IRegistrar COM interface in windows embedded compact 7

I have some code that manipulates the registry using IRegistrar. This works great in the desktop build of this code.
In the WEC7 build it compiles but returns class not registered or something...
What am I missing?
CComPtr<IRegistrar> ireg;
if (S_OK == ireg.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Registrar,NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC) )
if (S_OK == ireg->AddReplacement(_T("MODULENAME"),ModuleName)
&& S_OK == ireg->AddReplacement(_T("MODULEVER"),SWVersion))
if (S_OK == ireg->FileRegister(FileName))
bSuccess = TRUE;

AFAIK, These class IDs are not supported in WinCE. you have to use set of APIs to perform registry operations. see the below link.
Please mark as answer, if it is correct.
Please vote,if it is helpful post.

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    bitblt is copying pixels.
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    This forum is for POSREady. Please try one of the Windows CE forums:
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    You provided links to Compact 2013 documentation and tools
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    This forum is for POSReady. Please try one of the Windows CE forums:
    -Sean / / Book Author - Pro Guide to WE8S, Pro Guide to WES 7, Pro Guide to POS for .NET


    Hi ,
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    Best Regards,

    This forum is for POSReady. Please try one of the Windows CE forums:
    -Sean / / Book Author - Pro Guide to WE8S, Pro Guide to WES 7, Pro Guide to POS for .NET

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    If this helps you, please give me a vote. Thanks.

    Grrr I just that : GetWindowLong/SetWindowLong on GWL_WNDPROC crashes
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    C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (if you are using 64Bit Windows)
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    Thanks so much Gene. I really appreciate your time and suggestions.
    Btw, should have been clearer  as one couldn't imagine I meant that 5.5 (i.e. ancient one). The adobe website also has this info: Windows 8.1 compatibility for Adobe Photoshop version 5 which just says version 5.5 under compatibility. So it does seem possible indeed to run this but perhaps for someone more techie. Had a look at the thread re: 6.0 and tried to run it as admin. Tried copying the contents on the desktop and change the compatibility under properties (even ran compatibility trouble shooter under properties) - but in vain. Must be doing something wrong. Prolly easier to return the CD (:/)
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    I don't believe Microsoft can let you know exactly. But it may be a good idea to move towards WPF for new applications developed as WPF has much greater capability, is more in line with above Windows 7 OS apps and even though more difficult to learn than
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    Windows 7 support
    Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy FAQ
    Microsoft Product Lifecycle Search - .Net Framework 4.5
    .Net Framework 4.6 which downloads as 4.5.3 for some weird reason supports Windows Forms.
    Windows Forms Community Support
    .NET Framework Blog - The Roadmap for WPF
    La vida loca

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    Hello guys,
    Today I was offered to install the most recent update for my Embedded Compact 7.
    Great, taking into an account it says 'fixed an issue with filesystem corruption when creating a folder' - that one I suffered from.
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    Right.....I checked all 5 iso files available for MSDN subscriber download.
    Funny thing is that SharedSource_w2.msi cannot be found anywhere in iso and is not available for download by WEDU.
    Dear Microsoft, could please explain your customer how do I suppose to install this update?

    I think it is a bit different.
    Wave1 update WAS shipped as iso file and you can download it from MSDN subscription and install.
    Wave2 update (this one AFAIK) is not in the list of iso images so you can't download it.
    Basically if you can't download it from MSDN and can't get it from WEDU, how to you suppose to get it?
    WEDU is not offering to to downgrade to Wave1 level so the only option you can try is to start clean WEC7 install and hope it will allow you to update to Wave2.
    Here I need to remind that I have live EC7 installation with my designs and I don't want to spend days and days experimenting with setup puzzle. What I really need is the answer of how to solve it.
    IMO this is QA issue - you need to run update procedure exactly as an ordinary customer do to make sure it works as it supposed to work.

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    IBM Thinkpad T42p   Windows XP Pro  

    The iphone is NOT a backup device.
    It optimizes photos for viewing on iphone - reducing size and quality.
    The photo sync is also only ONE WAY - computer to iphone.
    You could e-mail them to yourself, but they will not be of the original quality.
    Did you fail to backup your pics?

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