Dependencies: jQuery, jfoxCarousel plugin
    function SlideShows() {
    this._data = {}; // slideshow data
    this._info = {}; // current slideshow info
    this._relatedMedia = {}; // related media data
    this._trackData = false;
    this.initialized = false;
    this.toolTipId = "carousel-tooltip";
    this.defaultTrackFrequency = 1; // tracker trigger
    this._preloaderSrc = "/static/all/img/slideshow/slideshow-preloader.gif";
    this._timer = { // timers
    main: { fadeIn:800 },
    carousel: { fadeIn:300 },
    overlay: { onLast:10000,fadeIn:300,fadeOut:300 }
    this.currentFocus = 1; // current item in focus
    this.holderObj = {}; // holder for elements
    this.hashObj = {}; // hash location holder
    this.imgPreloadObj = {}; // holder for preloaded images
    // carousel object controllers
    this.carouselControlObj = {};
    this.overlayControlObj = {};
    this.trigger = { // listeners
    main: false,
    carousel: false,
    overlay: false
    this.overlayTimeout = false; // overlay timeout holder
    SlideShows.prototype = {
    init: function(config) {
    for (i in config) { this['_'+i] = config[i]; }
    this.main.root = this.carousel.root = this.overlay.root = this;
    this.hashObj = this.helper.getHash();
    if (typeof $.fn.jfoxCarousel<u>'undefined') {
    showToConsole("[init] Error: carousel plugin not found!");
    if (this._trackData) { // set tracking data
    sTracker.track("pageLoad"); // page load tracker
    this.initialized = true;
    preload: function() {
    var preloadImg = new Image();
    preloadImg.src = this.preloadSrc;
    setHolders: function() {
    var SH = this;
    var slideshowElm = $("#slideshow");
    this.holderObj = {
    doc: $(document),
    body: $("body"),
    intro: $("#section-intro"),
    main: slideshowElm.find("#main-img"),
    mainHolder: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-placeholder"),
    mainControl: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-controller"),
    description: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-desc"),
    relatedMedia: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-related"),
    carousel: slideshowElm.find(".slideshow-feature .slideshow")
    var intro = $(this);
    if (this.holderObj.main.size()>0) {
    this.main.properties.minHeight = this.holderObj.mainHolder.innerHeight(); // get set height as "min-height"
    if (this.holderObj.carousel.size()>0) {
    $(document).ready(function(){ // wait for page load for the overlay
    SH.holderObj.overlay = $("#slideshow-overlay");
    var set = (SH.holderObj.overlay.size()>0) ? (typeof $.fn.jfoxCarousel!=='undefined') ? SH.overlay.set() : false : false;
    setListeners: function() {
    var SH = this;
    var control = this.holderObj.mainControl;
    // main image controls
    return false;
    return false;
    if (typeof touchEventListener!=="undefined") {
    var listenerConfig = {
    elm: SH.holderObj.mainHolder,
    moveSensitivity: 15,
    eventsCallback: {
    touchmoveMoveOnce: function(direction,moveProperties,rawEvent) {
    // move callback - sensitivity
    var directions = direction.join("|");
    if (directions.indexOf("left")>-1) {
    if (directions.indexOf("right")>-1) {
    setDocReadyListeners: function() {
    var SH = this;
    // browse slideshow overlay
    $("#section-intro .additional-slides a").click(function() {
    return false;
    SH.holderObj.overlay.find(".close a").click(function(){
    return false;
    replaySlideshow: function() {
    var SH = this;
    //TODO: build replay
    this.overlay.hide(); // hide overlay
    this.main.build(this.currentFocus = 1); // reset focus
    // main image holder
    SlideShows.prototype.main = {
    properties: {},
    build: function(slide,origin) {
    var SH = this;
    var root = this.root;
    if (root.trigger.main) { return false; }
    root.trigger.main = true;
    slide = slide || false;
    origin = origin || "main";
    var control = root.holderObj.mainControl;
    var data = root._data;
    var initData = false;
    var desc = [];
