Is it possible to specify No Proxy within JNLP file

Is it possible to specify do not use Proxy when executing the downloading of the JAR files within the JNLP file?

I don't know about the sync script -- it is not in the default installation -- I assume it is on the site. I will check. In regards to your question about rsync -- I have specified options (there are many) and have specified by a list of patterns which files not to sync. Rsync is a wonderful utility, very fast, can go through ssh, and has oodles of features. Unfortunately, its decisions on whether to copy are all based upon file by file comparisons -- hence the keynote problem. I will look at the automator site to see if there is a sync script, but I am afraid it will suffer from the same problem (copy individual files within a package) and end up breaking my keynote presentations.

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    I have some filters set up, and have assigned some global vars to them, which I then use in my Filters code to display the filters:
    myText:Filters [,,]
    Works perfectly.
    Now I want to assign a global var to each global filter var to determine if it should be shown or not.  So... = true; = true; = true;
    ... and then somehow incorporate these new vars into an if conditional to determine if the filter global vars get included in the myText:Filters code.
    However, I cannot seem to code the if conditional into the myText:Filters code correctly.
    I even tried seperating it out like so:
    if ( = true) {myText:Filters [];
    if ( = true) {myText:Filters [];
    if ( = true) {myText:Filters [];
    But Flash only makes the last filter true (kinda makes sense to me now why).
    Is there a way to do it without having to make an if conditional with 7 permutations?

A: Possible to have if statement within filters code?

You are not coding the conditional properly.  "=" is for assignment, "==" is for comparing equality.
if ( == true) {myText:Filters [];
if ( == true) {myText:Filters [];
if ( == true) {myText:Filters [];
Also, a conditional evaluates whether or not something is true, so for Boolean values you do not need to explicitly compare them...
if ( {myText:Filters [];
if ( {myText:Filters [];
if ( {myText:Filters [];
Lastly, for what I see that you showed, the conditionals are all missing their closing brackets, and while you can use them, the brackets are not needed for single command conditionals...
if ({ myText:Filters []; }
if ({ myText:Filters []; }
if ({ myText:Filters []; }
if ( myText:Filters [];
if ( myText:Filters [];
if ( myText:Filters [];

You are not coding the conditional properly.  "=" is for assignment, "==" is for comparing equality.
if ( == true) {myText:Filters [];
if ( == true) {myText:Filters [];
if ( == true) {myText:Filters [];
Also, a conditional evaluates whether or not something is true, so for Boolean values you do not need to explicitly compare them...
if ( {myText:Filters [];
if ( {myText:Filters [];
if ( {myText:Filters [];
Lastly, for what I see that you showed, the conditionals are all missing their closing brackets, and while you can use them, the brackets are not needed for single command conditionals...
if ({ myText:Filters []; }
if ({ myText:Filters []; }
if ({ myText:Filters []; }
if ( myText:Filters [];
if ( myText:Filters [];
if ( myText:Filters [];

  • In Numbers 08 is it possible to add a link to a file on the local disc within a cell?

    In Numbers 08 is it possible to add a link to a file on the local disc within a cell?

