IPod shuffle completely totally dead?

Tonight I charged my shuffle and updated the songs on my computer as usual. However, 15 minutes or so into listening once it was away from the computer, it turned off mid-song. At first I thought the battery had died, but the lights on it are completely unresponsive - no flashing, no turning on - no sign of life at all. I haven't had the iPod near water or anything it shouldn't be near, and it doesn't feel any hotter than normal. There were no flashing lights or problems whatsoever leading up to the moment it stopped playing (except the odd song that seemed to load funny and would distort and skip when played). When I plugged it in... well... I may as well have attempted to plug a vase into my computer for all the response it's getting. It's not even a year old - so what's the deal??? Is it really and truly dead, and why would it have died so completely suddenly like this?
Message was edited by: xfanatic50

If it's not one year old, you should be able to send it to Apple, as the warranty is 1 year ( without protection plan ). Also you should try [This Utility|http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/ipod_itunes/ipodresetutilit y104forwindows.html]
Hope this helps,

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    So your Shuffle is not charging whether its plugged into a mains adapter or via a USB port on your PC?  How long have you left it to charge?  If the mains adapter compatible with the 2G Shuffle?  Have you tried using a different cable perhaps?
    Lastly, double check the connection to the Shuffle, to make sure that it is nice and snug.  If the connector is not pushed all the way in, the Shuffle will not charge.

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    No dock... this is a first generation shuffle.
    I have it plugged in to a powered hub which is plugged in to a Macally USB2 card.
    I know about the 3rd party wake from sleep issues, but my Mac is set to not sleep.
    I've been doing it that way for a few years w/o problems.
    Nothing has changed in my hardware setup since well before this started happening.
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    If you can, taking it by the Apple store would determine if it really is a battery problem. Have you seen this site?
    Dan H's Battery Info and Troubleshooting Page

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    Did it ever work?
    Sounds defective, if under warranty, then return it!

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    Hi there,
    Things have changed quite bit in the latest versions of iTunes. The article below goes over the process of setting up syncing in iTunes 11 and you may find it useful.
    iTunes 11 for Windows: Set up syncing for iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    -Griff W.

  • So my Ipod will no longer turn on. i leave it on my Ihome and nothing happens. whenever i try to turn it on i get the Apple logo and then it dies and says i should charge it, so i do and it does it again. What does this mean? is my battery totally dead?

    So my Ipod will no longer turn on. i leave it on my Ihome and nothing happens. whenever i try to turn it on i get the Apple logo and then it dies and says i should charge it, so i do and it does it again. What does this mean? is my battery totally dead? please i really need help

    Did you try to charge it using the adapter or your computer?
    If you can, let it charge for about 15min, then connect in recovery mode, described in this article:
    iOS: Unable to update or restore
    If still not luck, your battery might have to be replaced:
    Apple - Support - Service Answer Center

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    have since replaced the cable but now itune will not launch automatically as it did before and windows xp does not recognize it. 
    Try disabling a/v software and turn off the Firewall on your PC.
    Disable antivirus software
    Then connect the iPod to your computer. Launch iTunes. If your computer still won't recognize the iPod check out this article.
    Once your iPod is functioning again, with it connected to your computer, launch iTunes. Select the iPod under Devices in the source list on the left.
    Select the box next to:   Open iTunes when this iPhone is connected
    That way iTunes should open automatically when you connect your iPod to your computer.
    And iTunes / Preferences - Devices. You can have your iPod sync automatically whenever it's connected from the Devices pane.

  • My ipod Shuffle is Dead?

    I have a Ipod Shuffle since November 25, it worked very well until yesterday, i dont know what happenned, but it wont turn on, and my computer wont recognise it, only sometimes after plugging it several times it starts charging, but it gets very hot (i dont remember it getting that hot before) if i take it off to listen music it wont turn on again, i already left it a lot of time charging and when i try to turn it on it wont work.
    So do you think my ipod is dead and i should go to get a new one? or what should i do?, (i already made the 5Rs and nothing works)

    Return it to Apple as it sounds faulty.
    It is under warranty and they should replace it.

  • Ipod shuffle 1GB Re: how to resurrect a dead shuffle? Nov 5, 2008 4:42 AM (in response to Ipod shuffle 1GB) there is no sound cant find in Itunes not in showing in drive's list please tell me how to restore or reset red light showing when try to power on

    Ipod shuffle 1GB
    Re: how to resurrect a dead shuffle? 
    Nov 5, 2008 4:42 AM (in response to Ipod shuffle 1GB)
    there is no sound cant find in Itunes not in showing in drive's list please tell me how to restore or reset red light showing when try to power on or conect with USB....
    If you can plz help to fiX it
    intel pc , Windows 7, core 2 Dule Core

    Here is the answer: go to http://support.apple.com In the search box at the top left type in the number 304996 and hit enter. This will bring you to a page with 4 solutions. Click on solution number 1 and follow the instructions. This should fix it.

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    Hello there, san blasted.
    The following page links to the iPod Troubleshooting Assistants. Feel free to review the recommendations for your particular iPod:
    Apple - Support - iPod Troubleshooting Assistants
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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