    var helper = root.helper;
    if (slide) {
    if (slide 0) { desc.push('Source: ' + data.items[slide].source + ''); }
    // load related media
    if (root._relatedMedia.items) {
    var rmItems = root._relatedMedia.items;
    if (rmItems.length>0) {
    var rel = [];
    rel.push('Related Articles');
    for (var x=0; x 0) {
    sTracker.track("clickPrevMain"); // tracker
    if (!SH.isLast() && root.overlayTimeout) { clearTimeout(root.overlayTimeout); } // clear overlay timeout
    isLast: function() {
    var root = this.root;
    return (root.currentFocus+1 > root._data.items.length) ? true : false;
    // carousel
    SlideShows.prototype.carousel = {
    build: function() {
    var SH = this;
    var root = this.root;
    var carousel = root.holderObj.carousel;
    var data = root._data;
    var list = [];
    for (var x=0;x 0) {
    var li = $(".slideshow > ul",carousel).children();
    var el = $(this);
    var setClass = (i == eventObj.target-1) ? el.addClass("active") : el.removeClass("active");
    controlsCallback: function(control) { // callback to set up controls
    root.carouselControlObj = control;
    carousel.find(".prev").click(function(){ // previous link
    sTracker.track("clickPrevCarousel"); // tracker
    return false;
    carousel.find(".next").click(function(){ // next link
    // show overlay on last carousel link
    //var lastLink = (!currentEventObj) ? false : (currentEventObj.batch.current+1 > currentEventObj.batch.max) ? $(document).ready(function(){ root.overlay.show(false,true); }) : false;
    sTracker.track("clickNextCarousel"); // tracker
    return false;
    if (typeof touchEventListener!=="undefined") {
    var listenerConfig = {
    elm: carousel,
    moveSensitivity: 15,
    eventsCallback: {
    touchmoveMoveOnce: function(direction,moveProperties,rawEvent) {
    // move callback - sensitivity
    var directions = direction.join("|");
    if (directions.indexOf("left")>-1) {
    if (directions.indexOf("right")>-1) {
    // overlay
    SlideShows.prototype.overlay = {
    set: function() {
    var root = this.root;
    var overlay = root.holderObj.overlay;
    var carousel = $(this);
    var allItems = carousel.find(".slideshow ul").children().children();
    var div = $(this);
    var link = div.find("a:first").attr("href");
    window.location.replace(window.location.hostname + link);
    var config = {
    auto: { set:false,speed:3000 }, // auto scroll
    slide: "horizontal", // horizontal or vertical
    scroll: 3, // number of items to scroll per event
    show: 3, // items shown
    speed: "slow", // scroll speed
    rotate: false, // rotate back to star if end
    //focus: { item:0,animate:false }, // focus to target item on load
    eventCallback: function(eventObj) {
    if (eventObj.batch.current</u>1) {
    } else {
    if (eventObj.batch.current<u>eventObj.batch.max) {
    } else {
    controlsCallback: function(control) { // callback to set up controls
    root.overlayControlObj = control;
    carousel.find(".prev").click(function(){ // previous link
    sTracker.track("clickPrevOverlay"); // tracker
    return false;
    carousel.find(".next").click(function(){ // next link
    sTracker.track("clickNextOverlay"); // tracker
    return false;
    if (typeof touchEventListener!=="undefined") {
    var listenerConfig = {
    elm: carousel,
    moveSensitivity: 15,
    eventsCallback: {
    touchmoveMoveOnce: function(direction,moveProperties,rawEvent) {
    // move callback - sensitivity
    var directions = direction.join("|");
    if (directions.indexOf("left")>-1) {
    if (directions.indexOf("right")>-1) {
    show: function(delay,isReplay) {
    isReplay = isReplay || false;
    delay = delay || false;
    var root = this.root;
    if (root.trigger.overlay) { return false; } // if already open
    var SH = this;
    delay = (isNaN(delay)) ? 0 : delay; // delayed show
    root.overlayTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
    if (root.main.isLast()) {
    root.holderObj.overlay.fadeIn(root._timer.overlay.fadeIn,function(){ root.trigger.overlay = true; });
