IPhoto library upgrade?

Yipes!! My iPhoto just upgraded itself automatically without a prompt from me tonight. I'm on OS 10.9.1 . I forget what version iPhoto was but it must now be the most current version. Prompts now appear onscreen: "Quit" or "Library needs to be upgraded to work with this version of iPhoto."  I'm anxious about losing all my pix and photo library. Should I go to Genius Bar or do I go ahead and choose Upgrade. Help! I'm pretty nervous about this.

backup and let it upgrade - you have no choice once you upgrade teh software you must upgrade the library - and anytime you update or upgrade you must make a backup first in case something goes wrong
And if you do not always have a good, current backup you should be nervous since withpout a backup you ar 100% guarenteed to lose everything including yoru photos sooner or later

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    Hi!  Thanks for responding!
    I have iPhoto 9.5.1, I am on OS X Version 10.9.5 on a MacBook Pro with 2.66 GHz
    My current "iPhoto Library" file is OK (I can open it with iPhoto), however I cannot access the old one from iPhoto 6 titled Library.iPhoto
    I tried right clicking and choosing the application, it did not work.
    "exactly how did you "I got to my files and backed them up"" - I showed the contents of my Pictures folder, and it opened up the folders in Finder and I copied them to an external hard drive.  In my Picture folder I have several folders of Photos plus the iPhoto Library files (old & current)
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    iPhoto Library Upgrader

    There is a download link on this page:  iPhoto '11 or later: About the Library Upgrader - Apple Support
    iPhoto Library Upgrader 1.1

  • Can't open iPhoto after using iPhoto library upgrader

    I used the iPhoto library upgrader today, hoping that I could then use a newer version of iPhoto.  I have iPhoto 6.6 I think.  But now iPhoto won't open, so I can't see any of my photos.  Where can I download a newer version of iPhoto so I will be able to see my photos again?  My iMac is running OS X 10.7.5 and cannot be upgraded to a newer operating system as it is a late 2006 iMac.  Please help, I am so upset at losing all my family photos I can barely type this.

    1. Make a back up first thing.
    Most Simple Back Up:
    Drag the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to another Disk. This will make a copy on that disk.
    Slightly more complex: Use an app that will do incremental back ups. This is a very good way to work. The first time you run the back up the app will make a complete copy of the Library. Thereafter it will update the back up with the changes you have made. That makes subsequent back ups much faster. Many of these apps also have scheduling capabilities: So set it up and it will do the back up automatically.
    Example of such apps: Chronosync - but there are many others. Search on MacUpdate or the App Store
    2. If you have iPhoto 6 why are you using the upgrader?

  • HT5037 How do I use the iPhoto Library Upgrader? I've downloaded it, now what??

    I have just downloaded the iPhoto Library Upgrader how do I use it to upgrade my Photo Library?

    Just open the app and follow the steps. It should look for your library and upgrade it. Make a backup of the iPhoto library before using the application

  • My iPhoto library won't open because "it first needs to be prepared," but running the iPhoto Library Upgrader does not change anything.  What gives?

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    This library would not open so I deleted it and started the whole thing over.  Two hours later, same thing.  I then restarted my machine and got a regularl looking iPhoto Library icon, but now when I try to open it I get a prompt that says "To open your library with this version of iPhoto, it first nees to be prepared: to prepare the library, use the iPhoto Library Upgrader avaliable from Apple."  I downloaded the iPhoto Library Upgrader from Apple, ran it, and it says that the library has been updated and can now be used.  But when I try to open iPhoto, I hit the same problem, iPhoto doesn't open and I instead get a prompt saying that the library needs to be prepared. 
    One more thing, when I run the iPhoto Library Upgrader, there is a un-progressing progress bar (a sideways barber shop poll) that says the program is building thumbnails, but then Upgrader gives me a prompt that the library has been upgraded (even though the progress bar is still cranking along).  PLEASE HELP.

    What version of iPhoto were you running prior to Mavericks?  First boot into Revovery volume (boot with the Command  + R keys held down) and repair the disk and disk permissions.  Then reboot back into Mavericks.
    Two hours later when the transfer was complete, rather than having a normol iPhoto Library icon (stack of pictures with a photo of a flower), the library appeared as a folder with a half done progress bar and an "x" close button in the corner.
    There was a problem with copying the older iPhoto library from the backup.  Delete the library and drag it once again from the backup drive to the Pictures folder.  Run the upgrader again. Is this what you see when your first launch the upgrader?

