Is it possible to add a background picture to famous "ImageTest" applet?

Hi to all,
I am not sure if you could help on this one or not, but
will be happy to see any responding on this :))
This is the example that I have worked on:
I am trying to add a sold background to this, is this possible?
Thanks in advance

check the SwingSet2 demo which comes with the jsdk documentation..

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  • Background picture to famous "ImageTest" applet - Is it supid Question?

    I would like to see what Pholser will say about this. :)
    Is this a dumest question or what ?
    Thanks in advance
    ------------------ Repeated----------------------------------------
    Hi to all,
    I am not sure if you could help on this one or not, but
    will be happy to see any responding on this :))
    This is the example that I have worked on:
    I am trying to add a sold background to this, is this possible?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Sam and all of you,
    Sorry for the delay I am very bussy daily as SAP adminstrator,
    if you know what I mean :)
    You both are right but with some minor corrections.
    You guys are all great after all...
    I attached demo sample with this modification to the
    background only...I am trying to add extra code into it to allow
    NOT only BLUE/RED swap color but also some more colors, how can I do
    that? How can I add black, green, yellow and so on...(stupid nah :) )
    Why in the hell "Java Tech.." make the color defining so hard? :)
    Or it would be nice to have a 16 color table to choose from...
    Thanks again to all of you and I also rewarded your points based
    on the most recent "white house" logic! :)))))
    ------------------------------- Start of the code
    /*Modified only Demo
    import java.lang.Math.*; // for Spray
    import java.awt.*; // note to self - imports CURSOR class
    import javax.swing.*; // for ui
    import java.awt.image.*; // for images
    import java.applet.*; // for sounds
    import java.awt.event.*; // for events
    import*; // URL
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.awt.geom.*; // for Line2D
    import java.util.*; // used for the Vector in the flood fill method
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class ImageTest extends Applet {
    public void init()
    // Image bg0 = applet.getImage(applet.getDocumentBase(),"images/bg0.gif");
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    add("Center", new ImagePanel(this));
    add("North", new ImageHelp());
    public String getAppletInfo()
    return "A simple image manipulation tool.";
    class ImageHelp extends Panel {
    public ImageHelp() {
    setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 1)); //Grid 5 Row and 1 column
    // add(new Button("Move"));
    add(new Label("test",
    add(new Label("Image Move: < > ^ v, or with [L]eft/[R]ight/p/[D]own",
    add(new Label("Image Resize: +/-",
    add(new Label("Color Filter: T key",
    add(new Label("Change Alpha: (Shift)+/-",
    add(new Label("Rotate Image: (Shift)<> or (Shift)[L]eft/[R]ight",
    class ImagePanel extends Panel
    Applet applet;
    public ImagePanel(Applet app) {
    applet = app;
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    Panel grid = new Panel();
    grid.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1)); //first(row), second (column)
    add("Center", grid);
         Image bg0 = applet.getImage(applet.getDocumentBase(),"images/bg0.gif");
         Image fg0 = applet.getImage(applet.getDocumentBase(),"images/ff001.gif");
         grid.add(new ImageCanvas(applet, fg0, bg0, 1.0));
         setBounds(0, 0, 20, 20);
    class ImageCanvas
    extends Canvas
    implements ImageObserver, KeyListener, MouseListener,
    MouseMotionListener, FocusListener {
    double hmult = 0;
    int xadd = 0;
    int yadd = 0;
    int xprev = 0;
    int yprev = 0;
    int imgw = -1;
    int imgh = -1;
    int xoff = 0;
    int yoff = 0;
    int scalew = -1;
    int scaleh = -1;
    boolean focus = false;
    boolean usefilter = false;
    static final int numalphas = 9;
    int alpha = numalphas - 1;
    static final int numrotations = 8;
    int rotation = 0;
    ImageFilter colorfilter;
    ImageFilter alphafilters[] = new ImageFilter[numalphas];
    RotateFilter rotfilters[] = new RotateFilter[numrotations];
    Image origimage;
    Image curimage, backimage;
    Applet applet;
         public BufferedImage currentImage, oldImage, tempImage, storedImage;
    Image bg0, bg1, bg2, bgImage;
         public URL URL_STRING;
    private int picNo = 0;
    public void init()
    try {
         bg0 = new ImageIcon(new URL(URL_STRING +"images/bg0.gif")).getImage();
         bg1 = new ImageIcon(new URL(URL_STRING +"images/bg1.gif")).getImage();
         catch (Exception exc)
         {//imgLoad = "Image failed to load";
    public ImageCanvas(Applet app, Image img,Image bg0,double mult) {
    applet = app;
    origimage = img;
    backimage = bg0;
    hmult = mult;
    setBounds(0, 0, 100, 100);
    //1.1 event handling
    public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
    focus = true;
    public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
