Is it possible to disable the lock on iphone4?

I want to turn off the lock on my iphone.  I understand the security issues.  Thanks Karen

You cant technically disable it, BUT you can go to settings>General>Auto Lock - Never
The screen will never dim and you wont have to slide to unlock - but keep in mind this will drain the battery much faster since the back light is constantly on.

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    You cant technically disable it, BUT you can go to settings>General>Auto Lock - Never
    The screen will never dim and you wont have to slide to unlock - but keep in mind this will drain the battery much faster since the back light is constantly on.

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    Even if it was possible to remove or disable "Private Browsing" then that still won't make it impossible to delete private data like visited websites (history) or cache or cookies.<br />
    There are a lot of ways to clear such data, either via [[Clear Recent History]] or directly by deleting the History in the Library or sidebar.<br />
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    You cant unlock your phone unless you put in your password. It may be possible that the apple store could do something about it.

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    Do you mean the check box isn't enabled?
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    {                  OAMessageTextInputBean bi = (OAMessageTextInputBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("BI") ;
    if ((bi.getValue(pageContext)) != null)
    {                pageContext.setForwardURLToCurrentPage(//"OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/ap/MainPG",
    false, // Retain AM
    System.out.println( "PM");
    OAApplicationModule am = (OAApplicationModule)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    String paramPR = prnum2;
    Serializable paramPRParamList[] = { paramPR};
    am.invokeMethod("paidManuallyUpdate", paramPRParamList);
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    prnum1.setValue(pageContext, "");
    pReason1.setValue(pageContext , "");
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    OAException msg = new OAException("Updated To Paid Manually", OAException.CONFIRMATION);
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    SetForward*()...It lets the current page processing complete. Your following code will complete its processing, after that it will be forwarded to next page.
    ForwardImmediately.... Forwards immediately without letting remaining code process.
    However, a good thing is pageContext of the same page is forwarded. That means, if you did pageContext.putDialog(message), in current page, that will be forwarded in both the cases to next page. Hence, for your problem...
    use putDialog method, as stated in previous post and
    false, // Retain AM
    Please try this.
    Abdul Wahid

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    Dany Allard
    Dany Allard
    Go to Solution.

    Jarrod S. wrote:
    One Application Builder setting you might try out to make builds go much more quickly is the Remove Unused Members of Project Libraries checkbox and the Modify Project Library File after Removi....
    This can drastically cut down the build times. Note, however, that this option does not work well if your application will load external plug-in VIs when it runs, because the libraries of those plug-in VIs may conflict with the modified libraries in the executable file. If you don't have a plug-in architecture, this will not affect you.
    The "Remove unused members of project libraries" was already selected but not the "Modify project library file after removing unused members" and selecting this cut the build time from 10.5 min to 4 min.
    Thank you Jarrod for this tips
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