  • IPhoto library upgrade failed, one third of the photos lost, but the library works as normal. No corruption.

    Hello! I recently replaced my tragically crashed Macbook Pro 2008 with a newer model and transferred my volumous iphoto library of 20 000+ photos to my new machine. To be able to use my iphoto '08 library with Aperture I had to upgrade the library in the iphoto '11 version. I left the computer on during the day, and when I got back it seemed to work fine. I browsed my library in Aperture and could see all the thumbnails, but looking closer I noticed a small yellow warning triangle with an arrow in the corner of some pictures. Turns out all pictures from before ~2010 are lost! When I wiev the photos I see nothing but the infinite black of the data void.
    Here's how I've tried to fix the problem:
    1. Opening the iPhoto Library package in Finder. All the folders for the earlier dates are there, but they are empty. I notice no incorrect or impossible dating, which seemed to be a common problem among users who's libraries where corrupted during the upgrade process.
    2. Rebuilding the iphoto library in iphoto. No effect.
    3. Recovering the iphoto library from my Time Machine Backup. SInce my old hard drive was just 200 GB, I stored all pictures older than one year on my external hard drive (note that about half of those pictures were successfully imported/upgraded). Both the internal and the external hard drive where backed up using Time Machine on a NAS from Seagate (Black Armor 110, 3TB). I was able to access backed up files on my external drive through Time Machine on my old computer, but since it is now rendered unbootable I tried using Migration Assistant to let my new computer inherit the old backup. However, I could not find the backup of the external drive in Migration Assistant, just my old internal drive. When I tried to access the backup volume on my NAS through Finder it didn't show up (I could find it that way on my old computer).
    4. Googling "iPhoto library upgrade failed", or "Inheriting Time Machine backup of external drive", and similarily desperately specific phrases - Nothing useful. Other people seems to have had problems with corrupt Libraries, but I'm not sure that's the case here.
    My pictures must exist somewhere on my computer and in a backup on my NAS. I just can't find them! Do anyone have a clue to what may have gone wrong? I'm afraid the computer might have gone to sleep during the upgrade, because I didn't thinkabout adjusting the power saving settings before starting it. But since pictures 1-8000-something are missing, it doesn't seem to have worked properly during the whole beginning of the upgrade, not just during the middle. As I knew I had a backup of the library I didn't worry about upgrading the single functional copy. From now on I will think thrice before doing anything as serious as this.
    I am eternally grateful for any answers that might help me recovering my photos!
    //Teodor Nilson

      b) I split up my photo collection into two iphoto libraries. One for the new photos stored on my internal HD            and one for photos older than one year stored on my external HD
    And exactly How did you Split up your iPhoto library?
    c) I used Migration Assistant in an attempt to access the Time Machine backup of my old MBP from my new      MBP (by inheriting the backup). When I made my backups, I made sure Time Machine included the external      HD. But Migration Assistant could only find the backup of my Internal HD with the library of new photos!
    And again
    You should not use Migration assistant on an iPhoto library - it generally does not work
         d)   When signing in and mounting the NAS in Finder, I used to be able to see a Time Machine backup      folder/icon. Now I was unable to locate it.
    I believe you are using your NAS for your Time Machine backup. If your Time Machine backup and/or your iPhoto library is on a NAS you will have problems - both need to be on Mac formatted volumes - the least troublsome is a volume formatted Mac OS extended (journaled)
    Manually preparing a new disk for Time Machine
    If you want to erase a disk before using it with Time Machine, follow these steps:
    Open Disk Utility (located in the Utilities folder).
    Connect the disk if it isn't already attached.
    In the left side of the Disk Utility window, select the disk you want to use with Time Machine.
    Optional: If you want to partition the disk, click the Partition tab and select a layout. Make sure "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" is selected in the Format menu for the partition that will be used for backups. Click Apply.
    Click the Erase tab.
    Optional: If you want to securely erase the disk, click Security Options to configure, then click OK.
    Click Erase.
    After erasing, open Time Machine preferences in System Preferences and configure as described in the section above.
    Are the iPhoto libraries kept on an external drive formated Mac OS extended (journaled)? Or are they on the NAS? - If you are using the NAS for iPhoto and/or Time Machine that is the source of your problems

  • My iphoto wont open since i updated my mac, please help? it says i need to install an iphoto library upgrader which I have installed but still cant see my photos.

    my iphoto wont open since i updated my mac, please help? it says i need to install an iphoto library upgrader which I have installed but still cant see my photos.

