Is it possible to convert from Quark 9 to ID 5.5

I would like to be able to convert from Quark 9 to ID 5.5 an vice versa, but the Markzware program Q2id is not competable with ID 5.5. Is there another sollution?
I have seen sollutions like saving it as a Quark 4 project, but that is not possible in Quark 9. Lowest possebility is saving it as quark project 8. But that wil not open in ID 5.5.
So if there is anybody who knows an sollution, please share it. : )

You may post your question in the forum for InDesign.

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    I would like to convert a text string to variant. I'm doing this because I would like to merge a couple of signals and then save all the signals in a lvm-file. Could someone please explain how to convert from text to variant, is it possible?
    Thanks in advance!
    Merge signals.JPG ‏27 KB

    What you are attempting to do is possible, but might not give you the results you expect.  All you need to do is convert your string to an array of U8s using the String to Byte Array conversion primitive.  In the file, you will get a single character per line of the file expressed as the ASCII code.  When you read it, convert to U8s, then use Byte Array to String to get your string back.
    You may also want to read up on LVM files.  There are several places to put strings that work a little better than this.
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.

  • [AS] Beast of a script needs help converting from Quark 8 to InDesign CS5

    First off, THANK YOU for even reading this post. Here's the dilema. I work in a publishing company that used an AppleScript from Quark 8 to automate our pagination from set text we pull from our sales reps worksheets. About 8 months ago we switched fully to InDesign CS5, but have had to hold onto Quark 8 to be able to keep running our pagination. I'd like to see if the geniuses (yes, I've been trolling these forums looking to solve this myself and seen some great problems fixed) on these forums can help me figure out the proper conversion I would need to be able to leave Quark 8 in the rearview.
    Here's our current code... (I warned you it was a beast)
    set Ad_Props to {¬
         {Ad_Label:"SPREAD – ", Ad_Width:2.495, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"FULL – ", Ad_Width:1.225, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"SPREAD – ", Ad_Width:2.495, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"JUNIOR – ", Ad_Width:0.90625, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/2H – ", Ad_Width:1.225, Ad_Height:0.785, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/2V – ", Ad_Width:0.5875, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/3V – ", Ad_Width:0.5875, Ad_Height:1.2025, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/4 – ", Ad_Width:0.5875, Ad_Height:0.785, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/4 Strip – ", Ad_Width:0.26875, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/8H – ", Ad_Width:0.5875, Ad_Height:0.3675, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/8V – ", Ad_Width:0.26875, Ad_Height:0.785, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"Junior (GOLF) – ", Ad_Width:0.8, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/3V (GOLF) – ", Ad_Width:0.375, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/3sq. (GOLF) – ", Ad_Width:0.8, Ad_Height:0.785, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/6V (GOLF) – ", Ad_Width:0.375, Ad_Height:0.785, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"Directory Listing Only – ", Ad_Width:0.3, Ad_Height:0.3, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"INSERT (# in notes) – ", Ad_Width:0.3, Ad_Height:0.3, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"Other (See Notes) – ", Ad_Width:0.3, Ad_Height:0.3, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"------------ – ", Ad_Width:0.3, Ad_Height:0.3, Ad_Text_Angle:0}}
    set Position_Width to number
    set Position_Width to 11.375
    set Position_Height to number
    set Position_Height to 1.875
    set Jump_Height to number
    set Jump_Height to 0
    set Variable_Count to number
    set Variable_Count to 0
    set Variable_Height to number
    set Variable_Height to (1.875 + (1.62 * Variable_Count))
    set Last_Ad to number
    set Last_Ad to 0
    tell application "QuarkXPress"
              display dialog "WARNING: This version of 'Dummy Square Maker' runs much slower than the last version, a confirmation will tell you when you are finished. Please be patient." & return & return & "Make sure to have the text box selected" buttons {"Cancel", "Accept"} default button 2 with icon caution
              set ThisBox to object reference of current box
              tell story 1 of ThisBox
                   set (every paragraph where it is return) to ""
                   set style sheet of every text to null
                   set style sheet of every text to "DUMMY TEXTS"
                   repeat with i from 1 to (count of paragraphs)
                             tell paragraph i
                                  set ThePage to my get_CurrentPage()
                                       if it contains " – " then
                                            set style sheet to "AD SIZE"
                                            set Ad_Size to contents
                                            set {This_Width, This_Height, this_angle} to {"", "", ""}
                                            repeat with This_Ad in Ad_Props
                                                 if Ad_Size contains (Ad_Label of This_Ad) then
                                                      set This_Width to Ad_Width of This_Ad
                                                      set This_Height to Ad_Height of This_Ad
                                                      set this_angle to Ad_Text_Angle of This_Ad
                                                      exit repeat
                                                 end if
                                            end repeat
                                            set Ad_Box to my Make_Box(ThePage, {1.875, 10.875, This_Height + 1.875, This_Width + 10.875}, this_angle)
                                            duplicate contents to (end of Ad_Box)
                                       else if it contains "—" then
                                            set style sheet to "AD REP/PLACEMENT"
                                            duplicate contents to (end of Ad_Box)
                                       else if it starts with "©" then