    focus = false;
    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
    char key = e.getKeyChar();
    case 't':
    case 'T':
    usefilter = !usefilter;
    case '^':
    case '6':
    case 'u':
    case 'U':
    yadd -= 5;
    case 'v':
    case 'V':
    case 'd':
    case 'D':
    yadd += 5;
    case '>':
    case 'R':
    if (rotation < 0) {
    rotation = numrotations - 1;
    scalew = scaleh = -1;
    case '.':
    case 'r':
    xadd += 5;
    case '<':
    case 'L':
    if (rotation >= numrotations) {
    rotation = 0;
    scalew = scaleh = -1;
    case ',':
    case 'l':
    xadd -= 5;
    case '+':
    if (++alpha > numalphas - 1) {
    alpha = numalphas - 1;
    case '=':
    hmult *= 1.2;
    scalew = scaleh = -1;
    case '-':
    hmult /= 1.2;
    scalew = scaleh = -1;
    case '_':
    if (--alpha < 0) {
    alpha = 0;
    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    xprev = e.getX();
    yprev = e.getY();
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
    int x = e.getX();
    int y = e.getY();
    xadd += x - xprev;
    yadd += y - yprev;
    xprev = x;
    yprev = y;
    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
         //method selects a random image for the child to draw on or colour in
         public void backGroundImage(){
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    g.drawImage(backimage, 0, 0, this);
    Rectangle r = getBounds();
    int hlines = r.height / 10;
    int vlines = r.width / 10;
    if (imgw < 0) {
    imgw = curimage.getWidth(this);
    imgh = curimage.getHeight(this);
    if (imgw < 0 || imgh < 0) {
    if (scalew < 0) {
    if (rotation == 0) {
    scalew = imgw;
    scaleh = imgh;
    } else {
    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, imgw, imgh);
    xoff = rect.x;
    yoff = rect.y;
    scalew = rect.width;
    scaleh = rect.height;
    scalew = (int) (scalew * hmult);
    scaleh = (int) (scaleh * hmult);
    xoff = (imgw - scalew) / 2;
    yoff = (imgh - scaleh) / 2;
    if (imgw != scalew || imgh != scaleh) {
    g.drawImage(curimage, xadd + xoff, yadd + yoff,
    scalew, scaleh, this);
    } else {
    g.drawImage(curimage, xadd + xoff, yadd + yoff, this);
    static final long updateRate = 100;
    public synchronized boolean imageUpdate(Image img, Image bg0,int infoflags,
    int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (img != curimage) {
    return false;
    boolean ret = true;
    boolean dopaint = false;
    long updatetime = 0;
    if ((infoflags & WIDTH) != 0) {
    imgw = w;
    dopaint = true;
    if ((infoflags & HEIGHT) != 0) {
    imgh = h;
    dopaint = true;
    if ((infoflags & (FRAMEBITS | ALLBITS)) != 0) {
    dopaint = true;
    ret = false;
    } else if ((infoflags & SOMEBITS) != 0) {
    dopaint = true;
    updatetime = updateRate;
    if ((infoflags & ERROR) != 0) {
    ret = false;
    if (dopaint) {
    return ret;
    public synchronized Image pickImage() {
    ImageProducer src = origimage.getSource();
    if (alpha != numalphas - 1) {
    ImageFilter imgf = alphafilters[alpha];
    if (imgf == null) {
    int alphaval = (alpha * 255) / (numalphas - 1);
    imgf = new AlphaFilter(alphaval);
    alphafilters[alpha] = imgf;
    src = new FilteredImageSource(src, imgf);
    if (rotation != 0) {
    RotateFilter imgf = rotfilters[rotation];
    if (imgf == null) {
    double angle = (2 * Math.PI * rotation) / numrotations;
    imgf = new RotateFilter(angle);
    rotfilters[rotation] = imgf;
    src = new FilteredImageSource(src, imgf);
    if (usefilter) {
    if (colorfilter == null) {
    colorfilter = new RedBlueSwapFilter();
    src = new FilteredImageSource(src, colorfilter);
    Image choice;
    if (src == origimage.getSource()) {
    choice = origimage;
    } else {
    choice = applet.createImage(src);
    if (curimage != choice) {
    if (curimage != null && curimage != origimage) {
    curimage = choice;
    return choice;
    class RedBlueSwapFilter extends RGBImageFilter {
    public RedBlueSwapFilter() {
    canFilterIndexColorModel = true;
    public void setColorModel(ColorModel model) {
    if (model instanceof DirectColorModel) {
    DirectColorModel dcm = (DirectColorModel) model;
    int rm = dcm.getRedMask();
    int gm = dcm.getGreenMask();
    int bm = dcm.getBlueMask();
    int am = dcm.getAlphaMask();
    int bits = dcm.getPixelSize();
    dcm = new DirectColorModel(bits, bm, gm, rm, am);
    substituteColorModel(model, dcm);
    } else {
    public int filterRGB(int x, int y, int rgb)
    return ((rgb & 0xFF000000)) | ((rgb & 0xff00ff00)|((rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16)| ((rgb & 0xff) << 16)); //
    //return ((rgb & 0xff00ff00)|((rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16)| ((rgb & 0xff) << 16)); //
    class AlphaFilter extends RGBImageFilter {
    ColorModel origmodel;
    ColorModel newmodel;
    int alphaval;
    public AlphaFilter(int alpha) {
    alphaval = alpha;
    canFilterIndexColorModel = true;
    public int filterRGB(int x, int y, int rgb) {
    int alpha = (rgb >> 24) & 0xff;
    alpha = alpha * alphaval / 255;
    return ((rgb & 0x00ffffff) | (alpha << 24));
    //------------------------------- End of the code

