IPod firmware 1.2.1

Hello all,
I was curious how recent the iPod firmware version 1.2.1 is and if anyone has had any of the previously known issues after upgrading to this version. Issues being the "blue denim" screen, iPod locking up, songs skipping, etc.
I tried upgrading my iPod to 1.2 a while back and had to restore it back to 1.0 again to get it working properly so I'm extremely hesitant to upgrade again.
  Windows XP Pro   AMD Athlon 3000+, 1GB RAM, 30GB iPod 5G black

Hm, this is the firmware I have on my 80GB video iPod and mine will freeze up overnight. If I leave the iPod disconnected from any USB2.0 cord and leave the hold switch ON, for say, 10-12 hours (as in overnight) my iPod will be frozen in the morning guaranteed. It's more of an annoyance than anything because it can be reset using menu & select and all is fine and dandy. Now, if I leave it disconnected from a USB2.0 cord but do not leave it on hold then it will not be frozen when I check in the morning. Odd.
My theory is the latest firmware v. 1.2.1 is causing the problem.
Custom Windows XP Pro

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    ivisko wrote:
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    So, Godmorning from Sweden
    After hours of scanning diffrent forums i found a method which worked for me, you can put the G5 Video in "Disk Mode" by first
    1. Reboot (Key lock, Key unlock, Menu+Middle several seconds, 6-10sec)
    2. Press Middle+Play just when the reboot starts.
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    Look in "Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates." If it's there remove all others that may be present except that one.
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    you can send feedback directly to Apple at the following (for iPod);
    and here for iTunes:
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    Updates for "regular" iPods (that are not iOS-based iPod touch) are generally just bug fixes.  You should not expect any updates that add new functionality. 
    Cool no need for itunes any longer than, I guess.
    I don't understand...  You still need iTunes to sync the iPod with content, and do maintenance (such as Restore) when needed.  iTunes will continue to support older iPods.  My ancient 3rd gen iPod from 2003 still works with the latest iTunes.

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    These might help:
    "Firmware update failure"
    What to do if iPod can't be updated because firmware file was corrupt or not found

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