Ipod recognition problem

i have a 30gb ipod video and im having an issue where itunes does not recognize the ipod as a video ipod but as a 1st genreation ipod weird right it doesnt let me restore not even the settings of the 1st generation ipod i keep getting error 1413 then to top it off it doesnt show up on my computer but the itunes seems to pick it up

This is exactly what happened to me... try reassigning the network drive:
This fixed my problem immediately.

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  • Unique Ipod Recognition Problem

    Alright, thus far I have found no problem similiar to mine with my Ipod mini. Where others state they get a sad face or Exclamation Folder, I get nothing. My Ipod about 2 months ago stopped being recognized by my main computer. It does not show up in My Computer or Itunes, but it does recognize that it initially as it is connected to my USB. I recieve no error messages, or anything, the Ipod just proceeds to "Charge" (even tho it rarely does, which is another thread all together). Here is the kicker, when I tried connecting it to my other computer, it was recognized almost immediatley. Unfortunatly, I have none of my music on that computer and am not willing to transfer my extensive music library to update my Ipod. Does anyone have a clue to what may be wrong with my ipod, or my one computer?
    Oh yeah, and all the suggestions that Apple has suggested on that one page did nothing, including putting it disk mode, forceable mounting didn't even work.
    Ipod Mini   Windows XP  

    This is exactly what happened to me... try reassigning the network drive:
    This fixed my problem immediately.

  • IPod Recognition Problems.

    My iTunes will not detect my iPod, i have the right cable, my usb ports are fine and so are the pin connectors on my iPod whats going on? My laptop runs Windows 7 64-bit, i have the latet update for iPod and iTunes. I have and iPod Touch 4th Generation 8GB.

    Please really need help on this.

  • 5th Gen Recognition Problems

    I'm one in a list of many on these pages who appear to be having the same problem. I have tried all the fixes suggested vy Apple without success and I'm about to return the useless piece of crap to Apple in the hope that a new one will be more useful than the £300 doorstop I have at present.
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    Anyone had any good news when dealing with Apple on this front?

    Well, I now am back to 9000 songs and a couple of movies! How did I manage this given the recognition problems I've been having with iPod and Windows?
    Easy. Explained the problems to those nice people at PC World in Edinburgh and they gave me a Creative Zen Vision M as a replacement plus the £60 so of difference in price.
    So, back up to speed with my portable music and movies, and an FM Radio on it too. I seriously thought I had thrown my money down the toilet with the iPod and I'm delighted that PC World showed the sort of customer service they are not generally renowned for.
    Interestingly, they were saying that they have had a lot of problems with the iPod - particularly in recent weeks. I hope Creative don't go the same way!

  • Zen Vision:M 30GB recognition problems...Big t

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    I took it to my desktop computer, a Compaq, and tried it there. It worked, but not how i was expecting it to work. The battery icon started flashing with the little lightning bolt, acknowledging that it was charging. But the play screen was still there. The odd thing with this is, i left the player to charge for several hours. When i came back, the Zen was in some form of idle shut-down. The screen was black, except for the battery icon with the lightning bolt. Oddly enough, he battery bar hadn't filled up anymore than when i left it. Upon unplugging the player though, the Zen turned off. When i turned it back on, the bar had filled up more. It wasn't fully charged though.
    I plugged the cable back into it, and this time, the battery icon WASN'T charging. It just had the play screen on. It wasn't doing ANYTHING this time. Frustrated, i went out and bought the wall charger, and now i have a full battery. But it doesn't solve why my computer won't recognize my player.
    Today, i un-installed the software that came with the player and re-installed it. It didn't do anything. I installed the software on my desktop computer, and THAT didn't work either. So i came to the website here and used the trouble-shoot guide. That didn't help, and this is where my problem differs from the other posters here who have recognition problems:
    Back to my laptop: I have Windows Service Pack 2. I installed Windows Media Player . I went to the Device Manger, like the trouble-shoot guide said to. The kicker: Windows Portable Devices is NOT, i repeat NOT in my Device Manager. Neither does the Creative player either. I clicked on "The player does not appear in Device manager". That link showed me a diagram of a desktop computer, so went back to my desktop computer. I did everything above mentioned, and Windows Portable Devices is not in the device manager of my desktop computer either. Further reading the trouble-shoot guide, i could NOT locate "Other Devices" or "Unknown Devices" in my Device Manger on either desktop or laptop. There's nothing "Creative" related or "Zen" related at all in any of the Device programs.
    I don't know what to do. All of the trouble-shoot guides don't discuss my issue at all. Everything is "If an MP3 player is reported working properly in Device Manager, but it is not detected or listed in Windows Media Player or Creative Media Explorer..."
    Mine isn't even detected in Device Manager. My Device Manager has nothing regarding my Zen or Windows Portable Devices.
    I'm thinking about messing with it in Recovery mode, but i don't want to erase everything i have on here, just to have my player still not work. I'm going to try messing with this at my friend's house to check the cable and the player there too.
    But any help regarding my situation would be greatly appreciated. This is driving me crazy.

