Ipod 3g

Hallo.Ik heb een ipod touch .64G van de 3e G,als ik de aan en uit knop in druk blijft het scherm helemaal zwart.
Heb al meerdere keren de aan en keuze knop tegeijkertijd ingedrukt maar er gebeurd niets.
Wie weet er raad voor dit probleem?

Try to connect in recovery mode: iPhone and iPod touch: Unable to restore
Probeer verbinding te maken in recovery mode: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1808?viewlocale=nl_NL

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  • Windows Vista: Ipod Error Message, no longer read by PCs

    I have a 5th generation black ipod video with 30GB of memory.
    The other day I hooked it up to my laptop (Toshiba, 4 months old) that it's been functioning on with no problems whatsoever. This weird error message flashed twice about it not being able to sync because of some software problem.
    Eversince then, the only thing I can charge my ipod on is the family treadmill in the basement (~_~) as no other computer in the house recognizes it. I can't even charge it through the wall sockets, either.
    I have changed the ipod cord, still no luck. I've also reset the device about 3 or 4 times and uninstalled, restarted the laptop then reinstalled itunes. I would like to reset it back to factory settings but that's impossible as computers/laptops don't pick it up. I live very far from a Mac store...
    What's a girl to do? I can't live without my Busta Rhymes and Wu-Tang Clan!
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    you have to update Vista go to this site and up-date http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com

  • List view in iCal on my iPod touch is corrupted

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    The dates for a given day that's displayed don't make sense:
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    Also, the 'events' given for each day listed don't make sense and are often duplicated.
    The 'day' and 'month' views however, seem to be ok and not corrupted. The 'list' field in the month view also seems fine ?
    Has anybody experienced this ? Very frustrating, since I like the list view.
    I make most of my entries/changes to iCal on our main desktop (iMac 24") then sync. to my iPod. The list view seems ok on the desktop.
    Any help greatly appreciated.
    ps. not sure if the problem corresponded with an upgrade of the Ipod software to OS 3.1 from 2.x....

    See this previous discussion:
    FIX for iPod Touch Home Button: Apple Support Communities

  • Multiple ipods belonging to multiple family members on one computer

    How do I keep my family's libraries separate on one computer. I have been checking and unchecking songs each time I sync one of my children's ipods. It is driving me nuts. There has got to be a better way. My husbands library alone so far is 1300 songs. HELP!

    When the iPods belong to different people, there are basically three ways of using multiple iPods on a computer and these involve:
    a) Sharing a single iTunes library
    b) Creating Multiple Libraries in a single user account
    c) Creating multiple user accounts.
    Note: When you are sharing an iTunes library, you don't have to set each iPod to update in the same manner, you can mix and match from the options below as each iPod has it's own update settings
    Sharing a Library and/or User Account
    If you want to share the one library, you can set either or all of the iPods so that they only get updated with only certain playlists (you can update from more than one if you wish): iPod - Syncing Music
    Choosing the update option "Sync Music - Selected playlists" allows you to create a playlist specifically for the iPod and drag the tracks you want into it. If you tire of the list and want to change it, you just add or remove the songs you don't want. The ones you take out out remain in the library to be used some other time if you choose. You can read more about playlists at these links:
    iTunes: Creating playlists of your favorite songs
    How to create a Smart Playlist with iTunes
    Or you can choose to update any or all of the iPods manually and just drag whatever content you want to them: Managing content manually on iPod and iPhone
    Loading the iPod shuffle differs slightly but it can still be used with the others, for details have a look at this page: Adding songs to iPod shuffle - Windows
    Multiple Libraries
    It's also possible to have multiple libraries in a single account. To create or access a second (or more) library, hold down the Shift key in Windows when launching iTunes 7. In the resulting dialogue you will get the option to create a new library or navigate to the other Library.
    Note: You can only have one Library open at a time and iTunes will default to the last library opened if you don't use the keyboard command to choose one. This can prove tricky when using multiple iPods, if you don't use the keyboard command you can risk syncing to the wrong library: Using multiple iTunes libraries -Windows
    Separate User Accounts
    Another option is to create a separate User account for each person on your PC or Mac. Different accounts by definition would give you completely separate libraries. Each account has it's own iTunes folder, Library and iTunes Music folder and you load it with CDs etc just as you did with your original one. The iPod can be set to update however the owner chooses, sync all, manual or sync specific playlists
    I don't use Windows so I can't give you a step by step on that one, however I can point you to another web page which should help you out. You can read about Windows user accounts here:
    Using Windows XP User Accounts
    Create A New User Account In Vista

  • IPod no longer works with car stereo since upgraded MBA & iTunes

    My iPod classic has worked just fine connected to my car stereo since i bought it last june. I just bought a new Macbook Air (OS 10.7.3) & installed ITUNES 10.6.1. After I synched my ipod for the first time its recognised by the car but i get a "can't read data" message. I re-formatted my ipod but its exactly the same. Do you think its the upgrade- or the cable? Has anyone else found a bug with this version of Itunes or the OS? I have my doubts a cable would make the difference, and my old ipod nano that i haven't synched for a while works fine.

