Is DivX a problematic CODEC

I am trouble shooting a little issue and wonder if DivX is a problematic CODEC that maybe I do not need in my system.
I have no idea where it came from - NeroDVD or Power DVD Players maybe????
Does Premiere need it?
If needs be do I purge it from system.

I've got their Pro version (applications and CODEC) on both systems, and have never had a problem with their presence. In Add/Remove, I have both the applications and the CODEC listed (XP-SP2). I also have VidX CODEC installed, with no problems. I'd wonder about the installation of this CODEC, based on your reply (post 2).
I agree with Dan, about editability, though have had to do that in a few cases - it ain't a pretty sight, but can be done if someone pushes you into a corner.
The one anomoly that I've encountered is that some DivX AVI's play fine in WMP, while some do not. They will play in the DivX "player." As my DivX CODEC is the latest, it is supposed to encompass all previous versions. Do not know why WMP has about a 10% failure rate. Next time, I'll run a good one and a bad one through G-Spot, to see if I can spot some difference.
Don't know of any of this helps you, as it's just observation on my part.
BTW - what is the problem, that you're trouble-shooting?

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    You might want to take a look at the file closely, and then decide if you wish to edit it. Know, that if you go to DVD, or any compressed format/CODEC, after the edit, there will be another quality hit.
    There are CODEC's that are basically used to play a file, and then those that play, plus allow editing. DivX and Xvid, are in the former group. There could be some editors that will edit DivX, but I do not know of them. PrPro cannot effectively use the DivX CODEC to edit. Some have gotten very lucky, once the CODEC is installed, but usually one looses either the Video, or the Audio. In the cases, where it worked, OOS issues were almost always present.
    Good luck,

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    Open up the Adobe Media Encoder and add your AE project. Dynamic link will open up and then you'll be able to see the compositions inside your project. Pick the one you want to render. Now drill down through the options and find the codecs you want to use.
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    AVI is a container, just like .mov. The video inside can be any one of a number of codecs.
    Final Cut Pro does not work with DivX, CinePak or FLV.
    You need your file as a .mov using one of the codecs found in FCP's Easy Setup menu.
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    and yes i have already tried to uninstall all the DivX components and it didn't resolve the issue at all.
    Was QT 7 closed while you did this? QT 7 initializes the codec list each time the player is opened. So if the player was open while you uninstalled the codecs, the the changes would not be recognized.
    Anyone have this happen before or have an idea of how to fix.
    If you have the Perian package installed and had no previous codec conflict problems with the older DivX component, you might also try removing and reinstalling the Perian package. Some users have reported that DivX and Perian codec components may conflict with one another when installed in one relative order but not another. I.e., it appears the order in which codec components are initialized may or may not create problems.
    I recently upgraded my DivX player and converter, after doing this my Quicktime player stopped playing AVI files. which is probably a good 85% of my videos and movies which i cant get to reformat to Mp4, MPEG or any of the other formats that it will play.
    Have you tried using the free HandBrake utility to convert your AVI files to MPEG-4/MPEG-4 AVC in MP4 and/or M4V file containers?

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    This is exactly what is happening to me. I used AoA DVD Ripper to rip my DVD's using a DivX codec. These are .AVI files. I purchased QuickTime Pro 7 in an effort to convert these .AVI files to either MPEG-4 or MOV files to watch on my new 5th generation iPod. I too, get a white screen in the player. I also got a pop-up window that indicated that I was missing some QuickTime components and it took me to Apple's third-party software vendor site to look at some possible downloads. However, it didn't give me a clue as to what to download to get this to work.
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    I have the following A/V components installed on my computer but still cannot view my .AVI files within QuickTime Pro 7.0.3
    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP S (Build 2600)
    *Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
    *Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
    Amount of RAM installed: 1024 MB
    Video Card: RADEON X300 Series
    DirectX Version: 9.0c
    Installed Codecs:
    *WMVideo Encoder DMO
    *MSScreen encoder DMO
    *WMVideo9 Encoder DMO
    *WMVideo Advanced Encoder DMO
    *MSScreen 9 encoder DMO
    *DV Video Encoder
    *Indeo® Video 5.11 Compression Filter
    *MJPEG Compressor
    *Nero Digital Video Encoder
    *Cinepak Codec by Radius
    *DivX® 6.0 Codec
    *Intel 4:2:0 Video V2.50
    *Ligos Indeo® Video 3.2
    *Ligos Indeo® Video 4.5
    *Ligos Indeo® Video 5.11
    *Intel IYUV codec
    *Microsoft H.261 Video Codec
    *Microsoft H.263 Video Codec
    *Microsoft RLE
    *Microsoft Video 1
    *TechSmith Screen Capture Codec
    *DivX® 6.0 YV12 Codec
    I'm still trying to get this to work. I may Rip again with a different codec. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. I'll post if/and when I get it fixed.