  • How do I add a background picture til my swing CUI

    How do I add a background picture til my CUI. I�m using Swing - not using any JPanel.
    Here my code:
    class Start extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         JButton soeg, tilfoj, afslut;
         JTextField beskedText;
         JLabel besked;
         private Image baggrund;
         public Start()
              setTitle("Video Registrerings System");
              addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()               // Opretter vinues "lytter"
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
              Container c;
              c = getContentPane();
                   URL imagename = new URL("file:/c:/jdk1.3.1_02/java/vrs_background.jpg");
                   baggrund = createImage((ImageProducer) imagename.getContent());
              catch (Exception e) {}
              // Tilf�jer knapperne
              tilfoj = new JButton("Tilf�j ny video");
              soeg = new JButton("Video s�gning");
              afslut = new JButton("Afslut");
              //Tilf�jer tekstfelt og label
              besked = new JLabel("Besked:");
              beskedText = new JTextField(" V�lg en af de nedenst�ende knapper");

    Here is a link that might help you:

  • How to add another background picture (GIF Animation)

    Hi Guys
    I am trying to create a simple animated gif.
    I have currently one picture which is the Background. I have created layers. Each layer has Text.
    My question is how to ad another picture for a background in my GIF animation project?

    Hi Curt.
    I just SELECTED + A (Windows), then control + c. then select the layer and make that specific frame with only the EYE available for the FRAME and paste. Bingo .

  • Is it possible to add pic/diagram to SP file with link to another SP file?

