Is Kit Kat coming anytime soon?

does anyone know when android 4.1.2 on my moto razr maxx is going to be updated?  i cannot tell you how horrible of an experience this is right now.

Is this the original Droid Razr Maxx? If so, it is staying on Android 4.1.2

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    Don't worry... in true Verizon fashion we will be dead last to get the update.
    Verizon will fiddle with the update (and add as much crapware &  bloatware as they can) until the other major carriers push out the update.  Once there backs are against the wall, they will release it.
    What really surprised me is that Sprint got out the gate first and supposedly US Cellular is right behind them.  As soon as I read Sprint went first I started looking for people complaining of update issues after Kit Kat.  So far everything has been quiet.
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    But as I said... we will be dead last.
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    see above.
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    Excellent choice, a real performance boost over the G4. I would start with 2 or 4 GB RAM (you can always add more memory later) and the "middle" graphics card the X1900 XT, why? because more and more OS X and the (Pro) Apps are utilizing the GPU as well as the CPUs. Core Image does this a lot, especially for converting/working with RAW image files, in iPhoto, Aperture. Really don't get stuck with a substandard card ( The NVIDIA GeForce 7300 ), even if you are not using any pro Apps (yet). You can visit the Aperture forum here:
    or this thread:
    Unfortunately when Aperture came out a year ago many bought the G5 Quad with the stock 6600 video card (rather than the 7800 or Quatro 4500 which were BTO - built to order ) which ended up being dog slow, and there was NO aftermarket upgrade cards. This caused a lot of consternation as people did not realize how much the video card was used by core image.
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    I've not even heard rumors about any new Mac apps out of AOL. I wouldn't hold my breath.
    Have you tried Adium?
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    speculation or conjecture about future products or prices is not discussed or answered on this board.  Sorry.

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    Here is the link to the article:

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    You can bump the post as often as you want, you would not get an answer. THe fact is:
    People who know won't tell and people who tell won't (actually) know. Simple as that.
    Hope that helps 
    Edgar Rothermich 'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

  • Droid DNA battery life after kit kat update cut in half

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    I'm also experiencing a very long delay in opening sms messages- about 45 seconds, with considerable delay in sending as well.
    Any help here? I use my phone almost exclusively for texting and Facebook messaging, as well as taking pictures/using Instagram.

    In response to the list of items in the first link, I've verified the device is undamaged, and I am using the replacement charger sold to me in the Verizon store. My original charger cord came apart within a few weeks of getting the phone.
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    I'm still using the phone in the same manner as I was before the problem occurred. I've removed or disabled any apps I do not use only a few weeks ago. I have put the phone into safe mode as of this morning, so will see if the battery drains as quickly with with almost everything disabled.
    The phone is generally connected to wifi within our home and always has a strong signal. Display settings are set for the display to sleep after 30 seconds, I am not using live wallpaper, and my brightness is set at about 75%.
    GPS is turned off.
    I'm not sure what my syncing settings are set at, but they have not changed save for one item that was altered when the latest update rolled out. After the update, Google offered me an auto-back-up service for my photos and videos (uploading them to my Google account) which I turned on. I've turned this off for now. Otherwise my settings for push/pull are unchanged.
    I don't stream audio or video from my phone with any frequency (less then once a week). I have not yet done a device reset. Hoping to hold off on that if possible.
    Even in safe mode, there is still an extremely long delay in accessing my SMS messages. That has not changed. I will update more at the end of the evening or tomorrow.

  • Forced us to use Kit Kat.  Are we getting a fix?