                                            set style sheet to "AD REP/PLACEMENT"
                                            delete (character 1)
                                            duplicate contents to end of Ad_Box
                                            if Position_Width ≤ 19.75 then
                                                 set Jump_Height to Jump_Height + This_Height
                                                 (*_________________This is where Ad Boxes Stack_________________*)
                                                 if (Jump_Height ≤ 1.62) then
                                                      set origin of bounds of Ad_Box to {Position_Height, Position_Width}
                                                      set Position_Height to Position_Height + This_Height
                                                      (*_________________This is where Ad Boxes more right_________________*)
                                                      set Position_Height to Variable_Height
                                                      (*set Position_Width to Position_Width + This_Width + 0.05*)
                                                      set Position_Width to Position_Width + Last_Ad + 0.05
                                                      set origin of bounds of Ad_Box to {Position_Height, Position_Width}
                                                      set Jump_Height to This_Height
                                                      set Position_Height to Variable_Height + This_Height
                                                 end if
                                                 set Last_Ad to This_Width
                                                 (*_________________This is where New Row appears_________________*)
                                                 set Position_Width to 11.375
                                                 set Variable_Count to Variable_Count + 1
                                                 set Variable_Height to (1.875 + (1.62 * Variable_Count))
                                                 set Position_Height to Variable_Height
                                                 set origin of bounds of Ad_Box to {Position_Height, Position_Width}
                                                 set Position_Height to Position_Height + This_Height
                                                 set Jump_Height to This_Height
                                                 set Last_Ad to This_Width
                                            end if
                                            duplicate contents to (end of Ad_Box)
                                       end if
                                  end try
                             end tell
                        on error errmsg number errnum
                             display dialog "There has been an error " & "[" & i & "] (" & errmsg & " [" & errnum & "])" buttons {"Okay"} default button 1 with icon stop
                        end try
                   end repeat
                   delete contents
                   set style sheet of every text to null
              end tell
              beep 2
              display dialog "Automation Finished" & return & return & "IMPORTANT NOTE: Color your Ad Squares according to Sales Rep, and select them all and 'BRING TO FRONT [F5]', this is VITAL." buttons {"Okay"} default button 1 with icon stop
         on error errmsg number errnum
              beep 3
              if errnum ≠ -128 then
                   display dialog errmsg & " [" & errnum & "]" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon stop
              end if
         end try
    end tell
    on Make_Box(ThePage, TheBounds, this_angle)
         local ThePage, TheBounds, this_angle
         tell application "QuarkXPress"
              tell page ThePage of document 1
                   set Ad_Box to make new text box at end with properties {bounds:TheBounds, vertical justification:centered, color:"Rep_Other", shade:100, opacity:10, text angle:this_angle, frame:{style:solid line, color:"Black", shade:60, width:0.1}}
              end tell
         end tell
         (*end tell*)
         return Ad_Box
    end Make_Box
    on get_CurrentPage()
         tell application "QuarkXPress"
              tell document 1
                   return page number of current page
              end tell
         end tell
    end get_CurrentPage

    I think with this, you can already make good progress in your work.
    Good luck!
    global mydocument
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
         set mydocument to active document
         tell mydocument
              set myParaStyle to paragraph style "DUMMY TEXTS"
              tell page 1
                   set TheBounds to {0, 0, 20, 50}
                   set Ad_Box to make text frame
                   tell Ad_Box
                        set geometric bounds to TheBounds
                        set vertical justification of text frame preferences to center align
                        set contents to "This is the contents"
                   end tell
                   set myStory to parent story of Ad_Box
                   set applied paragraph style of every paragraph of myStory to myParaStyle
              end tell
         end tell
    end tell
    Your two handlers then look like this:
    on Make_Box(ThePage, TheBounds, this_angle)
         local ThePage, TheBounds, this_angle
         tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
              tell page ThePage of mydocument
                   set Ad_Box to make text frame
                   tell Ad_Box
                        set geometric bounds to TheBounds
                        set vertical justification of text frame preferences to center align
                   end tell
              end tell
         end tell
         return Ad_Box
    end Make_Box
    on get_CurrentPage(CurrentTextFrame)
         tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
              tell mydocument
                   return name of parent page of parent page of CurrentTextFrame
              end tell
         end tell
    end get_CurrentPage
    Shorter version:
    on get_CurrentPage(CurrentTextFrame)
         tell mydocument of application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
              return name of parent page of parent page of CurrentTextFrame
         end tell
    end get_CurrentPage
    Ce message a été modifié par: OlivierBerquin