    sTracker.track("showOverlay"); // tracker
    else {
    root.holderObj.overlay.fadeIn(function(){ root.trigger.overlay = true; });
    hide: function(delay) {
    delay = delay || false;
    var root = this.root;
    if (!root.trigger.overlay) { return false; } // if already closed
    delay = (isNaN(delay)) ? 0 : delay; // delayed hide
    root.holderObj.overlay.fadeOut(root._timer.overlay.fadeOut,function(){ root.trigger.overlay = false; });
    sTracker.track("hideOverlay"); // tracker
    setReplay: function(isReplay) {
    var root = this.root;
    var overlay = root.holderObj.overlay;
    var firstList = overlay.find(".slideshow-feature .slideshow ul").children().filter(":first");
    var divs = firstList.children();
    var replayDiv = divs.filter(":first");
    var cloneDiv = replayDiv.next();
    function configInfo(elm) {
    var currentSS = root._data.items;
    var info = root._info;
    var count = currentSS.length;
    var first = currentSS[0];
    var slideshowTitle = (info.title.length > 16) ? info.title.substring(0,16) + "..." : info.title;
    var slideshowImg = first.media.tm;
    var slideshowDate = info.title.date;
    function replay() {
    var items = elm.children();
    items.filter("p.photo-count").html(count + " image" + [[count>1) ? "s" : ""]];
    var item = $(this);
    item.find("a").attr({ href: "#", title: slideshowTitle });
    item.find("img").attr({ alt: slideshowTitle, src: slideshowImg });
    var item = $(this);
    return false;
    return false;
    if (replayDiv.children().size()</u>0) {
    if (isReplay) {
    } else {
    SlideShows.prototype.helper = {
    toNum: function(item) {
    item = (isNaN(item)) ? parseInt(item.replace(/[a-zA-z]/gi,""),10) : item;
    return isNaN(item)?0:item;
    imgLoad: function(obj,fn) {
    var SH = this;
    obj.alt = obj.alt || "";
    if (obj.preload && !$.browser.opera) { // opera =/= img.onload
    if (obj.mainHolder) { obj.mainHolder.css({ background:"url("+obj.preloaderSrc+") no-repeat center" }); }
    var img = new Image();
    obj.holder.css({ display:"inline", opacity:"0" });
    img.onload = function() {
    if (obj.outer) {
    if (img.height > SH.toNum(obj.outer.minHeight)) { obj.outer.holder.css("height","auto"); }
    else { obj.outer.holder.css("height",obj.outer.minHeight); }
    obj.holder.attr("src",obj.src).animate({ opacity:"1"},obj.speed,"linear",function(){
    if (obj.mainHolder) { obj.mainHolder.css({ backgroundImage:"none" }); }
    img.src = obj.src;
    } else {
    if (obj.mainHolder) { obj.mainHolder.css({ backgroundImage:"none" }); }
    obj.holder.css({ display:"inline", opacity:"0" });
    src: obj.src,
    alt: obj.alt
    }).animate({ opacity:"1"},obj.speed,"linear",function(){ fn(); });
    getHash: function() {
    var hash = (window.location.hash).substr(1);
    if (hash) {
    var pairs = hash.split('&');
    var valuePair = {};
    for (var x=0;x 1 && callback && count%freq<u>0) {
    var sTracker = new Trackers(); // private
    function showToConsole(str) {
    if (typeof window.console</u>'object') { console.log(str); }
    var slideShowsPack = window.slideShowsPack = new SlideShows();
    // Tracking Data Here
    var trackData = {
    ads: {
    buildSlide: {
    frequency: 1,
    callback: function() {
    if (typeof $.ad.dc.load!=="undefined") {
    omni: {
    buildSlide: {
    frequency: 1,
    callback: function(data) {
    data = data || false;
    if (!data) { return false; }
    if (!data.slideNumber) { return false; }
    if (typeof $.ad.omni.load!=="undefined") {
    $.ad.omni.load({ "slide": data.slideNumber });
    var initializeSlideShow = window.initializeSlideshow = function() {
    if (typeof slideshowData!=="undefined") {
    if (!slideShowsPack.initialized) {
    data: slideshowData,
    info: slideshowInfo,
    relatedMedia: relatedsData,
    trackData: trackData
    } else {
    if (typeof window.console==='object') { console.log("[error] No Data found for: slideshowData"); }
    This the line highlighted:
    if (typeof $.ad.dc.load!=="undefined") {

