IPod Touch contacts file - where?

Hi Guys,
Just wondinerg, does the ipod touch store contacts in a file on the ipod that s in a file on the disk somewhere, just like outlook express?
If so where is this file?
Can you browse for it on a windows pc when the ipod is plugged in?

Hello, Welcome to Discussions.
The iPod Touch contains a non mountable disk drive. So no actual way for you to access it's content which is protected.
Do you have contacts on the Touch your trying to transfer off into the computer?

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    you might find pointers in this post by Zevoneer.
    good luck !

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    Problem solved. Apple has a support article about syncing issues (http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1672).
    Steps 8 & 9 were the ones that solved my issue.
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    9. Turn syncing off for the affected data. From the home screen, tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, and Calendars, and then tap your MobileMe account. Move the slider for the data type that is causing you issues. Wait for confirmation that that data type has been disabled, then press Home. Confirm that the data has been deleted on your phone, and then turn syncing for that data type back on.

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