    As it's a feature asked several times, maybe it will be available in the next version.
    I don't know features available in Excel.
    Sometimes ago I posted an AppleScript which may perhaps fit your needs.
    If you insert in a table pathnames of files stored in your HD, select the cell, trigger the script, open the file.
    Here is an updated version :
    --[SCRIPT open_a_file]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : open_a_file.scpt
    déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
    <VolumeDeDémarrage>:Utilisateurs:<votreCompte>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numb ers:
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Sélectionner la cellule contenant le chemin d'accès
    Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Numbers puis choisir  “open_a_file”
    ouvre le fichier.
    L'aide du Finder explique:
    L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
    Save the script as a Script: open_a_file.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Select the cell containing the pathname
    Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Numbers, then choose “open_a_file”
    open the file
    The Finder's Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
    Save this script as a … Script in the "Folder Actions Scripts" folder
    <startupVolume>:Library:Scripts:Folder Action Scripts:
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    2011/04/28 - replaced the getSelParams handler by the get_SelParams one
    on run
              set {dName, sName, tName, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my get_SelParams()
              tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
                        set maybe to value of cell rowNum1 of column colNum1
              end tell -- Numbers
              tell application "Finder" to open maybe
    end run
    set { dName, sName, tName,  rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my get_SelParams()
    on get_SelParams()
              local d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2
              tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
                        set d_Name to its name
                        set s_Name to ""
                        repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
                                  tell sheet i to set maybe to the count of (tables whose selection range is not missing value)
                                  if maybe is not 0 then
                                            set s_Name to name of sheet i
                                            exit repeat
                                  end if -- maybe is not 0
                        end repeat
                        if s_Name is "" then
                                  if my parleAnglais() then
                                            error "No sheet has a selected table embedding at least one selected cell !"
                                            error "Aucune feuille ne contient une table ayant au moins une cellule sélectionnée !"
                                  end if
                        end if
                        tell sheet s_Name to tell (first table where selection range is not missing value)
                                  tell selection range
                                            set {top_left, bottom_right} to {name of first cell, name of last cell}
                                  end tell
                                  set t_Name to its name
                                  tell cell top_left to set {row_Num1, col_Num1} to {address of its row, address of its column}
                                  if top_left is bottom_right then
                                            set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {row_Num1, col_Num1}
                                            tell cell bottom_right to set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {address of its row, address of its column}
                                  end if
                        end tell -- sheet…
                        return {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2}
              end tell -- Numbers
    end get_SelParams
    on decoupe(t, d)
              local l
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
              set l to text items of t
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
              return l
    end decoupe
    on parleAnglais()
              local z
                        tell application "Numbers" to set z to localized string "Cancel"
              on error
                        set z to "Cancel"
              end try
              return (z is not "Annuler")
    end parleAnglais
    Oops, I forgot that you are asking about Numbers '08 which hasn't AppleScript support.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 28 avril 2011 16:26:39
    Please :
    Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community

  • How to setup Web Proxy within Server Admin utility?

    Hi. We currenlty use the Web function within the Server Admin utility for all our web hosting applications running on Snow Leopard server. Recently we had a vendor create a website application which needs a proxy setup in order work. According to them, we need a proxy to for the site. At the moment, they manually edited the .config file for the website to edit the proxy settings which consequently caused the Web function within Server Admin to stop functioning properly as I found a website stating that if a config file is manually edited outside of the Server Admin, the Web function will not function properly. The error message I got was "Uncaught exception raised in Web client-side plugin".
    The .config file which was manually edited is as such:
    <VirtualHost **.**.**.***:**>
        ServerAdmin [email protected]
        ProxyRequests off
        <Proxy *>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all
        <Location />
    ProxyPass http://localhost:8000/
    ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8000/
    I supposed my question is, is there a way to edit the proxy within the Web function of Server Admin instead of manually editing the config file?
    I hope that made some sense but if not, please let me know and I will try to elaborate a bit more.
    Thank you very much for your help!

    Your question here appears related to or a continuation of this previous question — is this the case?
    Based on the previous posting, whatever information you're receiving from the vendor support folks appears rather garbled or confused, particularly based on that "The vendor mentioned that we need to route the DNS and get it working (forwarded) on port 80 and I'd tend to avoid them." comment over there.
    I'd ask the vendor for documentation and details (as on its face, a requirement for this proxy seems, well, somewhat questionable), but yes, you're probably in the Apache config files here, and probably using overrides and .htaccess if the site is low-volume, as that'll keep the changes isolated for testing.
    Out of curiousity, is this proxy project part of an attempt to get this package to accessible, but without the vendor actually having the package running on port 80?  (Got a pointer to the package?  We can check the docs, and see if we can translate the installation requirements into something useful on OS X Server.)
    Are you running 10.5 or 10.6?  Both are pretty old releases.

  • Possible to register a Proxy for FTP in the FTP-Communication-Channel ???

