Is it possible to export to Illustrator CS

I have created some artwork in Pages, only to find out the printer will accept Illustrator CS. I know this is probably a really stupid question, but I'd rather not do the work all over again.

You are 100% right about that, and hopefully his printer has explained that to him. But, I think you gave a lecture rather than answering his question. "Is it possible to export to Illustrator CS", short answer, "no". Longer answer, "but if you export or save to a pdf, making sure to embed any fonts you may have used, then the chances are the printer will have better luck using your artwork." I think that's a better response!
This may not be the place to discuss it, but I've gotten a lot worse than word processor copy and art we for my job. Microsoft Publisher won't even work with Word, and yet we have people insisting that's all they have to send in for their "camera ready" copy. If I had a nickel for every time I've received 72dpi photos, or worse, images straight off someone's web page, for use in a printed publication, you would be reading the work of a very rich individual! In a perfect world, specifications are given to and understood by the artist before even starting the job, but it doesn't always work that way. Sometimes you just gotta shrug and say, "oh well, 'stuff' in, 'stuff' out!"

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    Select all the groups, right click>Distribute to Layers.

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    Not natively, but you can always screenshot your Design or Layout page and convert that JPG or TIFF to PDF, but Muse does not export pages in that way.

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    johnivanwhite wrote:
    Hi John M,
    Microsoft .WMF format. [.WTF?] is pretty good in the resultant PDF. However, when you zoom in to the PDF, the curves get a bit rounded-polygonal, in a smooth-bumpy way. Odd - not a huge issue unless people zoom in. However, it is evident if they print it. And they will.
    Right. What you're seeing there is the Windows Metafile format's lack of support for bezier curves. Close inspection reveals curves that are made up of many small straight line segments.
    That's why I asked about platform. Running Windows, it's possible to Copy from Illustrator and Paste Special > Enhanced Metafile in MS Office apps. With that procedure, the result is vectors that land in Office without the full WMF conversion and resulting segmentation.
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         1. I exported to WMF, then inserted in Word and exported to PDF.
         2. I copied from Illustrator and used Paste Special > Enhanced Metafile in Word, then exported to PDF
    Compare the results (zoomed to a quadrant in Acrobat):

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    Semi-ignore my previous answer - figured out another work around that involves converting your slices to artboards.
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    Yes, FCP can edit MPEG2.
    Good luck.

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    Thank you!

    You can use File>Export as HTML option and  it will export your website to a local folder.
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    Hope this helps.

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