IPod Classic - reformat on Mac?

I purchased a new iPod Classic and had to start it with my PC as my Mac has an older operating system. I am planning on purchasing a new iMac in the next few months and expect that I'll be using my iPod exclusively with this iMac. Can I reset / reformat my iPod Classic with my new Mac after I purchase it?

You just need to restore the iPod on your new Mac, that will reformat it. Restoring in iTunes for Mac will erase and reformat the iPod's hard drive, reload the software with the Mac version and put it back to default settings, so if you have songs on your iPod that aren't on iTunes you will lose them if you have no back up. Once the restore is complete follow the on screen instructions to name the iPod and automatically sync your songs and videos onto the fresh installation. Press Done and the iPod will appear in iTunes and start to sync. If you want to update manually or using selected playlists uncheck the box beside the sync automatically instruction and press Done, it will default to manual mode and you can choose whatever setting you like: Restoring iPod to factory settings with iTunes

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    If your computer is  a 2011, you can stop the blue screen by turning off graphic card switching.  Under apple, system preferences, energy, uncheck box.  Temporary fix.  Your logic board may need to be replaced if you are under warranty or have apple care otherwise $1000.00.  May be software or firmware problem but apple has provided no info.  Replacing logic board has corrected problem for some users and not others.  Everything I've mentioned only applies to 2011 MBPs.

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    The iPod and iTunes are designed so that you cannot transfer music on an iPod to another iTunes Library. This is because the 15,000 songs do not belong to you and you have no legal right to keep them.

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    Message was edited by: colouraddict

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    Hello JDFSX,
    There are several ways you can pull the music off your iPod and onto iTunes. The first link below provides step-by-step instructions for the direct method if you have a PC as well as a few third party applications (for both the Mac and PC) if you choose to go that route instead. You can also do a simple Google search for "copy music from iPod to computer" and you should receive a number of sites that can help you out.
    Just make sure that when you have your iPod plugged into your computer, that you don't hit "Erase and Sync" before completing the task of copying your music over.
    Also, if you have any purchased music, you will probably have to re-authorize your computer by heading to the Store drop down menu and choosing "Authorize computer."
    [5 Ways to Copy Music OFF your iPod and onto iTunes|http://www.metaphoriclabs.com/articles/5-ways-to-copy-music-off-your-ipo d-windows-mac-os-x>
    Here are a few more helpful sites.
    [Copying Content from your iPod to your Computer - The Definitive Guide|http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/copying-music-from-ipo d-to-computer]
    [How to copy songs your iPod to your PC|http://lifehacker.com/software/ipod/how-to-copy-songs-from-your-ipod-to-your -pc-105256.php]
    Also, here is an article for the direct method that is for both Windows Vista and XP.
    http://ipodtips-tricks.blogspot.com/2008/10/howto-transfer-music-from-ipodto-itu nes.html
    Or this article as well.
    [Copy Tunes From Your iPod to Your Mac|http://macs.about.com/od/backupsarchives/ss/ipodcopy.htm]

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    Hey there,
    If you want to use your iPod with a Mac, you can just Restore it to factory settings again on your Mac to make it a mac formatted iPod. Just keep in mind that if anything is on the iPod it will be erased so make sure you have it backed up somewhere.
    Another option is to use your iPod on your mac, but keep it in its Windows format if you wanted. However, the only way you can update the software and firmware is through your windows machine. Hope this helps.

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    You need to put your iPod into Forced Disk Mode and restore it using iTunes.
    Try resetting your iPod by following these steps:
    1. toggle to hold switch on and then off again
    2. press the Menu and Center/Select buttons together until the screen goes black (should take no longer then 30 seconds)
    3. as soon as you see the Apple logo let up on the buttons and press down the Center/Select and Play/Pause buttons until a checkmark appears on the screen.
    4. connect your iPod to your computer and restore thru iTunes

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    any ideas?

    I share a article about [how to transfer or backup music from iPod to Mac|http://www.softwarebbs.com/wiki/Howto_transfer_or_backup_music_from_iPod_toMac]. And it have the detailed tutorials of how to transfer your music from iPod to Mac.
    Hope it can be useful for your problem.

  • IPod Classic 160 and Mac OS 10.5

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    You're right. Other than the fact that hundreds of others have posted with questions about real problems with this product.
    This product is flawed. Apple does not comment.
    When threads about iTunes hangs have 6 pages of comments and almost 3000 views it is NOT an isolated incident.
    I TOTALLY understand the comment about telling others not to purchase. I am doin so as well as are several other people I know because as much as I love Apple products this one is awful.

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    Hopefully this article will assist you:
    Please do reply with results/questions.

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