    Hi All,
    I have a question regarding the ftp-receiver-communication-channel.
    I have configured an integration scenario for a file-transfer via ftp to New York. I use the File/FTP-Adapter from SAP. I send the files in the passive ftp mode, but only the filename (no content) is created at the ftp server in new york. we get the error: 425 --- Can't open data connection. The Firewall and so on is open for this process and we tested it from other servers. There occurred always the same exception. We have no idea where the mistake could be.
    When we arrange FTP-connects with a ftp-programm (for example WS_FTP) we use a proxy. And it's working.
    Here my Question:
    Is it possible to register a proxy / ftp-proxy in the xi-system or in the File/FTP-Adapter?
    Thanks and best regards

    When you connect to any FTP server it writes some dump to your local system first then opens the data connection. So check whether you have provided neccessary rights on the XI server so that it writes to the local system...
       I think thats when it throws that error...
       Also check whether you have opened necessary uses port 21and 1024+ ports for passive connections and 21 and 23 for active connections....
       Are you connecting to the other ports rather than standard port 21....then also try connecting through port 21 because if you use other ports it won't work sometimes. Its worth trying with port 21 because if FTP is on UNIX box....the inet daemon on unix box automatically reroutes to the appropriate port after it recieves the connection from port 21.
          And also did you tried connecting to FTP server through you XI server using some other FTP client.
    Hope this helps...

  • Is it possible to give each page within one pdf document a specific set of print settings?

    I have a complex document (catalogue) that requires printing. There are several different printer settings required and each one is specific to each page within the document. For instance pg 1 is single sided in colour, page 2-3 is duplexed in b&w, page 3-8 is duplexed in colour, etc.... Is it possible to give each page within the pdf document a given set of print settings and then print the entire document as a whole?

    Hi jennyskop
    I assume that is not feasible ...You need to give the print command again and select the respective pages and their settings !

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    Calling or embedding?
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    For calling, I don't know, but I wouldn't try

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    As stated, no way to do exactly what you want, but an option might be to turn OFF Visibility for that Layer, if you do not want it seen, and then Flatten, and do a Save_As.
    If you do want that Layer seen, but not able to be edited, then Flatten, with Visibility ON, and Save_As.
    The question is, do you want the recipient to see that Layer, or not?
    Next, Do they need to be able to edit all other Layers, but just not that one?
    Last, what type of Layer is it?
    Good luck,

  • CFAJAXPROXY: "The specified CFC proxy could not be found."

    {ColdFusion 8, latest, Windows.}
    The following statement occurs (in an included CFM file):
    <cfajaxproxy cfc="crv2_js" jsclassname="ServerProxy">
    The "crv2_js.cfc" file is indeed located in the same directory.  (If you request it at the same URL, and enter the administrator password, a nice formatted description of the library and its methods dutifully appears, so it is there...)
    But the error is:
    The specified CFC proxy could not be found.
    The path to the CFC must be specified as a full path, or as a relative path from  the current template, without the use of mappings.
    Looking also on the Administrator screen, I confirm that the directory is not mapped.
    Other, <cfinvoke> calls have been used to a sister CFC-library in the same directory without incident.  So I am confident that the message that I am seeing is somehow bogus ... but I do not yet know what sort of "bogosity" it must be.

