IPOD Disappeared From Desktop

I recently purchased an IPOD Nano and completed all necessary requirement and it is working fine but my problem is the IPOD logo has disappeared from my desktop. I have searched for it but cannot find it on my computer. Can someone please advise me on how to get this back?

Welcome to Apple Discussions!
Is the iPod connected? Is the iPod showing Do Not Disconnect on its screen? If not (and it shows the main menu), try disconnecting it and reconnecting it.
If it is showing Do Not Disconnect but is not showing up on the Desktop, see this...
iPod missing in iTunes and Mac desktop

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    3. iTunes freezes for a minute or two
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    Message was edited by: R.y.a.n.

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    I tried this but it did not help.  I did confirm that the external drive is working by connecting it to another IMac computer running Mavericks.  Not sure if the recent update to Yosemite that supposedly fixed issues with time machine has messed this up or not. Trying to work with WD as well to see which side the issues is on.   I remember a similar issue with Mavericks was updated making time machine unusable with the external drive.

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    If it's the Dock that's missing the icon, you've not really lost anything. Open Applications > Microsoft Office and find the Word app:
    Click and hold on its icon and drag it to where you want it in the Dock to restore it.

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    iMac G5 20" 2.1GHz iSight, 1.5GB RAM, 250GB HD   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3GHz, 2.5GB RAM, 160GB HD

    The first part of your description sounds normal when using Auto updating and having disk mode DIS-abled. Mine shows up in iTunes when connected, then I eject it from iTunes and it does not appear on my desk top.
    Try going into the iPod setting in iTunes and enabling disk mode and see if that works any better. You will have to manually eject the iPod from the desk top though, before unplugging it.

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    This was solved in a separate thread:

  • Dreamweaver CS4 (Mac OS X) window disappears from desktop

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    I've said it before and I'll say it again.
    Your Desktop is just a folder, but it's not like any other folder on your HD. The more "crap" you keep on it, the slower your system will run, because Windows Explorer (not the browser - the one that opens and manages all of your windows) interacts with it ALL THE TIME so the more stuff it has to go through to run DW, or Photoshop or Windows Media Player or whatever, the bigger the drag on WIndows. The same for Mac OS X and FInder.
    Put your site(s) in their own folder in your documents where the most active folder on your HD doesn't have to constantly update with every letter you type in a page.

  • HT2479 iMovie disappeared from desktop, tried to download version from web, says I need updated operating system

    What happened to iMovie? I clicked on it and it disappeared from my desktop.

    Hello there, mtreleven311.
    You likely havent lost the application, you most likely just lost the icon on the dock. To re-add the iMovie icon, follow the following steps:
    Mac Basics: The Doc
    Adding and removing Dock items
    If you want to add an application to the Dock, click the Launchpad icon in the Dock and drag the application icon to the Dock; the icons in the Dock will move aside to make room for the new one. If you want to add a file or folder to the Dock, just drag its icon from any Finder window (or the desktop) and drop it on the Dock. The resulting icon that appears in the Dock is actually an alias of the original item (it's kind of a pointer to your original item). If you drag an application or file onto the Dock, you'll be able to open it anytime by simply clicking its docked icon. If you drag a folder onto the Dock, a Finder window of the folder's contents will display when you click the folder icon in the Dock.
    To remove an item from the Dock, drag its icon an inch or more off the Dock and wait a couple seconds, then release; the icon will disappear in a poof of smoke. There are some icons that you can't remove from the Dock, such as the Trash and the Finder.
    Don't worry, you aren't permanently removing the item from your computer; you simply got rid of its Dock icon. If you want that item back in the Dock, locate the application, file, or folder in the Finder (or with Spotlight), and drag it back into the Dock.
    Tip: You can change where the Dock displays and customize its animation style in Dock preferences. See Customize the Dock.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.
    Pedro D.

  • Seagate USB drive always disappearing from desktop

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    I put that in quotes because this drive constantly disappears from my desktop. I simply
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    Tima Machine drive. I just did a successful restore yesterday, so I know it's working properly, but
    I do have to manually start my backups. I constantly get the message "backup drive not present".
    So scheduled backups are sketchy to say the least. I know what you'll say - get a different drive for
    use with Time Machine.    A good idea I'm sure. But can anyone tell me why this drive won't remain on
    my desktop? Is it a USB 3 issue?

    There are many reports in these forums of problems using Seagate GoFlex drives with Time Machine. I wouldn't trust one, myself.

  • Disks disappeared from Desktop after 10.5.4 - 10.5.8v1.1 update

    a strange think happend today after a server update from 10.5.4 to 10.5.8v1.1 with a downloaded combo installer: After the reboot 3 of 5 1 TB firewire disks disappeared from the desktop! Just gone. What makes the whole thing really tricky: they show up in the disk utilities as mounted! Repairing them doesn´t change a thing. Disk Warrior doesn´t help. What´s even more mysterious: Opening the terminal, cd to the /Volumes folder ls shows folders for all five disks. But "ls -l" produces an "Access denied" error for each of the missing disks! It requires a sudo to show the permissions of the disks! What´s more disturbing: The permissions of the disks not showing up are ending with an "+" while all the other disks have an "@". But what really knocks me of that you can mount and work with the missing disks over the network! I really need help with that.

