My new ipod has developed what seems to be a burn mark on the screen and has lost half the picture.Is there anyone out there with the same problem I intend to return it to apple for repair.what can i do about all the music and videos i have stored on it?

Welcome to Apple Discussions!
Aren't the songs and videos still on your computer?

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    Is my monster i-car charger and fm transmitter compatable with the new ipod 60gb video?....response would be much appreciated,
    bAz Ireland.

    In short.. you can't use those accessories with the 5th Gen iPod.

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    does anyone know if the nike ipod kit with sensor works with the old ipod video 60GB?
    thanks in advance

    Hello wabisuki,
    does anyone know if the nike ipod kit with sensor works with the old ipod video 60GB?
    No. Sorry. This is only available for the iPod Nano, iPod Touch, and iPhone.

  • Ipod 60gb Video spontaneous reset

    I got a very disturbing problem with my ipod video 60gb that when playing videos it soft-resets suddenly with no reason
    it happens if connected to a Tv or ipod connector , i turned EQ off , with tunes purchased videos as well as YouTube and DVD Converted videos.
    All started after the ugly update itunes 7.0 and ipod update 1.2 , eventhough with itunes 7.0.2 and firmware 1.2.1
    I have an empty podcast directory that i know that caused problems at Nano version , but not sure on this.
    Any idea ???

    I have had the same problem with mine. I bought the 60gb Ipod Video from a friend of mine and I know it was working before cause I used it several times before purchasing it from him. After buying it I obviously installed itunes and ipod updater and updated itunes to latest version and also updated the ipod to the latest firmware.
    Now my ipod whenever I start a video it plays for about 60 seconds and then Spontaneously Reboots. It does it every time without fail, I cannot get it to play longer than about a minute without it rebooting.
    I know the files are fine virus free files as I used software I am very very familiar with to convert the dvd movies myself to MP4 compatible for Ipod video.
    I don't have anything else on the ipod other than about a half dozen video's but I know it is not the file itself as I have wiped everything off it but 1 movie and still does the same thing, even if I wipe that movie off and put another different one on there. I have tried movies my friend had saved on his computer that had been on the ipod previously before I wiped it clean when purchasing it from him and they too did the same thing which is weird knowing that they worked before I updated the firmware and installed the itunes on my computer to transfer files to it.
    I really hope someone can help me with this. Even if I need to pay someone to fix it I JUST NEED IT TO WORK. I would prefer to be able to have someone tell me how to fix it or if i have to have someone else fix then I would prefer to take somewhere locally but will mail somewhere if necessary.
    Scott Richardson
    [email protected]

  • Ipod 60gb video faulty headphone socket!

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    ive tried 5 pairs of headphones aswell as pluging it into my stero, its definitely a problem with the ipod connection. Any ideas/sugestions, my waranty is finished.

    There's not much you can do about that, unfortunately. It is a physical problem with the connection wearing out.
    You can probably get a decent price on eBay (for you iPod) if you carefully describe it as an otherwise working iPod. Most iPods are broken for the hard drive becoming faulty, so the potential buyers can use it to fix their iPods. Conversely, if you buy an iPod that appears to be broken due to the hard drive, you can swap the bad hard drive with your iPod's drive and get a working iPod.

  • Ipod 60gb Video No Music!!!!!!!!!!

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    ^^^^as you can see most of the ipods capicity is used by "other" files which once used to be a mixture of "music" and "video" anyway i can getb the music and video back???
    Help will be appreciated:D
    ps.i have not backed up my musci and video

    Are these music videos located under Videos on your iPod?  Do it play other regular movies (if you have any on the device)?

  • IPod 60gb Video sitting on 0 play time on tracks :(

    hi guys, not sure if you can help with a issue I've been having for some time.
    every now and then I've had a issue when you select a track to play or select shuffle it will load the track title and cd cover but sit on 0 track time not moving, nor playing.
    You can navigate the menus fine select another track but the same thing applies.. according to the symbol its playing and not on pause.. pausing and unpausing doesn't help nor does seeking through the track,
    at which point it will just sit at the time you have seeked to.
    Press menu and select and do a reset and then all is ok,
    until the next time.
    The ipod has been carefully looked after, and safely cased barely touched my human hands
    Thanks for any info.

