IPod erases songs after ejected?

Hi, I hope someone can help me with my problem.
Last night I tried putting a few more songs on my iPod 5th Gen. It stopped copying and iTunes didn't see my iPod anymore. I disconnected it, and tried plugged it back in via USB. All of my songs were erased, including pictures and videos. iTunes wasn't seeing my iPod and Windows was giving an error, so I tried to restore it the first time and it gave a Delayed Write message. Very frustrated now, I restarted, plugged in my iPod and it restored perfectly. Then I tried putting songs on it and I had all my songs back on, ready to go. I ejected the iPod and all of my songs and videos were erased, but my pictures were still there. Now I'm getting a folder with an exclamation, and I've tried all of the suggestions on the Support page.
My iPod is just a little over a month old and it's frustrating to see something I spent a lot of money on not working.
Can anyone help me with this problem?

I had just figured out how to fix this problem, believe it or not!
First exit out of iPod Updater and iTunes.
Get into Windows Task Manager, click Processes tab.
The iPodService.exe, iTunesHelper.exe must be messing around with the iPod. End those processes and any other that has to do with your iPod or iTunes, and keep your iPod connected while you do this. Then run the iPod updater and it should work if you want to restore.
That fixed my problem!
I hope Apple does something about this in a new version of iPod Updater so people (like me) aren't freaking out that their iPod is messed up.
I'm just babying my iPod, so after each album I'm ejected just to make sure everythings alright. But everything seems to be working Aye-Okay!

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    OK, so here is my problem.  I did originally download the Beta 10.10...  Apparently I kept on getting betas and was running 10.10.2 (which today is still in beta).
    I did downgrade to 10.10.1 (by clicking "Download" in the App Store).
    Right after the downgrade everything with syncing works perfectly.
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    This article will help you get the iPod restored, which, hopefully, will address the syncing issue: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1275?viewlocale=en_US

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    Hi latriste,
    I had the same problem when I thought I could delete songs from my hard drive and connect my shuffle (with those songs still on it). When I did connect my shuffle, it updated itself, and the songs I didn't have on my HD were deleted from my shuffle.
    Apparently, a shuffle is different from the other ipods because you can't set it to 'manually update' itself.
    Here is my recent thread where I asked a similar question:
    In short, with a shuffle, you need to keep all your music on your computer for it to stay on your ipod.
    HP   Windows XP  

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    Any help is appreciated.
    G4 -1.42   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    try to bring it to the apple store and tell them what u did and how uve restored it mulitple times. My friend had the same exact promblem with hers so she took it to the apple store and she got a brand new one. She says that her new 5g ipod is doing better than the old 5g ipod she had before.

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    It sounds like your HD in your iPod is toasted, call apple for help!

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