    Hello mibobby,
    I'm seeing something similar to the problem you reported here. I my case there are 4 external hard drives connected to the Xserve 10.5.8. All drives are visible from Disk Utility, The Finder, and terminal. However, if a drive is plugged into another system, 10.5.8, or 10.6.2, the drives will not mount in the Finder. They appear in Disk Utility, but the volume appears as a blank piece of paper rather than a hard drive icon. If you navigate to the volume vial the terminal, you get an error indicating that you do not have permissions. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
    Did you ever get your problem resolved?

  • Time Capsule disappears from desktop

    since the last update to version 7.6.3 Time Capsule disappears after about 150 seconds from the desktop. This disturbs my workflow quite strong, because I use the Time Capsule not only as a Time Machine backup, but also as a network storage. Where can I set that the Time Capsule will remain permanently on the desktop?
    Thank you for your kind assistance.
    PS: Please excuse my bad english.

    Hi Jay,
    1. start the Airport-Utility
    2. click on „Manual Setup“
    3. click on „Version“ („Overview“ Sreen –> third row)
    4. choose the Firmware Version you want to install
    After downgrading the Time Capsule restarts automatically and does no longer disappear from the desktop after a while.
    Although I am not an english native speaker I hope that the guidance is understandable.
    Greetings from Cologne, Germany

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    You can't have independent handling of mail using an iMap system, all mail is stored on the server and read from there, regardless of which device you use.
    You need to change your email provider to one that allow POP access.

  • Secondary internal hard drive disappeared from desktop after forced restart

    I have three internal hard drives, one for system, the other two for data storage. While permorming a search on one of the data drives i clicked the "X" to the right of the spinning wheel on the bottom right of the search window to stop the search but the computer froze (wheel kept spinning). I then went through the dock and quit all applications, except for InDesign which wasn't responding to force quit.
    The only way out was a force restart. Upon restart, one of the internal data hard drives did not show up on the desktop, nor after a couple more restarts, nor after restarting from the installation disk, verifying and repairing disks and permissions on the other hard drives with disk utility.
    where did it go?
    G4   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   Dual 1.25 GHz, 2MB L3 cache each, 2GB DDR SDRAM

    no it doesn't show up at all in those either.
    Hmm. Then that sounds like the interface to the drive isn't even talking. You could try opening up the computer and making sure the cables are all connected firmly (of course, it should be off).
    here's the log:
    Nothing here looks too alarming.
    Apr 21 09:51:00 Greg-Simpsons-Computer webdavd[220]:
    network_mount: WebDAV protocol not supported; file:
    mount.tproj/webdav_network.c; line: 2702
    Apr 21 09:51:07 Greg-Simpsons-Computer webdavd[245]:
    network_mount: WebDAV protocol not supported; file:
    mount.tproj/webdav_network.c; line: 2702
    Was your iDisk mounted at the time? Or another WebDAV server?
    Apr 21 09:51:20 Greg-Simpsons-Computer
    diskarbitrationd[39]: mdsyncServer [193]:28715 not
    Apr 21 09:51:20 Greg-Simpsons-Computer
    diskarbitrationd[39]: mds [171]:28163 not
    Hmm. These are part of Spotlight, but they don't really give any clues, just that they weren't responding. Which might be because the drive disappered during your search.
    Waiting for MirrorAgent to launch and respond to
    CFMessagePortCreateRemote(). [186]
    Again, part of iDisk.
    2007-04-21 09:52:41.360 SyndicationAgent[252]
    WARNING: BestCalendarDateFromString - can't
    interpret: 'Sat
    that last line then repeats a lot of times
    Nothing to worry about. It's badly formatted date strings from some iTunes RSS feeds. They're default bookmarks in a couple of places, which is why you see them sometimes.
    2007-04-21 11:13:12.192 Pro Tools M-Powered Demo[352]
    CFLog (21): GetDiskFragment returns -2804 for
    <Product Registration><Product
    Registration><AWSCommonSymbols.dll> when trying to
    load /Library/Application Support/Product
    Registration.app/Contents/MacOS/Product Registration
    This is ProTools trying to load a piece of code. If ProTools is working, then I'd say it's nothing to worry about. Error -2804 is "specified fragment not found", but if it handles it okay, then it could just be an informational message.
    Adobe LM Service: Started
    AdobeLM Service
    Just the Adobe license manager telling you it started. Nothing to worry about.
    Unfortunately, I don't see anything helpful here. It's just like it disappeared (or never existed) as far as the OS is concerned. If you can find your original disks that came with the computer, you could try running the hardware test and see if it kicks up any errors, either with a drive or a drive controller on the motherboard.

Maybe you are looking for