Is it safe to rename keychain items?

I am trying to review my keychain items and delete incorrect or obsolete items. I have over 20 that have the same name but different details. Of that 20, only 5 are correct and current. I'd like to rename them so they reflect the email account rather than the server name. Is that safe?

Yes, you can name them whatever you want.

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    This sounds like the age old problem with keychain & Safari. I don't know of a way to solve it without using something like 1Password.
    The iOS app has it's own built in browser, so it has more control over what gets autofilled. Safari on OS X has an 1Password extension that handles account selection & autofill etc.
    Keychain is great in principle, but it quickly falls down when you need tight integration with many ID's & different use cases (work, home etc).
    I'd suggest you submit feedback to Apple about your thoughts. I did so years ago about this issue & this is how far we have come (back to the point where synced passwords) :^)
    Other tools like lastpass or keypassx may also help if you want to truly segregate password storage, but that doesn't fix autofill, the way around that issue is to dedicate one browser for work.

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    Start at and download the latest
    version. '''At the completion of the download don't let the setup start Firefox for you, when the setup ends, start Firefox in your normal manner this way you will be less likely to create a new profile.'''
    The extra startup pages are temporary -- read them. The next time
    Firefox comes up you should be back to starting with your normal home page.
    '''Note: Firefox must be down once the install starts. '''
    Close Firefox with File>Exit. Then make sure Firefox is not running --
    On Windows: check the "Processes" tab in the Windows Task Manager.
    '''On Mac: Firefox > Quit then Command+option+Esc, if Firefox running use Force quit'''
    Permission errors on Mac:
    '''If you were getting permission errors on a Mac, download the latest
    Firefox version, then uninstall and reinstall Firefox. Do not remove
    your profile directories and files as they contain your settings,
    bookmarks, history, extensions, passwords, and cookies.'''
    in any case once you are on 4.0 you might want to take a look at "(fx4)"
    * Fx4: Firefox 4.0 Problems and Orientation (#fx4) <br>

  • "You do not have sufficient access priveleges to rename the item"

    Hi All,
    I have a strange problem that has appeared over the last few weeks. I can no longer rename applications, and also have noticed that I am being asked for my admin password to allow for certain tasks that I was not prompted for previously.
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    Many thanks in advance,

    JamesTurner84 wrote:
    I can no longer rename applications, and also have noticed that I am being asked for my admin password to allow for certain tasks that I was not prompted for previously.
    Have you done anything significant to your Mac since around the problems started, such as restoring a user with Time Machine? Do a Finder "Get Info" on your Mac's Application folder and look at the "Sharing & Permissions" sections. Mine shows "system: Read & Write, admin: Read & Write, and everyone Read only". What do you see? Do the same thing to the Cyberduck application. What do you see for it?
    * "Disk Utility" > "Repair Disk Permissions" (from booted into the system, and also from the Mac Install CD). Either way, I see a list of permissions that have supposedly been repaired. However, I find that if I immediately run the repair again, the SAME folders and files are repaired (suggesting that they were not actually repaired first time round).
    I think that permissions repair is highly overrated as a system fixing tool. In any case, see this Apple document on type of permissions repair messages that can be ignored:

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    Thanks to anyone that is able to provide information. 

    Hi Nishanth,
    1) how to pass value one by one
    in select options..we will be filtering the values in some table..example if s_ebeln is our select-options...then we will be doing a
    select fields from vbak into int_vbak  where ebeln in s_ebeln
    so if in the table int_vbak if field ebeln is there ..we will know which all ebeln is there..............
    i.e,if range is 1 to 100 for s_ebeln and 1,2,99 are the only 3 ebeln present in table vbak as of now ...................
    then in select query , we fetch ebeln into int_vbak as an additional field( if it is not a "select *")  we will get all the 3 ebeln 1,2,99 into we can pass these fields one by one by looping at int_vbak and appending it to fresh internal table..........
    declare an internal table with ebeln as the field..loop and do the append
    *****putting values of ebeln into a new internal table
    loop at int_vbak.
    wa_ebeln = int_vbak-ebeln.
    append wa_ebeln to int_ebeln.
    *******delete duplicate entries
    sort int_ebeln.
    delete adjacent duplicates from int_ebeln.
    2) how to append and join the data in the v_postab
    First..... declare another table same as v_postab say,v_postabfinal as example...........
    after each "call function" the loop the following...
    loop ....
    refresh v_postab[].  "clear before each fxn call
    call function XXXX.
    if v_postab[] is not initial.
    append lines of v_postab to int_postabfinal.
    what this append statement does is that every time the internal table has some adds these lines to v_postabfinal without deleting the old you will have all the values with respect to each value of select-options passed..
    Hope i have made the idea clear with these examples
    Pls check and revert

  • Rename Finder Items from Automator doesn't work correctly!