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    // Javascript Document
    if (app.documents.length != 0) {
    myGraphs = app.activeDocument.allGraphics;
    myLim = myGraphs.length;
    for (i = 0; myLim > i; i++) {
    myGraphs[i].nonprinting = false
    myPIs = app.activeDocument.allPageItems;
    myLim = myPIs.length;
    for (i = 0; myLim > i; i++) {
    myPIs[i].nonprinting = false

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    In transaction MC94, I am entering the planning type ZXXXX then press enter.
    Now I get new screen 'Planning for Info structure S901', here I have entered Plant and Product hierarchy then click on 'Active Version' Tab.
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    I have get the below message,
    But actually it is not updated and when double click on message then get the below message,
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    Along with below details,
    If anybody has arrived such problem before then kindly help for the possible reasons and solutions for the same.
    Note: For all Product group's and it's products we have maintained Unit of Measure along with Alternate unit of measure and we are facing this issue only for one product group otherwise we don't have problem for other Product group's.

    Thanks to All.
    I have found the solution by debugging (Technical consultant helped) wherein I have get the exact material. We have also checked the product hierarchy and products in it by SE11 in MARA table wherein exact material found. In this material alternate UoM KG not maintained.
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    Does anyone know of a method or a reference that might help me along?

    Ugh, I'm a newb and did a better search and found other previous posters asking the same question.
    Feel free to close this thread (if you do such things here).

  • Converting from widescreen to fit whole itouch screen

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    viewing capability that fits the entire ipod touch screen. if you do can u post the links of free and not free software? Note: i already have the movie in mp4 format

    While you are playing a video tap the screen.
    You will see the following tools pop up:
    Click on the button with the two arrows on the upper right and the image should zoom in to fit the whole screen.

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    It is possible to convert an iMac from North America (60hz - 110V) to us it in Europe (50hz - 220V)?

    No conversion is necessary. Your iMac will run from 100-240V, all that is needed is a simple plug adapter that you can pick up at any electronics store or even at the airport.

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    I am using both and
    If I have an app built with, which does not include any 12c specific features, is it possible to convert it to
    I am asking because I have a Development environment that is 12c, but a Production environment that is 11g and I am not sure we will be able to upgrade the Production environment
    Thanks in advance..

    It's possible but not an easy task. As 12c uses newer stuff you have to test everything with great care. You might find some things you have to rebuild add they won't work in (e.g. components which are only available in 12c. If you read the what's new doc for 12c and you find something you have used, prepare to rebuild this part.
    First thing to try ids to open the project in and see if you can compile and run the app.

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    Does anyone know of such a tool? Maybe the compilation process creates a common dialog resource file which could be used once the dialog is created under Visual Studio, etc.
    Sincerely, Andreas Hase

    The link in this thread is broken, can someone give the title of the thread where converting from .rc to .r is being discussed?

  • Is it possible to convert text captions to Smart Shapes?

    I have a collegue that is using Cp 5 to record software simulations which then need to be brought into Cp6. The problem is that our standards (for software simulations) employ Smart Shape call outs (not the Cp 5.5 and earlier text captions).
    Is it possible to convert these text captions into our themed Smart Shapes either automatically inside Captivate 6 or by modifying the content within the CPTx file?
    Thank you,

    Hello Lilybiri,
    As always you are awesome! :-)
    >I don't believe an automatic switch will be possible, because smart shapes are totally different objects.
    I understand because there are a huge variety of shapes in either format. But I suspect that it should be easy to convert a text caption from any style to one specified smart shape style.
    Actually, I am asking before the simulations get started. So nothing has been done yet. I am unsure what you are suggesting I should do in the preferences under Cp 5.5. Are you suggesting that there is a way to convert 'some format' of text callouts, in a Cp5.5 demonstration simulation, to Smart Shapes in Cp6?
    >but since you already have created the simulations, it has to be done manually. Hoping for you that
    >someone has a bright idea, but I do not see one immediately.
    For anyone else in this situation, it would be handy to have a solution (rather than painstakingly convert each manually).
    I am wondering if this might be a relatively easy search/replace within one of the xml files within the CPTx file. I'm going to look at this tonight.
    Thanks for your assist.