    Now here is something I didn't expect to see.  When I turned on "extended error information" (or whatchamacallit...) I got this additional information in the displayed log:
    The specified  CFC proxy could not be found.
    The path to the CFC must be  specified as a full path, or as a relative path from the current template,  without the use of mappings.
    The  error occurred in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\NCPT\CRV2\cr_PrototypeManager.cfm: line  235
    233 :                                     header="Is In Use"
    234 :                                     type="boolean"
    235 :                                     select="no">
    236 :                                                                 
    237 :                                    </cfgrid>
    (Ooh... formatted!  Now ain't that slick!)
    I took the liberty of pasting-in lines 231-232, which the debugging-output did not include.  In fact, here is the entire block of code:
    <cfgrid name="datagrid" pagesize="5" format="html" width="100%" height="200"
    "cfc:proxy.GridSource_ReviewPrototypes({cfgridpage},{cfgridpagesize},{cfgridsortcolumn},{c fgridsortdirection},getPageSize())">
       display="false"    >
        header="Template Name" >
       header="Prototype Class" >
       header="Is In Use"
    So...  why on earth would an error like that be showing up at a place like this?  (Removing the "select='no'," on the wild-guess theory that it might be "the odd man out," as-expected had no useful effect.)
    My hypothesis here is that the "failure location" actually has nothing to do with anything:  this is simply the last clause in the CFGrid construct, and the computer is now trying to place a call to this function:
    <cffunction name="GridSource_ReviewPrototypes" access="remote" returntype="any">
      <cfargument name="page"                 required="yes">
      <cfargument name="pageSize"             required="yes">
      <cfargument name="gridsortcolumn"       required="yes">
      <cfargument name="gridsortdirection"    required="yes"> 
        <cfargument name="customPageSize"       required="no"     default="0">
    Uh huh... straight out of a demo.
    I thought I had just-now discovered the problem, as I was writing this, because the "bind" expression had two additional parameters which are not listed in <cfargument> tags.  But, much to my surprise, it didn't fix it.
    To be absolutely complete in my description:
    In an included header-file, we have:  <cfajaxproxy cfc="crv2_js" jsclassname="ServerProxy">
    On this (Windows) host, the file-name of the CFC file is "crcv2_js.cfc" and it is located in the same directory as both the cfm and the included cfm.
    In the <head> portion of the main page, we have (in an in-line <script> tag):    
    var proxy = new ServerProxy();
    I'm starin' at this thing and starin' at this thing and everything I see is screamin' at me, "bogus!"    'Cept I know it can't be.
    The generated page-source code includes the following, including a bit which I have highlighted in bold face.  I don't know where that bit came from.
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var _cf_crv2_js=ColdFusion.AjaxProxy.init(
    but it does seem plausible since the URL to the site-page (on case-insensitive Windows) is, indeed: 
    and, again, if I type in  "http://tlcapps/CRV2/crv2_js.cfc" and prove that I do know the proper ColdFusion admin-password, I get a nice pretty-printed description of this library and its methods... including the one I am trying to call.  It does exist.

  • Is it possible to use a Script within an action? - it doesn't seem to work...

    Is it possible to use a Script within an action? - it doesn't seem to work...
    I'm using the 'round any corner' script from SATO Hiroyuki..., and  I'd like to apply it to only one anchor point (on multiple boxes)

    An Action can call a script from the File>Scripts menu by means of the Add Menu Item Action step. But it will only work for the duration of your Illustrator work session. If you quit AI and then restart it, the Add Menu Item step will be blank. This bug has been reported for FOUR FULL VERSIONS of this sloppy program.
    However, if I am correctly understanding your description of what you are trying to automate, an Action will not be able to automate the selection of a particular anchorpoint in multiple paths. You'd have to make the selections all at first. Whether the script would then apply as desired to each path depends on how the script is written.

  • Programmatically specify file location within ear file

    Hi guys,
    I am deploying an ear file under weblogic 6.1 and in part of the code I need to parse an xml file however, I can't figure out how to specify the path to the file. Whatever I try I always get an exception telling me the file cannot be found. The file itself resides within WEB-INF in the applications jar file which itself resides within the ear.
    I don't know how to specify the files location.
    Please help!

    Hi Simon,
    I'm not sure if this will help - but I have had similar problems and am happy to share my experiences with you and hope they help you. (my test were done on JRun 3.0 - but am sure the behavior under weblogic is similar)
    I am not sure what method you are using for accessing your xml file and what the package structure of you apps is but I assume that you are either doing a
    String fileName = "myFile.xml";
    File f = new File(fileName);
    URL u = this.getClass().getResource(fileName);
    I found problems with both these methods when deploying as a web app. The first method places the file in
    <code> {JRunPath}\servers\default </code>
    directory (which it should as the spec by default creates the file in the users default directory)
    and the second creates a URL that does not correctly map to the location (see my post
    neither of these is suitable for deploying a webapp. The only way to locate the resource seems to be to use either
    fileName = ServletContext.getRealPath(fileName);
    URL url = ServletContext.getResource(fileName);
    This does leave open this issue on how to pass the servlet context down to the specific class within your application that loads the xml - the uglier option is to pass the servlet context object right down to the class that loads the resource - the other option is to use some kind of a static initializer to make the servletcontext object globally available
    hope this helps