    If standalone works fine, then, most likely the 30 pin connect may have some dirt or lint, prevent data transfer.
    You can try to blow it clean, if you have a can of compressed air or gas.
    Alternatively you can connect it to the car stereo and do the RESET, while connnected.as follows
    Toggle the Hold switch, make sure you dont see the red mark when you do the  next step
    Reset the iPod -> Press Menu and Center button simultaneously for about 10 secs or till the Apple Logo comes ON
    Then release the buttons
    Select your preferred language.
    Here is the Apple support Article on the 5Rs
    The Reset sequence may send a signal to the Car stereo to do the right thing

  • Ipod no longer sync purchased material?

    Hi there. I recieve this message after i connect my ipod.
    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v128/chrisgee/Failed%20Shots%20Reference/Ipodp rob.jpg
    Nothing I have purchased will sync to my ipod for some reason. I bought them ages ago, they work fine in itunes on my computer, and up until recently they worked fine on my ipod also... I think it related to the fact that due to a fault with vista i was forced to 'reactivate' windows. But it was reactivated using the same key that came with the computer? weird
    Any help appreciated.
    Chris Gee
    Message was edited by: StereoImage

    Have you tried to de-authorize your computer, then to re-authorize again?
    Make sure to use that ID that had been used for purchasing those 52 tracks.

  • IPod no longer showing any music.. help?

    I was listening to some music on my iPod through my PC and I was using Winamp (I've used before and no problems) and when I unplugged my iPod all of my music had disappeared.
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    I have tried downloading programs to extract the music from my iPod and then start over as my music isn't in iTunes (it is a new PC), but it comes up with an error message that the iPod Control file is corrupt..?
    Has this happened to anyone else? Any suggestions on fixing it?
      Windows XP  

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    That file tells the iPod where everything is and what to look for.
    You may need to restore your iPod (keep reading though)...
    Restore iPod
    You may also be able to use the repair function of this program to get the iPod to recognize the songs on it...
    Repair iPod (YamiPod)

  • IPod is not recognized by Windows Vista - possible solution

    During the past couple of weeks that I faced this problem I found out that a lot of people had the same question as I did.
    Here is a possible solution.
    I have HP Pavilion laptop with Windows Vista. After I connected my new iPod – it didn’t show up in My Computer as a new device and in Device Manager it was listed in “Other devices” with a question mark next to it. I already had iTunes installed – it didn’t show up in iTunes. On the attempt to reinstall the driver I had a message that the driver was found but an error occurred while installing it.
    Here is what I did:
    1. Install iTunes (it has iPod driver for Vista in it).
    2. Turn on iPod and connect it to computer.
    3. Restart computer with iPod turned on and connected to computer.
    4. On the start up the computer will begin automatically installing the driver and the message will appear in the corner that new device is being installed.
    5. After it has been installed – check My Computer – you should see it listed there.
    6. Run iTunes and configure iPod.
    iTunes might run a little bit slow when configuring iPod for the first time.
    Good luck.

    if only this fix worked for windows xp or even 2000 (at my job)
    insane, but it IS a driver/usb problem i now know, at least i've gotten that far.

  • IPod not recognized by iTunes, Windows Vista prompts to format iPod drive

    I have IPod 80GB which I rarely use. Yesterday  when I wanted to use it, I went to add a few new audios to it, connected to my computer and launched iTunes. I added the folder which contained audios to iPod, synced it and wanted to disconnect, but iTunes took excepionally long to finish.
    When I clicked on 'eject' icon, I go a message saying 'some files are being accessed' or something like that. I waited for 5-10 minutes but it won't finish up, so I unplugged my iPod as I had to leave.
    Later when I wanted to play, I noticed I had no audios in iPod at all.
    Later when I got home, connected it again to computer, launched iTunes, but iTunes won't show iPod. A few minutes later, windows (Vista) prompted a message saying that it needs to format N: drive (which was iPod).
    I tried diagnostics on tis site, restarted/reset iPod etc, but it didn't solve the problem. I removed and reinstalled iTunes as per instructions, still no use.
    Then I called Apple support Canada and the guy on the phone said I need to pay to get support. He said he'd send me some documents via email which would solve the problem and hen I wouldn't have to pay. I gave him my email address, but so far I have recieved no emails from him. I have checked my spam and junk folders, just in case, but nothing there.
    Anyhow, this issue came up all of a sudden, there has been no physical damage to iPod, I barely use it. maybe for few minutes here and there a month. I have had numerous problems in the past every time a new iTunes update come, it always creates problems. Last year I spent many hours after iTunes update make iPod unrecognizable so I had to go back to older version, then upgrade etc. I don't remember how I solved the issue, but it took a while and it turned out to be something of iTunes version issue.
    I wonder if this is another of such issue. I hope its not a hardware issue with iPod. I'd appreciate any help.