    I tried my uncle's Zen Vision: M 30GB on my laptop and strange things happened. My laptop recognized the player as an unknown device and said i needed to install the MTP driver. I did that, and upon doing so, my laptop recognized my Uncle's player as a Portable device, allowing me to transfer songs to his player. But it STILL doesn't recognize MY player. Email support says i have to send it in for repairs, but i don't know...
    Any luck with you?

  • Ipod syncing problems...?

    Im having several ipod syncing problems. I have an Ipod touch, 4th gen with the standard USB cable that comes with to charge it and sync it with. Today, i plugged it into my computer like normal to sync some new songs onto it from itunes. But, it started acting up. First, it kept syncing on and off, and the sync sound wouldnt stop- it wouldnt stay synced. then, later, when it finally did, not long after it said "this device does not support charging," and itunes didnt recognize my ipod anymore, so i couldnt sync my songs. is there any way i can fix this? thanks in advance.

    - See:      
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    - Try another cable. Some 5G iPods were shipped with Lightning cable that were either initially defective or failed after short use.
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                          

  • [iPod 5G] Problems with Windows' iTunes keeping it synced.

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    - I connect my iPod, it gives me "Cannot read the content of the iPod XXX...."
    - I Restore my iPod (have also formatted it completely several times).
    - the iPod shows up in iTunes and it syncs.
    - I take the iPod out and i reconnect and it starts all over again and i get: "Cannot read the content of the iPod..."
    Connecting the iPod to my MacBook will make it appear in iTunes and I'll be able to see the music and update it.
    Things i've tried (in semi-random order, except for the last one):
    - Updated the iPod (1.2.1)
    - Restored the iPod about 10x
    - Different USB port and different iPod connection cable
    - Erased the iPod (3x): using Windows' format tool 1x and the Disk Utility in OS X 2x.
    - Uninstalled iTunes, Reinstalled.
    - Fresh install of Windows XP.
    Could this be an iPod related problem? (it seems to work fine on my Mac)
    Could this be an iTunes 7 related problem?
    The iPod is brand-new, i got it after my old one had gotten a white screen that wouldn't go away. Could it be a faulty iPod they gave me?
    P.S. Please don't suggest to 'just sync it with your mac' because it should work with the Windows computer that holds all my music.
      Windows XP Pro  

    hi chris
    the difference is:
    at home i've started it and it has been running 12 hrs without touching it
    outside i've used it while running through the park five times, so i started and stopped it five times without touching it otherwise (didn't change songs)
    do these five times starting/stopping waste 8,5 hrs battery runtime?
    PB G4 1.5 GHz 1.5 GB   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Ipod sync problems ipod 2.2.1 touch OS10.6.8 itunes 10.6.1 The photos sync but the calendars and contents will not.  I keep getting this error message... «iTunes could not sync information to the iPod «name of iPod» because a sync session could not be sta

    ipod sync problems
    ipod 2.2.1 touch OS10.6.8 itunes 10.6.1
    The photos sync but the calendars and contents will not.  I keep getting this error message...
    «iTunes could not sync information to the iPod «name of iPod» because a sync session could not be started.»

    See this post: https://discussions.apple.com/message/12799057#12799057

  • Debian Linux character recognition problem

    Maybe this shouldn't be on this forum, but perhaps someone can help me...
    I have Jrun 3.1, java 2 1.4 and Debian Linux.
    On our test server everything was hunky dory, running perfectly.
    But once everything was on the real server, we've had a character recognition problem. All of the higher characters are just replaced by a y or a ?.
    I'm pretty sure that we can exclude java from the problem, the i18n.jar, which I believe holds all the international stuff is there and in the classpath (exactly as on the test server) and jrun is exactly as on the test server because we copied every folder as it was.
    Therefore I think we can bring it down to Linux (Debian).
    I cannot find where to look in Debian for any kind of keyboard or locale problem. Anyone know what to do?
    kbdconfig command doesn't exist on our system.
    Any help greatly appreciated.
    We are in Italy, by the way.