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    +in addendum+ to MartinR's excellent reply .. :
    although, there are zillions of options for compression, in real-life you need a very few 'sets'.
    • if you need compatibility with historic hardware, goo' ol' mpeg1 is still alive - 15y old? so, don't try to use it for 'full screen'-video.. that is for 'animated' stamps, small res, little framerate
    • mpeg2 .. is a codec in use on videoDVD - NO need to convert into it before authoring a DVD, because most Mac-DVD-'makers' use their own internal converter. iLife's iDVD doesn't accept mp2 as import format ..
    • mpeg4 - as Martin already mentioned: there is the codec and the container! both look like .mp4 .. the codec is a bit like mpeg1, the container allows all'mighty h264. in FC/e EXport dialog, choose mpeg4 from the drop-down, then under options, choose h264 .. => an easy way to deliver high-quality files to Window-user who don't like the mov-container ..
    • DivX - a commercial codec and its reverse-engineered free version XviD - popular in the 'ripper' scene .. for playback, any computer needs a (free) plugin
    • AIC, AppleIntermediateCodec, in use in FC/e for editing HDef = any HDef-Import gets automatically converted into it .. an edit-codec, NOT meant for delivery ..
    • h264 - actually the 'best', in terms of light-weight, scaleable, modern ..
    then there is
    • resolution - pixel x pixel.- not too much detail, but try to use multiplies of x8 (480x360=good, 477x333=no good)
    • frame-rate - US=29.97/30, World=25. it is a marketing-myth, 24fps would add a 'film look' ..
    • bit-rate - THE most important factor which determines 'quality' .. depending on res, fps and codec in use, you should set to some dozen kBit/sec up to some MBit/sec .. make your own tests, 'cause here comes 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder' into the game ..
    e.g., I'm exporting my projects as h264, 1280x720, 25fps, p, with 3-5MBit/sec = quality superb, even after upload to YT ..

  • QuickTime plays .avi DivX sound, black blank window

    I've got issues...
    Before my Quicktime worked fine with all video file formats.
    Suddenly, it stopped playing certain files correctly.
    I got the latest DivX and Xvid codecs, as well as well as
    that Perian software. Still, When I try to play certain DivX
    .avi files, Quicktime will play sound, but no picture - just
    a black blank window. Instead, DivX player 2.0 for macintosh
    works fine.
    I'd still like to use Quicktime. What should I get / do?
    Thanks in advance!

    Perian asks you to get rid of similar codecs. Try moving out the codecs except Perian and try again.

  • Where can I get alternative export codecs for CS3?

    I have an application requiring exporting of Flash animations to run on an embedded media player. This accepts a number of video formats. The most reliable I have found so far is DivX. The player supports DivX versions 3.11, 4.x & 5.x. The export codec in CS3 is DivX 6.8.5 which is not compatible with the player.
    The player also supports MPEG2 but the quality is not very good. Other options are Xvid Mpeg4 video (doesn't work) and MS Mpeg4 video codec V2 & V3 (also not supported in CS3).
    I have tried downloading a variety of alternative second source file converters but frankly tied myself in knots. Any idea how I can get around this problem and get a DivX 5.x codec to work natively within CS3?

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    Flash does offer the user the ability to export an actionscript animation in a number of alternative video formats via File> Export> Export Movie. Of course doing this means that you can't have interactive elements like buttons in your Flash but if all you want is to output a video stream then this function is very useful. However the DivX codec that is included with CS3 is a later version than that supported by my media player.
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  • DivX and Mpeg4

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    I use subtitle tracks included in the DivX files. In the DivX player I can then choose to display or not display the subtitles. I have not seen any other Mpeg4 encoder that allows this. Is this not MPEG4 standard then?
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    Thank you

    Divx is not standard MPEG-4; it's a unique format. Since QuickTime does not natively handle Divx, that's why your Divx videos won't play.

  • I can't export to DivX and XVID files

    Hi all,
    although I have installed the DivX and XVID Codecs, iMovie 08 (7.1.4) won't show me the Option to export Video with these codecs. If I choose to export with Quicktime, the only options I can choose are:
    3G, Apple TV, AVI, Bildsequenz, DV Stream, FLC, iPhone, iPod, MPEG4, QuickTime Film, AIFF, AU, Wave
    I also cannot import a XVID avi file to iMovie, although the Quicktime Player plays it allright. Did I understand anything wrong or should both work? What's going wrong?
    My preferred workflow would be:
    1.) Import AVCHD Files from my Panasonic HDC SD5 Camera in HD Quality
    2.) Cut it with iMovie 08
    3.) Export the new Video to either a DivX or XVid HD avi-File.
    What can I do to get this working? I am using Mac OS X 10.5.4 on a Macbook 2,4 Ghz Core 2 Duo with 2 GB RAM.