    I just got Vista too and it does recognize my ipod, but itunes can't find a lot of my songs on the computer. I tried to uninstall itunes and reinstall it thinking that it would seach for new music when I installed it again but nothing new happened when I did that.

  • Cannot sync, error message "could not be read" for an iPod no longer in use

    I have two problems. I upgraded iTunes to 7.2 and the very next morning my iPod died. It is completely unresponsive. Maybe it's coincidental. So I bought a new 80 gig iPod and gave it a different name than the old dead iPod. Now when I try to sync the new iPod, it goes for about 10 minutes, then it fails with this message:
    Attempting to copy to the disk "old iPod name" failed. The disk could not be read from or written to.
    It is complaining that it can not read the old dead iPod that is NOT hooked up to the computer! Somehow, minutes into syncing, iTunes has forgotten which iPod it is looking at. I have seen the article about the "cannont be read" message and it is not relevant. I need to make iTunes forget about the old dead iPod so it will stop looking for it. I've tried removing the files from "Documents and Settings" but iTunes still remembers the old unit. Where else does it store information? Any recommendations?
      Windows XP  

    Attempting to copy to the disk "old iPod name" failed. The disk could not be read from or written to.
    It is complaining that it can not read the old dead iPod that is NOT hooked up to the computer!
    Okay, that can sometimes be caused by a Windows drive letter confusion. For troubleshooting advice on that possibility, see the following document:
    Windows confuses iPod with network drive or hard drive and may keep iPod from mounting or songs may seem to disappear

  • Ipod not being being read by vista

    Hi Guys,
    I have an 8 gig nano which I got for Xmas in 2007.
    It has worked great (apart from the 4 sets of sennheiser and sony headphones ive been through), less errors than my old 4 gig had.
    But it has an error and I dont know how to fix it or why its happened so Im hoping someone can help.
    About a week ago I was transfering some mp3 files onto my ipod. I thought the transfer had gone smoothly, but when I unplugged my ipod and tried to listen to the songs in my recently added playlist, I was unable to select any most of the songs I had just added (and some I had added a week earlier). It wont let me select these songs either in the songs list or recently played list and skips to the next song. Then it wont let me skip back past that song!
    Also the ipod is no longer recognised by itunes. It simply doesnt pop up in the menu when I plug it in. Windows recognises an ipod has been plugged in, but when I try to explore the ipod it wont let me and tells me the device needs to be formatted.
    The exact error message when I try to access the ipod directly through vista reads:
    "You need to format the disk in drive E: before you can use it"
    The ipod is still usable and charges, but I cannot listen or skip back past the songs ive recently added, itunes wont recognise it and I cant add anymore songs because I cant access it through Itunes.
    I have tried:
    1. The manual reset by holding the centre and middle buttons down
    2. charging it completely
    3. trying different USB ports
    4. trying a different ipod cable.
    5. Uninstalling and reinstalling new itunes.
    Nothing Helps! Any suggestions? Im thinking Im going to have to do a format

    You may need to change the drive letter of the ipod as describe [here|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1493]
    If you can't see the ipod in disk management, before you connect the ipod, open itunes, select edit/preferences, with that open click on Show desktop. This will make itunes busy. Then connect the ipod.

  • IPod classic no longer being recognized by iTunes

    iPod classic version 2.0.4 is not showing up in my iTunes anymore. I can see it listed in my device manager under Other Devices as iPod with a yellow exclamation point, although I've followed the instructions in this article iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows and I get an error stating "Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error while attempting to install it. The system cannot find the file specified."
    I've uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes already. I also have an iTouch 5th gen which is being recognized fine, the same iPod classic is being recognized on my laptop fine but my pc is what has all my music is.

    I am having the exact same problem.  My ipod has been stuck in disk mode for over two hours and now itunes is frozen.

  • IPod nano error with windows vista?