    What version of iPhoto are you using? 9.6 is the current version.
    Do a backup.
    Quit the application.
    Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. With that Finder window as the front window, either select Finder/View/Show View options or go command - J.  When the View options opens, check ’Show Library Folder’. That should make your user library folder visible in your user/home folder.  Select Library. Then go to Preferences/com.apple.iPhoto.plist. Move the .plist to your desktop.
    Restart, open the application and test. If it works okay, delete the plist from the desktop.
    If the application is the same, return the .plist to where you got it from, overwriting the newer one.
    Thanks to leonie for some information contained in this.

  • Can't open iPhoto "To open your library with this version of iPhoto, it first needs to be prepared. To prepare the library, use the iPhoto Library Upgrader available from Apple." Doesn't work...

    I've tried to open my iPhoto and a message box opens up and reads "To open your library with this version of iPhoto, it first needs to be prepared. To prepare the library, use the iPhoto Library Upgrader available from Apple." I update this and this message continues to pop up. I've even tried to rebuild it, but no matter what I do the same message appears and iPhoto still wpn't open. Can somebody please help me?!

    i'm having the same problem with my iMac (Mac OS X 10.7.5) . i haven't really made any updates to it and yesterday when i tried to access the iPhoto library of my MBP (from my iMac) is when problems started. The iPhoto on the iMac initially said I need to install the recent version of the iPhoto. Since I can't find a 9.0 download, I went to buy the iPhoto on the App store.
    When I tried to install iPhoto (version 9.4.3) to the iMac, I got this message:
    The iPhoto Library Upgrader is a tool that prepares libraries from iPhoto 5 or earlier, so you can upgrade them with the current version of iPhoto. You can download the tool here.
    Note: If your library is from iPhoto 6 or later, this tool is not required."
    I then installed the iPhone Library Upgrader, but I got the same prompt:
    'You can't open your current photo library using this version of the iPhoto. You have made changes to your library using a newer version of iPhoto. Please quit and use the latest version of iPhoto."
    I guess this takes me back to square one? I am inclined to buy the iLife on eBay with the iPhoto 9.0 version, but needed to know if this is the case before I unfortunately bite the bullet.

  • HT5037 The iPhoto Library Upgrader tool doesn't work. I've downloaded it, and follow the directions, but iPhoto still won't open.

    The iPhoto Library Upgrader tool doesn't work. I've downloaded it, and follow the directions, but iPhoto still won't open.

    Your Library is damaged.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In early versions of Library Manager it's the File -> Rebuild command. In later versions it's under the Library menu.)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.  
    As for goign back: do you have an undamaged library?

  • Iphoto 9.5 won't import photos from iPhoto 7.5.  Library will not update using the iPhoto library upgraded application.

    iphoto 9.5 won't import photos from iPhoto 7.5.  Library will not update using the iPhoto library upgrader application.  Repeatedly says it can't locate photos even when told to cancel.  I think the photos in question are in Nikon RAW format.

    iPhoto 9.5 immediately tries to "upgrade" my library using the upgrader.
    iPhoto 9.5 asks you to run the upgrader to prepare the library for 9.5. It then will update the library to its format.
    You need to do the following:
    1 - go to your Applications/Utilities folder and double click on the iPhoto Library Upgrader 1.1 application. 
    2 - select Choose Library, navigate to your iPhoto library, select it and let the upgrader do its thing.
    3 - launch iPhoto 9.5 to open and finish the conversion of the library.

  • IPhoto Library seems to be empty after running the iPhoto Library Upgrader

    I just transfered my account from a previous Mac Pro running 10.8.5 to a new MacBook Pro running 10.9.   I tried to open my iPhoto Library and it suggested me to download the iPhoto Library Upgrader, so I did, and upgraded the iPhoto Library, but now, there aren't any photos on my Library, the iPhoto Library weight is 32 GB, so I don't really know what's going on with it.   Please some help, all the pictures from my 2 year old daughter are there

    Drag the library that is not working to the desktop on the new  Mac and then drag the library from the old Mac o the pictures folder on the new Mac and launch iPhoto
    You should not need the library upgrader. It is only for iPhoto 5 and earlier. iPhoto should simply do any required upgrades and you are on your way
    Once you have a working  library trash the one on the desk top

  • IPhoto Library Upgrader is not working for me.