    I have a RAZR MAXX HD (now with Kit Kat).  I am a long time VZW customer and feel that this should have never been imposed.  I was literally FORCED to update to Kit Kat.  I did not want to.  I read about the many issues with this roll out and so I decided to wait a while, if not forever, on installing Kit Kat.  The notification kept popping up and I kept hitting ignore.  I knew sooner or later that I would accidentally hit the wrong button.  Sure enough, 2 weeks later I was sending a text and it popped up.  I hit the wrong button while trying to type.  Installed Kit Kat because I was FORCED to do so!  Now there are many many issues reported all over the place about this update not working properly.  Mine in particular involves a few different things.  Most notably, I no longer get good service.  I NEVER lost service in my own house prior to this update.  Now, I lose service every time I try to make a call.  Additionally, my phone likes to open things (apps) randomly now.  Every single time I try to exit an app (even by hitting home key) my phone opens one or more apps that I hadn't been using nor even planned on using.  Sometimes it takes me minutes to get to the place I want to go on my phone because it just keeps opening things on its own.  So frustrating.  This never happened with Jelly Bean.
    So with my situation briefly explained, plus the many others .... ARE WE GETTING A FIX?  Or are we just left to figure it out on our own?  I have waited for quite some time now and have seen no updates.  Before I delve into the world of rooting and using an alternative OS that can brick my device, I will move on entirely to a different company.  This is NOT what I paid for and NOT how I expect to be treated as a loyal customer. 

    See these screen shots Below.. what you see below is the Update or my phone's update to  Kit Kat  &  what follows is the option to defer it you should of had that same option on your phone since it's a Motorola device)  it can get Quite annoying seeing this I have deferred updating since I got my Droid Maxx and that has been since Feb of this year!
    But with this option it does not force you into taking the update..  On another Motorola device I owned I waited over a year to update it and with the same option below I just kept deferring the update. b33

  • Kit Kat Restore Image - 4400US - NULL?

    Dear HP,
    Just curious as to why the Kit Kat Restore Image is now NULL, and that only the Jelly Bean Image is the only available option for download for the Slate 7 Extreme?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    We are performing some updates to the Kit Kat image.  Please stay tuned for additional information.
    I work for HP.
    Support Forums are now on your mobile phone:

  • I have an older s3 that is off-network, How can I get the kit kat update on my s3?

    I have a "retired" Galaxy S3 that I am keeping as a spare-  The Kit Kat update supposedly has been available since 6/20, but I cannot get the software on my off-network phone to update-  even though is is connected by wi-fi.  I spent about a half hour chatting on-line with tech support Monday, 6/23, who assured me that is would update over wi-fe-  although I have NOT been able to do so yet.   I went into the Verizon store yesterday, and the woman I spoke to there told me all I had to do was swap SIM cards with my active phone, then casually mentioned that if I did that, it would void the warranty on my new phone by taking it off-network.  Great, just what I would want to do...
    I am seriously considering re-activating it for a couple hours, just to get it updated, then deactivating it again.  It would seem there should be an easier way.

    Thank you for the prompt reply, but still unsatisfying.  I spent a couple hundred dollars for this phone less than 2 years ago (not to mention the $600 for the S5 off-contract a couple months ago) and you are telling me that I have to void the warranty or open a new data-service line to get the proper support for my Verizon-branded device?  At this point the S3 is off warranty and primarily used on wi-fi-  I could just as well root it and run custom ROMs I suppose-  nothing to lose at this point, since the company that sold it to me won't even help to keep it up-to-date.  I don't mean to sound like a whiner, but this is not what most would consider good customer support.

  • HP Slate 21 Kit Kat OTA Update Fix for Audio Quality and LAN Connectivity

    Recent Over The Air (OTA) update for Slate 21 Update
    Link to thread discussion here, fix listed below -
    A previously applied HP Slate 21 Kit Kat Update (Android 4.4.2) over the air (OTA) update may have caused issues with audio quality or wireless LAN connectivity.
    Audio Quality: Bass response will be poor. Audio will play but bass frequencies will be lacking.
    WiFi Issue: 5 GHz band not functioning properly
    A new update (17r25.1-011-11-WW) has been released over the air (OTA) to end users
    Apply update 17r25.1-011-11-WW
    If the user was previously on 17r25.1-010-10-WW then a Factory Reset should be performed to complete the resolution.
    I work for HP, supporting the HP Experts who volunteer their time and technical knowledge to help others.

    Thank you for visiting our English HP Support Forum. We are only able to reply to posts written in English. To insure a quick response it would be advisable to post your question in English. The following links are here to assist you if you prefer to post in the following Language Forum.
    Simplified Chinese:
    I work for HP

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