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    I can verify the issue, but I have no solution. Very frustrating, as I used to batch rename all the time in just the same way.

  • How to display the current name when renaming Finder item

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    Since you've already hacked into it, if you've got developer tools installed, it is most likely in the nib file that is in the English project folder in the Resources.
    I don't know what further implications that will have on the app in general, though.
    If you are a little adept at applescript, you may want to create your own Applescript Studio app to do this instead of Automator. Also, take a look at Platypus to make a wrapper around you applescript instead of AS Studio.
    Message was edited by: Barney-15E

  • Rename Finder Items with Automator in Leopard

    I used following automator actions to rename all files contained in selected folders in Mac OS finder:
    1. Get Selected Finder Items
    2. Get Folder Contents (repeat for each subfolder found option on)
    3. Rename Finder Items (Add Text before name, Show action option on)
    First two actions were executed flawlessly. Unfortunately after keying in text to be added in front of every file name in text field of popup window on execution of last action, no file name was changed. Then I realized that same actions performed in automator application instead of invoking through Finder's contextual menu worked as expected. So the problem seem to be related to initialization of text value in text field of the action.
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    Library > Text & Data > New Storage
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    May I know how can I make use of variables to set text fields in Rename Finder Items action ? Is the above mentioned failure a confirmed bug of Leopard waiting to be fixed by Apple (after one whole year of beta testing !!) ? Thanks in advance.

    I figured out a way to use variables in the Rename Finder Items.
    In my case I want to rename the files to a sequential name. I can't link the variable to the "New Name" box in the Automater GUI.
    But it helps to know that that the Automator is just creating an XML file and you can edit this directly.
    To do this, create the Automator workflow and save it. Give the variable some distinct name like "myVariable".
    In Finder, right click the Automator file and select Show Package Contents. Within this folder go to Contents and find the document.wflow file. This is the XML file, so open it with TextEdit or something.
    Search the file for your variable name. The first instance of it should be in a section that starts with <key>variables</key>. All the variables will be listed here. Each variable has several lines to define it. The first will be the UUID. The UUID will have a line that is something like: <string>BD464B7A-ACDE-4A63-B595-FAF1DA6DE26E</string>. The BD464B7A-ACDE-4A63-B595-FAF1DA6DE26E is how Automator refers to your variable. Search the file for this UUID string and you will see. Whenever Automator wants to insert the variable, it will enter $(BD464B7A-ACDE-4A63-B595-FAF1DA6DE26E).
    Copy this string, with the $() surrounding it. Close the wflow file. Now you can go back to Automator itself and paste it wherever you want your variable to appear, even if you can't normally insert the variable into that field.


    - I am using the function RENAME FINDER ITEMS to rename hundreds of files. It is possible to use wild chars in the FIND field ?
    - All my file names start with date (example: 2010-04-10 xxxx.yyy) and i want to rename it to xxxx.yyy.
    thank you,

    I don't think Automator can do this task for you. Consider Name Mangler instead:

  • Workflow and/ or script to rename finder items using a .txt or a .csv file as a reference?

    Can someone assist me, I am looking for a workflow and/ or script that would allow me to rename finder items using a .txt or a .csv file as a reference for the new naming convention?