    I am running a Mac Mini 2.5 GHz Core i5.  (This is the base model of the current Mac mini as of August 2013.)  Running 10.8.4.
    I am trying to get iPhoto to run with an old photo library from iPhoto 4.  (Yes, really.  It's a long story.)  I was happy to see that Apple put out iPhoto Library Upgrader, because I was expecting to have a hard time upgrading.  But it's not working for me.  I downloaded the Upgrader and ran it (several times).  However, when I try to start iPhoto from the old library, I still get the "To open your library with this version of iPhoto, it first needs to be prepared."
    To save you from asking the obvious questions:
    1.  I ran the Upgrader, instead of just downloading it.
    2.  I am sure I selected the old library to be upgraded.
    3.  The Upgrader runs, tells me it's done, and asks me if I want to launch iPhoto.  When I say yes (or when I just launch iPhoto separately), I get the error message again.
    4.  iPhoto will not let me launch with the command option keys pressed.  I still get the error message.
    5.  I can launch with the option key pressed, but if I select the old library, I get the error message.
    6.  I can import the old library, but then I lose all my organization of photos.
    Any ideas will be appreciated.

    Try the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file, com.apple.iPhoto.plist, that resides in your
         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
    User/Home/Library/Caches/com.apple.iPhoto folder (Snow Leopard and Earlier).
    or with Lion and Mt. Lion from the User/Library/Containers/com.apple.iPhoto/
    Data/Library/Caches/com.apple.iPhoto folder
    3 - launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and try to open the "upgraded" libraryu again.
    NOTE 1: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
    NOTE 2:  In Lion and Mountain Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.

  • HT5037 What is the iPhoto Library Upgrader tool?  Should not need it, because installed Photo 9.5.1 three days ago, AND my iphoto will not open. The message says if I have v8.x or later, I don't need this tool.

    Why is my iPhoto 9.5.1 blocked?
    Message on pop up screen says I need the Library Upgrader tool, when in the very discription of it: "If your library is from iPhoto (v8.x) or later, you don't need to use this tool."

    What version of iPhoto did you have prior to upgrading to iPhoto 9.5.1?  The following is from this download page: iPhoto Library Upgrader 1.1
    This tool prepares libraries from iPhoto 7 or earlier so they can be upgraded with the current version of iPhoto.
    So if you previous version of iPhoto was 7 or earlier you need to download (it installs in the Applications/Utilities folder), launch and apply it to your iPhoto Library before opening the library with iPhoto 9.5.1.

  • How do you apply the iphoto library upgrader to iPhoto?

    I just upgraded to Mountain Lion which was fine. However, afterwards I upgraded to the latest iphoto version and now it says that I need the iPhoto Library upgraded. So I downloaded that application. However, I have no idea how to make the "upgrader" do whatever it needs to do to the iphoto application? Any ideas? I tried dragging the iPhoto Library Upgrader application onto iPhoto but that did not work.

    Hello, I have the same problem...but when I go to Applications/Utilities/iPhoto Library Upgrader - then double click on it, it gives me this message.
    When I try to open my iPhoto it still gives me this message:
    I really don't know what to do. I tried everything possible.
    Maybe someone has experienced it also?
    Thank you in advance for any suggestions!

  • HT5037 I have installed the iPhoto Library upgrade, which confirms it was successfully installed, however when ever I try to open iPhoto 11, it refers me back to the bloody library upgrade again, so I can't use iPhoto any more.

    I have installed the iPhoto Library upgrade, which confirms it was successfully installed, however when ever I try to open iPhoto 11, it refers me back to the bloody library upgrade again, so I can't use iPhoto any more.

    Thanks, it worked first time that  I double clicked as you suggested. 
    Why do Apple make it so hard to upgrade some programs?  They could make the follow through instructions a lot clearer.
    Now I have it open-  it works and.....................  it does look pretty neat.

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