    Is it possible to add a diagram, picture, or table to a SP file with link to another SP file?
    I know this is possible in, say, Word. For example, I can add a diagram and check a box to include a link to the source file - so that when the diagram in the source file updates, the diagram in my document also updates.
    This is also my goal in SP - instead of simply including a link to a document elsewhere in SP (or on the same site in SP), I would ideally like to display a diagram, picture, or table and include (behind the scenes if possible) to the source SP file
    so that, when the diagram/table in the source SP file updates, my SP file also updates accordingly.
    For example:
    Instead of:
           The diagram is located in:
    I would ideally like:
           Diagram, picture, or table (with link associated with it) - users can click on the diagram or picture if they desire.
           The diagram or picture is updated whenever the source SP file containing the diagram or picture is updated (the source SP
           file will only contain a diagram, picture, or table)
    Any suggestions are welcome.
    Thank you very much.

    Is it possible to add a diagram, picture, or table to a SP file with link to another SP file?
    I know this is possible in, say, Word. For example, I can add a diagram and check a box to include a link to the source file - so that when the diagram in the source file updates, the diagram in my document also updates.
    This is also my goal in SP - instead of simply including a link to a document elsewhere in SP (or on the same site in SP), I would ideally like to display a diagram, picture, or table and include (behind the scenes if possible) to the source SP file so that,
    when the diagram/table in the source SP file updates, my SP file also updates accordingly.
    For example:
    Instead of:
           The diagram is located in:
    I would ideally like:
           Diagram, picture, or table (with link associated with it) - users can click on the diagram or picture if they desire.
           The diagram or picture is updated whenever the source SP file containing the diagram or picture is updated (the source SP
           file will only contain a diagram, picture, or table)
    Any suggestions are welcome.
    Thank you very much.

  • When you add a background over your picture/sound footage the background has 2 fade toggles that both move in mirror fashion. Is there a way to lock one of the fade toggles on a background colour? iMovie 10.0.6

    When you add a background over your picture/sound footage the background has 2 fade toggles that both move in mirror fashion. Is there a way to lock one of the fade toggles on a background colour? iMovie 10.0.6

    You used the data.  Verizon can not see what it was sued for.  However your phone can see whats apps used the data.  go to settings-data usage- there will be a place that says data usage cycle.  line the dates up with your cycle.  then there will be a bar graph below that   extend bother white bars one all the way to the left and one all the way to the right.  after those are extended below that will be a list of apps,  there should be one that used over 2 gb and that will show you what app used that data in her purse

  • Hi - Re Keynote  I'm trying to figure out how to create a music album on USB flash drive. What I want is a background picture with 'click-buttons' to play each track listed, also similar for embedded videos and photos etc.  Is this possible with Keynote ?

    Hi - Re Keynote  I'm trying to figure out how to create a music album (as an artist) on USB flash drive, (accessible by both Mac and PC). What I want is a background picture with 'click-buttons' to play each track listed, and play in order (like a cd) - also similar for embedded videos and photos etc. This should all be on the one page.  
    Is this possible with Keynote, or any other software package for Mac (am using Macbook Pro) ?
    Gav 88

    Hi there,
    Yikes, it sounds like you've been doing a lot of work on this project... Unfortunately, however, this isn't the Adobe Encore forum, but the forum. While it seems like an exciting question, we're not able to address issues pertaining to other Adobe products and services. Here's a link to the Adobe Encore forum, where you're more likely to get help for this specific issue:
    Sorry not to be of more specific help to you. Best of luck!
    Kind regards,

  • Is it possible to add (C) and your name to a picture?

    Is it possible to add (C) and your name to a picture in iPhoto?

    You will need to use a 3rd party image editor, Preview or a watermarking application.  3rd party editors can be configured to work from inside iPhoto as can Preview.  Preview can add text via its Annotation capability and is alread on your Mac.
    Some Image Editors That Support layers:
    Photoshop Elements 11 for Mac - $79
    Rainbow Painter - $30
    Imagerie - $38
    Acorn - $50
    Pixelmator - $60 
    Seashore - Free
    Portraits and Prints - Free
    GIMP for Mac - Free
    Xee 2.1 - free
    For watermarking applications go to and search for "watermark" to get a list of potential candidates.

  • How do you stop iOS 7 from auto enlarging your background picture?

    How do you stop iOS 7 from auto enlarging your background picture? And before it's mentioned, no, Turing off Reduce Motion has absolutely NO effect on the auto enlarge feature that apple stupidly thought would be a good idea. The Reduce Motion ONLY stops the background from subtly shifting as you turn or angle the iDevice.