    hi guys, not sure if you can help with a issue I've
    been having for some time.
    every now and then I've had a issue when you select a
    track to play or select shuffle it will load the
    track title and cd cover but sit on 0 track time not
    moving, nor playing.
    You can navigate the menus fine select another track
    but the same thing applies.. according to the symbol
    its playing and not on pause.. pausing and unpausing
    doesn't help nor does seeking through the track,
    at which point it will just sit at the time you have
    seeked to.
    Press menu and select and do a reset and then all is
    until the next time.
    The ipod has been carefully looked after, and safely
    cased barely touched my human hands
    Thanks for any info.
    The same thing happened to me try reseting your iPod .
    this article tells you how to reset your iPod .
    After I reset my iPod I have not had a problem since.
    Good luck I hope you get your ipod problem fixed.
    Fifth Generation iPod Windows XP

  • Major Ipod (60GB VIDEO) problem

    I've just bought my first Ipod and I'm really disappointed.I installed Itunes and the ipod software,updated it and got my songs.After like 30 minutes and I don't know how and why my pod freezed in LOCK mode,I can't do anything on it,I disconnected it from the pc,tried all solving issues techniques like gettin hold and unhold 4 times then after pressing MENU and middle button for 6~10secs.Also restored 2 times,reinstalled the software,pressed just hold and menu with the left point finger for 6~10secs and It's still locked.Right now i connected it on the pc and It's saying Do not disconnect.
    I would really aprecciate feedback since I got this pod for like an hour.

    After the iPod has finished sync with iTunes and other applications(cal,address book,contacts) it can be disconnected by unmounting it.
    To unmount click the eject icon next to the iPod in the iTunes source list. You can the disconnect.
    Read: http://www.apple.com/support/ipod/
    for addition trouble shooting. Try the 5R's on that page.

  • Error 1418 after ipod 60GB vid skipped then froze competely.

    My ipod 60GB video started to skip tracks, then froze completely. I tried the resetting and this helped to get normal screen back but minus all my music. Next I tried restoring but it came up with above error message. I seem now to have tried everything - I've updated newest version of itunes, I've also tried by downloading to version that came with CD. I have tried connecting iPod to a different USB port, I have re-register .dll files as described in article #304996, I have reinstall Windows USB drivers... The only thing I haven't been able to try is the suggesting of someones to connect to ipon and whilst new version of firmware is installing, 'safely removing hardware' in task bar and removing then reinstalling ipod. I'm struggling with this final suggestion as when I start up itunes, it doesn't come up with the message about a new version of firmware over 1.2' etc... and if it did, I can't see where the task bar is.
    I am soooo missing my ipod - If anyone can help (itunes support couldn't - they just emailed me above suggestions) I would love them forever!!!! My computer is over 5 years old- could it me that?

    This just happened to my 30GB Ipod. Any advice?

  • Can't sync game with 60GB Video iPod

    This morning I purchased Phase for my iPod. (5thG 60GB Video) And I can not sync this game to my iPod. I get the error {The game "Phase" was not copied to the iPod "mcarrolls iPod" because you are not authorized to play it on this computer.} I normally don't sync my music, just manually add content to my iPod, But I checked Sync Games in my iPod tab and I get the error. Then I went as far as to snyc my entire library, deleting hours of ipod formatted video I encoded myself from my ipod, but still wasn't able to get the game to sync. I decided to try a restore, since my iPod was practically empty, still no luck. I purchased an album in iTunes and am able to both sync, and manually add that purchased album to my ipod. Now I have an empty iPod and still can't get my purchased game on to my iPod. Any help?

    Hey mcarroll, how did you get Phase to sync onto your iPod? The same problem occurred with me actually so i probably have to do the same as you did. So, in other words, how did you actually authorize DRM software to be eligible to be synced onto your iPod? Where did you go in settings/preferences that eventually granted you the ability to sync "Phase" onto your iPod? Thanks for letting me know!

  • Can't restore iPod classic 60GB video.  Cannot Allocate Memory - Disk Utility

    Sorry if this has been asked before but I've been searching the boards and am yet to find a result.
    I have an old iPod classic 60GB (video) which has a dodgy HDD.  It was clicking and in a constant sad face/charging loop.  I've managed to get it display "Please restore iPod" message and it is now being recognised by my macbook.  I've tried to restore it via iTunes but when I try that I get an error message tht says "The iPod could not be restores because it is busy".
    I've tried toformat the iPod using Disk Utility too but i get an error:
    Disk Erase failed with the error:
    POSIX reports: The operation couldn’t be completed. Cannot allocate memory
    The oddest thing is that under disk utility my iPod drive is showing up as a 2TB drive:
    All I'm realy trying to do is restore the iPod so I can try to recover some of the tracks using Disk Drill.  Can anybody help?