    THANK YOU!!!! 
    I have taken your recommendation and enabled the script menubar item.  I also tweeked the script as you recommended, I will play with both options to see which I prefer.   I thank you again for the quick turn around on this. 
    If I am to understand your comment correctly about placing the .csv file in the same folder as the files to be renamed I should modify the script as such.
                        set csvFile to choose file with prompt "Select the CSV file." of type "public.text"
                        set workingFolder to (choose folder "Select the folder to be processed") as text
                        set fileList to (POSIX path of (files of folder workingFolder whose visible is true and name begins with "untitled"))
    REPLACE WITH:     
                        set csvList to paragraphs of (read "/path/to/csvfile.csv")
                          set fileList to (POSIX path of (files of folder "/pah/to/folder" whose visible is true andname begins with "untitled"))
    After reading this and attempting to modify it I am missing one piece of markup or the arrangement of the markup.
    Please find the modified script with options:
    -- change this to specify the correct csv delimiter
    set splitDelimiter to ","
    -- change this to specify the file name join character
    set recombineDelimiter to "_"
    -- choose the csv file
    set csvFile to choose file with prompt "Select the CSV file." of type "public.text"
    -- choose the folder
    set workingFolder to (choose folder "Select the folder to be processed") as text
    -- csv contents as list
    set csvList to paragraphs of (read csvFile)
    --set csvList to paragraphs of (read "/path/to/csvfile.csv")
    tell application "System Events"
    -- list of files in alphabetical order
         set fileList to (POSIX path of (files of folder workingFolder whose visible is true and name begins with "untitled"))
      -- set fileList to (POSIX path of (files of folder "/path/to/folder" whose visible is true and name begins with "untitled"))
         repeat with i from 1 to count of fileList
    -- get a file from the file list and note its extension
              set currentFile to file (item i of fileList)
              set fileExtension to name extension of currentFile
    -- get a line from the csv list, split it at the delimiter,  and recombine it
              set {oldTID, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, splitDelimiter}
              set newFileNamePieces to text items of (item i of csvList)
              set my text item delimiters to recombineDelimiter
              set newFileName to newFileNamePieces as text
              set my text item delimiters to oldTID
    -- write the new name back out to the file
              set name of currentFile to (newFileName & "." & fileExtension)
         end repeat
    end tell

  • How to copy Configurator keychain items to user accounts

    I'm managing a lab of iPads in an education environment.  And have set up a "base" image for the iPads under an administrative account with Configurator.  The Macbook is bound to the domain and I can authenticate with a number of users no problem, but if I go to try and manage the iPads, i get a "private/public key" error.
    I've determined that the issue is with the Key items found under the keychain.  If I copy the administrative keychain to the users profile and log in (forcing the login keychain update) it will work fine under the users account.  but this is not something I want to do as it requires me to give out an administrative password. And if I delete the login keychain from the user template, the user generates new keys causing the error above.
    So... does any one have any ideas how to copy keychain items from one user to the template user?

    Move your itunes to library to a centralized folder.  For instance directly on your hard drive.  Then set your itunes library to that folder where all itunes media is kept, or only the items you wish to "share" between user accounts.

  • Mysterious keychain item behavior

    My keychain seems to be working great. Keychain First Aid verifies. All my apps work perfectly with the keychains but...
    I setup a Skype account years ago and have been using Skype on and off for a long time. When I launch the Skype application, it pulls the password from the keychain as it should, but when I go to the keychain to look up the password, I'm unable to see it. I can see what looks like the keychain item. It's an application password with the name 'skype' and the account name is '.token.0' which is strange but what's really strange is that when I click 'Show password', the checkbox refuses to stay checked, I'm never prompted for my admin account password and the value of the password is never shown in the password field.
    Any idea what's going on here?
    I've got 1,484 items in my keychain so I'm not going to start from scratch.
    I'm going to be forced to abandon the Skype account I've been using for the last 5 years. Without the password, I can't add an email to the account and I can't reset the password. I'm stuck. This Skype account was created before they required emails.

    Very sketchy details. Keychain Access in /Applications/Utilities/, select the login.keychain, Keychain Access->Keychain First Aid and repair the keychain.

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    Thank you for helping

    molo wrote:
    Hi can you tell me how to set the automator service for renaming, thank you.
    start automator. it will give you a pulldown scrren where you choose what kind of workflow to make.choose "Service". at the top set it to receive files or folders and be available in Finder. add just one acton to the workflow
    1. rename finder items.
    at the bottom of the action click on "options" and check the box "show this action when the workflow runs". save the workflow. it will now be available in the right-click menu in finder.

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    Hi Steve
    Many thanks for that. Could I ask that
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