    If you check out the default file encoding you'll find that it's 7-bit ASCII; no characters > '\u007F' come out as they should. This applies as well to compiling as to running.
    You can compile with another character encoding using the command line options, like: "javac -encoding ISO-8859-1 package/YourClass.java" (available at least in 1.4) and "java -Dfile.encoding=iso-8859-1 package.YourClass".

  • 5g Ipod.  Problem with Firmware 1.2.1

    Like many out there, I upgraded my iTunes software to ver. 7 and subsequently the iPod firmware to ver. 1.2.1. This resulted in the iPod "freezing" problem many others have reported. I've gone through the exercise (twice) of uninstalling iTunes 7, installing the version of iTunes on my installation disk (I believe it's earlier than 6.0.5) and then installing firmware provided in Updater 2006-6-28 (1.1.2). Problem is that iTunes doesn't recognize anything in my music or video library and the only way (so far) to solve this is to upgrade back to Itunes 7.0.2 but not to upgrade to firmware 1.2.1. My iPod now works but when I sync to iTunes, many of the videos (TV shows) I've purchased won't transfer to my iPod. The reason given is that my iPod software is too old. This has also occured with any new video purchase.
    Has anyone experienced something similar and is there a solution to this problem.
    Dell 8100   Windows 2000  
    Dell 8100   Windows 2000  
    Dell 8100   Windows 2000  
    Dell 8100   Windows 2000  
    Dell 8100   Windows 2000  

    I am having this problem as well. It was irritating me so bad that i just reverted to 1.0 since i don't have any other version availible because itunes doesn't save the updates. I tried all of the 5"R"s and it still locked up as soon as i booted my iPod up.

  • Touch ID recognition problems

    I've been using Touch ID for over a week. I'm trying to figure out why it isn't working.
    The problem is that after I "enroll" my fingers (thumbs and index fingers), it works for maybe 5 or 10 minutes. After that, the sensor becomes extremely flaky and starts to fail to recognize any of the enrolled fingers.
    According to my best estimates, the phone only unlocks about 5% of the time. The rest of the time, it just says "try again" and forces me to eventually enter a passcode. I wipe off the sensor, dry my fingers, wash my hands to remove oils, etc. to no avail. A few times, it worked consistently (1 or 2 touches to unlock) for about an hour at a time before it became inaccurate again.
    I've tried removing and re-enrolling my fingers, but the same thing happens. I've heard a lot of stories about people using it and finding that it works relatively well, so I'm stumped on why it isn't working for my fingers. I called Apple and they didn't know enough to figure out why the sensor isn't working properly. My best guess had to do with temperature variations, but recent testing has ruled that out (I enrolled after washing and drying my hands, waited a half an hour, washed and dried my hands again, and it failed to unlock, all while being in a temperature-controlled room).
    If anyone else has had this poor performance and been able to determine the cause, I'd like to know. Please don't just post that "it works for you" unless you have some useful information.

    I also had the touch ID recognition problem come up after the last update.  I did find that scrubbing the screen with the same finger used to access your phone may help motivate the sensor and actually works more often for me then not.  Try scrubbing the screen before placing the recognized finger on the sensor.  See if that works for you...

  • Ipod-a problem machine?

    Hello everbody,
    i´m a new 4gb nano user. After reading some posts here, i have a doubt...correct me if i´m wrong...but are ipods a problem machine? because all i can read is problems problems problems.
    thanks a lot

    No, they are not. You have to put it into perspective.
    1. Nobody in here is sayingg "yeah, I love my iPod". They come here for technical help when they have a problem.
    2. Most of the questions asked in here are solved.
    3. Consider how many iPods there are in the world (upwards of 60 million). Then consider how many questions there are in these forums. Then take into account the fact that many of these questions are not related to the iPod, or that many are looking for advice on whether or not to buy an iPod, which model, etc.
    I have had 5 iPods in my house, and only once did I have any sort of problem (due to a faulty iPod hardware piece, but Apple sent me a replacement in less than 2 weeks).

