Is it possible for RAM to underperform

even though it's status is 'OK'?
I added 1gb of ram (from Crucial I think) to my Powerbook a couple of years back and I'm sure it's slowed down when performing demanding tasks dramatically since then. This could be rose-tinted memories of quicker times and maybe the addition of lots of apps and ever larger files is to blame? When using file interpolation software for instance I virtually have to wait 5 minutes for it to interpolate a file up from say 11gb to 30.
But the question is how can I test the RAM to ensure I'm getting the full benefit from it? If it's at fault I'd rather ditch it and replace it than grind along like this.

But the question is how can I test the RAM to ensure
I'm getting the full benefit from it?
One of the better memory testers is 'Rember' (a front end for memtest), which can be downloaded from . Set it up to run all night.
If it's at fault I'd rather ditch it and replace it than grind along like this.
Crucial memory is guaranteed for life - if there's an issue you can document for them, have them replace it.
To validate your disk structure, insert your first OS X CD that came with your system, and reboot holding the C key down, which will cause the system to boot from the CD. On the menu bar, choose utilities, and disk utility, then repair disk (you can only repair a disk you have not booted from).

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    ******Clicking the Thumbs-Up button is a way to say -Thanks!.******
    **Click Accept as Solution on a Reply that solves your issue to help others**

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    Hi czigrand,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Currently, you can gift dollar amounts or individual items (EG. songs) on the iTunes Store. See this article for more information:
    In the iTunes Store, you can gift a dollar amount or specific music, movies, TV shows, or apps from your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Mac, or PC. Follow these steps to send a gift from the iTunes Store.
    iTunes: Sending iTunes Gifts
    Best Regards,

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