Ipod playing all songs twice

I bought an Ipod Touch 32GB for Xmas for my daughter. It keeps playing every song twice. We can't change this. My son's Ipod Touch does not do this. Is it faulty or are we doing something wrong with this one.

Do you have repeat on?

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    on your ipod select music> select artist>select album>then slect the song in that album to play. It will afterwards go on to play the other songs in the album you selected.
    To truly only play 1 song then the easiest way would to place that particualr song by itself in a playlist adn then play that playlist.
    Or you can jsut simply press the pause button after you ahve listend tot hat 1 song that you chose to listen tooo.

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    You can't please everyone ... some people want to be able to find a particular song by an artist and can't remember the name of the album from which it comes. By sorting all songs by an artist alphabetically you can go right to it. But I agree with you, I'd much prefer album order. Submit your feedback via the link provided, and yes the workaround is to create an On The Go playlist, or create one in iTunes.

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    Mark the tracks to Skip when Shuffling from under the Options tab of the Get Info window for each track. 

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    I agree that it seems crazy that this can't be done on an iPhone.
    Here is the best work around I have found so far.
    (It's much quicker and easier to do than to describe.)
    In outline, you make an elementary Automator patch
    that uses your playlist folder to create a hard coded playlist on iTunes
    then just sync across to your iPhone.
    1/ Run Automator on your Mac.
    2/ In the Automator library select 'Music'.
    3/ Under Actions for 'Music' select "Get specified iTunes items" and drag this into the workflow area.
    4/ Using the  "Get specified iTunes items" widget  in the workflow area, press the "add" button.
    5/ This allows you to choose from a menu that will include your playlist folder.
    6/ Now under Actions for Music select "Add songs to playlist" and drag this into the workflow area
        so that the results of the first widget will feed into it.
    7/ In the  "Add songs to playlist" widget choose "New playlist". Then enter any name for your new playlist.
    8/ Run the patch (takes a fraction of a second).
    9/ Sync generated playlist to iphone.
    Job done.

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    Actually, JinKL, doing a search from "Songs" is harder to do and does not give the exact same result. It's harder to do because I have to key an artist's name rather than pick one from a list. The results aren't the same for several reasons. If you key an artist name that matches a song, you get that song, too. OK, that doesn't happen THAT much, but it does happen. And if I key a partial name, say "Morrison" for "Van Morrison", I get all the songs on "Morrison Hotel" by the Doors.
    "All Songs" should be added to the iPad music player. While they're at it, they should add column titles and allow allow sorting on the column values.

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    I had the same issue in my 2012 Nissan Altima.  It was a function in my car's stero settings.  I had to go to the car's iPhone/iPod settings when the iPhone was plugged into the USB.  My settings come up automatically when I plug in and I can scroll through the commands to "Shuffle" songs.  Hope this helps.

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    open the music app.  at the bottom select album.  it will open and display the songs.  tap the first one.  It will play the entire album.  You can shuffle them, or take them in order.

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    Actually, JinKL, doing a search from "Songs" is harder to do and does not give the exact same result. It's harder to do because I have to key an artist's name rather than pick one from a list. The results aren't the same for several reasons. If you key an artist name that matches a song, you get that song, too. OK, that doesn't happen THAT much, but it does happen. And if I key a partial name, say "Morrison" for "Van Morrison", I get all the songs on "Morrison Hotel" by the Doors.
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    This happens if the file is no longer where iTunes expects to find it. Possible causes are that you or some third party tool has moved, renamed or deleted the file, or that the drive it lives on has had a change of drive letter. It is also possible that iTunes has changed from expecting the files to be in the pre-iTunes 9 layout to post-iTunes 9 layout,or vice-versa, and so is looking in slightly the wrong place.
    Select a track with an exclamation mark, use Ctrl-I to get info, then cancel when asked to try to locate the track. Look on the summary tab for the location that iTunes thinks the file should be. Now take a look around your hard drive(s). Hopefully you can locate the track in question. If a section of your library has simply been moved, or a drive letter has changed, it should be possible to reverse the actions.
    Alternatively, as long as you can find a location holding the missing files, then you should be able to use my FindTracks script to reconnect them to iTunes .

  • How Can I Play All Songs On My IPod Touch at Same Volume?

    I have an IPod Touch 5th Generation which I bought this year. I also have a 4 year old  Apple IMac desktop with ITunes version  11.0.4(4).
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    I want them all to play at the same volume.
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    very few from the Apple Store.
    I also have an IPod Nano 5th Generation which I bought a few years ago. I copied songs from ITunes on my desktop to my IPod Nano.
    But I did not sync them. Just transferred or copied many of the songs from ITunes, without syncing.  The ITunes songs appear to play at equal volume on
    my IPod Nano but not on my IPod Touch. For Settings on my IPod Touch, I set Sound Check to On.
    Regarding ITunes Preferences (ITunes is on my desktop IMac):
    The Sound Enhancer and the Sound Check are both checked, and have been checked for a long time. Therefore all the songs
    on my IPod Touch should all be played at the same volume, shouldn't they, since they were synced from ITunes.
    Doesn't the Sound Check on ITunes control that?
    If they all play on the same volume on my ITunes, shouldn't all songs play on the same volume on my IPod Touch?
    I noticed today the Crossfade in ITunes Preferences on my IMac was not checked. I thought it had been, but maybe I accidentally unchecked it one day.
    I checked it today but was not sure what time to put on it. I put the time in the middle, which is about 6 seconds. Not sure if this is OK.
    I'd like one song to come on just about when the previous song ends. Any suggestions? (There does not seem to be a Crossfade option
    in the ITouch Music Settings). If I use Crossfade in ITunes, will it crossfade when I play the IPod Touch, since it synced the ITunes?
    Also, I have the music setting for EQ on my IPod Touch set to OFF. I assume I don't need this, but please let me know if I do.

    Settings>Music>Sound Check will HELP to normalise the volume of your music but it only averages it out.

  • IPOD 80GB Classic not playing all songs but they play in ITUNES

    After I synch all the songs are displayed on the IPOD but some will not play. They just skip to another song or album. This does not happen in ITUNES only on the IPOD

    *Skipping songs*
    The iPod seems to fail to play all of the occasional track that iTunes, and indeed other PMPs, are happy to play. There is probably some minor technical error in the internal structure of the file which is normally ignored by other playback software but causes the Classic to bail out.
    You may like to try scanning the files with MP3 Validator which can find & fix some internal MP3 errors.
    Some users have also suggested that completely removing all id3 tags and then replacing the information can be a solution. This can be achieved in iTunes by selecting an affected track, right/option clicking and using the option Convert id3 tags > None. Since some files may mistakenly have more than one tag you may need to repeat this action. Once you have confirmed that no tag is present you can replace the tag information using Convert id3 tags > V2.3 (I believe it is recommended to avoid using V2.4).
    Personally I've have found files for which these solutions don't work. In this case the workaround is either to re-rip the tracks or get iTunes to re-encode the file, e.g. convert AAC to MP3 or vice versa and sync the newly encoded file to the iPod instead. (Grrr - I see the convert file to format feature has disapeared in iTues 9.1 so this might not be so easy if you've upgraded.) Because transcoding will cause a loss of fidelity you should keep your original file so that if a future iPod firmware resolves this issue you can put your original files back onto the iPod.

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    Have y looked here:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    If you  have iTunes 11 turn on the Sidebar.  Go to iTunes>View and click on Show Sidebar. You can also do a Crtl+S to show the sidebar

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