    It should be my choice, not apples.
    And I agree. But neither of us is a programming engineer at Apple, and so don't get to make those decisions. The user tip I wrote was based on the fact I didn't like it either, and was trying to figure out why it was scaling an image up in the first place, and then how to fix it as best as possible.
    Since you've locked your iPad to one orientation, you should be able to copy your custom image off to your Mac (assuming you own one) and use an image editor, such as Photoshop Elements, to add pixel area to the narrow dimension to make it the same number of pixels as the larger dimension. Increase the canvas size so the extra space leaves the original narrower dimension centered, as in this example:
    Copy it back to your iPad and select the modified image. Since it's square, it shouldn't scale.

  • Background pictures do not show up on Singsnap when I open a song to listen to.

    When I click on a song to listen to on the site "Singsnap" some of the users have put pretty background pictures on their site but all I see is plain white, the background does not show up....It also does not show up on IE but it shows up beautifully on Google Chrome......Is there some setting I have disabled or what......The HTML is enabled...

    * [[Website colors are wrong]]
    * [[Websites look wrong]]
    * [[Images or animations do not show]]
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]
    * [[Troubleshooting plugins]]

  • How do I automatically add a background/watermark to a PDF?

    My name is mike and I am working on an invoice draft. The invoice is created within Microsoft Access and will be printed out on the Adobe PDF printer.
    I'd like to automatically add a background with some graphical details (which is not possible with Access in my case) to the PDF when printed out to the specific PDF printer.
    Now I have a background preset and I do have to select it every time and save the changes, which is quite time consuming when there are many invoices.
    I appreciate your help and thank you in advance!

    Hi Srv-02,
    You can create a custom action to add Watermark for all the generated pdfs.
    You can also accomplish this via Javascript:

  • Is it possible to add software to include in Software Update?

    I would like Software Update to also look for updates for Microsoft Office and Adobe, is it possible to add those?  I am using Lion, and if it is possible, I would appreciate step by step instructions that are easy to follow for someone without much knowledge of computers.  Thanks,

    I don't know how you could possibly do this....but I seriously doubt you would want to. Both Microsoft and Adobe have their own equivalent of Software Update and I strongly recommend you use their systems .... they will, just like Apple's, silently look for updates in the background and tell you when they are available. For Adobe products it is often a Preference setting; for older MS it is the Microsoft AutoUpdate App (found in Applications).
    Enjoy Lion.

  • Is it possible to add reverb to vocal mic, without affecting my keyboard sound?

    I am trying to record my vocals and piano simultaneously. I'm using the MBox 2, with Adobe Audition 3.0. Whenever I add reverb to my vocal track (via the fx tab under my vocal track in multi track view), it affects the way my piano sounds while I am recording (it creates a delay on the sound of the keyboard while I am playing...almost like a 'bouncing note' delay). I really want to be able to hear some reverb on my voice while recording, but I cannot seem to figure out how to do it. This is how I have everything set up:
    Piano is plugged in via DI on input 2 on the back of the mbox
    vocal mic is plugged in via cannon on input 1 on back of mbox
    If anybody could help, that would be wonderful. I've spent hours trying to figure this out with no luck. It is a lot more fun to record your singing with a bit of the pretty reverb....but my piano doesn't agree.
    Thank you
    Jenny Jo

