Iphoto copying of photos fails

I am trying to drag copy photos from iPhoto to an external hd under 10.8.2...and the drive just sits there. Under a terminal window, I see it all. In Finder, it is just blank.

Hi, harvjd. There is no feature in iPhoto that does what you're asking. With the aid of a very powerful text editor such as the freeware TextWrangler, a determined and experienced text-handler can extract a list of the filenames of all the photos in an iPhoto Library from a copy (never move or alter the original!) of the iphoto.db file inside the iPhoto Library folder. But it takes a lot of doing and serious concentration, it's extremely tedious, and in the end all you end up with is a list of all your photo filenames, nothing more. That's not much to warrant all the work that's gone into it.
If you have a large iPhoto Library, you may find that it would be a better use of your resources to buy and learn a later version of iPhoto (which will have more management options and capabilities) or to use a different application for your photo management purposes. At the very least, dividing your library into several smaller libraries would give you another level of organizational hierarchy in which to file pictures. I find the limited hierarchy in iPhoto 4 to be its most confining and frustrating feature, and I now have eight separate libraries in partial compensation for that limited flexibility in this version. I also have a large library of photos that aren't in any iPhoto library at all, and I use GraphicConverter, Adobe Bridge, and other applications to file and manage those pictures.

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    Thank you much,
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    And the most frustrating part:  Althought they call this an Apple forum and you have to sign in to participate, I have never seen one Apple software guy here saying "this is what to do", just us victims helping each other and many non-Apple folks guessing to the best of their ability to comfort us.
    Oh, toys are toys.  I sometimes wonder if Steve had fought so hard yet the cancer in Apple actually won! 

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    Hi Bad Apple,
    There is no way to get around iPhoto copying the photos into it's own database UNLESS you upgrade to iPhoto 6. iPhoto 6 will let you use your own folder structure.
    From the iPhoto 6 Help menu:
    Using advanced options when importing from a hard disk
    By default, iPhoto copies photos imported from your hard disk, leaving the originals in their original location and making duplicates for use in the iPhoto library.
    However, if you already have an extensive collection of photos saved on your computer and you prefer to leave your photos in their current file structure, you can choose to have iPhoto point to your original photo files instead of copying them in iPhoto. Either way, you can still make full use of iPhoto.
    If there is no color profile embedded in a photo viewed in iPhoto (many digital cameras do not include a color profile with an image), iPhoto temporarily assigns a ColorSync profile that helps display the photo properly within the application. If your photo already has a color profile embedded, iPhoto will use that color profile.
    To set advanced options for photos imported from your hard disk:
    Choose iPhoto > Preferences
    Click Advanced.
    Select or deselect "Copy files to iPhoto Library folder when adding to library."
    Deselecting this option means that iPhoto will not duplicate photos when importing them into the application, but will leave them in their original files on your computer. When you edit these images in iPhoto, however, the edited versions will be saved in the iPhoto library, not your original files. Your original files remain untouched.
    If you selected "Copy files," select or deselect "Add ColorSync profile."
    The profile assigned will usually be "cameraRGB," an Apple-specific version of the commonly used sRGB, which allows image colors to map more closely to Apple monitors. If your image file settings specify the use of Adobe RGB, iPhoto assigns that profile. If another color profile is already embedded, iPhoto uses the profile provided.
    In the Advanced pane, you can also make changes to your RAW-file options, by choosing to save your edited RAW photos in iPhoto as TIFF files or using RAW files with an external editor, such as Adobe Photoshop.

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    As I said before I am reluctanct to delete and reinstall the iPhoto as I only have the one copy of the file i am using stored in iphoto file and I caint loose them.
    All storage hardware and all computers will fail.  Volumes will get corrupted.  Mistakes will happen.
    Please learn from our past mistakes and from our past data losses: please have and keep regular backups.
    Either via Time Machine (which is marvelously transparent, and very easy), or backups created via some other mechanisms and tools.  Old Toad recommends an external disk, and that's very effective.  If this is a portable Mac, then Time Capsule devices are also very handy, as you don't have to remember to connect the backup device; so long as the Mac is within wireless range of the Time Capsule, backups will happen.
    Time Machine backups can also be used to replace your files or even to upgrade to a new Mac, should your computer be lost or stolen, or should your computer or your storage fail.
    If you have not already seen these, Mac Basics and Find Out How could be interesting.
    As for your photos...   I wouldn't expect this to be iPhoto and wouldn't go for an iPhoto reinstall as the first step, I'd tend to wonder if this is a bug or feature in Microsoft Word, or possibly a format incompatibility with what Office supports.  iPhoto organizes and edits the photos that are stored in your ~/Pictures media directory.  Try using iWork (if you have that) or some other tool (Apple Mail) that accepts and processes photos, and see if you can localize the problem.  Depending on the image formats used, also see if exporting the picture from iWork into a jpeg-format picture — something other than the image format you're currently using with the Microsoft Office imports — works.  (FWIW, I use iWork for reading and writing Microsoft Office documents as well as Pages and Keynote files, and have been using iPhoto with those and other tools for many years, and haven't encountered these blacked-out images.)

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    Instead of copy and paste drag the photo to the new event. Or flag it and use the add flagged photos to selected event command

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    I think you mean Your Hard Disc is Full as opposed to iPhoto.
    agrech21 wrote:
    My photo library is full.
    With regard to your iPhoto Library... you can Move it to another External Drive and use it from there and then you can use TM to Backup that Drive as well as as your Mac.
    1)  Move iPhoto Library to External Drive
    See  >  iPhoto: How to move the Library to an EHD
    First... Make sure the EHD is Formatted Mac OS Extended (journaled)...
    Format, Erase, or Reformat a drive
    Quit iPhoto if open.
    Open your Pictures folder and select the iPhoto Library.
    Drag the iPhoto Library to the External Hard Drive.
    To Use iPhoto on an External Drive...
    Hold down the Option key on the keyboard and open iPhoto. Keep the Option key held down until you are prompted to create or choose an iPhoto Library.
    Click Choose Library.
    Locate and select the iPhoto Library in its new location.
    And also make sure that all is working to your Satisfaction before Deleting anything.

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    The only way to do that is to export the image to a new file and then re-import it.
    It's not really the intended way of working as it uses twice the disk space and is inefficient.
    Use Albums instead. A Photo can be in any number of albums and use no extra disk space as it just simply references the image in the Library. Albums can be sorted any way you want - including manaually - and can have image from anywhere in the Library just by drag and drop.

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    I don't think you need Preview.
    Select the image and use File->export and you have full control over the size and compression.

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    how do i copy a photo from iphoto to a memory stick?

    Same as to any storage device - select the photo(s) and export (file menu ==> export) to a desktop folder making the appropriate selections from the export dialogue then drag that folder to the storage device

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    Can this issue please be rectified as it is really truly pants.

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    I have IPHOTO 9.5.1  I used to be able to drag and drop but it won't do that anymore.
    then something is wrong - drag and drop between albums should work. Itb is working for me without a problem. While viewing an album, select the photos inside that you want to include anither album and drag them to that album in the sidebar of the Source List like this:
    Is that, how you have tried it?
    If this does not work, repair your iPhoto library.

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    In the message header you can click on the Save button and select "Add to iPhoto"
    Or you can click on Quick look to view individual attachments then click on the Add to iPhoto icon.

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    When you tap and hold on image in safari, there will be context menu. Usually there two options at least:
    * Save image
    * Copy
    If you'll tap Copy - it will be copied to buffer and you can paste it at your new email (for ex.)
    If you'll tap Save image - it will be saved in Photos app on your iPad (in my case it saves at Camera roll album)

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