  • IPhoto album slideshow will not play in the manually sorted order.

    iPhoto Album slideshow will not play in the manually sorted order.

    Use a regular slideshow created by "File > New Slideshow".  These will play manually sorted. The instant slideshows cannot be played in a manual sort order.

  • How do I uninstall the iPhoto update which does not work on maverick?

    How do I uninstall the iphoto update which does not work. ie it tells me my library is locked out and the recommended action by apple does not open the phot library first aid. ? i need to go back to the old iphoto.

    Terence, I was trying a way to message you directly - jumping on a recent thread seemed to be the only way (sorry, DEW45). 
    Terence, you seem to be the foremost expert on apeture and iphoto and have helped me many times in the past (thanks).  I have a question that you may be able to help with (anyone also feel free to take a stab).  I use blogger to upload my photos and host my blog (www.sippingespresso.com).  I spend hours organzing and editing photos - namely, I will enhance and sometimes alter an image in Apeture.  It always saves over the orginal file (at least for viewing purposes), which is fine by me.  But then when I go to upload the photos onto blogger it seems to always pull my dull, original image.  Obviously, I want the newer, bright, enhanced photo.
    I'm one step away from importing them, dragging them out of iphoto and into Photoshop, then editing the files and dragging them back into iphoto, deleting the originals and uploading from there.  There HAS to be a better way - please help!!  I've already posted far too many boring images without the beauty of Apeture's "auto enhance".
    Thanks in advance, Terence or anyone else. 

  • Flash Slideshows Suddenly not working

    Hi All,
    My site is "www.neilmarksphotography.com"
    I have 5 pages leading off "GALLERY" menu option, which all contain flash slideshows created in Lightroom. They have all been working fine, but today I slightly changed the content of the slideshows, and now they are not working - they just show the "GET ADOBE FLASH PLAYER" icon. The home page (index.html) is working fine - I have not changed the code there at all.
    I have tried to compare the code in the changed gallery pages with the home page, but cannot see what I have done to stop all the galleries from working properly. GALLERY pages are previewing fine locally off the hard drive. It's only on the live page that I am getting the problem
    Any suggestions?

    thanks for your suggestions - I finally found the problem!
    Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 07:32:38 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Flash Slideshows Suddenly not working
    Try removing the following line of code (marked in red), from the problem pages -
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var pageTracker = gat.getTracker("UA-3534258-1");
    It may be that your pages are cached in your browser, (viewing locally, in browser), or that the Google analytics code is being ignored by dreamweaver, (if working in dreamweaver), as this requires a live page /server.

  • IPhoto -share to email not working-The email server didn't recognize your username/password combination- for hotmail and big pond- since apple technical support re-hotmail on iPhone.

    iPhoto -share to email not working-The email server didn’t recognize your username/password combination- for hotmail and big pond- since apple technical support re-hotmail on iPhone.

    in the iPhoto preferences ==> accounts delete your e-mail account and reenter it
    IMHO the better solution is to set Apple mail as the email client in the iPhoto preferences

  • Slideshow is not working, it only shows one black slide. what to do?

    In the new downloaded I photo life 11, slideshow is not working, nor making an album. What to do?

    Try a reset:
    1. Hold the Sleep and Home button down (together)
    2. For about 10 seconds
    3. Until you see the Apple logo (very important)
    4. Ignore the red slider

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