Ipod hard drive management ?

I have my 5G set for disk use on windows XP, my way of thinking is that the ipod has a hard drive not to dissimilar to any pc or mac bassed computer and as such will obviously benifit from disk management utillites such as defrag ect-.
Can anyone confirm as to weather it would be safe to launch defrag on my ipod ?
I assume it would be as my pc see`s my ipod as another drive.

IMHO, using a windows utility to defrag something like an ipod, with it's own OS running at the same time, is asking for trouble. The defrag program will likely touch and maybe move most of the data on the disk, possibly including data used by the ipod's OS. If it zigs while the OS is zagging then blooie, the ipod will crash.
How to decide if the ipod is fragmented is another issue. If you do suspect\decide that the ipod's drive is fragmented then it seems to me that the safest way to defrag the thing would be to restore it using the ipod updater, then let itunes reload it completely. This should clear off the disk and resave each file in a sequential manner, which will have the effect of defragging the drive.
5G 60GB Black iPod   Windows XP Pro  

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    If all the music is on your iMac, then why don't you restore your iPod...
    Restore the iPod
    Then reload everything from iTunes and the capacity and use space should be accurate.

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    This has nothing to do with the iPod except the hard drive is the same one used.
    The actual hard drives are available from other sources.
    The cable provides a connection between the 1.8inch
    Toshiba hard drive (used in the iPod) and a standard 2.5 inch 40p in IDE hard drive interface.
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    Duane wrote:
    nlmart, Welcome to the discussion area!
    One thing to be aware of is that Apple has always recommended against using the iPod as a system hard drive. Presumably the operation as a system hard drive is more stressful than that of a music file server.
    Performance would also suffer compared to even a 4200RPM 2.5" drive. Not to mention that most 2.5" 5400RPM (or even 7200RPM) drives will absolutely blow away a 1.8" iPod drive in terms of transfer rate.

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    I would love to get some opinions and help.
    Thank you,

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    See these troubleshooting articles.
    Sad iPod icon.
    What does this picture on my iPod mean?
    PC doesn't recognize the iPod is connected.
    Try to restore it in disk mode.
    Putting iPod into disk mode.
    This icon is usually indicative of a hard drive problem, and if none of the above help, it will need service.
    If it's still under warranty, why not take advantage of that?

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    Depends... See Corrupt iPod classic.

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    no warranty anymore.
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    well i am pretty sure the hard drive is dead.
    my disk checks indicate alot of bad sectors.
    so does anyone know how much a repair will cost?
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    Thanks in advance for your postins.

    BalaTheBalaji wrote:
    I have tried that too. with command + r you can't erase hard drive or format. Only you can recover account
    You should be able to erase the Macintosh HD from the Yosemite Recovery HD (Command+R). Should get you into the OS X Utilities Menu. With Disk Utility as one of fhe 4 options.
    Inside Disk Utility, you should see 2 Macintosh HD entries. The 2nd (or indented) one is the one you should be able to select and erase.
    If possible, a screen shot of what you are seeing when you select the 2nd Macintosh HD entry in Disk Utility might help us.

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    You could have a look at this application: TouchCopy Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    Just be aware that what you'll be recovering will be photos optimised for the iPod so they won't be the same quality as the original full resolution versions.

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    Custom Built (by me) Windows XP AMD Athlon 64 3200+, ASUS 128MB AGP Graphics Card

    Yes, it will. But if DU says the disk is unformatted then it is also not accessible. If you have files you don't wish to lose then you will need to try recovery software:
    Basics of File Recovery
    General File Recovery
    If you stop using the drive it's possible to recover deleted files that have not been overwritten by using recovery software such as Data Rescue II, File Salvage or TechTool Pro. Each of the preceding come on bootable CDs to enable usage without risk of writing more data to the hard drive.
    The longer the hard drive remains in use and data are written to it, the greater the risk your deleted files will be overwritten.
    Also visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on Data Recovery.

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    My question is some kind of warranty provide service in Russia or I have to pay for repair?
    Repair and Firmware update doesnt help. ipod hangs during reboot (apple logo) with hard drive clicks and infinite loop of hang and reboot hang and reboot.
    thank you.

    Forgot to add-- I've put it in Disk Mode, doesn't seem to do any good. It's a 160GB Classic, if that helps.

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    Personally speaking, I've never found it makes the
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    to capacity or not (and I've owned 7).
    Do you mean this in a good or bad way? Do you mean that you've had hard drive problems whether they're full or not? Or do you mean that they've all been reliable either way?

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