    See if you can find a window based PC and try to do a Restore there.

  • ITunes keeps saying that my 60GB iPod with Video is corrupted when it's not

    I have an 60GB iPod with Video that iTunes keeps saying is corrupted when I connect it to my MacBook Pro. Although it seems to only happen after using it for more than a short amount of time before syncing it. I just watched a 5 minute video after I ejected my iPod and when I synced it after that, iTunes did not say it was corrupted. Although when I used it for over 3 hours earlier today and synced it, iTunes said it was corrupted. When iTunes says it is corrupted, I eject the iPod and resync it, and it's always fine the second time. This issue has been ongoing for a month or two now and it's starting to get annoying. I bought the iPod last June.

    it can be some corrupted files or bad sectors on the HD of your iPod, see doing the following helps
    For Mac computer
    1. Open the disk utility, hope your iPod appears there (left hand side), highlight it
    2. Go to Tab “Partition”, click either “Delete” or “Partition”, if fails, skip this step and go to 3
    3. Go to Tab “Erase” , choose Volume Format as “MAC OS Extended (Journaled), and click Erase, again if fails, skip it and go to 4
    4. Same as step 3, but open the “Security Options....” and choose “Zero Out Data” before click Erase. It will take 1 to 2 hours to complete.
    5. Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    6. Open the iTunes 7 and click “Restore”

  • Why no iPod w/Video 60GB Universal Dock Adapter for UK?

    I've got a 60GB iPod with Video, which I use in two locations (home & work). As such, I have two universal docks.
    While the 60GB iPod with Video came with a single universal dock adapter, I need another adapter for my other universal dock. Unfortunately, only the 30GB adapter is available for purchase on the Apple Store (UK version).
    Anyone know why the 60GB adapter has slipped off the map in the UK? It's listed in the US store.
    Alternatively, can anyone suggest a place that might sell them?

    [I hate to do this.. but.. 'Bump..!']
    So, has nobody else in the UK needed to buy a 60GB iPod w/Video Universal Dock Adapter?

  • Problem charging iPod  Black 60GB VIDEO

    I put my iPod to charge from the wall as always. After a while as usual the charge green icon appear in my iPod, but when I try to play my music my iPod said LOW POWER BATTERY and something else that I couldn't read 'cause the iPod shut off. I put it to charge [for 6 hrs] in the PC [Windows XP] and the 'Very Low battery' monochrome icon appears. You can browser through the iPod content but as soon as I push the play button it turn off saying the low battery messege. The thing is that when you are browsering through the battery icon shows fully charge. If I have the iPod charging from the wall, I can listen to the music, if I have the iPod charging from the PC the monochrome icon will appear and I can't update, sync ect. The charger works because my sister charged her iPod [Black 30GB VIDEO] and the sync cable works 'cause she updated her iPod software, since she uses the laptop to sync.
    Compaq   Windows XP   iPod with video Black 60GB

    If your iPod only works correctly when connected to external power, then it's very likely that the battery has died on your iPod. You cannot overcharge the battery has the other poster has suggested.
    The monochrome non animated battery icon you see when you connect the iPod to the computer means that the battery is discharged.
    There are things you can try here.
    My iPod won't turn on.
    iPod battery doesn't charge.
    If nothing helps, you should send the iPod for service.
    You can arrange online service here.
    Service request.

  • My ipod 60gb classic is showing as fully charged until I connect it to my pc when it comes up with the error message, 'please wait very low battery' and the little wheel goes round and nothing happens, can anyone explain why this is and what i can do?

    My ipod 60gb classic is showing as fully charged until I connect it to my pc when it comes up with the error message, 'please wait very low battery' and the little wheel goes round and nothing happens, can anyone explain why this is and what i can do?

    I have worked my way through the assistant and nothing works. I have tried connecting in disc mode but although the screen on the ipod is showing that the device is charged and that it is in disc mode as soon as I connect it to the computer it comes up with the error message 'please wait very low battery' and stays like that until I disconnect when it appears to be OK again. I have tried on both pc and mac.
    BTW the ipod is an ipod video not classic if that makes any difference.

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