IPod clears songs after 8GB is used

This has happened numerous times now. Every time my new 20GB iPod (color display) is detached from my power mac g4, every song, playlist, album, and artist is cleared from the iPod.
The next time I plug the iPod into the computer, a window pops up in itunes reading "iTunes cannot read the contents of the iPod "My iPod". Use the iPod Software Updater application to restore the iPod to factory settings."
This happens every time I use up 8 GB or more and then unplug the iPod from the computer. I'm using the USB port that was included to connect, so I wouldn't expect this to occur.
I am holding off on calling apple to see if anyone else has had this problem.

It sounds like your HD in your iPod is toasted, call apple for help!

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    You're welcome.
    Going back to your original post:
    5) Tried running Itunes in 'safe mode', running itunes as an administrator..nothing.
    Was that iTunes' safe mode as opposed to Windows' safe mode? iTunes safe mode is invoked by holding down CTRL+SHIFT immediately after clicking the icon to launch iTunes and continuing to hold until this message pops up:
    Click continue, then close iTunes and reopen. With luck iTunes now opens normally every time.

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    OK, so here is my problem.  I did originally download the Beta 10.10...  Apparently I kept on getting betas and was running 10.10.2 (which today is still in beta).
    I did downgrade to 10.10.1 (by clicking "Download" in the App Store).
    Right after the downgrade everything with syncing works perfectly.
    Cheers, hope this helps someone.

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    Macs can access and use Windows formatted iPods just fine. So if you prefer to use the iPod as is on the new Mac, you can plug it in and use it Windows formatted if you like. You will get a message about the iPod being synced to a different computer though, and do you want to erase the iPod and sync it with the Mac's iTunes library.
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    How to use your iPod to move your music to a new computer using iTunes7
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    Using iPod with multiple computers
    Managing content manually on iPod

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    I had just figured out how to fix this problem, believe it or not!
    First exit out of iPod Updater and iTunes.
    Get into Windows Task Manager, click Processes tab.
    The iPodService.exe, iTunesHelper.exe must be messing around with the iPod. End those processes and any other that has to do with your iPod or iTunes, and keep your iPod connected while you do this. Then run the iPod updater and it should work if you want to restore.
    That fixed my problem!
    I hope Apple does something about this in a new version of iPod Updater so people (like me) aren't freaking out that their iPod is messed up.
    I'm just babying my iPod, so after each album I'm ejected just to make sure everythings alright. But everything seems to be working Aye-Okay!

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    I hope Apple fixes this issue.
    Any help is appreciated.
    G4 -1.42   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    try to bring it to the apple store and tell them what u did and how uve restored it mulitple times. My friend had the same exact promblem with hers so she took it to the apple store and she got a brand new one. She says that her new 5g ipod is doing better than the old 5g ipod she had before.

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    My Ipod Classic is now about four years old. it's the grey, 160gb model. the hard drive doesn't click, so it's in stable, working condition, as far as I can tell, but lately, I've been having a few problems with it. first and foremost, it's stubbornly refusing to make Genius Playlists for me, using the songs I want. Secondly, it's not playing some songs. now, the second issue isn't new, and I've fixed it before, but that brings me to my third issue.
    when opening Klondikes (because that's the only game I play on my ipod out of the three that come with it) the other day, it gave me an error message stating "game cannot be opened because ipod is full" or something like that. I have 160 gigabytes of storage, and all I have on there is music.
    anyway, back to the Genius problem.
    So I'll tell the Ipod to make a new Genius Mix from a selected song. in this case, I'll use Alestorm's "Keelhauled" for example. I made an edit of the song, decreasing the tempo, and drawing out the length of the song to 4:20. every single time, the ipod will use that instead of the original.
    Say I use "I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran (from The Hobbit, of course). the ipod uses the Kygo Remix I have.
    Say I use "One Eight Zero" by Grendel. it uses the remix.
    Say I use "The Sunk'n Norwegian", by Alestorm. the Ipod uses the Acoustic version.
    Say I use "7 Days to the wolves", by Nightwish. it actually uses that song, and not the Instrumental version.
    for "Whispers In The Dark", by Skillet, it doesn't use it, or the Instrumental version cause it can't find a match. (not a problem, just extraneous information.)
    Say I use "We Can Make The World Stop" by The Glitch Mob. it uses a piano cover.
    the trend I'm noticing here is that it only applies to songs with remixes. but as I have 1408 songs on my ipod, and need to be at work in an hour, I'm not going to look through everything to find every single instance of this.
    the ID3 tags for these songs are correct.
    Now, this is likely just a tagging issue, but the software should treat them as different songs. after all, most of them are stored in completely different blocks of memory. most of these are even different genres than the originals. and in the case of Keelhauled, because I exported the remix from Garageband, I'm listed as the Artist.
    can someone please explain to me what's going on with my ipod, or give me some insight into what's going on under the hood?

    A "classic" iPod is really a hard drive with a media player tacked on.  Like any hard drive (including your computer's), it can develop data corruption.  For example, maybe you mistakenly or accidentally disconnected it from the computer while it was syncing.  Or you dropped it, while the iPod was trying to access its drive for song data.  Or the hard drive can be getting worn out and unreliable.
    The Restore will not fix the problem if the hard drive is becoming faulty.  But if the data corruption was caused by something else, the Restore should fix it by erasing the hard drive to give it a "fresh start," like reformatting your computer's drive and reinstalling the OS.

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    Anybody else experiencing this issue?
    I'm using the latest version of iTunes and i don't have that problem on my PC. The only difference as far as i can tell is the updated iOS & firmware...

    Yes, other have. If the songs play OK in iTunes on the computer
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.             
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                      

  • TS1412 My iPod shuffle periodically skips across multiple songs...playing a song or two and then jumping forward or back multiple songs after playing only moments of a song. Please tell me what I can do to fix this. Thanks

    My iPod shuffle periodically skips across multiple songs...playing a song or two in full and then jumping forward or back multiple songs after playing only moments of a song. Please tell me what I can do to fix this situation. Thank you very much.

    This is in regards to a 4th gen 40gb clickwheel ipod.
    Hi, i've also been having a very similar problem with my ipod as well. I find that regardless of which windows-based pc i use (either my xp laptop @ home, or my win2000 desktop @ work) windows and itunes refuses to recognise my ipod. In windows explorer it will show it as a removable drive, but if i click on it, windows freezes. If I try to disconnect it, I cant because windows keeps reporting that 'the device is being used, try disconnecting later' and so then i shut down my laptop to disconnect it safely.
    Lately, like you, i've also noticed that clicking sound it makes. It happens when i connect my ipod to my computer - like the drive inside it is constantly restarting or something, and i get it when i'm playing / charging it in my dock. I've also noticed that when it's playing whilst charging, it just freezes on a song, then skips a couple of songs.
    I've just discovered the disgnostic tools on my ipod, so i think i'll run a couple of tests (ie HDD scan) and depending on the outcome, i'll go visit the apple store.

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