Iphotos show as events in Aperture 3.

My iphotos, imported  into Aperture 3 appear as events in the library. How do I organize them into projects/folders/albums?

Coop3842 wrote:
My photos had been imported from iphoto into a trial version of Aperture 3. I now have a full version of Aperture 3 but the photos only show up as a trial library. How do I get the trial library into the full Aperture?
Aperture is an application that loads one data file at a time.  Each Library is a data file.  The data file for the trial version is named something like "Aperture Trial Library".  That is just a name.  Like any file, you can rename it in Finder.  You can name it "Coop3824's Aperture Library" or "My Photos" or whatever you'd like.  After re-naming it, double-click it to launch Aperture with the newly-renamed Library loaded.  After that, each time you Launch Aperture, it will load that file.

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    If, like me, you used Events as your main organizational tool - you will really be disappointed in Photos.   My Albums transferred, but I had over 100,000 pictures, taken over 13 years and organized mostly by the "Event/Title" line above each group of pictures.   Those titles did not transfer to Photos.
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    Back up your iPhoto library, depress the option and command keys, launch iPhoto and from the resulting first aid window repair the database. If it does not fix then repeat rebuilding the database

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    The latest versions of Aperture and iPhoto can both use the same library, no need to have one for each application.
    With one library you avoid the whole space issue. Also I don't see a reason for keeping the Raw and JPG images seperated like that, each in a different application. It would be easier from a management standpoint to have them all in one library.

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    Check your Advanced preferences to see if that's the case. If it is the best solution would be to select the checkbox to copy the photos and reimport the photos from the flash drive.  Then check the new import. It it was OK you can delete the previous event with the "missing" photos.

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    b) while browsing photos in Library-Photos.
    c) while browsing photos in an Album.
    _*"Fixes" that do NOT work:*_
    Software updates... I have the latest version of OSX 10.5.2 and the latest version of iPhoto 08, including all the recent security and graphics system updates as of 02/16/2008.
    Maintenance... The issue is NOT resolved by rebuilding the database, rebuilding icons, or deleting the iPhoto preferences file. The issue can be reproduced in a separate user account after creating a new event in an otherwise empty iPhoto database.
    After much tinkering around, the following is the closest I've come to a
    To *NOT DISPLAY* hidden images, go to the View menu and make sure Hidden Photos *is not* checked. Restart iPhoto, and the hidden images should now be invisible.
    To DISPLAY hidden images, go to the View menu and make sure Hidden Photos is checked. While the hidden images are now visible elsewhere, they may still be invisible in Events thumbnails, so restart iPhoto, and then wait about 10 seconds for the Events view to refresh with all the hidden thumbnail images now visible.
    If after carefully reading this you feel you have a definitive solution, please post a reply with your suggestions. Otherwise, please post to confirm if you can reproduce the problem on your computer running iPhoto 08 on Leopard. If so, please also file an official bug report with Apple. The more people report this, the faster we'll get it fix.

    My Acrobat Pro 9 has also this bug. I am using XP SP2. I have reported this bug at Adobe web site many times. I wrote to the Adobe customer care. I wrote about this on many different forums and I was hopping an update with this bug fixed. I installed all updates till now bu the problem still exists. I do not know why Adobe is not caring about this stupid bug. It is really, really annoying. In my experience with Adobe Acrobat for about 10 years, Acrobat version 9 is the worst version I ever worked with. There are a lot of glitches and bugs in it, expecially with fonts, web version creation, password protection encryption etc etc.
    If you find any fix please post back on this forum.
    Many thanks,

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    Welcome to the user-supported Aperture discussion group.
    I used the iphoto 11 to Aperture link ... imported some images from Aperture into iphoto.
    There is no such thing as "the iPhoto to Aperture link". You are trying to use Aperture and iPhoto together, and that will not work. You should choose one and use only that one. Aperture knows about iPhoto enough to initialize your Aperture library when you first use it. iPhoto knows enough about Aperture to be dangerous. If you use the "Show Aperture Library" function, you should really only use it to temporarily put Aperture photos into an iPhoto library *for the purpose of some function missing from Aperture*, and there are really very few. The only one that I can think of is to use Apple's printing services for cards and calendars, which is not available in Aperture. I.e., don't use both iPhoto and Aperture for digital management.
    How can I tell iphoto the new location of the Aperture library for the images which are already referened in iphoto?
    That is really an iPhoto question. Someone here with recent ties to iPhoto may be able to help, but we are all Aperture users first, and some posters were iPhoto users.
    Message was edited by: Mr Endo