    Hello Brian,
    Thanks for your help again. I have spent the last 6 hours running into nothing but problems. I tried your advice about recording mono in both separate tracks, and still no luck. I was using a condenser mic, and a keyboard. Both using mono, and I was using the studio reverb. I finally decided to try something simpler, just so I could at least feel a bit satisfied in getting a recording in. I set the condenser mic near my keyboard and speakers, and plugged my keyboard into the speakers. I armed the one mic track for record for phantom power, applied studio reverb, and set up the correct settings for the track by going into Audio Hardware Setup and selecting 'Asio Digidesign Driver' as the audio driver for everything. I simply wanted to play my piano, which would sound through the monitors next to me, and sing into the microphone..which would pick up my vocals with the piano in the background. The only way I could hear reverb on my voice during the recording, was by adjusting the 'mix' knob on the front of the mbox. It seemed to be working okay, and I thought I had found at least a compromise for the moment. But after saving the files, and upon listening to them...I noticed drops and rises/glitches/ in the recording volume. I then did a bunch of tests. I recorded some without any reverb assigned at all, did some recordings with the mix knob up and some with it off...I tried everything I could think of. I saved each one as a wav file, and MP3, just to see if that would affect the sound. Listening to them, they all have those same sound glitches. While doing the recordings, the sound disturbances weren't audible.
    I am wondering if there is a setting that I need to fix...I am not the most savvy technical person, and am rather new to recording. Maybe the buffer size needs to be adjusted? I really have no is frustrating. I should say that I am using an MBox 2, which is supposed to be used with Pro Tools software. I had problems using Pro Tools as well, I don't think my OS is very compatible with it. Unfortunately, I have windows Vista, which I hear nothing but problems about in regards to recording. I prefer to use Adobe Audition, as I'm familiar with it, and like it.
    Well, I hope this email hasn't put you to sleep. I really hope I can get this figured out, as I'm keen to record.
    Thank you again..
    Jenny Jo 
    Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 00:35:03 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Is it possible to add reverb to vocal mic, without affecting my keyboard sound?
    Out of some disbelief I had to try my own setup suggestion from above, since it's not a thing I do daily anymore. Without wanting to go into any dispute with the above poster, I can only say:
    It works well here.
    Your mileage may vary.
    Setting up two mono tracks with a separate input to each, I was able to record vocals with reverb from Audition in my monitoring headphones, along with recording an electro-acoustic instrument (guitar in my case) on the adjacent track with no reverb at all. I sang/tested with lots of consonants and different monitor levels and reverbs; I used the Studio Reverb, which is the least CPU intensive and recommended in the manual. There was no noticable delay, echo, what have you, which I felt disturbed my precision at all. Now I KNOW technically there is a delay/latency, but for practical purposes it isn't noticable. I've also heard some singers are extremely pecky on this, and for them there is the solution of direct monitoring and an outboard reverb added to their headphone signal. For everyone else however it works well and the latency just a theory - certainly not an audible 'echo' of any kind. With a poor soundcard and a computer low on resources latency will become evident. Also if you don't use ASIO. This type of application is why we have ASIO.

  • Is it possible to add the date to a photo in an iPhoto calendar?

    After a picture is dragged to a day on my calendar the date disappears, is it possible to add or restore the date? I am using the latest update of iPhoto.

    The photo in the calendar replaces the date. You can ctrl-click the photo and add a caption to show the day number.
    Clicking the disclosure triangle to the right of the caption will show a panel where you can edit the font (all this tested in iPhoto 9.5.1), but it does look funny, you'd be better off by not adding the day number:

  • Is it possible to get transparent background when exporting to PDF?

    When exporting a document to PDF, Pages turns the background white instead of keeping it transparent. I need it to be transparent. Can anyone tell me what to do to fix this?
    When I print a document I use stationary that is in my printer. When I want to send the document by email I need to combine my text with my stationary (on the same page). In CS4 InDesign this is really easy with switching layers on/off, but I don't want to use InDesign for my wordprocessing, but Pages. In Pages I can add a background, but I can't switch it on/off. So now I use AcrobatPro 9 to combine my text document with my stationary, adding it as a watermark or background. This does not work with documents I made in Pages since Pages makes the background of a document WHITE when it exports to pdf. Instead it needs to be TRANSPARENT.
    By the way: MS-Word gets it right: it keeps the background transparent when making a pdf. But I don't want to go back to Word, I just want Pages to do it right...
    Any suggestions how I can make this work? Thanks!

    Hi marchaarman
    Pages has an odd behavior, it actually puts 2 white backgrounds in the back of its documents.
    This confounds Acrobat which inserts watermarks in front of the 1st background but sandwiched under the 2nd.
    MsWord does not actually make a transparent background it just makes the 1 white background, or whatever the paper color may be.
    If you want your watermark, you will need to add it in Pages, possibly as a master object in a section template that you can eliminate or add as you want.

Maybe you are looking for