    Ive had the ipod for a few months now and using this computer have loaded a few songs 2 it.
    When I pluged up 2 watch some movies it gave me this message..
    **This computer is no longer athorized 2 play perchased itums that are on the iPod Mine. Would you like 2 athorize for itums perchased from the iTunes store?*
    *If you do not athorize all songs will be removes..**
    So I click k then go 2 the login page fill that out.
    Ive also redone the password just in case but no matter what it gives this error...
    *We could not complete your iTunes Store request. An unknown error has occurred (-9808). - There was an error in the itunes store please try again later.
    I have been trying this for a few days and this site is the first place I came up on.
    Im sure this is the wrong area if so then an admin plz move it.
    I need help on what 2 do here if anyone knows what 2 do.

    Hey there,
    Try this and see if it helps.
    1) Go into your Internet Options
    2) Click the Advanced tab
    3) Scroll down to Security
    4) Uncheck the box labeled "Check for server revocation certificate"
    Solution is from this page.

  • IPod seen by windows, not by iTunes+ weird error message

    I have a first generation 2GB iPod nano and i use windows xp. I can't load any music because iTunes doesn't see my iPod and an error message pops up that reads like this: "iTunes: iTunes.exe corrupt file. The file or directory \iPod_Control\iTunes is corrupt and unredable. Please run the checkdisk utility." I've tried everything, reinstalling iTunes, different versions, reinstalling OS, resetting iPod, even on another computer, same problem. Other than that, the iPod works normally, it's just lacking music..
    and why is there no email adress from apple for service qustions? 10x

    I still don't get it, how can I put it in disk mode if I CANNOT see the iPod in iTunes..?
    Did you read the document i linked you to? here's another link to it:
    Putting iPod into Disk Mode
    whereabouts in that procedure in that document (that you get to by clicking that link) does it say that you have to connect it to iTunes to put it into disk mode?
    ... never mind ... i guess you've fixed it anyway ...

  • Brand new IPOD Touch Apps no longer work after upgrading software

    I got a Ipod touch for my wife Today at Wal-Mart. I brought it home, connected to wifi and downloaded some apps and also payed for some. They all worked fine. Then I connected to computer to transfer songs. It told me to upgrade the Ipod software so i Did. After it restarted none of the downloaded apps work anymore. I have read MANY MANY MANY discussions on this and there is no fix. I am not wiping out all the songs and reload everything all over again. It will take forever. My wifes BD is Friday and this is making me so mad after I just dropped $300 on this thing. APPLE!!! Where is the fix? I deleted the apps and reinstalled they still don't work. Anybody got this figured out? I am getting ready to get my money back and tell everyone to avoid buying ipod until they get this upgrade bug fixed.
    Message was edited by: 2009 IPOD TOUCH

    I have the same problem. Brand new two days ago. I synched the touch with Itunes but wasn't hooked up to the internet at the time so didn't do the software upgrade right away. Then I downloaded about a dozen apps (free and paid) with wifi directly to the touch. They all worked fine. Then I plugged it back in to Itunes and had it upgrade it to 3.1.2. It locked up Itunes several times since then and the downloaded apps no longer work (they start to open then disappear).
    The problem is, no one is listening to this problem (including Anna above)! Everyone says "just do a hard reboot, or restore to factory settings, reload the apps, etc." I've tried all the standard troubleshooting but none of it fixes this. It sure seems to me this is a problem with 3.1.2 but Apple isn't helping out here. Where are you APPLE? Use some of those outrageous profits you're making to fix the problem you have created. Here's $300 of my hard earned dollars pretty much down the drain.
    Message was edited by: IPatronius

  • Error message iPod cannot update b/c all of the playlists no longer exist

    Hello. I have been getting this error message. "Songs on the iPod "MAR(the name of my iPod)" cannot update because all of the playlists selecting for updating no longer exist." And my playlists are still on the left side in my iTunes. They do exist. I have a feeling ths might have to do with the fact that on vacation the person I was visiting gave me a gift of putting all of his music that would fit into the external hard drive part of my iPod, and for the past week or so I have been putting that music onto my 40 GB portable hard drive at home. I suspect I took a vital folder out of my iPod by accident. Right now I have the folder iPod_control if I open my iPod up in My Computer. Am I missing something? Right now my iPod is empty because iTunes made a composite playlist last week and I deleted it thinking I could get my real playlists back. Can you help me, or reccomend a site/someone who can? Thank you.
    PC   Windows XP  

    And my playlists are still on the left side in my iTunes. They do exist.
    let's just doublecheck this. folks get this message if they have "automatically update selected playlists only" selected in their itunes "ipod" preferences tab. so bring up that tab ("edit > preferences", click "ipod" while the ipod is showing up in the source list), and do a playlist by playlist crosscheck of the playlists selected in that tab, and the playlists showing up in the itunes sourcelist.
    is there any playlist selected in the preferences tab that isn't showing up in the sourcelist?
    love, b

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