  • Iphoto shows only white when I try to edit a photo

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    I've seen reports of permissions issues on the Modified folders, so try Download BatchMod from
    And apply it to the iPhoto Library Folder using the settings found here:
    (Credit to Old Toad for this one).
    Make sure to apply to enclosed files and folders and to unlock files.
    If that fails then you may have a corrupted database:
    Try these in order - from best option on down...
    1. Do you have an up-to-date back up? If so, try copy the library6.iphoto file from the back up to the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) allowing it to overwrite the damaged file.
    2. Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums back.
    3. If neither of these work then you'll need to create and populate a new library.
    To create and populate a new library:
    Note this will give you a working library with the same Events and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, modified versions, books, calendars etc.
    In the iPhoto Preferences -> Events Uncheck the box at 'Imported Items from the Finder'
    Move the iPhoto Library to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual Event Folders to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.

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    1. images in the "Pictures" folder which are there for some reason I don't understand
    2. "IPhoto Library Recovered Photos" folder
    3, "IPhoto Library Recovered Photos_2" folder
    4. "iPhoto Slideshows" folder
    5. "Rebuilt Library" file which shows as being a " iPhoto Library" Kind of file.
    Collectively these seem to take up 50 GB of data and I am trying to get clear of my nasty and brutish port to mac from a PC environment (not pretty and not easy).

    Hi Terence.
    Thank you!
    Can I please ask you what I should look at on 5? It sounds like there is a a question as to whether my "port" from iPhoto to Aperture dragged the images out of the iPhoto database and into the Aperture database?
    Is there a way to check on this?

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    should i delete my photos from iPhoto after I import to aperture? What is the easiest way to do this?

    Did you copy the files into the Aperture Library on Import?
    If so, it's safe to do so. My tip: wait a few weeks until you're happy that you're committed to Aperture.
    Drag the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder to the trash.

  • Ical not showing new events and older events as well

    Hi There,
    Since (as I recall) last monday, iCal started to work strange. Or, better put in other way: stopped working.
    I have three calendars only (personal, work and "no category), all of them syncing with iCloud. There are two other local calendars too (in "my mac"), but I don't use them and they are unchecked.
    I only use my macbook white and an iphone 3GS, also syncing with iCloud.
    I don't subscribe any external calendar and don't accept any kind of invitation. It is a basic-simple use: I set my appointments (throw the whole year) and want to see / edit them on iphone.
    Finally, I use reminders (on iphone) a lot and share the "personal" calendar with my with (she uses iCloud on her iphone and ipad).
    The problems are basic two (as I could indentify so far):
    1) I can't set new appointments on iCal. Or better: I may set, but cannot see it. For instance, when a double click the Feb 24th to set a appointment, nothing happens, but a "New event" apperars on iCloud, right way. Looks like that iCal is setting the event up, but it just does not show it. Lately, I've discovered that when I go to the week view in iCal, it shows the event, but it just don't appear on month or year views;
    2) There are a bunch of events that appear correctly on iCloud (and iphone) but just don't show up in my iCal.
    I've been trying to find a solution, already followed a couple of step-by-step possible solution (deleted local calendars, took off iClound accoun from iCal, deleted all files on specific folders in my library), but anything work out. It just don't work anymore.
    I have just quit iCal and started using iCloud as my main input way for may events.... Wonder if anyone else is facing something like this and if is there any sollution out there.
    Thanks a lot in advance and sorry for my bad English.

    i have a similar problem. i can't add any new events to my ical. i can do it on ical on icloud but not on the ical on my itouch. i can't edit them either. it tells me the event can not be saved because a calendar has not been chosen. it was working just fine yesterday and now it won't work.
    i'm new to this on line community stuff. i posted my questions but i don't know how i'm supposed to see any answers. i guess it doesn't matter that i even ask you this or reply to you because i don't plan to be able to see any comments to this. oh well. computer stuff is just crap  sometimes. i guess we have to learn to deal with it.
    my paper calendar NEVER gave me any problems. i would just pull out my trusty pen and write down my appointment and wallah! it was done. it wouldn't get erased or deleted or stop working.

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    For Aperture it is best to ask in the aperture forum

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    Again for Aperture questions it is best to ask in the Aperature forum. This has nothing to do with iPhoto. It only involves Aperature

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