  • Ford Voice Control & iPod playlist problems

    Ford Voice Control & iPod playlist problems
    I am having problems with the voice control system and my video ipod (5th gen) in a new Ford Focus Coupè-Convertible which also has Bluetooth phone conectivity ( works great with my iPhone 3G) as well as USB & Voice Control
    This is all done through a Sony audio unit (model Sony 6CD DAB) which has a Six disc CD changer built in, as well as the usual FM & AM Radio bands as well as DAB Radio.
    My problem relates to the voice control of my ipod and playlists.
    Now some commands work just great For example if I say the following sequence ( which the unit repeats back to me at each stage) it works great:
    "External Device"
    All works well as it starts playing whatever playlist the iPod was in prior to connection to the unit, or if no playlist had been selected it just plays the whole contents of the iPod. - It also works fine with the commands "Shuffle" or "Repeat".
    But according to the user manual I am supposed to be able to play or select a specific playlist by voice command using the following syntax as quoted from the manual:
    '...create playlists named with the structure "Ford<*>" where <*> is a number 1-10. For example "Ford7" without any spaces between "Ford" and the number.
    So I made several playlist called
    and so on up to Ford10.
    Now according to the voice commands list I should say the following phrases which like before, are repeated back to me by the system:
    "External Device"
    Then the unit responds with
    "Playlist Number Please"
    Then according to the manual I should say the following:
    But when I say either
    Or any right up to 'Ford10' / '10'
    It responds bystating that playlist number (X) not available.
    I have also tried with the quotation marks ("") around the name eg "Ford1", but that has not worked either.
    So I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this problem and knew a solution, or could tell me where I am going wrong.
    Although my car is a UK model, I believe that this voice control system is available with Sony units in American cars as well.
    Hope you can help as this is driving me nuts!

    Hi Drusus.
    I also have a European Ford (Focus ST - 2009) with the same problem.
    Have you found any solution to the problem, or know if its possible to contact Ford...?

  • MTP and recognition problems with Zen Mi

    Ok here I go, I have a 5 gig Zen micro.and here are my issues. I updated my players firmware a few months ago because it was running oddly. This worked beautifully and fixed the running oddly part. This was great until I got a new computer. I went to plug my player in and realized I did not have the proper software/drivers so i go to creative's site and download the ones I need. I finish all instillation stuff. I have media player . And when i plug the player in suddenly i get infinite recognition messages for an MTP device from windows. It keeps popping up until i disconnect the player at which time it says device installed but may not perform correctly. Ok so I realize something is wrong and I go forum trolling. I find people that say you need to downgrade media player from try that is still no go. I try to install different drivers. I try to install different software none of these fix the issue. On other computers i can get it to recongnize the player as a MTP device and load up. But as one of the fixes I went to the recovery mode and did a firmware reload. This went fine and the player still comes up and I can get it recognized but when I try to use the firmware installer (this is on other computers mine still does not fully recognize my Zen Mirco) It says device not found yet i can see it in my computer and it shows up as connected media device. I would first like to get the firmware reinstalled on my player. I can still goto the recovery mode screen. Then I would like help trouble shooting my MTP recognition problem.

    Ok well my I can load my player up with music with the old firmware. But for some reason I cannot use WMP because as soon as I update my current one I get the same error as before. So this is still an issue as I would like to be able to use WMP and I would also like to be able to use the new firmware but I think that will mess things up again also.

  • Western Digitial external USB drive recognition problem

    I recently bought a Western Digital USB 250gb external drive. I connected it to my G4 Powerbook running OSX10.2.8 and it had no problem recognising it. I then dumped across a load of data successfully.
    A few days later I upgraded to Tiger and now the G4 won't recognise the external drive at all. I have scoured the forums for an answer but have found nothing to fix a drive problem where the drive just doesn't appear at all in disk utility (or on the desktop)!
    I didn't partition the drive when it was first recognised in 10.2.8 (which i now realise was a mistake). The data on the external drive is unimportant to me - I just want to be able to use the drive - maybe there's a way or reformatting and starting again? (The Western Digital site doesn't provide any drivers for Tiger - cos it's just meant to recognise it automatically..)
    Any information appreciated.
    Many thanks,

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Do you have any other USB devices connected to your Powerbook?
    Is this a recognition problem right after the computer boots up? Or had the computer fallen to sleep prior to your connecting it? Sometimes I've seen USB ports fall into a low power mode causing problems recognizing USB devices until the machine is next rebooted.
    If you have critical data on that drive, you may want to try Prosoft Data Rescue to see if it can see what is on that drive. You can also buy an external Firewire enclosure and try to move the drive to that, or find someone with a PowerMac G4 or G3 tower to see if it can be taken out of the case and put in the tower for recognition. If you do the latter, be sure that the jumper is set for the master/slave setting that matches the cable you are connecting in the drive.

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