    iMovie '08 can import the AVCHD-Files from my camcorder, but cannot export the result in Xvid or DivX?
    Yes it does.
    I want to have the possibility to do a little more editing than I could do in QuickTime Pro. So what would be the suggested workflow for me without buying other software? Something like this?
    What you can do is:
    1) let iMovie '08 import the AVCHD to a an iMovie '08 Event Folder,
    2) open the iMovie '08 Event Folder AIC/AIFF files in iMovie HD,
    3) edit in iMovie HD,
    4) and export the edited iMovie HD project as XviD or DivX.
    Any editing done in iMovie '08 is done "by reference" and does not exist as a physical rendered file until or unless you output your iMovie '08 project by sharing or exporting. To do so is to simply go from one intermediate file to another which I assume is what you want to avoid. If you want to avoid this, simply open the AIC/AIFF file directly in iMovie HD as an HD project (AIC/AIFF files import as AIC/AIFF).

  • Is DivX Pro worth it?

    I recently solved an issue I had with playing back '.avi' movies on iMac G5 by installing the latest free version od DivX (ver. 6.5) to my computer. I see that they have a 'Pro' version of their codec. What are the benefits of upgrading? Is it worth the cost? Do I really need to upgrade for any reason?

    Viewing these DivX files will probably always remain free. Creating DivX files is what costs the money.
    If you don't need to create a DivX DVD file there is no advantage to the upgrade.
    My impressions of DivX is that it could have been the missing link between the MPEG-2 format of current DVD's and the next generation (think HD).
    Almost any ($35) DVD player can replay DivX encoded files. Pop it in your DVD player to test.
    Where MPEG-2 (MPEG stands for Motion Pictures Expert Group) has "standards" these DivX formats are a mismatch of formats and codecs and playback is nearly always an issue.
    BTW, MPEG-4 has been available for a few years. Apple supports some of these export options and Microsoft has written there "own" .mp4 specs and codecs. Another mixed bag of results and confusion to end users.
    To help clear the air:
    DivX files "should" play in a modern DVD Player. It should play on your TV just like it does on your computer via the cables.
    But most DivX files are actually viewed on a computer and the format has been abused by software and licensing fees that most creators don't pay for.
    I guess I should have kept it simple.
    Newer technology will replace DivX. Newer formats for DVD are starting to appear on the market.
    DivX is a "codec install" that wanted to be a file format.
    I think they've failed but, that's just my 2¢.

  • Cannot edit AVI files

    We´ve ran into problem with Premiere Pro CS4 on Windows 7 Ultimate machine. The problem is, the PPCS4 does not let us edit the AVI files (doesn´t matter what´s inside, DivX, XviD, h264, raw). It recognizes the lenght, but it´s like it stretches out the first 3 or 5 seconds to the (lets say) 3 minutes movie (or whatever the lenght of the footage is), so the audio is skipping, and so is the video.
    We´ve already tried reinstalling all the necessary codecs (including the CoreAVC, DivX Pro, CineForm codecs and so on), we even disabled the built-in system codecs (the ones that are preinstalled in the Windows operating system), but no luck. We can work with other files just fine, including FLV, WMVs and other formats. Only the AVI is problematic, regardless the internal codec. This does not happen in After Effects, and even works in Photoshop. Have anyone experienced this kind of problem?
    Thank you.

    John T Smith wrote:
    >just because they are using AVI files
    AVI really means nothing at all... I could save a MS Word document as MYDOC.AVI and that does not mean that it would edit in Premiere
    The CODEC inside the AVI wrapper is the key... some codecs are meant only to be viewed, others to be edited... view codecs do not edit well, if at all, in Premiere
    If someone brings you a view file, no matter the last 3 letters after the . (that's a dot) then you convert it to an edit file or use a different tool
    I know that.
    JSS1138 wrote:
    we cannot send clients away just because they are using AVI files
    I have to question the legality of editing media using those codecs.  No camera uses them.  The overwhelming frequencey of their use is for video that would be illegal for you to edit.
    As it´s been said before, AVI is just a container, you can put anything into it, not specifically recorders use these, but it´s a common filetype, so people use it. I can´t change what clients give me. If someone comes with .m2ts file, should I call police just because this is a filetype used on Blu-Ray discs?
    So the problem lies in Windows 7 itself, not in Premiere (well, partially), from what I have found, Windows 7 uses the new MF (Media Foundation) and not DirectShow (as in previous versions). Adobe is mostly using DS, and when it comes to that stretching, these are actually segments of the file splitted by Microsoft AVI splitter MF method. It all goes fine IF I put there a file which is using DS, when it comes to MF, this thing happens.
    I´m a little sceptic about Adobe releasing an update .

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