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    I would be grateful for any help. This has become just too exhausting. After reinstalling sooooooooo much, then to have to go through this with what is a free application? I say I think not.
    This should NEVER happen with any free application and boy there is NO help to be found. They blow you off the phone fast telling you it's a free application. Then why are you putting in this kind of  stuff that it won't open? This is NOT a shared notebook, it's mine. I am the only user, personal use.
    HP probook, if anyone needs that info.
    Please, will someone help?
    I would be so grateful.

    Gee, Pat, this is a  real big help.
    Nobody could possibly think anyone would ask for help without first trying to fix the issue oneself. Or maybe you do. I have opened the file and looked under security. I have changed it to owner-notebook (which is what the techs called me) and clicked accept but geepers it didn't work.
    Maybe someone else has an idea.
    Take Ownership of a File or Folder
    The above should be a link. At least I copied and pasted the link. I did what was stated in there. It isn't like brain surgery. But it is not working. I ended up being able to open some pdf files after transferring them from one partition category to another. I wish it was that easy as you seem to think.
    Thanks for the help. Have a great year.

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    I'd appreciate any help....Thanks, Grant

    All your contact information is posted to the web. These forums are crawled by bots harvesting info.
    I don't think you want additional junk mail, unsolicited phone call scams, and possible attempts to crack your website, do you?
    People here recommend not to post contact info. Perhaps a forum moderator can remove your personal info, but you might be able to edit your post yourself.
    GIF only uses indexed color mode, So if you want your files to NOT be in the Indexed Color mode you need to save them as another file format like .png or .jpg

  • Possible to switch from Apache to IIS for 9.3.1 BI+ products?

    I need to see if it's possible to 'convert' my 9.3.1 Hyperion BI+ tools to run on IIS instead of Apache, or how hard/tricky it is.
    1) Anyone ever switched web servers? Can it be done without uninstalling & reinstalling all the BI+ products?
    2) what are the pitfalls?
    3) Will SS re-register with it smoothly or would I have to set all security & provisioning up from scratch?
    4) how to connect Tomcat back up to IIS?
    5) The Financial Reporting (reports plus books/batches), Web Analysis and Interactive Reporting documents, scheduled BQY jobs, and Workspace itself would continue to function normally once IIS is in use right? or do things have to be re-imported or something?
    6) The default port would be different right? does that cause any issues given this is an existing production enviro? Do i have to change the port in several places or does some re-register wizard take care of it??
    I've had Tomcat/Apache in production for over a year so before attempting this cutover I'd llike an idea of what I'm up against to make sure it's even possible.

    I'm switching them solely to have a better shot at implementing true single sign-on to where it'll pass the PC user's MS AD login ID to all the Hyperion products. With all my questions above I may have given the impression I was also moving off Tomcat, I am not. Was just being overly cautious to make sure my bases were covered. We're still using Tomcat so as I understand it, Web Analysis should still be okay..right?
    Pleasantly surprised that Support was able to tell me how to switch web servers, it was simple and it worked for Workspace (but I can't get Web Analysis working yet now that I tried to implement SSO at the same time):
    "As long as the IIS is on the same box as where you are using for Apache HTTP, then the simplest thing to do is to shutdown Apache, change the Port of IIS to 19000. Restart IIS, then run the configure Web Server component of the config tool, selecting IIS."
    To change the port of IIS6:
    Microsoft Internet Information Services versions 4.0 to 6.0
    1.     Open Internet Service Manager or Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
    2.     If necessary, expand the Web server that you want, and then expand Web Sites.
    3.     Right-click the Web site that you want to change.
    4.     Click Properties.
    5.     Click the Web Site tab.
    6.     Change the TCP Port Number in the TCP Port edit box (or click Advanced for multiple Port settings).
    7.     Click OK to save the changes.
    I now have Workspace working to where it does NOT prompt for a login ID, it works nicely & transparently running on IIS. Web analysis however literally produces a login popup box, the title of the window is the Web analysis server name. Can't figure it out so I opened an SR to hopefully get some assistance. Unfortunately I forgot to test WA after switching to IIS, I went ahead and configured for transparent login too before trying WA so I'm not sure which is causing the login popup box but since I can't get past the login box WA throws up a "you are not authorized to view this page" page.
    Ever done this? should it work? that is, WA running on IIS/Tomcat; and also WA working after following the IIS/Tomcat Transparent Login instructions provided by Support - they've been floating around for a while so I assume you've seen them...?

