IPod Disk Drive Dead?

I have a 5th Generation 60gb video and it was originally formatted under Windows. After a year of ownership it refused to sync to iTunes in Windows XP Pro SP2. It would state that the required disk could not be found. I kept using it without syncing it for some time, all music and podcasts could still be listened to. Finally frustrated enough with having to watch all my new podcasts on the computer I restored the iPod through iTunes and attempted to sync again, the sync reached over one thousand songs and hung. I let it sync over night and it never moved past that song and eventually gave me the same disk cannot be found error. I then did multiple restores, and each time I would reconnect to sync the number song that the iPod would hang on became lower and lower (thus eliminating the possibility of a corrupt song or file.)
I decided to restore the iPod under Mac OS X 10.4.9 on my MacBook Pro. The iPod successfully restored under Mac OS X and it was recognized as Macintosh formatted under iTunes. I synced the iPod for the first time under OS X and it synced up into the two thousandth song, I became very hopeful that it might have been a Windows issue but then the iPod hung, however this time it never gave me the error that it did under Windows about the disk not being able to be found. After a couple more attempts at syncing, iTunes now hangs on the first file (a podcast) and never progresses past and eventually OS X force disconnects the iPod and I am given the 'Object was not ejected properly...' error. The iPod was put into disk mode and Finder successfully recognized the iPod however iTunes still attempted to force sync it, iTunes force syncs even if I disable that option in iTunes. Now each time the iPod is connected, iTunes attempts the sync, I am given the pinwheel and Mac OS X hangs until the iPod is disconnected and everything returns to normal. I attempted to repair the iPod disk under disk utility but the iPod is never shown in the utility.
I am at a loss here as to what to do. The familiar clicking noise of a dead drive is all too apparent when attempting to sync but it goes away after disconnecting. I am out of the 1 year warranty under Apple and would like to avoid any sort of monetary transaction if at all possible, however it is looking more and more like this may be the only solution. I have that fear in the back of my mind that it is a dead drive, but I do not understand that if it is a dead drive why it was able to be read from (listening to music) before transferring it to Mac OS X? I would appreciate any ideas or suggestions that any one may have. Thanks for reading my entirely too long of a post.

I have a 5th Generation 60gb video and it was originally formatted under Windows. After a year of ownership it refused to sync to iTunes in Windows XP Pro SP2. It would state that the required disk could not be found. I kept using it without syncing it for some time, all music and podcasts could still be listened to. Finally frustrated enough with having to watch all my new podcasts on the computer I restored the iPod through iTunes and attempted to sync again, the sync reached over one thousand songs and hung. I let it sync over night and it never moved past that song and eventually gave me the same disk cannot be found error. I then did multiple restores, and each time I would reconnect to sync the number song that the iPod would hang on became lower and lower (thus eliminating the possibility of a corrupt song or file.)
I decided to restore the iPod under Mac OS X 10.4.9 on my MacBook Pro. The iPod successfully restored under Mac OS X and it was recognized as Macintosh formatted under iTunes. I synced the iPod for the first time under OS X and it synced up into the two thousandth song, I became very hopeful that it might have been a Windows issue but then the iPod hung, however this time it never gave me the error that it did under Windows about the disk not being able to be found. After a couple more attempts at syncing, iTunes now hangs on the first file (a podcast) and never progresses past and eventually OS X force disconnects the iPod and I am given the 'Object was not ejected properly...' error. The iPod was put into disk mode and Finder successfully recognized the iPod however iTunes still attempted to force sync it, iTunes force syncs even if I disable that option in iTunes. Now each time the iPod is connected, iTunes attempts the sync, I am given the pinwheel and Mac OS X hangs until the iPod is disconnected and everything returns to normal. I attempted to repair the iPod disk under disk utility but the iPod is never shown in the utility.
I am at a loss here as to what to do. The familiar clicking noise of a dead drive is all too apparent when attempting to sync but it goes away after disconnecting. I am out of the 1 year warranty under Apple and would like to avoid any sort of monetary transaction if at all possible, however it is looking more and more like this may be the only solution. I have that fear in the back of my mind that it is a dead drive, but I do not understand that if it is a dead drive why it was able to be read from (listening to music) before transferring it to Mac OS X? I would appreciate any ideas or suggestions that any one may have. Thanks for reading my entirely too long of a post.

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    You are going through a problem that many of us have had here -- so quickly, you are not alone.
    When it happened to me -- I read through ever thread here. Some people offered advice -- which, I tried it all (except Step 7 - which was suggested after I bought a new drive.)
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    If you read the other threads about this "SuperDrive" you will see there are some things you can do before you call the drive dead.
    You could
    1) zap the perimeters
    Re: Superdrive gave up the ghost -- where to start?
    Posted: Oct 26, 2006 11:32 AM in response to: dçøyan
    From: Sherry Johnson
    Frst, boot to open firmware holding apple-option-o-f and then type in the following commands--
    reset-nvram (hit return)
    set-defaults (hit return)
    reset-all (hit retur
    2) Rewrite the Permissions through Disk Utility
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    3) Download PatchBurn - courtesy of Michael McMann1
    4) Change Your Media - courtesy of Sue DIllini
    May I suggest that you use Verbatim DVD-R at 4x or slower to burn.
    Read these:
    4) Try using it through a different program - like Toast
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    5) My personal favorite - (also courtesy of Sherry Johnson) remove all electrical everything from the computer and open it up. Remove fan and see little silver square (on the bottom of the motherboard) it has a little white circle button - press and hold for a full second - it's called resetting the motherboard.
    6) Let Apple know (courtesy of Sue Dillini)
    Tell them about it here:
    7) This from Steppy of Boston
    Next I discovered that the cd would mount when I logged in as a different user. I took a look in my user/library/preferences and removed several files related to CD and DVD. Voila all is well! Too bad I didn't remove one at a time to isolate the issue.
    8) and after you've tried all these "helpful" hints - Buy a new one.
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    and installation instructions are here: (but he lets you know they forgot to tell you to remove the faceplate first.) http://www.apple.com/support/powermac/doityourself/storage.html

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    the ipod is suppose to be seen as a disk drive. if you don't like that, then in itunes uncheck "enable disk usage"
    "ipod not listed in itunes" do have another computer you can plug this into? and the booting issue is a windows problem, it will do that for certain devices, i cant have my psp plugged is while it boots.
    have you reinstalled itunes?
    Message was edited by: darthrevan945

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    Did you go into iTunes to change the location of your media files? if not you will need to go into iTunes and click on preference and select the advance tab then click the iTunes Media folder location.  Select the location of your on external hard drive. 

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    Maybe you solved this or not but I have a suggestion. If you have a PCMCIA slot try adding a usb 2.0 pcmcia card. I was having a world of troubles that have included one already returned 5G 60GB. It was rendered inoperative by a failed restore process. I assumed it was a defective ipod.
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    You can't drag and drop mp3's onto the iPod and expect them to play (on the iPod). Apple's implementation of putting music on the iPod uses files (iTunesDB, iTunesControl, etc) to allow the iPod's O/S to keep track of what is playable on the iPod.
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    It depends on what kind of digital copy you have.  This article goes ino details regarding the two types, and depending on the type you have, you may or may not need the DVD to redeem the code.
    Transferring video from DVDs with iTunes digital content
    I hope this helps!  Best wishes and good luck!

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    I agree with Kappy.. passing files and especially via wireless is slow as slow.
    Just need to be sure your TC is the new AC model??
    And the OS on the computer is Lion?
    Have you completed the setup of the TC via the utility? You do still need to get internet via the TC so it has to be plugged into the main router..
    Give us the full picture of the network.
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