  • SM30 - Message Specify the key within the work area

    Hi Experts, i have a problem with tcode SM30, when i want to Enter new entries using the option Enter Conditions. then i select field that i want to enter condition, after that i select the entries to copy and then change the field. when i try to save the systems throws the message:
    Specify the key within the work area                                                                               
    Message no. SV033                                                                               
    You have attempted to create an entry whose key is not in the range
        defined for this area.                                                                               
    System Response                                                                               
    The entry cannot be created.                                                                               
    Please check your entry.                                          
    Someone have a clue to solve this?
    regards and thanks in advance

    To add to Vishnu's helpful answer:
    You may overcome the inconvenience of having all entries displayed by going to the "Selection" menu (from within the maintenance view) and clicking "By Contents..." enter your selection criteria there and click "Choose."
    This will display only the entries you want to see to make "Select All" copying easier without limiting the work area.

  • Is it possible to use iFS API within java stored procedure?

    is it possible to use the iFS API for file handling
    within a java stored procedure (which is invoced by a trigger)?
    is there an "elegant" workaround if it is not possible?
    my java code using the iFS API works fine outside
    the java stored procedure
    but invoked via trigger as java stored procedure
    it throws following exception:
    IFS-20102: Unable to start service (IfsDefault)
    i am using:
    oracle 9.0.1
    oracle internet file system
    windows 2000

    thanks for your help
    i looked through the applications developers guide
    the basics behind advanced queueing (as far as i understand) is:
    program A inserts a message into the queue - and program B gets message from the queue and processes it
    question 1:
    but what is the difference between advanced queuing and a queue i create by myself
    (simply with a database table) and let application B (which runs in a loop)
    check if the queue is filled
    or am i missing something important which makes advanced queuing more practicable for my problem?
    question 2:
    you wrote about advanced queuing support in iFS 9.0.3, but the newest version i found was iFS 9.0.2
    did you reffer to the advanced queuing mechanism in general or to a spezial queuing feature in iFS 9.0.3?

  • Is it possible to specify print settings for web pages?

    Is it possible to specify print settings for web pages designed in Muse? For example, can you exclude background images from printing?

    You can define Print Setting to page By Defining CSS Style in page Header by typing Style tag.
    you can go to Page > Page Properties > Metadata  > HTML for <Head>.
    you can refer to the link below for more details about Print properties in CSS.

  • How to specify a JRE range in jnlp file?

    We have a java app which uses Java Web Start. The jnlp file is configured with [j2se version="1.5+"]. So if JRE 1.5 and 1.6 are installed, the app is run on 1.6.
    Now, we have requirement where the app should be restricted to run only within the range - JRE 1.5.0_07 through JRE 1.5.0_17
    [j2se version="1.5*"] will not work - it will always launch the app with the latest jre from 1.5 family.
    I can request an exact product version by including the href attribute. [j2se version="1.5.0_14" href=""/]
    But how do I specify a specific range of JREs in the jnlp file so that JWS picks up a JRE from that range only? So if 1.5.0_07, 1.5.0_17 and JRE 6 are installed, it should run the app on 1.5.0_17.
    Can JNLP really allow you to select specific range of JREs? Is there a good way to accomplish this? Please help.

    sunjavaboy wrote: do I specify a specific range of JREs in the jnlp file so that JWS picks up a JRE from that range only? So if 1.5.0_07, 1.5.0_17 and JRE 6 are installed, it should run the app on 1.5.0_17.From the JNLP Specification
    *4.6 Java Runtime Environment*
    Several JREs can be specified, which indicates a prioritized list of the supported JREs, with the most preferred version first. For example,
        <java version="1.3" initial-heap-size="64m"/>
        <java version="1.2">
          <resources> ... </resources>
        </java>So your app. would need more along the lines of..
        <java version="1.5.0_07 1.5.0_08 1.5.0_09 1.5.0_10 1.5.0_11 1.5.0_12 1.5.0_07 1.5.0_13 1.5.0_14 1.5.0_15 1.5.0_16 1.5.0_17 " />
        <java version="1.6+" />Actually you'd need the list of 1.5 versions reversed. Well, you get the idea hopefully. For more on versioning, see my [JWS versioning page|].

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