  • Please share your experiences moving from Quark to InDesign

    My company's design group is pushing to move from Quark to Indesign, starting with one of my projects, which is our largest (400 pages), highest profile document (it is currently in Quark, and the plan is to pour the text and graphics into InDesign). Our schedule is very lean--leaving little room for surprises. None of the compositors in the design group have used InDesign. They are expected to recieve some formal training--but only about 1 week's worth total over a period of several weeks. I am all for making the transition to InDesign, but feel that the wiser path to take is to start on smaller and less high-profile documents that have more time in the schedule for the learning curve. However the design manager is adament that the transition will be problem-free. My experience is that any transition like this has bumps, and most are unexpected, and create havoc and panic. This document has only gone to print on time once (in 10+ years)--with me managing the project and with much sweat and tears. My hope that this year we could go to print on time AND do it with less wear and tear on all who work on it. I just don't think this will happen making this tranisiton now. Can anyone share their experiences when they made the transition?

    Everyone else has had really good advice about starting with a 400 page doc, particularly if it's complex. If it's just text with a couple illustrations every 4 or 5 pages, it might be do-able, but if it's a complex document with lots of stuff on every page, it could be tricky.
    Try this link for the official converter's guide.
    Some practical tips for the beginning XPress converter that I learned the hard way...
    - Cmd-shift-click pulls stuff off the master page.
    - The lack of master anchors may limit your ability to accomplish certain master page layouts (with prelinked text boxes) that are easy to do in XPress. Everyone here will tell you to simply use the margins to control your text flow, which may or may not work well for your particular case.
    - Always scroll around a document by holding down option+spacebar. This insures that you will get the scroll hand tool every time instead of accidentally inserting a zillion spaces into your text.
    -Cmd-shift-A deselects everything in a text box so that you can select another tool. There is no next/prev tool shortcut, but rather keys for each tool. (T is text, A is the white arrow, V is the black arrow)
    - You "thread frames" rather than "link text boxes" despite how I wrote this. :)
    - Don't set text wrap to effect only the stuff underneath in the prefs because...
    - All text should go in a separate layer on top of the graphics layer because...
    - InDesign dynamically resolves transparency effects at print time, which means if part of your text is layered under a transparent element it may get rasterized.
    - If you need to get text to show even when it's on top of an object with a text wrap, select the text box and check the "Ignore text wrap" option.
    - Overprint Preview is your friend. It'll help show you all those things that you didn't notice were going to print strangely before you commit them to print. (Overprinting white type, etc)
    - When you're just starting out, so is the Flattener Preview because you will start to get a feel for what is going to be bitmapped and what won't.
    - XPress documents imported into InDesign should always be exported as Adobe InDesign Interchange and reimported one more time. .inx is the equivalent of the "thumb-nail drag" trick in XPress to clean up a document that is acting funny.
    - XPress documents with placed EPS files may come in with the "Non-printing object" attribute checked on some of the EPS graphics. There's a script floating around that Dave Saunders wrote to fix this. Also, turning Overprint Preview will help you spot this (look for the disappearing objects).
    - If you are placing EPS objects, be sure to set your import options to "Render preview from postscript" or your previews won't look right and/or may be deceiving.
    - Don't every base your paragraph styles off of "Basic Paragraph Style", because if it ever changes in another document your type will suddenly change when you paste it from one document to another.
    - Don't base anything off of "Basic Object Style" for the same reasons.
    - Your defaults change whenever your change the options in a palette/panel without anything selected. Curious why every new object you draw comes in with a drop shadow or a 3pt rule, for example? You accidentally set those options with nothing selected.
    - InDesign's paragraph composer may drive you (or your proof-readers) wonky because it will change the flow of text paragraph-wide if you redo a line of text. You can either adjust it for decent text flow and leave it alone OR turn it off by basing all your stylesheets on single-line composer. People in here will largely recommend option one, but if it doesn't work for your stuff, don't be afraid to disable it.
    - Make sure to upgrade to the latest CS3 update, because CS3 v5.00 had some fairly crashy behavior.
    - If CS3 feels really sluggish, try turning off page previews in the Pages palette.
    - CS3 and OS X 10.5 are not fully compatible yet.
    Best of luck! It's not really that big a change, but everything is slightly different so expect a bit of time to really get your feet under you.

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